Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 73

Part 73

Salivary pump: applied to the chitinous, cup-like structure at the base of the l.a.b.i.al stylets of piercing Diptera; e.g. mosquitoes.

Saltatoria: that series of Orthoptera in which the posterior legs are formed for jumping.

Saltatorial or Saltatory: formed for jumping or leaping: a posterior femur when much enlarged and dilated.

Saltatory appendage: in Collembola = furcula; q.v.

Sanguineous -eus: red like arterial blood [crimson lake].

Sanguinolent: b.l.o.o.d.y; in color or appearance.

Sapphyrinus: sapphire blue [French blue].

Sarcolemma: the elastic covering of the striated muscular fibres.

Sarothrum: the basal joint of posterior tarsus in pollen gatherers: see metatarsus.

Saturate: deeply or strongly marked; in a color, means intense.

Saxicolous: species that frequent rocky or stony areas.

Saws: the ovipositors of the saw flies or Tenthredinidae.

Scaber: uneven, rough.

Scabriculous: regularly and finely wrinkled.

Scabrose -ous: rough like a file, with small raised points.

Scalariform: ladder-like; applied to venation when the veinlets between two longitudinal veins are regularly arranged like the rungs of a ladder.

Scale: a general term to distinguish Coccidae: specifically the puparium of a Diaspid, comprising exuviae and excreted matter: the waxy covering of a male Lecaniid: in Diptera = alula: q.v.

Scales: broad flattened hairs, forming the wing vest.i.ture of Lepidoptera, and present in various other insects.

Scalloped: an edge marked by segments of circles without intervening angles.

Scalpellus: a lancet-like piercing structure, as in some Diptera.

Scalpriform: chisel-shaped.

Scansorial: said of feet, when formed for climbing on hair.

Scape: the long basal joint of a geniculate antenna in Coleoptera; usually applied to the three basal joints, as in Hymenoptera.

Scaphiform: boat-shaped.

Scaphium: a ventral process of the 10th abdominal segment in male Lepidoptera below the uncus.

Scapula: in Lepidoptera the shoulder tippets, patagia or axillae; q.v.: in Hymenoptera, the side pieces of the mesonotum; also, a trochanter of the fore-leg; in Proctotrupidae the lateral lobes on each side of the parapsidal furrow.

Scapulae: in Hemiptera, the inferior lateral face of mesonotum.

Scapular: the episternum; q.v.: applied to the scapula.

Scapular area: in a wing, is that portion nearest the shoulder: in Orthoptera, = radial area.

Scapularia: a meso-episternum: see scapula.

Scapular vein: in Orthoptera, = radius.

Scapus: = scape.

Scarabidoid: applied to that stage of a meloid larva in which it resembles a white grub or Scarabid larva.

Scarified: a surface with irregular depressions, as if clawed or scratched.

Scariose -ous: dry and scaly.

Scatophagous: feeding upon dung or excrement:= merdivorous.

Scent glands, or organs: glandular structures; sometimes eversible, sometimes in the form of hair tufts or pencils for diffusing odors that may be repellant or attractive; most frequently found in males as a secondary s.e.xual character.

Scent pores: = ostioles; q.v.

Sclerite: any piece of the body wall bounded by sutures.

Scopa: a brush: a covering of short, stiff hair of equal length: in Hymenoptera, the thick hair covering the posterior tibia of pollen-gathering forms.

Scopate: furnished with a scopa.

Scopula: a small, dense tuft of hair: the bristles or stiff hairs covering the inner side of basal joint on the tarsi of pollen-gathering Hymenoptera.

Scopulipedes: bees which have pollen gathering structures on the feet.

Sc.r.a.per: the hardened portion of the inner margin of the tegmina in crickets used in producing the song.

Scriptus: lettered or marked with characters resembling letters.

Scrobes: grooves formed for the reception or concealment of an appendage specifically, in Rhynchophora, grooves at the sides of the rostrum to receive the scape of antenna 2: also applied to grooves on the sides of mandibles: in Hymenoptera, the usually circular impressions upon the frons, in which the scapes revolve: in Orthoptera, the pits in which the antenna; are situate.

Scrobiculated: having the surface covered with deep round pits.

Scrotal membrane: the envelope covering the testes in some insects.

Scrotiform: purse-shaped.

s.c.r.o.t.u.m: = scrotal membrane; q, v.