Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 70

Part 70

Racemose: like a bunch of grapes: applied to ovaries when they form bunches or sacs.

Rachis: a ridge or keel dividing the spinning ca.n.a.l at base, in caterpillars; the shank of an antennal joint into which the lateral spines or other processes are inserted.

Radial: pertaining to the radius or radial vein.

Radial area: in Orthoptera; the s.p.a.ce between the mediastinal ( subcosta) and radial veins: see scapular area.

Radial cells: the wing area between the radius and media; often divided: in the plural (Comst.), are those cells anteriorly margined by the radius or its branches.

Radial cross vein: (Comst.), is that which divides cell, radius 1.

Radial sector: in general, the lower of the two primary divisions of the radius (Comst.): in Odonata, an indirect branch from the media, just below and parallel with media 2.

Radial vein: in h.o.m.optera, the first important vein next the costa between it and ulnar: in Orthoptera, = radius (Comst.): in Diptera, = 2d longitudinal vein (Meigen), = radius 2 (Comst.).

Radiate veins: the longitudinal veins spreading fan-like in the a.n.a.l field of secondaries: = a.n.a.l veins; q.v.

Radiated: marked with lines proceeding from a common centre.

Radicle or Radicula: that joint of the antenna that is articulated to the head.

Radio-medial cross vein: connects the radial and medial systems and usually closes the radial cell (Comst.).

Radius: (Comst.); the third of the longitudinal veins starting from base and dividing into not more than five branches before reaching the margin: the branches are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively, beginning at the costal margin and extending outward and downward.

Radix: base of wings, and their point of insertion; see pteropega.

Rami -us: branches: a branch.

Ramification: the branching out in every direction.

Ramify: to branch out in every direction.

Rammel-kammer: = copulation chamber; q.v.

Ramose -ous: branched, or having long branches.

Rapacious: predatory; capturing and eating prey.

Raptatory: = raptorial; q.v.

Raptoria: applied to that series of Orthoptera, in which the anterior legs are fitted for grasping; Mantidae {Scanner's comment: No longer Orthoptera, but Mantodea, a suborder of the Dictyoptera.}

Raptorial: formed for seizing prey.

Rare: seldom seen or found.

Rasorial: formed for scratching; applied to leg structures.

Ravenous: greedy; voracious; hungrily.

Receptaculum seminis: a sac or pouch-like appendage at the junction of the oviducts with the v.a.g.i.n.a; it is filled during copulation and the eggs are fertilized from it as they are extruded.

Reclinate: directed backward; e.g. the bristles in Diptera.

Reclinatus: = reflexed; q.v.

Reclivate: curved into a convex, then into a concave line.

Recondite: the sting when concealed in the abdomen.

Rectal cauda: the terminal, tubular process or tail terminating the abdomen of some male Hemiptera.

Rectal glands: appendages to or thickenings of the r.e.c.t.u.m secreting a lubricating material.

Rectal tracheal gills: lamelliform structures in the r.e.c.t.u.m of the nymphs of some Odonata, supplied with trachea and tracheoles and serving as respiratory organs.

Rectangular: in the form of a right or rectangle.

Rectangulate: forming or meeting in a right angle.

Rectigrade: larvae which, having sixteen feet, walk with a rectilinear body.

Rectilinear: in the form of a straight line.

r.e.c.t.u.m: a chamber, variable in size and form, just within the a.n.u.s, in which the excretions are formed or molded for expulsion from the body:= cloaca.

Rectus: right or straight.

Rec.u.mbent: lying down; reclining.

Recurrent: running backward: applied to nerves it = stomatogastric.

Recurrent nervure: in Hymenoptera (Nort.), is the medial cross vein (Comst.), from the point of branching to the junction.

Recurrent vein: in Hemerobiidae, the first branch of the subcosta when it recurves toward the base of the wing.

Recurved: bowed backward.

Reductus: a zig-zag marking or corrugation.

Reflected or Reflexed: angularly bent backward.

Refracted: bent back as if broken.

Region: a s.p.a.ce or area adjoining a specified point: a part of the body composed of a number of segments, as the head, the thorax, or the abdomen.

Rejuvenescence: a renewal of youth; bringing back to a condition of youth.