Post-alar membrane: the strip of membrane connecting the squamae with the scutellum.
Postal vein: in Hymenoptera, = costa (Comst.).
Post-annellus: in Hymenoptera, the 4th joint of antenna and 2d of flagellum.
Post antennal organs: in Collembola, oblong or ellipsoidal organs situated just caudad of the bases of the antenna.
Post-brachial: = pobrachial; q.v.
Post-cerebral: applied to that pair of salivary glands in bees, situated close to the posterior wall of the head.
Post-clypeus: in Odonata, the upper of the two parts into which the clypeus is divided: in Psocidae, a peculiar inflated structure behind the clypeus: in general, the posterior or upper part of clypeus when any line of demarcation exists: = supra-clypeus; nasus: afternose; paraclypeus: first clypeus; clypeus posterior.
Post-costa: = sub-costa (Comst.): in Odonata, = 1st a.n.a.l vein (Comst.): in Trichoptera = a.n.a.l.
Post-costal s.p.a.ce: Odonata; the cell or cells lying posterior to the post-costa = a.n.a.l cell (Comst.).
Post-cubitals: = post-nodal s.p.a.ces; q.v.
Post-dorsulum: the middle piece of the meta-notum, between the mesophragma and post-scutellum.
Post-embryonic -otic: the stage after the insect has come out of the egg.
Post-epistoma: that part of the head behind the clypeus in Hymenoptera: see also post-clypeus.
Posterior: hinder or hindmost: opposed to anterior: in Diptera; applied to that face of the legs which is not visible when viewed from the front, the legs being laterally extended.
Posterior angle: of thorax, in Coleoptera, is the lateral angle near base of elytra: of the wings = hind angle; a.n.a.l angle; q.v.
Posterior cells: in Diptera (Will.): 1st radial 5 (Comst.): 2d = medial 1 (Comst.): 3d = 2d medial 2 (Comst.) 4th = medial 3 (Comst.): 5th cubitus 1 (Comst.).
Posterior cephalic foramen: in Odonata, the opening of head posteriorly through which the cavities of head and thorax communicate.
Posterior field: of tegmina, = a.n.a.l field; q.v.
Posterior intercalary: in Diptera, is one of the a.n.a.l veins (Comst.).
Posterior lateral margins: in Orthoptera, extend from base of p.r.o.notum downward to the posterior angle of sides.
Posterior lobe: of the p.r.o.notum in Orthoptera, see lobe: in Diptera, that part of wing between axillary incision and base: = alar appendage (Loew). Posterior margin: = inner margin; q.v.
Posterior pereion: the meta-notum.
Posterior pleon: the terminal segments of the abdomen.
Posterior pleopoda: the a.n.a.l clasping legs of caterpillars: see planta.
Posterior stigmatal tubercle: on thoracic and abdominal segments of caterpillars; varies in position from substigmatal to stigmatal posterior; sometimes united to V: it is IV of the abdomen, II of the thorax (Dyar).
Posterior trapezoidal tubercle: on the thoracic and abdominal segments of caterpillars; subdorsal, posterior, always present, rarely united with I: it is II of the abdomen, lb of the thorax (Dyar).
Posterior veins: those separating the posterior cells.
Posterior wings: = secondaries: q.v.
Postero-dorsal: Diptera; applied to leg bristles at the meeting of the dorsal and posterior face.
Postero-ventral: Diptera; applied to leg bristles at the meeting of the ventral and posterior face.
Postfurca: an internal process of metasternum to which the muscles of hind legs are attached.
Post-gena: the sclerite below occiput and behind gena in some Orthoptera.
Post-gula: is situated at the extreme base of the underside of the head in Dermaptera.
Post-humeral bristles: in Diptera, are usually two, inserted above the dorso-pleural suture between the humeral callus and root of wing, on the bottom of the presutural depression.
Postical vein: in Diptera, = 5th longitudinal (Meig.); = media 3 (Comst.).
Posticus: hinder.
Post-media: Ephemerida; an apparently distinct vein between media and Cubitus (Comst.).
Post-medial line: in Lepidoptera, = t.p. line: q.v.
Post-median: Diptera; those leg bristles situated above or behind the middle. Post-nodal cross-veins: in Odonata, the transverse veins between costa and radius 1, and radius 1 and media 1, from nodus to stigma, separating the post-nodal cells or s.p.a.ces: = post-cubital cross-veins.
Post-nodal costal s.p.a.ces: in Odonata, the cells below costal margin from nodus to stigma.
Post-nodal radial s.p.a.ces: in Odonata, the cells between radius 1 and media 1, from nodus to outer margin.
Post-nodal sector: in Odonata, a longitudinal vein lying between media 1 and media 2 (Comst.): = ultra-nodal sector.
Post-oral: behind the mouth; those segments bearing mouth structures.
Post-pectus: the under surface of the meta-thorax.
Post-petiole: in Hymenoptera, that part of abdomen behind petiole.
Post-retinal: the fibres arising from the facets of the compound eye and extending into the ganglionic plate.
Post-scutellum: the fourth and posterior sclerite of the dorsum of the thoracic rings.
Post-sutural: in Trichoptera, the little plate behind the scutellum of mesothorax: = post-scutellum.
Poststigmatal: that portion of the marginal cell beyond the stigma in bees: = 2d radial 1 (Comst.).
Post-stigmatal primary tubercle: on thoracic segment of caterpillars; sub-primary, stigmatal, posterior; it is III of the thorax and not present on abdomen (Dyar).