Pelotons: the b.a.l.l.s of fine tracheae in larvae, developed to supply the adult organism.
Pelottae: =arolia: q.v.
Peltate: shield- or target-shaped.
Penal claspers: in Proctytripidae. lateral fringed processes of the male genitalia.
Penal sheath: the h.o.r.n.y outer covering of the p.e.n.i.s.
Pencil: a little, elongated brush of hair: in Diptera, applied to a group of sensory hairs on the flagellum of the antenna.
Pendent: hanging down.
Pendulous: drooping: hanging free, attached to one end only.
Penes: open, slit-like structures of the seminal vesicles to the outer surface in Euplectoptera.
Penicillate: with a long, flexible brush or pencil of hair: often at the end of a thin stalk.
Penicilli: a pair of small style or cerci-like pieces on the tip of the 8th dorsal segment of abdomen of various male Hymenoptera.
Penicilliform: pencil-like or shaped.
Penicillum: a pencil or brush of long hair attached at the end of a stalk as long as the brush, and folded in a lateral groove in some male moths.
p.e.n.i.s: the flexible, membranous, intromittent organ of the male.
Pennaceous: = pennate.
Fermate: feathered or bearing feather-like processes.
Penniform: feather-like in form.
Pentagon -um: a five-sided figure with five equal or unequal angles.
Pentamera: Coleoptera with 5-jointed tarsi.
Pentamerous: species having five-jointed tarsi.
Penultimate: next to the last.
Peptone: a soluble proteid compound produced by the digestion of alb.u.mmenoid food substances.
Per-: as a prefix, means very: extremely: through.
Percipient: with the power of perceiving.
Percurrent: running through the entire length.
Pereion: the prothorax.
Pereipoda: the second and third pair of thoracic legs of larvae, and the 2d pair in adults.
Perfoliate: divided into leaf-like plates: applied to antennae with disc-like expansions connected by a stalk pa.s.sing nearly through their centres: also to any part possessing a well-developed leaf-like or plate-like expansion.
Pergamenous: thin, partly transparent: resembling parchment.
Peri-: round about.
Periopticon: a complex nerve structure back of the basilar membrane of the eye.
Pericardial: around, or belonging to the heart.
Pericardial cavity: the s.p.a.ce between the diaphragm and dorsal body wall, which contains the heart.
Pericardial cells: specialized cells, which lie along both sides of the heart, and whose function it is to purify the blood.
Pericardial chamber: is the open s.p.a.ce around the heart or dorsal vessel.
Pericardial diaphragm: a delicate membranous tissue attached to the ventral surface of the heart and laterally to the body wall := dorsal diaphragm wings of the heart.
Peri-intestinal: that part of the body cavity around the alimentary ca.n.a.l.
Peri-neural: situated around a nerve: the body cavity immediately surrounding the nervous system.
Periodical: recurring at regular intervals.
Periopticon: third ganglionic swelling of optic tract: see opticon.
Peripheral: referring to the outer margin.
Peripheria: the entire outline of the body.
Periphery: the circ.u.mference or outer margin.
Peripneustic: larvae which have the spiracles absent on middle and posterior thoracic rings, and present on all other body segments.
Peripodal cavities: pouches in the embryo in which the rudiments of the future legs and wings are developed.
Peripodal membrane: the cell layer surrounding the peripodal cavities.
Peristaltic: that periodic motion of the alimentary ca.n.a.l by means of which the food is forced toward the a.n.a.l extremity.
Peristethium: the meso-sternum.
Peristoma -ium: the border of the mouth or oral margin in Diptera; sometimes used as := epistoma: q.v.
Peristome: a membranous tissue surrounding the mouth parts at base, and forming the true ventral wall of the head.