Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 50

Part 50

Mesophragma: an internal prolongation of the metapraescutum, affording attachment to some of the wing muscles.

Mesopleura: in Diptera, the s.p.a.ce before the root of the wing between the dorso- and sternopleural sutures: in Hymenoptera, the piece below the insertion of the wings.

Mesopleural bristles: in Diptera, are inserted in the angle formed by the dorso-pleural and meso-pleural sutures.

Mesopleural suture: in Diptera, runs from the root of the wings downward and separates the meso-pleura from the pteropleura.

Mesopleuron: the lateral surface of the meta-thorax.

Mesosternal cavity: in Elateridae, the opening into which the prosternal spine or mucro is fitted.

Mesosternal epimera: in Coleoptera; the narrow pieces separating the meta-sternal from the meta-sternal episterna.

Mesosternal episterna: Coleoptera; on each side of mesosternum between anterior border and epimera; generally separated by a distinct suture.

Mesosternal lobes: in Orthoptera; = mesosternellum, q.v.

Mesosternellum: in Orthoptera, two median lobes of the mesosternum, one on each side of the deep median notch: in general, the sternellum of the mesothorax.

Mesosternum: the underside or breast of the meta-thorax.

Mesostethidium: = meso-thorax: q.v.

Mesostethium: the middle piece of the underside of meta-thorax, between the middle and hind legs.

Mesostigma: in Odonata, the spiracles of second thoracic segment.

Mesosulcus: a central longitudinal furrow of mesosternum in Hymenoptera.

Mesotarsus: the tarsus of the middle leg.

Mesothoracotheca: the pupal covering of the meso-thorax.

Mesothorax: the second or middle thoracic ring; bears the middle legs and the anterior wings.

Mesotergum: = mesonotum; q.v.

Meta-: posterior: used as a prefix to designate the third thoracic ring and its parts.

Metablastic: relating to the ecto- or meta-blast or ectoderm.

Metabola: insects with a complete metamorphosis in which the larva does not resemble the adult, and the pupa is quiescent.

Metabolism: is transformation: the whole process or series of changes of food into tissue and cell-substance and of these latter into waste products the first of these changes being anabolic, the second katabolic.

Metabolous: undergoing metamorphosis or transformation.

Metac.o.xal plate: in Coccinellidae, that portion of the first ventral segment included above the ventral lines visible on that segment.

Metagnatha: insects which feed with jaws when young and by suction, with tubular mouths when mature; e.g. the Lepidoptera: see menognatha and menorhyncha.

Metagonia: the hind or a.n.a.l angle of a wing.

Metallic: having the appearance of metal: applied to a surface or color.

Metaloma: the sutural or inner margin of primaries.

Metamere: a segment, somite or athromere.

Metameric: made up of segments or metameres.

Metamerism: the arrangement in metameres.

Metameros: in Lepidoptera. the 6th to 8th abdominal segments.

Metamorphosis: is that series of changes through which an insect pa.s.ses in its growth from egg through larva and pupa to adult: it is complete when the pupa is inactive and does not feed; incomplete when there is no pupa or when the pupa is active and feeds.

Metamorphosis dimidio: an incomplete transformation.

Metamorphosis perfecta: a complete transformation.

Metanotum: the primitively upper surface of the third or posterior thoracic ring: in Diptera, the oval arched portion behind, beneath the scutellum best developed in flies with long, slender abdomen: e.g. Tipulidae.

Metaphragma: the hindmost internal thoracic septum.

Metapleura: in Diptera, a swollen s.p.a.ce at the outside of the metanotum, between it, the pteropleura and the hypopleura; in Hymenoptera, the piece behind and below the insertion of the hind wings.

Metapleural bristles: in Diptera, are inserted in the metapleura.

Metapneustic: larva, chiefly dipterous, in which the spiracles are confined to the posterior segment.

Metapnystega: that circular area of metanotum behind the postscutellum.

Metapodeon: the abdomen behind the podeon or petiole in Hymenoptera.

Metasternal: relating or attached to the metasternum.

Metasternal epimera: small sclerite separating the metasternal episterna from the ventral segments.

Metasternal episterna: sclerite situated on each side of the Metasternum, immediately behind the mesosternum epimera.

Metasternellum: the sternellum of the metathorax.

Metasternum: the underside or breast of the metathorax.

Meta-stethidium: = meta-thorax; q.v.

Metastigma: in Odonata, the spiracles of third thoracic segment.