Flavous -us: sulphur yellow [gamboge].
Flavo-vixens: green verging upon yellow [apple green + chrome yellow].
Flex: to bend: to curve back.
Flexible: pliable; with elastic properties.
Flexile -is: capable of being bent at an angle without breaking: flexible.
Flexuous -ose: almost zig-zag, without acute angles but more acute at angles than undulating: differs from sinuate in being alternately bent and nearly straight.
Flexor: that which bends; applied to muscles.
Flocculus -i: a hairy or bristly appendage on the posterior c.o.xa of some Hymenoptera.
Floccus: a tuft of wool or wool-like hair.
Flosculiferous: species that bear a flosculus.
Flosculus: a small, tubular lunulate a.n.a.l organ with a central style, in certain Fulgorids.
Fluviatile: inhabiting the margins of running streams.
Fly-blows: eggs or young maggots of flesh flies: meat is fly-blown when such eggs or larvae have been deposited on it.
Flying-hairs: very long slender surface hairs set in punctures.
Foetid glands: glandular structures from which a foul smelling liquid may be ejected.
Foliaceous: leaf-like, or resembling a leaf.
Folioles: leaf-like processes from a margin or protuberance.
Follicle: = coc.o.o.n, q.v.: a cellular sac or tube, as of a gland or ovary.
Folliculate: enclosed in a case, coc.o.o.n or follicle.
Food reservoir: Lepidoptera, a blind sac or diverticulum from the bind part of oesophagus lying in abdomen dorsal to the stomach.
Foot: the tarsus, q.v.; improperly used to = leg; but in the plural form refers to legs rather than tarsi: see feet.
Foot-shield: in caterpillars, the chitinous plate on outer side of abdominal feet.
Foot-stalk: of the maxilla, is the stipes.
Foramen: an opening in the body wall for the pa.s.sage of a vessel or nerve: any opening at an apex: the opening of a coc.o.o.n.
Foramen magnum; the opening on the posterior surface of the head to give pa.s.sage to those structures that extend from head to thorax occipital foramen.
Foramina: small openings in the body wall: in Orthoptera, the auditory organs on the anterior tibiae.
Forceps: hook or pincer-like processes terminating the abdomen, like specialized appendages of ear-wigs: similar processes in the male, used as clasping organs in copulation.
Forc.i.p.ate: bearing forceps or similar structures.
Forcipiform: having the form of forceps or pincers.
Fore: anterior.
Foregut: extends from the mouth to the end of gizzard; its epithelium being formed from the ectodermal inv.a.g.i.n.ation known as the stomodaeum.
Forehead: in Mallophaga, the head in front of the mandibles and antennae.
Fore-intestine: =foregut, q.v.
Forficate: = forc.i.p.ate, q.v.
Forks: Trichoptera; forks of veins in apical part of wing, numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.
Form: applied to representatives of a species which differ from the normal or type, in some uniform character; it is seasonal if it occurs at a period different from the type; dimorphic if there is an alternation of generations or two color patterns occur; or s.e.xual if the members of one s.e.x differ uniformly from those of the other.
Formic: of, pertaining to or derived from ants.
Formicary: an ant's nest or ant-hill.
Fornicate: arched or vaulted: concave within, convex without.
Fossa -ae: = fossula; q.v.
Fossoria: burrowers: in Orthoptera, the mole crickets and allies; in Hymenoptera, the digging wasps.
Fossorial: formed for or with the habit of digging or burrowing.
Fossula -ae: a deep groove or sinus with sharp edges: specifically applied to grooves on the head or sides of prothorax in which the antennae are concealed.
Fossulate: a surface with oblong impressions.
Fossulet: an elongated, shallow groove.
Fourth longitudinal vein: Diptera (Will.), = media 2 (Comst.).
Fovea, Foveola -ae: a shallow depression with well-marked sides: a pit.
Foveate: with foveae or pit-like depressions.
Foveolate: with shallow cavities like a honey-comb.
Fractus: broken: also applied to a geniculate antenna.