Crescentric: lunulate.
Crest: a prominent, longitudinal carina on the upper surface of any part of the head or body.
Crested: see cristate.
Cretaceous: chalky white: the third, uppermost and latest of the three great divisions of the mesozoic or secondary rocks.
Cribrate: pierced with closely set, small holes.
Cribriform: with perforations like those of a sieve.
Crineous: dark-brown, with a slight admixture of yellow and gray.
Crinite -us: with tufts of long thin hair: see lanuginose.
Crispate -us: with a wrinkled or fluted margin.
Crista: a ridge or crest.
Cristate: with a prominent carina or crest on the upper surface::= crested.
Cristiform: in the form of a sharp ridge or crest.
Cristula: a small crest.
Cristulate: with little crescent-like ridges or crests.
Croceous: saffron yellow; yellow with an admixture of red [pale cadmium yellow].
Crocus: =croceous.
Crook: the hook or recurved tip of the antenna in Hesperidae.
Crop: the dilated portion of the alimentary ca.n.a.l behind the gullet which serves to receive and hold the food previous to its slower pa.s.sage through the digestive tract: = ingluvies.
Crotchets: the curved spines or hooks on the prolegs of caterpillars and on the cremaster of pupae.
Crown: the top of head in Lepidoptera; also used as = coronet or corona.
Cruciate: shaped like a cross; applied to wings when the inner margins lie one over the other; or to inc.u.mbent wings that overlie only at the apex: in Diptera, applied to bristles when they cross in direction.
Cruciato-complicatus: folded crosswise: inc.u.mbent wings when the inner margins overlap; not well distinguished from cruciate.
Crura: the legs or, more specifically, the thighs.
Crura cerebri: two large cords that connect the supra- with the sub-oesophageal ganglion.
Crus: a leg or leg-like structure.
Crustaceous: hard, like the sh.e.l.l of a crab.
Crypto: hidden, concealed.
Cryptocerata: a division of Heteroptera with small antennae concealed in a groove under the bead: = adeloceratous: see gymnocerata.
Cryptogastra: with the venter or belly covered or concealed.
Cryptopentamera: feet 5-jointed, the 4th joint small and concealed.
Cryptotetramera: feet 4-jointed, one of them small and concealed.
Cryptothorax: a supposed thoracic ring between meso- and meta-thorax.
Crypts: minute secretory follicles or cavities: specifically, large gland-like structures between the epithelial cells in chylific ventricle.
Crystalline: transparent, like crystal.
Crystalline cone: a conical structure below the cornea, imbedded in pigment cells of the compound eye: also termed Crystalline lens.
Ctenidium: a comb-like structure occurring on any part of an insect.
Cubital: referring or belonging to the cubits.
Cubital cell: the wing area between the cubits and a.n.a.l vein; in the plural, all the cells bounded anteriorly by the cubits or its branches (Comst.); in Diptera (Schiner), = radial 3 (Comst.), = 3d posterior cell (Loew); in Hymenoptera (Norton), = radial 3, 4 and 5 (Comst.).
Cubital forks: the branching or points of separation of the branches of the cubits.
Cubital nerve or vein: see cubits.
Cubitus: of Comstock, is the 5th in the series of longitudinal veins extending from base, and usually two branched before reaching outer margin: in Orthoptera; = the internomedian and ulnar: in Neuroptera, a main longitudinal vein next behind the medius and before the a.n.a.l: the tibia of the anterior leg.
Cuckoo spit: liquid in the form of bubbles produced by members of the family Cercopidae and which often conceals the producer.
Cucullate: hooded; somewhat hood-shaped.
Cucullus: a hood: see capillitium.
Cuilleron: see alula.
Culicifuge: any preparation for driving away gnats or mosquitoes.
Culmen: the longitudinal carina of a caterpillar.
Cultellus: one of the blade-like lancets in piercing flies: = the mandibles of some authors.
Cultrate -iform: shaped like a pruning knife.
c.u.mulate: in groups or heaps.