Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 15

Part 15

Chaetotaxy: the science dealing with the arrangement and nomenclature of the bristles on the body of insects.

Chagrined: see s.h.a.greened.

Chalastrogastra: the saw-flies: a group of Hymenoptera.

Chalceous: bra.s.sy in color or appearance.

Chalybeate: steely in appearance.

Chalybeous: metallic steel blue.

Channelled: a surface, with deep grooves or channels.

Chaperon: =clypeus or clypeus anterior.

Chaplet: a little crown; a circle of hooks or other small processes terminating a member or appendage.

Character: a quality of form, color or structure.

Cheek: see gena.

Chela: the terminal portion of a limb bearing a lateral movable claw like that of a crab; specifically applied to the feet in some Parasitica in which the opposable claw forms a clasping structure.

Chelate: bearing a cheat or claw; applied when claws are capable of being drawn down or back upon the last tarsal joint.

Chiasma: an X-like crossing of nerve fibers.

Chirotype: a specimen upon which a ma.n.u.script name is based.

Chitin: the material forming the hard parts of the insect body; it is a secretion (or a metamorphosis?) of the epidermis, differing from horn by its insolubility in boiling liquor pota.s.sae: = elytra, entomolin.

Chitinogenous: applied to that layer of epidermal cells which secretes the chitin.

Chitinization: the process of depositing or filling with chitin.

Chitinized: filled in with or hardened by chitin.

Chitinous: composed of chitine {Scanner's comment: sic} or like it in texture: as a color term is amber yellow.

Chlorophane: an oily, greenish yellow pigment found in insects.

Chlorophyll: the green coloring matter of plants; one of the substances found in the blood of insects.

Chordotonal: responsive to vibrations; applied to the ear-like structures in Orthoptera.

Chorion: the sh.e.l.l or covering membrane of an insect egg.

Chromatin: the minute granules that make up the chromoplasm of a cell nucleus.

Chromosome: one of the segments into which the chromoplasmic filaments of a cell nucleus breaks up just before indirect division.

Chrysalis or -id: applied specifically to the intermedial stage between larva and adult in b.u.t.terflies: see pupa.

Chrysargyrus: silvery gilt.

Chyle: the food-ma.s.s after it has pa.s.sed through the guard and is mixed with the secretions of the salivary glands and caecal structures, ready to be a.s.similated.

Chylific ventricle: the true stomach in which the chyle is prepared and digestion begins.

Cibarian: referring to the mouth parts.

Cicatricose: a surface having scars with elevated margins like those of small-pox.

Cicatrix: a scar: an elevated, rigid spot.

Cilia: fringes; series of moderate or thin hair arranged in tufts or single lines; thin scattered hair on a surface or margin.

Ciliate: fringed: set with even, parallel hairs or soft bristles.

Cilium, pl. Cilia: q.v.

Cimicine: an oily fluid of disagreeable odor secreted by certain Heteroptera and used as a means of defense.

Cimier: the head crest in Pierid chrysalids.

Cinetus: with a colored band:= cingulatus.

Cinereous: ash-colored; gray tinged with blackish [ultra ash gray].

Cinerescent: ashen in color or appearance.

Cingula -um: a colored band or bands.

Circulate -us: having a cingulum or collar: see also cinetus.

Cinnabarine: [vermilion red].

Cinnamomeous: cinnamon brown [burnt sienna].

Cinema: see Thysanura, of which this forms a group including the bristle-tails, and for which it has been used as an equivalent.

Circinal: spirally rolled like a watch-spring or a b.u.t.terfly tongue.

Circiter: about, or round-about.

Circular: round like a circle.

Circ.u.mgenital glands: small circular glands with an excretory orifice at tip, disposed in groups about the genital orifice in Diaspinae.