Exodus: The Assassin's Path - 28 Nightingale Part 1

28 Nightingale Part 1


Two projectiles aimed for his chest stopped inches away from him, 'd.a.m.n.. crossbow bolts?' The power of the shots slammed against his s.h.i.+eld knocking him backward a step.

"Take cover Q!" It was Jinn's voice, she was busy s.h.i.+elding the rest of her students.

"The h.e.l.l?" Q immediately abandoned the portal platform and sprinted away from the shots.

'Wait..no it's a trap, I'm being herded.' His feet skidded on the cobblestone as he stopped abruptly and headed down a side alley.

He felt his strength surge as the combat buff from his TAP Kit activated. "Open com-chat, Rhapsody."

Rhapsody popped up on his hud a moment later, she was in a hand to hand struggle with an opponent. This was the city, a dryad had no real advantage here.

"Disengage all targets, head to Concert Hall immediately." Q closed com-chat as he randomly took lefts and rights, streaking through the back streets of Fenway, he turned left down a dead-end alley and scaled the fifteen foot wall like it was a staircase. He spied a sewer grate next to the side street and slid down into it, sc.r.a.ping his chest and back. It was a tight fit.

There wasn't enough room to stand, so he crawled on his belly in the darkness. After a few minutes he crawled into one of the underground pa.s.sage ways. "Open Com-chat, Jinn."

System Message: Com-chat may not be used at this time.

Q attempted to bring up the town map.

System Message: Mapping function may not be used at this time.

"Wonderful, TAP kit, make my gear black and resistant to moisture, change headgear to a hood with a face mask." Q coughed a few times in the darkness. 'least the mask would help with stench, and it made me look like a bad a.s.s ninja.'

Q walked for several minutes, he had one hand brus.h.i.+ng the wall as guidance, it was still completely dark. "Fenway is a huge city, it makes sense that their sewers are also," he muttered to himself. "G.o.d.. I hope Jinn and Rhapsody are okay."

The endless sound of his m.u.f.fled footsteps were the only sounds Q could hear. Every few minutes he would stop and listen. Q didn't remember how many times this pattern repeated, but suddenly he heard the barest hint of sound.

Q froze in place and closed his eyes, trying to concentrate on the noise. It wasn't noise, it was a breeze.

"There must be a side pa.s.sage that I'm missing in the dark, Q place both his hands against the stone walls and felt his way forward. He found nothing, so he retraced his steps and crossed the pa.s.sage, walking with his hands out until he touched the wall. He repeated the same procedure and after a few seconds found the side pa.s.sage.

"There is definitely a breeze pus.h.i.+ng through here," he whispered softly to himself. Q walked about 10 minutes before he heard the sound of voices. 'd.a.m.n, anyone down here is most likely someone with criminal tendencys, unless of course they are a good student being pursued by a.s.sa.s.sins.' He added that last bit for himself.

"The Songbirds do not need to prove themselves. This job is pointless," a soft sultry voice spoke. Q's heart beat faster at the sound of it.

"If we do not do this, then the thieves guild will not accept us," a second voice, also female, argued quietly. "We can no longer survive without the support the thieves guild."

"We can reach out to one of the large guilds, Nightingale could even ask Concert Hall could for-" A third voice joined the argument.

"That is something I cannot do, there may be oth-," the voice stopped as if sensing something.

'Great b.a.l.l.s of s.h.i.+t, gigs up I guess.' Q walked the last few yards down the pa.s.sageway, it opened into a small area. There were five people all dressed in black. "d.a.m.n, had I known there were five of you I would have turned around," Q sighed loudly. "d.a.m.n my happy life."

Q sensed their attack and dodged toward the wall, spinning so his back was against the bricks.


They came all at once, an agitated, highly efficient group of knife wielders. 'd.a.m.n, they move like Mojo. Not good.' The first attacks bounced on Q's s.h.i.+eld as he drew his pistoleros.

*Dual Pistoleros*

His fingers were about to squeeze the triggers, when all of his targets collapsed onto the ground moaning.

"Huh?" Q looked around, there was a dimly lit lamp on one wall. With the light he could see all five of them.

"Hey, are you guys okay?" He paused, not really sure what to do. "Does this mean we aren't going to fight?" He holstered his guns and approached the nearest a.s.sailant, helping her to stand.

The woman was dressed exactly like him. "d.a.m.n, are you guys an ultrsecret band of ninjas?" It was no secret that Q had a small ninja obsession.

"A what? W-who are you?" The woman who he had helped up spoke softly, Q smiled at her, it was the angelic voiced girl.

"Should I really be telling my name to someone who tried to kill me a moment ago?" Q crossed his arms in front of him, waiting patiently as the rest of them recovered.

"He knows who we are, we must.." The woman fell to her hands and knees and started retching.

"G.o.d.. that sucks." Q walked toward her and placed a hand on her shoulders, "just sit down until it pa.s.ses," he rubbed her back as he consoled her.

"I'm Nightingale." She gestured to her teammates, "this is Lark, Thrush, Robin and Wren."

Q bowed low, but kept his name to himself. They had tried to kill him, he was stubborn about those sorts of things.

"So... Songbirds right? Sorry I've no idea who you are." Q shrugged helplessly, "but I'm sure you are very imposing."

"....." Nightingale.

"...." Lark.

"...." Wren.

"...." Robin.

"...." Thrush.

"Anyways, not to be a bother, but how do I get out of here?" Q turned in a complete circle looking for another exit other then the way he came. He could see a sewer grate near the ceiling, but there was no way he would fit through that.

"Wait.. you are lost?" The one called Thrush asked.

Q nodded. "Fraid so."

"Who are you?" Nightingale asked again, her agitation starting to show. "We can't attack you. We can't even think about attacking you."

"Hmm? Really?" He looked around the group.

They all nodded at him.

"Oh I see... Well then," he rubbed his hands together, "time for an important life lesson!"

He grabbed Nightingale first, dropping to one knee he bent her over his leg and wacked her b.u.t.t as hard as he could, he felt guilty so he stopped at ten.

The screams sounded through the sewers as Q chased down each of them and administered an important life lesson. Never mess with Q! The last of them actually led him to a hidden exit, being thankful he spanked her a bit softer and then dumped her on the ground.

A short walk to a ladder and Q pushed open a sewer cover, once again seeing the light of day. His Com-chat blinked almost immediately.

"Open Com-chat." Jinn's worried face showed up on his hud.

"Are you okay? We've been trying to reach you." Jinn's face was pale, her lips quivering as she spoke. It was obvious she was close to crying.

"I'm fine Jinn." Q brought up a map of the city and found his location. "I got a bit turned around when I escaped. For some reason my Com-chat went down during that time."

Rhapsody peaked over her shoulder, "I know! We kept trying to reach you. d.a.m.n system message denying us!"

"Is everyone okay?" Q didn't want any of his cla.s.smates to get hurt because of his idea to come to Fenway.

Jinn nodded, "It was an a.s.sa.s.sination attempt, congrats you are a some TAP players. .h.i.tlist. He had three accomplices, but they weren't interested in us."

Rhapsody gave him a toothy grin, "get this, the wannbe was from Concert Hall."

"....." Q.

"I promise to give all of you a proper answer for my members." Jangles voice was strained as he tried to put out yet another fire his guild started.

'Great... I get to hang out with Jangles, maybe I can back my way out of it.' "Hey you know what? Not a big deal. I mean, I'm on his. .h.i.t list. This is TAP right?"

Jinn eyes widened in shock, since when did Q become the forgiving sort of person? "They still injured some of your cla.s.smates, and should answer for that!"

He heard Jangles tired sigh in the background. Good luck to anyone who hurt one of Jinn's students. Q smiled nonchalantly. "Okay, well you take care of that. I am going to do some shopping."

"You are all invited to a banquet, Concert Hall will put it on in your honor." Q could hear Jangles trying to dance his way out of trouble. He closed comm before he could hear Jinn's reply.

Q spent the next few hours walking around Fenway. He managed to purchase gifts for Leah, Remmy, Bez and s.h.i.+r. He would have got something for Mojo, but he had no idea how that would be interpreted. He sniffed and made a sour face, "d.a.m.n, I need to get rid of that sewer smell."

The Hotel De Chaunce' was the most expensive and difficult hotel to get into in all of Fenway. Unless of course you were the NPC a.s.sa.s.sin. He had just walked through the huge doors when he ran into the waiting line.

He flagged down a bellboy who immediately took him to the front of the line, despite the complaints.

"What the h.e.l.l?"

"Hey back of the line!"

"I have a reservation d.a.m.n it!"

The NPC behind the desk immediately made room for Q, and when Q offered to pay he was waved off. "That won't be necessary Mr. Q."

Thirty minutes later he was enjoying a shower, about a hundred times better then the one in his apartment. Virtual water, virtual soap, virtual stink... Q laughed as he rinsed himself off. "There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o."

Q was drying off next to his bed, messing with the hairdryer he found in the bathroom. 'A hairdryer in TAP? That doesn't seem out of place.' He was messing with the controls when he heard the yelling.

"I don't give a s.h.i.+t about your excuses! Where the h.e.l.l is my guard detail?" A woman with a high pitched shrill of a voice screamed in the hallway.

"Miss Frost, I can a.s.sure you that this hotel is the safest in all of Fenway. There has never been a a.s.sa.s.sination he-"

"Don't give me your lame excuses! How can I expect to relax knowing that my life might be in danger?" Q frowned at the voice, she sounded like someones angry aunt.

"Wait a sec, Miss Frost?" Q muttered to himself as he accessed the updated hitlist that Mojo had sent him.

Tempered Frost

Level 78

Base Cla.s.s: Cleric

SubCla.s.s: Cultist TAP Cla.s.s:Shade Priest

Current Location: The Hotel De Chaunce' Lobby

Updated 26 minutes ago

"My happy life returns with a vengeance." He walked toward the hallway door listening, shortly after the door across the hall slammed shut.

"Activate Hiding in Plain Sight. Guardsman Percival." He knocked on the door that had just slammed, after a moment it swung wide open"

"Where have you been? Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for you?" A tanned bald woman with piercing blue eyes yelled from inside the hotel room. She was wrapped in a towel, "get your a.s.s in here so I can finish my bath in peace!"

"My apologies Miss Frost." Q followed her into the room, she dropped the towel in front of him and walked naked into the bathroom. "I had to draw the bath by myself, all my things are wet now."

Q smiled at her back. "Oh I can definitely dry them off for you Miss Frost." 'Could it really work the same?'

Q waited until he heard Frost get into the bath, then he followed. She was laying back in the over-sized tub, water was within a few inches of the top. She didn't seem very nice, but there was certainly nothing wrong with the way she looked.

"Don't just stand there, dry my things." She opened one eye and spoke to him.

"Of course Miss Frost." Q picked up the hair dryer.

"When you get done with that, join me in the tub. I need my back washed." Frost smiled with her eyes closed, she always enjoyed the attentions of her guards.

Q made a face as he turned on the hairdryer. 'No way that is happening, d.a.m.n you are creepy as h.e.l.l.' He dropped the hairdryer in the water and stepped back.

Q walked out of the bathroom, his eyes somewhat disturbed. "d.a.m.n it, I should have closed my eyes before I dropped it." He shuddered, "I can't unsee that."

System Message: You have Successfully a.s.sa.s.sinated a target on your Hit List

Tempered Frost

Level 78

TAP Cla.s.s:Shade Priest

System Message: You have been awarded 465 thousand credits for a.s.sa.s.sinating a target 46 levels higher then you.

*Ding* Level 33

*Ding* Level 34

*Ding* Level 35

System Message: Your TAP Skills have leveled up.

TAP: NPC a.s.sa.s.sin

Skill Name: The Quest Giver Level 3

Description: Enables character to give

medium level quests to other characters.

Use of this skill is restricted to Hiding

in Plain site.You now have the ability

to create Ma.s.s Quests.

He glanced at his hud and noticed it was almost time for the banquet. Wonderful...