Exodus: The Assassin's Path - 23 Building Hq

23 Building Hq

System Message: Portal initiation interface detected. Do you wish to link portal?

"Yes please, link portal to Talon. Designate this location as Warehouse." It looked pretty much like Q thought a portal should look like. A huge archway made of smooth stone, there were runes etched into the surface.

System Message: Do you wish for free or restricted access?

"Restrict access to anyone carrying one of these. " He held out a token to be scanned.

System Message: Portal token for travel between Warehouse and Talon has been established.

Portal Token


Description: A coin from

this years Apple Festival. This one

is stamped with a Q.

Additional effect: Accesses portal

between Warehouse and Talon.

Binds on Pick-up

He handed Jinn and Rhapsody one token each.

System Message: You have established a residence in Talon. Your royal lineage enables you to appoint up to 5 personnel to work at this location. Appointed staff do no require a token to travel

to this location.

"Appoint Mora Jol, Leah Fintree, Yayia, Rembrandt and Bezri as Warehouse staff. " Q thought for a moment, he could give tokens to everyone else.

System Message: Warehouse staff has been appointed.

d.a.m.n, he's changing so fast. Jinn shook her head in disbelief.

"If you could pa.s.s on a message to Bezri to bring all the turn-ins from his Quest here, that would be great." He spoke to Jinn while Rhapsody was exploring the building.

"Sure, we want to get back anyways." Jinn agreed readily as they both watched Rhapsody walk around. "She hasn't built her own residence yet, I think you are giving her some ideas. "

"This is the biggest character owned building I've ever seen, " Rhapsody shook her head in amazement. "d.a.m.n, I should have asked Lani about building also."

"Hey I"ll mail all my cla.s.smates a token, I could use help mapping the surrounding area tomorrow," he hinted shamelessly at Jinn.

"Hmm, cla.s.s geography exercise." Jinn nodded, "I like it!" She stepped closer and hugged Q tight for a moment, her dark eyes unreadable as she smiled.

Rhapsody watched as her friend hugged Q. Finally, a bit of progress. She pranced forward a smile on her face as she darted in and kissed Q on the cheek. "We'll cya tomorrow Q!" She grabbed her friends hand and drug her through the portal.

"Those two..." He pondered as they vanished into thin air. "What is his teacher up to?" Unexpectedly they had established a friends.h.i.+p.

Q walked down every row of shelves. They were all basically the same, but he still took satisfaction in looking at everything. It was less than an hour when the portal flashed. Bezri was the first to arrive.

The Talon merchant stood open mouthed as he stared at his surroundings. "This.. this is amazing Q"

"What did you end up with for my quest turn-ins?" With several hundred characters roaming Talon, it should be a good amount.

Bezri walked over to the first row of Shelves and accessed the interface to directly deposit the materials he had received. "Almost five thousand stone and about double that in wood."

Q watched as neat pallets of materials appeared on the shelves. "Still lots to gather, wood, stone, iron. I should ask Tal more about materials." He spoke absent mindedly. "Without a build order, we have to do everything by hand... the slow way."

"Your expert can do all this?" Bezri had heard him speak of his friend Tal before.

"That and a lot more," Q said. Tal had done an in-depth study of the engineering and city building techniques of ancient Rome when she had been a student at MIT. When she had found out about Q's plans to develop Talon, she immediately starting working out the engineering details. "I'm going to owe a lot of favors."

"You used your building deed to establish a headquarters for us?" A voice from behind him surprised Q, who had been lost in his thoughts. Mojo had arrived.

Q turned and smiled at Mojo who was leading a group that had come through the portal. Leah, Remmy, Yayia and Mojo were all present. Each of them wearing surprised looks on their faces.

"Not that big of a deal really. Do you like it?" Q spread his arms wide and spun in a circle. "It's not beautiful but it is definitely big!

Remmy's face started to show excitement. "Engineering tables and drawing boards!" She smiled for the first time in hours as she rushed out to look at everything.

Q had tried hard to think of everything. He had even asked for suggestions from Ora and Lani. He handed Leah a handful of tokens. "Give these to those who need it."

Leah smiled when she saw the festival tokens. "I will Q."

System Message: You have developed a faction among the NPC's. Do you wish to name it?

"Yes, Fora Development Group." When Q spoke aloud, everyone looked in his direction.

System Message: The Fora Development Group faction has been created. All member receive plus 3 to all stats. You are allowed to appoint 1 leader and 3 managers. Do you wish to appoint leaders.h.i.+p at this time?

"Yes, appoint Mora Jol as leader, appoint Bezri, Yayia and Rembrandt as managers. Designate this building as faction headquarters."

System Message: Faction Headquarters has been created. Building upgrades available.

System Message: Your TAP a.s.sa.s.sin Skill has been leveled up.

TAP: NPC a.s.sa.s.sin

Skill Name: Hiding in Plain Site Level 3

Description: Enables character to a.s.sume 5

basic NPC ident.i.ties, Guardsman, Shopkeeper,

Diplomat, Dock Worker and Foreign Prince. Character

cannot initiate or take part in combat while using this

skill. While Diplomat is active, Charisma is

increased by +30.

"Oh, now that is nice." Q's eyes lit up as he read the description. "Activate Hiding in Plain Site, Foreign Prince."

Q's appearance instantly changed. His skin became a few shades darker, his ears were pointed at the tip and his curly dark hair was cut close to the scalp. His clothes changed into dark s.h.i.+mmering silks, he wore a sword around his waist.

System Message: Please designate a name for Foreign Prince.

"Quinn" Why change things up too much, he thought as he looked around. The others were all staring at him with open mouths.

"Prince Quinn?" Leah stared at Q, "amazing you are quite..."

"Beautiful!!" Remmy's voice cut in as she ran towards Q. "d.a.m.n, you are like a handsome Prince G.o.d!" She circled him quickly as she inspected. "I can feel authority oozing from you. Quick.. give me an order!"

"Approach and kneel Rembrandt." Q played along, he used to do this with Renri when they were young.

A collective gasp formed from the others as Remmy knelt on one knee in front of Quinn.

"You saved my life, dedicated yourself to the pursuit of engineering and tirelessly worked for the betterment of all NPCs. In recognition of your service, I dub thee Sir Rembrandt, First Knight of Fora." Q had removed his sword as he spoke and touched her shoulders three times. A glow enveloped Remmy as he finished, the smile on Q's face froze as he looked around. 'd.a.m.n, did I do something again?'

You could have heard a pin drop as Remmy stood up, her mouth was open in amazement. "I-I've changed a bit!"

Sir Rembrandt

Level 84

NPC Cla.s.s: Gnome Engineer

Faction Cla.s.s: Knight

Strength 55

Endurance 46

Intelligence 39

Agility 35

Luck 24

Charisma 28

Combat Skills

Pistoleros 94

Gnome Sniper 88

Demolition 100

Martial Skills:Unknown

Remmy raised her hands over her head as her face lit up. "Remmy is a Knight!!"

Mojo looked at Q. "You have the abilities of a sitting Royal!"

"I feel way stronger too!" Remmy giggled to herself and jumped around like a little spider.

"Deactivate Hiding in Plain Site." Q changed back to normal. "I really want to keep that sword though!"

Remmy was the center of attention, her friends circling her and asking all sorts of questions. She stopped suddenly and froze, her head tilting sideways. "Sudden deceleration syndrome?..... hahahaha, d.a.m.n that's great Q!" She shot Q a look, he is the funniest!

"You are full of surprises Q." Mojo approached him as the others chatted with Remmy.

"I've got something for you." He handed her the plain box that he had received from Ora.

"Oh?" Mojo's eyes glowed as she opened the box, everyone likes getting presents. She stared at the contents for several moments before she looked up. "I accept your gift Q. Would you mind?" She held her hand out palm facing down.

"Hmm? Oh need help?" He hadn't even taken time to look at the present Ora had picked out. It was a bracelet made from a dark metal. There were two rings connected to the bracelet by thin intricate chains. Would that be called a ringlet? He slid the two rings onto her index and middle fingers and then connected the bracelet around Mojo's dark wrist.

"Thank you Q." She slid her sleeve down to cover the gift before looking back up, her lavender eyes unreadable, her dark lips curved in a small smile.

"Open TAP Mail." He accessed his hud to send portal tokens to each of his cla.s.smates and then closed it.

"Okay guys I'm going to leave for a bit." Q had been on for too long and needed a bit of down time.

He approached Leah, who had been talking to Bez. She quickly embraced him, not self conscious at all in front of the others.

"There's a nice river on the property, might be perfect for swimming," Q grinned as he thought of their last swim.

Her red hair tickled his nose as she held him close before stepping away. "Hmm, is that right?" Her eyes lit up, "lets find a chance to go later!"

Q nodded and patted Bez on the shoulder. "That quest will keep running everyday until I cancel it or change it."

"I'm on it Q." Bez had a good impression of Q since the beginning, this was definitely a good start.

"Log Off Tap."