Exodus: Guns And Gore - 45 Dark Plans

45 Dark Plans

"Looks like someone is looking for you QJ." Ringo elbowed her Vice-Commander and pointed toward a darkened path. Annabelle was motioning for QJ to join her.

"Hmm... Be back in a bit." QJ approached Annabelle, carefully looking around. "Something wrong?" The dark burgundy dress she was wearing made it difficult to see her in the shadows.

Annabelle nodded, "one of my operatives lost track of someone I wanted to keep tabs on tonight. He went into area infamously know for liaisons. Since my operative was by herself, she couldn't follow."

"I see. Need me to be your cover so you can check up on them?" QJ borrowed her his arm, "we should hurry then."

Annabelle slid an arm through his and started walked toward the orchards that were just beyond the lower gardens. "Thank you QJ, you are a true friend."

QJ smiled and a.s.sumed the role of the suitor. "I am designing a gun especially for you, not sure how it will turn out."

Annabelle's dark eyes smiled and she leaned against him. "You say the sweetest things, perhaps we should walk through the orchards." She lowered her voice, "watch yourself in here, anything can happen."

The entrance to the orchard was through a flowered archway. The shadows deepened and the sounds of moaning could be heard. QJ felt his face heat up, more than one couple was engaged in the pursuit of carnal pleasure.

"There." Annabelle led him to a bench that was close to an occupied gazebo. She pushed him onto the bench and then sat on his lap with her arms around his neck.

"Darling, I'm so happy that you've returned." Annabelle turned so that she was facing the gazebo. She kissed the side of his neck nosily. "No more business trips this month, I can't bear it."

QJ rested his hands lightly on her hips, talking in low tones while keeping an eye on the surroundings. "They are getting up!" He pulled her closer and kissed her, holding the moment while the couple exited the gazebo. Annabelle moaned against his mouth, returning his kiss.

Annabelle waited until they were walking away before she released QJ, her lips were wet from kissing. "We have to follow them."

The couple walked through the orchard and stopped at a small fountain. QJ and Annabelle watched from a distance as they went separate ways.

"s.h.i.+t." Annabelle broke into a run with QJ right behind her. They arrived at the fountain a few seconds later. "Follow her, and I will stay on him."

QJ nodded, "meet back up later."


You have faded from view.

QJ hurried down the stone path. There was a small gate that exited the Orchards, it had been left open. He found her a few minutes later laying in the shadows next to the Stonewall.

"Sweet Mother." The woman's throat has been slashed from ear to ear. The amount of blood on the ground and splattered on the wall told him she had been killed here. He quickly searched her, she had no items of interest except for a small note that was neatly folded. He opened it up and read it.

"I will ensure the target is alone, do not waste the opportunity."

System Message: You have discovered a mysterious note. Do you accept?


Mysterious Note

Quest Type: Unknown

Discover the origin of the

mysterious handwritten note.

QJ kicked the ground in frustration, and carefully stowed the note. "Let's hope Annabelle had better luck."

He left the body where it lay and took an alternate route back to the lower gardens. The fireworks was just coming to a close, Ringo saw him approach and met him before he joined the others.

She gave him a relaxed smiled. "Something important come up?"

"QJ nodded, "Murder, Conspiracy and double-cross. Same as always."

Ringo handed him her ladies handkerchief. "Sounds very clandestine, now remove the lady's lip rouge from your lips."

He wiped his mouth casually. "Necessary part of the mission. All gone?"

"Yes, " she shook her head when he tried to give it back. "Just keep it."

"Any sign of Annabelle?"

Ringo shook her head, "not since you left."

"Sir!" A palace page approached him and handed him a message. He waited patiently while QJ read the message.

"I've heard great things about you. It's important that we talk at once." A wax seal imprinted with the King's ring adorned the bottom of the note. He shot a glance at the page, "does this mean now?"

The page nodded.

"Go ahead QJ, I'll keep an eye out for Annabelle." Ringo waved him on and walked back towards her group.

QJ followed the page at a brisk walk. He knew that the palace was quite large, but thirty minutes of walking down hallways and up several flights of stairs, gave him a higher appreciation of that fact.

Finally they arrived at a private study. The page knocked twice on the door and then turned to QJ. "Head on in sir."

QJ opened the door and stepped into a dimly lit room. It was your typical study, except for everything was really luxurious. The King was leaning against the railing of the balcony waiting for him.

"Although I was curious to learn more about you QJ, I am surprised that you reached out to me." The King's arms were crossed over his chest, his eyes were filled with curiosity."

"Sire? It was you..." A dark noose settle over the King's head, an instant later he disappeared over the side of the balcony. "Holy ..." QJ ran for the balcony and peered over. A scream from below had several people pointing upward.

"Someone has killed the King!"

"There he is on the balcony!"

"Guards! Guards!"

QJ jumped away from the balcony and ducked back into the room.

System Message: You have been implicated in an a.s.sa.s.sination. Escape the palace without being seen. The following limitations have been set on you. 1) You may not stealth. 2) You may not use any portal or return type items. 3) The 'Incriminating Note', is now a no-drop item.

QJ reread the note he had picked up on the dead woman earlier. "I will ensure the target is alone, do not waste the opportunity. Yep... I'm boned."

He exited the room and sprinted down the darkened hallway, the sounds of boots approaching spurred him into action and he ducked inside the next door he came to.

*Guild Speak QJ* All members return at once to the Keep!!

QJ used his deguild option to leave One Problem.

System Message: Do you wish to leave One Problem?


The room he ducked into was a smaller bedroom, but at the moment was unoccupied. QJ took a moment to breathe and stepped out onto the balcony. Since he had turned a corner, he could no longer see the King's Balcony.

Looking up and he spotted another balcony, it was the last floor before the roof. He used his rope to climb, although there were lights and noises everywhere, no one noticed the dark dressed figure climbing up to the roof.

*Whisper Ringo: QJ* What is going on?

*Whisper QJ: Ringo* I've been implicated in the King's a.s.sa.s.sination.

*Whisper Ringo: QJ* d.a.m.n... so that's what all the commotion was. Are you safe?

*Whisper QJ: Ringo* Nope, not at all.

*Whisper Ringo: QJ* Do your best.

QJ closed his comm and crawled to the edge of the building. The grounds of the palace had some sort of emergency lighting, even though it was after midnight, barely any shadows could be found. The guards all had dogs and they were sweeping the area for intruders. A movement far below caught his attention. Annabelle had returned, she was slowly making her way back toward the palace.

Twice she narrowly avoided guards by ducking into bushes. Finally her luck had run out. She was crouched behind a retaining wall, guards with leashed dogs were approaching from either side.

"Sweet mother... They won't just kill her outright will they?" QJ sighed heavily and stood up. "Guards! Guards! Up here on the roof, I surrender!"

System Message: You have failed to escape the Palace undetected.

System Message: You will be charged with a capital offense. Execution for a capital offense results in loss of character. Your trial will be held in two weeks.


Leah and Mojo sat at the kitchen island in their Ravenwood home, both of their eyes had turned the darkest blue. Serli, Quinn and Tal were watching them as they described what was happening.

"Okay... they have him." Quinn was the only one who didn't look angry.

Tal's pretty blue eyes shone with emotion. "Think they can lock up my son?"

Serli crossed her arms in front of her, "let's trash the city and take him back. Burn everything to the ground."

Quinn wanted to laugh but managed to hold it in. "Easy there, QJ is really resourceful. He chose to give himself up to keep his friend from being discovered. Let's give him an opportunity to make his play."

Serli stood up, "Fine, I won't interfere unless they try to harm him. However, I'm going to stay at Briar Rose and make sure no one tries to take his things."

Leah watched as they placed QJ in a secure room. As a n.o.bleman, he wouldn't be thrown into the dungeon. Both panthers dropped stealth when the door was slammed shut and locked.

QJ glanced at Bali and Jali. "I'm okay guys."

Leah's voice coming from a huge panther was very disconcerting. "We won't step in unless things start to go badly. No one is allowed to harm you, period."

QJ nodded, "its fine really. Let me figure out a plan." QJ had already checked his hud, it was no longer working. The room he was in must restrict communication and access. It was the same restrictions he had placed in his casino. However Shadowfiends could communicate regardless of any limitations.


Far away, in a small cave located in the Dunjai desert, a small woman used a white rock to draw images on the stone wall. She also showed them pictures from a notebook she had drawn. After he had left, she searched out five ghosts that she knew. QJ had said, "if everyone can teach five, then the world will change very quickly. They will all teach five and within a relatively short period of time, all the ghosts will have found their voice."

She stood in front of them, this was the second day she had taught them. In their eyes she could see the excitement to find their missing voices.

[In Sign]

"Good morning friends. I am Dara."

The cla.s.s answered silently with their hands. "Good morning Dara."