Exodus: Guns And Gore - 43 Sakri Steel

43 Sakri Steel

Jomen Sala nodded, a smile creased his weathered face. "Yes, finally back."

"Who from the Dunjai? The Burning Horse?" The prince let go of his father and stepped back. His father was the Raja of the eleven tribes that inhabited the Basara continent. At his command, nearly half a million horses would ride into battle. This year he had visited all of the tribes, the Dunjai tribe was the last.

Jomen shook his head, "The Sandhealer faction."

At twelve, the prince was old enough to have an interest in the lands that he would one day rule. He took meticulous notes on every tribe and its hierarchy of leaders.h.i.+p. "The Sandhealers? How many people did they bring? Most of them were wiped out two years ago."

"Just one, a blue-eyed foreigner." The Raja continued walking, his son falling in beside him.

"One? They brought one?"

Jome lay a huge hand on his son's shoulder and smiled down at him. "How many suns does the sky need?"


Three hundred miles to the east, the two brothers of the Jesu tribe placed empty clay jars on the back of their cart. Every morning before dawn, the ten-year-old twins would travel the nine miles to the Bosai river bed. The river had long since been dry, but if you dug three or four feet into the sand, you would find water. It was their job to fill enough jars for the livestock. The small village did have a well, but that was only for the people. If they used that water for the livestock, the well would very quickly run dry.

"Why am I pus.h.i.+ng today, b.a.s.t.a.r.d a.s.s?" Juma cursed his twin brother. "I pushed yesterday, today I was supposed to pull!"

Boca laughed at his brother's discomfort. They were dressed identically in light brown pants and s.h.i.+rts that their mother had made. Neither wore shoes, their brown skin was nearly as dark as their black hair. "I gave you the rest of my Kali at dinner last night. Don't you remember? You said you would push again today if I did."

"That was a joke, stupid!" Juma pushed hard, the last mile to the river bed was a steep incline, it was the hardest part of the journey. "Pull a little bit harder, I feel like I'm doing everything!"

The cart lurched suddenly, causing Juma to hit his head on the back gate. He glanced over the cart and noticed his brother had dropped the steering pole. "That's it, I'm going to beat you up!" Juma stomped around the side of the cart and then stopped.

Boca stared back at him, his face filled with shock and fear. "Juma... why is the river bed gone?"

The dry river bed was filled with clear water, nearly all the way to the high banks, it was flowing fast and angry. "Boca! Run home and get the elders. I will check the basin!"

Juma's bare feet flew over the sand as he ran along the steadily rising Bosai River. The Bosai had once fed into a large inland lake. It had been dry for generations. The twin skidded to a halt and fell on his b.u.t.t when he crested the hill. In the distance, he could see the basin.

When the village elders arrived an hour later on horses, Juma was standing in kneedeep water in the basin. "Juma! Come speak with us!" Shani, the village leader was younger than the other elders. She motioned for Juma to hurry.

"Elder Shani, when I stood here half an hour ago, the water was still below my ankles."

Unlike the other elders, Shani's hair was still jet-black, not a trace of gray to be seen. "Water in the basin... Has a Water Wielder come to the Eleven tribes?"

The oldest of the elders was a gnarled, bent old man who had long ago lost his hair. The only part of his body that had resisted the ravages of time were his s.h.i.+ning white teeth. He was standing ankle-deep in water, and for the first time, anyone could remember he was smiling. "Not just a Wielder, but the Water King also!"


QJ rolled over in bed, groaning at the loud noises coming from the kitchen. When he logged off, he worked out, taken a shower and had a big breakfast. For some reason, he had still felt drowsy. He glanced at his hud, "d.a.m.n, slept two more hours."

"Where have you been QJ?" Lotte smiled at him from the kitchen island. She was finis.h.i.+ng the last of the eggs that Breeze had made them.

"Was on a quest all last night, for the Sandhealer Faction of the Dunjai tribe."

"The Dunjai tribe? Where is that?" Sato had heard them talking and walked out of his room. He was leaning over the railing outside of his room.

QJ brought up his hud and showed them a map of the GnG World. "The Dunjai inhabit the Dunjai Desert which is located in the central part of the Basara Continent."

"How the h.e.l.l did you land a quest on the other side of the world?" Breeze's pretty face was frowning at him. "I want to travel like that too."

"Must be world reputation points. Mine went up fifty points when I made a Magnum Opus."

Breeze pounded the table with one hand. "QJ! I demand you make me one of those too!"

"I will definitely try my best for all of you guys." QJ grinned at them and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"Shall we do my pool work early so we can get a lot done today?" Lotte was looking forward to the ball. She had been a dancer like her sister before her accident. "You will ask me to dance right?"

QJ nodded, "yes to both."


It was nearly 1800 before QJ was finally ready to log back in. He had helped Lotte with her pool work and then had been getting ready to log-in when Naomi and Tal had stopped by. From there he sat in on a hud conference concerning the construction of his Notebook project. That had taken the better part of five hours.

Since it was almost dinner time, he made some sandwiches and ate with Breeze who had logged out to call her sister.

"Crazy day..." QJ slipped into his VR suit and opened the chamber. He decided since it was going to be a long night, he needed the advantages that the VR Suit/Chamber offered.

Half an hour later he walked down the Keep Hall to his shop. Almost no one was around since they were preparing for the Star Crossed Ball. "What's the rush? More than two hours before it was time. He stepped into his shop, the first thing he noticed was the large stack of metallic bricks on his workbench.

"I was started to wonder where you were." Robin peeked in from her office door. She was wearing her thief gear, all black and lightweight. "Brought you something nice."

QJ picked up a brick of the metal, it was soft to the touch, like wax. "Hmm... what is this stuff and where did you get it?"

"It's Sakri steel, an Alchemist I know was h.o.a.rding it." Robin smiled sweetly, she handed him a small heart that appeared to be the same metal. There was an 'R' carved elegantly into it.

QJ held it in his hands, "so pliable, what are its uses?"

"Submerge it in water." Robin took the seat next to him and watched as he used a pair of tongs to place it in the barrel.

QJ watched as it changed color slightly and caused the water to warm up a few degrees. He placed it back on the bench when it stopped reacting a few minutes later. QJ let out a whistle when he picked it up. "Robs!! How much did you pay for this?"

Robin gave him a sly look. "It was free of course."

QJ smiled and started testing it.

"Larry did a good job helping me." She watched him he tested the metal. "You are so handsome when you work hun."

QJ glanced up, her orange hair was tied up in a simple bun, her lips held a slight smile. "Lighter than aluminum, yet strong like steel. Thanks Robs, I actually have a project just for this."

She leaned closer, "my sisters flipped when I showed them my hideout gun."

"Did they?" QJ pulled out his notebook and starting drawing. "Since it crits based on your agility rating, it should hit really hard.

"It's priceless to me because you made it."

"You say sweet things." QJ went back to drawing, "trying to spoil me?"

"Of course." Robin watched while he drew, about halfway through she gasped in surprise. "QJ, is that even possible?"

"Won't know until I try." QJ checked his hud and put away his notebook. "Time is short, want to chat a bit before I head to Maelstrom?"

Robin nodded and slid a hand through his arm as they walked back to the couch. She sat down next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Larry wants to be a Songbird now."

QJ laughed aloud, "bet your sisters love that."

Robin nodded, holding back a laugh. "He picked Thrush's pocket, she was so mad."

"You do realize his name is Lonnie right?"

"Thieves never use their real names. Do you remember mine?"

"Did you want me to start calling you Mai?"

Robin shook her head. "I like it when you call me Robs."

An hour later Robin walked him to the Keep Gate, they had stopped by the Instances to let Cleo continue the Drone training.

Robin stood on her tiptoes and kissed him softly. "Ren told me that you play the piano."

QJ nodded, "been a while, but yes I play."

"If I put one in my office, will you play for me?"

"Of course." QJ summoned Scorch and jumped into the saddle. "What are your plans for the evening?"

"Pig Roast at Ravenwood. The entire Raven Battalion will be in attendance." Robin winked at him, "you're going to miss out."

QJ laughed at her expression. "If I get done early, I'll come by."

She waved as he turned Scorch toward Briar Rose and rode away.