Exodus: Guns And Gore - 32 Waylo Maelstrom

32 Waylo Maelstrom

System Message: Your personal Head's Up Display may not be used at this time.

"...." QJ.

The dark elf stepped away from the door. She didn't look frightened. "I'm not trained, but I will still help. My first priority is getting you out of here."

QJ stared at her for a moment, her white hair was cut nearly as short as his. Her face was void of the scars that usually marked dark elves. "Since you aren't limited to robes, let's switch those out with leather armor."

She nodded, "Okay."

QJ accessed his inventory and took out his old armor that he had recently replaced. "Here you... Sweet Mother... What are you doing?"

Aji had removed her robe and had one hand out, waiting for the armor. She was dressed in thin white underclothes. "You said to change out my robe."

"Right, but warn me next time." QJ turned his back while she changed. His initial impression of her being too thin had been completely wrong.

"I'm all ready." Aji didn't look embarra.s.sed, "sorry for the confusion."

"No fighting skills at all? How about hand to hand? You must have had disagreements with other kids growing up."

Aji shook her head, "everyone avoided me."

"Hand me the staff please." QJ sighed and took out a dagger. When Aji pa.s.sed him the staff, he took a few minutes to sharpen one end. "New rules Aji."

Aji looked at him curiously. "What new rules?"

"From now on I expect you to fight when the need arises. In preparation for those moments, you need to start training."

QJ spent a minute showing her how to grip the staff properly and how to initiate forward thrusts and a few easy blocking maneuvers. "This is Ninjutsu Staff fighting, we can modify it into a hybrid spear technique for your purpose. With Vampires, aim for the chest."

Aji nodded, "I'll do my best."

QJ pursed his lips slightly. "May I inspect?"

"Of course sir."

Aji Sai

Level 14

NPC Cla.s.s: Unknown

Strength 35

Endurance 29

Intelligence 38

Agility 33

Luck 5

Charisma 28


Tailor 100

Scholar 100

QJ whistled softly, "well, your stats are great. "I'll single pull, wait here and we'll take it slow." QJ walked toward the far door, 'if she dies I'll just stealth and drag her corpse upstairs for a rez.'


You have faded from view.

The door led to a long hallway that ended in a small room. There were three cloaked figures in the room.


A Daywalker has been roped and is closing in on your position.


A Daywalker has been slowed by forty percent.

QJ ran down the hallway toward Aji, the cloaked figure hot on his heels.

*Aimed Shot* [Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit]

QJ has. .h.i.t target for 450 damage

"Sweet Mother, barely scratched him... plan B Aji."

"What's plan B?" Aji asked calmly.

QJ slid his sixgun into its shoulder holster and waited until the mob crossed the doorway. "Get ready!"

He ducked under the outstretched arms and came up behind him in an RNC (rear naked choke). In the interest of not getting thrown off by a phenomenally strong mob, QJ pressed his forearm against the chin instead of the throat. Immediately the creature sunk its fangs into his arm.

"s.h.i.+t...Now Aji!"

QJ has suffered 150 damage.

QJ has suffered 150 damage.

QJ has suffered 150 damage.

Aji thrust the point of the staff directly into the Daywalker's chest.

A Daywalker has been slain. You have gained 14,000 xp and 540 credits.

*Ding* Level 23

QJ stared at the Daywalker in surprise as it slowly turned to dust. Then he grinned at his companion who finally displayed a bit of emotion. "Bad news is that their levels are really high. Let's keep going."


You have faded from view.

QJ headed back down the hall toward the remaining two figures.


A Daywalker has been roped and is closing in on your position.


A Daywalker has been slowed by forty percent.


Ringo had just finished the Ghost Dancer instance with four of her freshmen. They had attempted Routine difficulty, but it had definitely been hard.

Breeze was equipping gear that she had won in the instance, "we going in again?"

Ringo shook her head. "In a bit, we should pull QJ in with us and give Arduous a shot."

"Um... QJ just leveled up again." Lotte was looking at the guild display, QJ went from 22 to 24 in less than five minutes.

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Did he find another shortcut?" Breeze opened up guild chat.

*Guild Speak Breeze* Holy c.r.a.p QJ! Share some of that XP with me!

Ringo laughed at the freshman Comanchero, she was definitely one of a kind. She walked out of the kitchen and into the Guild Hall, two maids followed a man dressed in black as they made their way up the stairs. The slinger felt her fangs protrude at the sight of them.

"Where you going, Ringo?" Lotte watched as she suddenly turned and hurried up the stairs.

"Check this out." Breeze was looking at the Guild Display. "It says QJ is unavailable."

*Guild Speak Lotte* All available guild members, report at once to Guild Hall."

Ringo saw the notice as she trotted down the hallway. "Smart girl," she muttered under her breath. She increased her speed and stopped the door from closing with her foot. Pus.h.i.+ng it open, she stepped into Robin's office and closed the door behind her.

Robin was sitting at her desk, she still wore her black armor and weapons. "What wrong Ringo?"

"QJ might be in trouble." Ringo walked to the side of her desk, the three visitors were standing in front.

Robin pushed her chair away from the desk but didn't stand. "What's wrong?"

"QJ's last location was Briar Rose, in the last five minutes he has leveled up twice and his status says unavailable." Ringo stared at the three guests, her gaze was openly hostile.

Robin leaned back, calmly watching her guests. "So he's in a dungeon, fighting something much stronger than him. What's below Briar Rose?" She addressed the last sentence to Oliphant.

He shook his head, "nothing, there's absolutely nothing there."

"They are familiars Robin, that means there is a Vampire Lord in Briar Rose." Since Ringo had been infected, she had researched the topic quite a bit. Only a Vampire Lord would have familiars, she had sensed what they were the moment she saw them.

Oliphant's eyes seemed to grow darker as his face turned cruel. "If he has found the Master, then nothing can save him." He nodded at the two maids, they immediately spread out.

Robin's laugh took them by surprise, they had not expected that reaction. A blur of motion and she was behind the two maids.

Lou has been struck for 174,943 damage.

Lou has been slain.

Rae has been struck for 210,550 [Critical Hit]

Rae has been slain.

Ringo stared at the two corpses, their throats had been cut with powerful strokes, both maids had nearly been decapitated.

Oliphant backed away, fear evident in his eyes. He was only slightly stronger than the other two.

The door was kicked open a moment later, a white-haired dark elf with a staff stood in the doorway. "Problem?" The infirmary was directly below Robin's office, being a cleric, Sara was highly sensitive to the smell of blood.

Oliphant scowled at her. "You're a cleric? Rez those two women immediately, or you can forget about ever seeing QJ again."

*Sara has cast Holy Flames*

The two bodies instantly burst into flames and disappeared moments later in a cloud of ash.

The young cleric's lavender eyes stared at Oliphant. "You're not allowed to speak his name."

Robin approached Oliphant slowly, one dagger drawn. "Tell me everything you know."

Oliphant shook his head. "Kill me if you want b.i.t.c.h! The Master will feast on his tainted blood."

The rogue smiled slightly. "I see... if you have a weak stomach, you should turn your head now."

Oliphant raised his chin slightly, "I don't need your advice. The three of you will become the Master's concubines."

Robin nodded, "sure, but I wasn't talking to you." She struck fast, sinking her dagger up to the hilt into Oliphant's crotch. She impaled him and then raised her arm, letting him dangle from her blade while he screamed.

"Heavens." Ringo turned her head, covering her mouth with one hand.

Robin ignored the frantic blows coming at her, "feel like talking now?" She shrugged when he only screamed in response, slowly she turned the dagger.

The screams subsided after a minute, Robin looked distastefully at the blood and urine on her carpet. "That's not going to come out easily..."

"Set him down Robin." Sara had watched everything calmly.

Robin glanced at her, "Sara, this isn't a time for mercy."

Sara nodded and smiled sweetly. "Of course. He can't feel anything now, let me heal him so you can start again."

"...." Ringo.

"Oh, right." Robin withdrew her blade and waited patiently.

*Sara has cast Arms of the Mother*

Oliphant has been healed for 41,300 damage. [Critical Heal]

Ringo stepped out onto the balcony while the two NPCs continued their conversation with Oliphant, it only took three repet.i.tions before he spilled everything. He was ashes by the time Ringo stepped back inside.

Robin briefed her on everything Oliphant had said. The orange-haired rogue looked at her expectantly. "Can you handle matters from here? I don't mind stepping in if you need a.s.sistance."

Ringo shook her head. "The Guild needs this kind of experience. We'll handle things from here, I'll call Dessi for some backup."

Robin nodded and sat back at her desk. "I'll leave it in your hands then."

Ringo left the office, the sound of footsteps followed her.

"Could I come with you? You might need a cleric, especially when dealing with the undead." Sara smiled sweetly as she fell in step beside Ringo.

"Okay, thanks for the support." Ringo tried not to shudder when the young dark elf smiled at her.

A few moments later, Ringo and Sara were standing in Guild Hall. Most of the guild members were present. They had explained the situation in detail and quickly formed a raid. During this time, QJ went up another level.

"d.a.m.n, QJ is at 25 now." Breeze had listened to the brief and was first to charge out into the courtyard. She mounted quickly waiting for Lotte.

Lotte mounted up and pulled beside her. "He's probably just staking vampires. No matter how much hp they have, a stake through the heart is instkill for them.

"c.r.a.p... I need a stake." Breeze was about to dismount when Ringo walked up.

"It's fine, Dessi and a few of her third years will meet us at Briar Rose, they'll prepare stakes." Ringo led the first years out of the gate. Overhead several stealthed Ba'Avriel followed them quietly.

"He'll probably kill them all before we get there." Breeze grumbled while she rode, "share that XP man."

They rode quickly, Ringo brought up her hud after some thought. A moment later a pretty blonde woman looked back at her. "Sorry to bother you like this Chancellor Ivy."

The blonde scholar shook her head, "don't worry about it, Baroness Ringo."

Ringo cringed at the t.i.tle but forged ahead anyway. "Prince Waylo Maelstrom is a Vampire Lord, One Problem intends to kill him." Waylo had been the King's Uncle, so getting permission seemed like the best way to avoid the hangman's noose.

Chancellor Ivy's face paled visibly, she motioned for several people to leave and waited for a moment before she responded. "This is a delicate matter Baroness. If your guild could handle it quietly, the royal family would be very thankful."

Ringo nodded, "consider the matter handled quietly."

Destroy the Vampire Lair

Quest Type: Guild Event

Defeat Vampire Lord Waylo Maelstrom

in the depths of Briar Rose.

Do you accept this Quest on behalf of One Problem Y/N?

"I accept." Ringo smiled to herself and used the guild roster to slide QJ into her group. His name was still grayed out, but that should change as soon as they entered the lair.