Everlasting Immortal Firmament - Book 08 Chapter 084: Physical Soul Scattering Calabash

Book 08 Chapter 084: Physical Soul Scattering Calabash

Book 08 Chapter 084: Physical Soul Scattering Calabash

Jiang Lianshan drove the power of the Eight Directions Sea. Inside Gu Hais body, the Spiritual Progenitor deity king continued to nourish his flesh despite the immense suppression.

When fist and palm clashed, the sheer force generated shook the entire East Spiritual Fire Sea.

The mountain underfoot instantly shattered, and boundless flames rushed in.

Yinggou quickly retreated with Jingwei.

The Unborn Man protected himself with the True Flame Calabash and stepped back.

Both Gu Hai and Jiang Lianshan had fierce scowls as they fought relentlessly, unleas.h.i.+ng immense force with every punch and palm strike.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Although the twos hands occupied each other, they still produced sonic-boom-like noises.

Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! Gu Hai, you were not this capable eight hundred thousand years ago. To think you are even stronger than Chiyou now? Jiang Lianshan glared at Gu Hai.

Jiang Lianshan, you are not really Jiang Lianshan, right? Gu Hai said with a cold expression.

Huh? Not really Jiang Lianshan? Why wouldnt I be? Jiang Lianshan responded haughtily.

I dont know what your relations.h.i.+p with Jiang Lianshan is, but you shouldnt be him, Gu Hai said sternly.


Jiang Lianshan was willing to sacrifice everythingeven his lifefor Murong Yan. But what about you? Youve been here for eight hundred thousand years, and youve seen your past self from eight hundred thousand years ago. Presumably, saving Murong Yan wouldnt have been difficult, given the pa.s.sage of time, yet you didnt do it! Gu Hai said.

Jiang Lianshans eyes narrowed.

Unless youve been waiting for this moment all along, and your feelings for Murong Yan are also fake? However, the Jiang Lianshan back then seemed to have genuine feelings for Murong Yan; you are different from the you of eight hundred thousand years ago! Gu Hai said coldly.

Once some things pa.s.s, they are left in the past! You are not qualified to pry into my secrets! Jiang Lianshan retorted stonily.


Suddenly, flames erupted from Jiang Lianshans body, forming an image of himself that towered over three kilometers. Stepping forward, it absorbed endless fire-attributed energy from the entire East Spiritual Fire Sea to empower the true body.

Far away, the Unborn Man looked surprised. Jiang Lianshans fire deity? How can it be so enormous? About three thousand three hundred meters tall?

Jingwei also stared at the fire deity in astonishment from a distance. Is this my fathers fire physical soul? Its this large? Acc.u.mulated over eight hundred thousand years?

Jiang Lianshans fire deity emerged, allowing him to draw on boundless fire-attributed energy and relentlessly attack Gu Hai.

Gu Hais eyes widened.


Suddenly, a figure of light erupted behind Gu Hai. Gu Hais fire deity had also come out.

Imitating Jiang Lianshan, Gu Hai used his fire deity to drive the power of this East Spiritual Fire Sea. Surging fire-attributed energy immediately rushed towards him.

When Gu Hais fire deity appeared, everyone goggled.

Gu Hais fire deity was even larger than Jiang Lianshans, about three thousand seven hundred meters tall.

The draw on the surrounding fire-attributed energy intensified.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Amid deafening roars, Gu Hai was slowly gaining the upper hand.

This is impossible. I had to stay here for eight hundred thousand years for my fire deity to reach three thousand three hundred meters. How can yours be larger? Jiang Lianshan exclaimed in amazement.

Gu Hai cultivated world devouring and possessed a formidable Spiritual Progenitor deity king. Besides nouris.h.i.+ng his physical body, the Spiritual Progenitor deity king could also nurture the other deities. Under its nurturing, his fire deity naturally reached its peak.

In the East Spiritual Fire Sea, everything was determined by the strength of the fire deity. This was why Gu Hai dared to come here alonebecause Gu Hais fire deity was also top-tier in the world.

Gradually, Gu Hai seemed to be suppressing Jiang Lianshan.

Even if you are Jiang Lianshan, I could defeat you eight hundred thousand years ago. I can do it again now! Gu Hai said with a fierce expression.

In the distance, Yinggous face sank. She clenched her fists, as if wanting to help.

However, Jiang Lianshan produced a treasure with his other hand, an earthen-yellow calabash.

As soon as the calabash appeared, it seemed to absorb the boundless fire-attributed energy from all directions.

Its the Physical Soul Scattering Calabas.h.!.+ Your Holy Eminence, be careful! Thats the Physical Soul Scattering Calabash, a formidable earth-attributed enchanted treasure containing divine sand. It can damage a persons physical soul. That Physical Soul Scattering Calabash is specifically designed to break physical souls. Be careful! the Unborn Man suddenly yelled in warning.

The Physical Soul Scattering Calabash? Damage the physical soul?

Haha! A lifespan cultivator indeed, you know quite a bit. To think you even know about my Physical Soul Scattering Calabas.h.!.+ Jiang Lianshan sneered.

Although he could not win against Gu Hai in a direct struggle of strength, Jiang Lianshan had an enchanted treasure.

The Physical Soul Scattering Calabash could damage a persons physical soul, which meant it could damage Gu Hais fire deity. If Gu Hais fire deity physical soul scattered, the balance of victory and defeat would instantly reverse.

Your Holy Eminence, the Physical Soul Scattering Calabash is an earth-attributed enchanted treasure, and earth conquers fire. It absorbs endless fire-attributed energy and gives birth to divine sand within the calabash. Once the divine sand forms, the situation will be reversed! the Unborn Man yelled in warning.

Gu Hais face turned cold, but he could not afford to retract his fist at this moment.

The moment Jiang Lianshan unleashed the enchanted treasure, Gu Hai knew things were turning sour.

The Physical Soul Scattering Calabash? This is one of the several famous calabashes, along with the True Flame Calabash and the Immortal-Slaying Gourd. And it has been in Jiang Lianshans possession all this time?


After absorbing a vast amount of fire-attributed energy, the Physical Soul Scattering Calabash suddenly expanded. Jiang Lianshan aimed the calabash at Gu Hais fire deity.

Divine sand, scatter the deity and destroy it! Jiang Lianshan shouted.


The calabash spewed forth a torrent of red divine sand. As soon as it emerged, it absorbed even more fire-attributed energy from the surroundings, hurtling towards Gu Hai like a meteor shower.

Gu Hai instinctively sensed a threat. There was no time for further thought; he immediately activated an enchanted treasure within his body.

Renewing Soil! Gu Hai activated his earth deitys enchanted treasure. Then a mountain-like Renewing Soil rushed out.


The divine sand collided with the Renewing Soil, and for a moment, they seemed to neutralize each other. However, the Renewing Soil ultimately proved weaker than the divine sand. The divine sand rapidly absorbed the fire-attributed energy and pummeled the Renewing Soil, creating countless large cavities, all the while continuing on its trajectory towards Gu Hai.

Gu Hai again waved his hand. Vine World Calabas.h.!.+ Wood counters earth!


Instantaneously, the Vine World Calabash sent forth innumerable vines, charging directly at the divine sand.

As expected, wood countered earth, achieving a miraculous effect. The vines delved into the divine sand, as if attempting to take root and sprout within it, subsequently shattering the divine sand.

The Vine World Calabash is indeed capable of countering the Physical Soul Scattering Calabash. However, this is the East Spiritual Fire Sea, where fire prevails over wood! Rise! Jiang Lianshan bellowed.


The endless sea of fire from the Eight Directions Sea surged towards the Vine World Calabash. In an instant, the flames consumed the vines.

Here in the East Spiritual Fire Sea, the Vine World Calabash was constrained at every turn. The enchanted treasures true might could not be brought out, and the vines were rapidly reduced to ashes. The divine sand showed tremendous might as it swiftly approached Gu Hais fire deity.

Gu Hais expression changed.

He did not hold back any longer and promptly brought out the Absolute Zero Calabash.

Gu Hai obtained the Absolute Zero Calabash eight hundred thousand years ago during his battle against the Six Paths Veritable Lords water deity body. It possessed immense might and extreme coldness.

Absolute Zero Calabas.h.!.+ Water counters fire! Go! Gu Hai shouted.

The gourds mouth immediately opened wide.

Horrifyingly cold, blue energy burst forth, rus.h.i.+ng directly towards Jiang Lianshan.


As the cold energy rushed out, the surrounding waves of fire instantly scattered. The terrifyingly cold energy surged directly at Jiang Lianshans fire deity, causing his expression to change.

The fire deity was inherently fire-attributed.

Water counters fire! The Absolute Zero Calabash was specifically designed to break fire deities.

Oh no! Jiang Lianshans expression changed.

Gu Hais expression also changed. Because when the cold energy and the divine sand intersected, neither affected the other. They pa.s.sed through each other and reached the fire deities opposite them.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The divine sand pierced through Gu Hais fire deity in an instant. Within moments, Gu Hais fire deity was riddled with countless large holes.


Gu Hai spewed a mouthful of blood. His fire deity, covered in innumerable wounds, was heavily damaged and had lost all strength. He promptly retracted it into his body, left with no choice but to rely on his physical body to fend off the divine sand.

Jiang Lianshan fared no better.

The blue cold energy was particularly effective against fire deities. It surged through Jiang Lianshans fire deity, which instantly shrank, as if frozen, and disconnected from the surrounding flames.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

Countless cracks appeared on Jiang Lianshans fire deity as it sustained severe damage.


Jiang Lianshan also spewed blood and withdrew his fire deity.


Gu Hais fist and Jiang Lianshans palm suddenly separated.

Both retreated over three hundred meters before coming to a halt.

The Absolute Zero Calabash? Hahaha, so the Absolute Zero Calabash is in your possession! Jiang Lianshan glared angrily.

The appearance of the Absolute Zero Calabash had indeed proven to be remarkably effective, much to Jiang Lianshans frustration.

Gu Hai was equally vexed at this point. Under the influence of the Physical Soul Scattering Calabash, his fire deity was now riddled with holes, leaving him heavily injured.

The Absolute Zero Calabash? It should belong to me! Yinggous eyes gleamed, suggesting she intended to s.n.a.t.c.h it.

At this moment, both Gu Hai and Jiang Lianshan were heavily wounded, staring at each other coldly, their unwillingness to stop palpable.


From outside the eight trigrams ritual array, a deafening sound suddenly rang out, as if someone was breaking the ritual array.

Who is it? Jiang Lianshans expression darkened as he looked towards the source of the noise. That earlier strike had been extremely powerful.

Yinggou? I know youre inside. Give me back Jingwei! An enraged shout echoed from the outside.

Elder Sister! Its Elder Sister! Jingwei exclaimed in delight.

Ba? This is going to be problematic. The commotion from your earlier battle must have been too loud, catching her attention. Yinggous face sank.

That unfilial daughter? Humph! the pale-faced Jiang Lianshan snorted gloomily.


Another thunderous sound rang out. The entire eight trigrams ritual array trembled as though on the verge of breaking.

Father, Elder Sister is here! Quickly, open the ritual array and let her in! Jingwei called out.

Jiang Lianshan turned to Gu Hai somewhat feebly. Gu Hai, you are truly lucky. Humph! We will meet again!

Stop! Gu Hais expression changed, and he tried to rush forward despite his weakness.


Jiang Lianshan flung out his sleeve. Suddenly, the ritual array kicked up surging flames, which immediately enveloped him, Yinggou, and Jingwei. The three vanished within the fire in a flash.

Jiang Lianshan, come out! Gu Hai shouted angrily.


Outside, a deafening report resounded, and the flames of the Eight Directions Sea erupted with a thunderous explosion. The ritual array collapsed under Bas fists.

The flames that had stretched for thousands of kilometers began to churn and rapidly subside.

Gu Hai swiftly cleared away the surrounding flames, but Jiang Lianshan and the other two were nowhere to be found.

Jiang Lianshan, come out! Gu Hai shouted angrily once more.

However, there was no trace of Jiang Lianshan.


Ba and Hou Yi appeared before Gu Hai.

At this moment, Gu Hais fire deity was severely injured. Besides his physical body, he had lost the strength of his fire deity. He was pale and enervated.

Gu Hai? Unborn Man? Why are you here? Hou Yi exclaimed in shock.

Did you see Jiang Lianshan earlier? Ba asked with a grim expression.