Eternals Of The Wizarding World - Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Because of time constraints, they will leave here once the negotiations in the Empire are over.

So Eli even stopped his daily meditation and dived into various documents, resting seven hours a day, and working the rest of the time.

This makes Lemon people stupid, why are his students so diligent?

As if thinking of the situation where he would leave on time when he was working, Scholar Lemon became numb.

On the other hand, because of Eli's fanatical work, this also made Ike and the other two accept Eli as well, and to their surprise, it seemed that with Eli's addition, their progress seemed to have a difference. Progress little by little.

ten days later.

When Eli came up with a complete chain of evidence proving that the Empire Ruins definitely existed, the entire project team went completely crazy.

Originally, their progress was still confirming whether the ruins actually existed. In fact, although everyone believed in the existence of the ruins of the empire, to be honest, no real evidence has been found. This is also an important reason for the "abandonment" of the empire.

"Oh my God, Eli, you are a god, I have to hurry up and report to Her Royal Highness the Queen, you are too powerful." Ike held the complete evidence in his hand and seemed unable to believe it.

Arthur and Vera on the side also looked at Eli in disbelief. They are all fanatics, so their love for this project is completely beyond what other people can imagine.

However, when a person entered the project team for ten days and progressed faster than their progress in several years, the two of them were also a little sluggish, as if they had seen a ghost.

"I suggest not to report it to the Queen. Let's wait until we have more discoveries. Otherwise, if we can't find it, it will take a lot of work, and maybe it will be withdrawn directly." Eli said calmly.

"Mmmm, you're right." Ike nodded, and the other two agreed.

At this time, although Ike was still in charge, the actual central figure had become Eli.

It is also a good thing that the three of them really want to find the ruins, and the project team is very small, and no one in the trail knows their situation at all.

On the side, Maester Lemon put down the pen in his hand and fell into silence.

Didn't they come to participate? How could it develop like this.

Let me tell you, in this project, Master Lemon actually contributed a lot of power. He helped Eli analyze all the materials, and Eli found all the connections from it, and then got the evidence.

In fact, it's not that Eli can't finish it by himself, but the workload is huge, and they don't have much time, so they are really nervous, so Eli can only show his "part of the talent", this time it really is life and death .

The project team changed principals, and Eli also began to assign several people to work, and several people followed Eli's orders.

It is unimaginable that ten days ago, he and Maester Lemon were the people who were assigned jobs. In the blink of an eye, the status had undergone a huge change.

It was also the first time that Eli was completely immersed. It was not until twenty days later, when Eli received that Arya had completely taken over the business of the Chamber of Commerce, that he suddenly realized that another twenty days had passed.

During this time, they made rapid progress. With Eli's help, he was always able to clearly identify the clues in the documents, and then decisively eliminated the wrong answers.

It can be said that the efficiency at this time made Ike feel that they were much more efficient than the hundreds of people in the past.

On the other hand, Queen Cynthia is worthy of being Queen Cynthia. At the negotiating table, she fully demonstrated her toughness. The two countries quarreled for the exchange of interests, but no one was willing to take a step back.

Because every step is a huge loss. At this time, Queen Cynthia is absolutely impossible to give in because of some perfume, because this is a real big power transaction, and only interests can be decided at this time.

Everyone is running like a hot wheel, and everyone is very nervous.

Some visible changes are taking place in the "Remains of the Empire" project team.

Because of the busy work, the environment there is even worse, there are piles of materials and garbage everywhere, and the alleys at the door are even worse when no one takes care of them.

In the end, Eli couldn't stand it anymore, so he hired someone to clean it.

But when they entered, they saw the unkempt Kerry, Arthur, Vera, and a few others who seemed to be in a crazy state. After cleaning, they almost ran out of there.

Just like a mental hospital.

Another ten days passed.

"Does the location of the ruins confirm this large area?"

The progress of the project took a big step forward again, and Eli and others pushed the progress of the project one step further.

After ten days of reasoning, they confirmed that the ruins should be in an area near the northern mountain range of the Lorraine Kingdom, but it is very large, and it will take time to confirm it.

At this point, Ike just felt dizzy.

How is it going so fast?

It seems that nothing has changed!

It seems that everything has changed since Eli and Lemon joined, and Eli's role in it is self-evident, which makes Ike even admire Eli a little at this time.

Arthur and Vera looked at Eli as if they were looking at God.

As for Lemon, he was a little gratified. His students seemed... still very talented.

Another ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

Tensions permeated the diplomatic corps of the two countries, and until now, no one was willing to take a step back, keeping their progress where they were a month ago.

Marquis Elena has a big head, but there is absolutely nothing to do.

On the contrary, other people have provided a lot of methods, but they are useless.

For a while, he thought of Eli, the young man who had saved his life, and wanted to ask him if we could do anything, but no one was found at all, only that Eli had entered the second library here for five days and did not come out. They can't see it at all.

Marquis Elena sighed and then gave up. In fact, he was desperately ill and went to the doctor. How could Eli have any solution.

Three days later, Eli returned from the library.

"I found it!"

One sentence shocked everyone in an instant.

Ike couldn't close his mouth for a long time, Arthur, Vera, and Maester Lemon all raised their heads, a little unbelievable.

"I found the place where the ruins were once buried, called the southernmost protruding corner of the Hodis Mountains, but it seems that there was an earthquake there more than 50 years ago, so the terrain has changed a lot, and now we need to do Just find where he is now." Eli finished in one breath.

After analyzing and verifying a large number of materials in the library, it is difficult for him to analyze it, but fortunately there are still materials left before, so he finally found a place.

"Okay, let's find it now!" Vera, as a map scholar, nodded immediately.

Several other people also helped one after another, and Maester Lemon looked at Eli, feeling that his student had really matured, a mature scholar, although he was not even a scholar.

Seeing that everyone else was busy, Eli had a smile on his face.

The rest of the work is not difficult and is left to them.

As for him, of course he went to bed.

Just kidding, five days without sleep in the library, even with his mental strength, he is very tired.

Looking at Eli lying on the bed, the others did not have the slightest opinion, but felt that this was what it should be.

Another three days passed.

this day.

Vera, who was buried in the map pile, raised her head, showed an excited expression, and shouted:

"I found it, I found it."

"Imperial Treasure, we found it!"