Eternals Of The Wizarding World - Chapter 66

Chapter 66

"Relics of the Empire?"

Until Eli heard the news from Lemon's ear, he still felt weird.

There are actually scholars who specialize in research, looking for where a relic is.

"Don't be so surprised, this imperial ruin is not easy." Sitting on the carriage, Maester Lemon glanced at Eli, and the two were on their way to the research group.

Maester Lemon inquired about some information from old friends in advance, and also knew some specific situations. The research team that their master and apprentice were randomly assigned to was a team about the ruins of the empire.

Mainly to find and verify the authenticity of the imperial remains.

Speaking of this relic, in fact, it was not too long ago, that is, about two hundred years ago, but it has a great origin. At that time, the Lorraine Palace was not the Lorraine Kingdom. At that time, it was occupied by an empire called Orison.

Later, the country was destroyed by Byrne, and before the demise, the king of the Orison Empire hid all the treasures and treasures of the empire and most of the items.

As for where it is hidden, no one knows, and this is the mystery of the ruins.

Then the Kingdom of Lorraine was established, and it continues to this day.

This topic was founded by a scholar of the Lorraine Empire more than ten years ago. At that time, the Queen also paid a lot of attention. Many scholars, historians, and even map scholars all over the country participated in it.

It also caused a huge sensation in the academic circle of the kingdom. At that time, there were even hundreds of people participating in this project at the same time, and the empire would have a lot of financial support every year.

"Then what did they find?" Eli asked curiously after having a general understanding of the subject.

"What do you say!" Maester Lemon rolled his eyes at him.

Eli also patted his head. He really asked a stupid question. If he really found it, how could there be this research group? Could it be infected by Herman?

"Speaking of which, when my friend told me, he also said that this group will definitely give us a surprise!" Lemon added, a little curious.

Eli felt vaguely that something was wrong.

"Here, gentlemen scholars!" At this moment, the carriage also stopped, and Eli and Maester Lemon looked at each other. Maester Lemon stepped out of the carriage first, followed by Eli.

The two got off the carriage, looked at the scene in front of them, and fell silent at the same time.

At this time, they were no longer in the urban area, but on a lonely road in the east side of Turin. There were low buildings everywhere, no more than two stories high, and most of them were dilapidated.

They were left on this street, and it was still in the middle of the road. Looking around, there was no so-called project team.

Maester Lemon looked at the ground mixed with gravel and soil in front of him, and asked a deep question: "Where is the project team?"

"Teacher, there!" Eli, who was mentally sharp, had already discovered the goal of their trip.

Between the walls of two buildings not far away, there is a tattered sign hanging on the sign, and there is a linen waiting to be dried on the sign. Through the clothes, you can faintly see the four characters on it.

Empire Ruins.

Lemon and Eli looked at each other and understood what the so-called surprise was.

"Go and have a look, maybe it will be much better inside." Maester Lemon's mouth twitched, comforting himself.

The two walked into the alley and tried their best to ignore the garbage and the running mice. At the end of the alley, the two saw a passage leading to the underground.

Without a doubt, this is their destination.

As a student, Eli politely asked the teacher to go first.

Maester Lemon took a deep breath and strode into the narrow and dark entrance.

Entering inside, here is a small basement, dimly lit, with a huge table in the middle, surrounded by bookshelves with various maps and documents.

As for the researchers, there are three in total.

One was buried in the map piles looking for something, one was lying in the mountain of books and bowed his head to study, and the other closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking about life.

Eli and Maester Lemon looked at each other again and understood each other's meaning.

This project... It seems, maybe, not sure that there is so little, a little bit of it is unreliable.

"Wow, is the newcomer finally here?"

Suddenly, as if hearing a voice, the man with his eyes closed opened his eyes, saw Eli and the two, his eyes lit up instantly, and he got up instantly.

"Hello, I'm the person in charge of the imperial ruins, welcome and welcome!!"

The man held the hand of Bachelor Lemon and said excitedly.

"Uh, we came to communicate from the Byrne Empire." Bachelor Lemon explained with a difficult smile.

"Oh, I remembered." It seemed that he had remembered something, and the man showed a sudden realization.

"Wait a minute, I'll pour you a glass of water!" The man explained, then immediately ran to the shelf of a tray, looking left and right, and walked back embarrassed after a few minutes.

"Sorry, it seems that we don't have any extra cups If you don't mind, you can use my cups." The man was also a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter." Eli also twitched at the corners of his mouth. It seems that this project team is less regarded than they are in the parade!

"You guys don't seem to be doing well now!" Eli glanced around, almost nothing was new, and the two workers who kept their heads down.

"Indeed, we haven't received a penny since the kingdom thought it was a stupid and wrong decision to spend time and energy on it, and scholars need money too, and now, it's just the three of us left. Yes." The man shook his head and explained sadly.

"Oh, by the way, you can call me Ike, the naturalist, he is Arthur, the scholar of history, she is Vera, the scholar who likes to study maps, but they are all fanatics and may not like talking and talking. Communicate." Ike stood, pointing at the other two to Maester Eli and Lemon.

I really don't like to communicate very much. The two have come in for so long, and they have no response at all.

"Arthur, Vera!" Ike couldn't stand it anymore, and finally ran over and pulled the two up.

Arthur is a slightly thin man with dark circles under his eyes, while Vera wants a lady with freckles on her face. Although she is not dressed, her facial features are acceptable.

"Welcome." The two were pulled to greet Eli and Lemon.

"I'm Eli, this is my teacher, Maester Lemon!" Eli also introduced, and the group barely knew each other.


After getting to know each other, a smile appeared on Ike's face, and Arthur and Vera returned to work.

Eli and Lemon felt as if they had entered a black shop.