Eternals Of The Wizarding World - Chapter 548

Chapter 548

Negotiations have begun!

The place of negotiation is the city of blood!

On this day, the boundless sea came from the sky, and the mighty sea king Poseidon came to the core area of human beings with a trident in his hand. Beside him were Emperor Sol and representatives of several races. .

At this time, Emperor Sol Juzhang looked terrified.

He never expected that Poseidon could actually find Yin Lai and make him agree to negotiate. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look towards Poseidon in front of him.

"Lord Poseidon, when the negotiation begins, our bottom line is actually very low, as long as Yin Lai is told not to kill!" Sol Juzhang Huang worried.

It's not his fault for saying that, the main reason is that they don't have any confidence in front of Yin Lai.

"Don't worry, I will stick to the honor and interests of the Sea Clan." Poseidon patted him on the shoulder, upright!

King Thor: ...

Don't, really don't be so rigid!

But before he came to remember the advice, in the distance, many high-level officials of the Bloodline Tower had appeared, including Alida, Jinji, Nicholas and others, and Yin Lai was flying in the front, looking at them calmly.

Many sea tribes became more nervous immediately, and some sea tribes even lowered their heads, but Poseidon was still calm, looking at Yin without any fear, which made many sea tribes sigh Poseidon's courage even more.

"Yes, you are very courageous!" Yin Lai admired.

"Courage is what the sea people lack most." Poseidon was calm again.

"Very good!" Yin Lai nodded in satisfaction, and said, "It seems that we need to talk, Alida, arrange a room, we need to have a good talk!"


Alida on the side nodded.

Soon, under the eyes of countless warlocks, everyone slowly descended towards the wizard tower.

Then Yin Lai left side by side with Poseidon and entered a room, leaving behind all the Sea Clan and the high-level members of the Bloodline Tower.

Alida smiled and said: "Everyone, the two adults may need some time, I have arranged a place for you to rest!"

"Okay!" Sol Juzhang Huang nodded, just looking at the eyes of the two, couldn't help worrying.

My lord, you must not be too rigid!

Three hours later!

In the meeting room.

Everyone from the Sea Clan and everyone from the Wizard Tower who were called here in advance looked at the two figures in front.

They are Yin Lai and Poseidon respectively.

At this time, Yin Lai was sitting in the main seat, and Poseidon was sitting in the right seat.

Seeing this seat, everyone seemed to have understood something.

Sure enough, I only heard Yin Lai calmly say: "Starting today, the Sea Clan will once again become the vassal of the Bloodline Tower, and both sides will uphold the principle of the Bloodline Tower, mutual benefit, and mutual non-aggression.

And Poseidon will be the king of the sea that I recognize. The mermaid clan will also be the highest royal family among the sea clan. friendship! "

After finishing speaking, he took out the ocean crown and stood up.

Poseidon also stood up and lowered his head.

In the next second, the ocean crown was placed on his head.

Below, Warlock and Sea Clan applauded.

"That's it?" Looking at this scene, Emperor Sol Juzhang stared blankly at this scene. He was just a vassal without any price, and he also gave the ocean crown, which is the top witch weapon of the sixth ring!

Is the danger of the Sea Clan lifted like this?

But after hearing Yin Lai's approval, they also understood that the future master of the Sea Clan will be Poseidon, but this is fine, after all, they have already agreed before.

"Well, that's all. I'll leave more details to you." After finishing speaking, Yin Lai nodded and got up to leave, followed by Poseidon.

A few seconds later, Alida sat on the main seat, looked at the many sea people, and showed a faint smile:

"Everyone of the Sea Clan, let's talk about the next thing."

a week later.

Poseidon left, and he left with many sea people.

Another week later, a huge Sea Clan feast was held in the Mermaid Palace to celebrate Poseidon becoming the real Sea King. As for the Sea Clan, they had already left the battlefield.

The war between humans and the Sea Clan has ended, and the Sea Clan has once again become the wealth of the Sea Clan!

But many sea people didn't feel much, but were very happy.

The high-level sea clan escaped the life-and-death crisis, and the low-level sea clan will also benefit from the transaction with the human race, and there will be no war, which means that many people will die less.

The feast lasted for a full week before it stopped.

After the banquet, Yin Lai returned to the palace.

"Congratulations, my lord."

Laura, who was already here, looked at Yin Lai with a smile.

Today she is only wearing a thin gauze dress, her private parts are only covered by simple shells, her white and tender skin glistens in the water.

"Lola!" Yin Lai was taken aback!

In the next second, the delicate body has already rushed forward.


"Waiting for what?"

"Wait for me to change the body!"


At night, the bright moon illuminates the starry sky, and fish and dragons dance under the sea!

ten days later.

Yin Lai left the Sea Clan and returned to the Wizard Tower again.

"It's crazy!"

Thinking about the crazy days these days, Yin Lai also felt a rare passion.

"But I'm also the lord of the world now, so I can't enjoy it anymore?"

Yin Lai stood by the window, smiling.

With the sea clan being controlled by Poseidon, it seems that the world is still divided into two big clans, but Poseidon is Yin Lai's clone, so it can be said that the world today has been completely controlled by Yin Lai.

"Who would have thought that the little librarian back then would have come to where he is today?"

Yin Lai sighed deeply.

But compared to that place, he is almost long live, so I'm afraid that place is gone.

"Why don't you go back and have a look?" Suddenly, this idea flashed in Yin Lai's mind.

Once the idea was born, it couldn't help but spread.

After hesitating for a moment, Yin Lai flew directly into the sky.

A few minutes later, Yin Lai returned to the King's Landing location he once remembered.

But looking at the desolation in front of him, without even any trace of a city, he shook his head and sighed: "Thousands of years have passed, and the former King's Landing has now turned into a piece of barren land."

After speaking, he returned directly to the wizard tower and left here.

After all, King's Landing is just a beautiful place in his memory.

But he can never go back!

Another three years.

Green land.

Yin Lai watched Alwin, Liliana, and Laura playing in the distance, and couldn't help showing a smile.

At this time, he was much more relaxed than before, so he simply brought Alwin, Liliana, and Laura here, and he was gentle every day!

As for the world, there is no need to worry.

The avatar Poseidon is in charge of the Sea Clan, Alida is in charge of the mainland, everything is in order!

As for him, he stood behind the two of them, quietly watching all the changes.

"This is the life that the immortal should have!" Yin Lai sighed.

But at this moment, Dylan's voice entered his consciousness again.

"My lord, the external communication system has been repaired!"

Yet another system fix?

Yin Lai stood up and decided to take a look.

Several people in the distance watched Yin Lai get up and walked over.

"Go to the wizard's tower." Yin Lai hugged a few people with a smile, then kissed a few, turned and left.

Soon, he came to the familiar central wizard tower again.

Dylan was already waiting.

"My lord, the external communication has been repaired, that is, the connection between the wizard tower and other wizard towers. I dare not open it rashly. I am waiting for the sir to activate it." Dylan said respectfully.

"And once the Wizard's Tower?"

Yin Lai was taken aback, but without hesitation, he said directly, "Open it."


Dylan nodded, then pushed a button.

Suddenly, the two people's vision changed, and the space in front of them gradually turned into darkness, and there was an endless starry sky below the ground. As for the two of them, they stepped on this starry sky.

But in the darkness, there was no response at all.

"No response?" Yin Lai murmured while watching this scene.

But in the next second, only a light spot suddenly lit up in the darkness in the distance.

And this is just the beginning. As the light spots light up, each light spot also lights up instantly, and thousands of light spots instantly illuminate the darkness that exists.

"This is?" Yin Lai opened his mouth wide.

Each point of light represents a wizard tower, so how many are there?

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what he had explored and what the wizard told him

"The wizard didn't die, he just left." Yin Lai read out these words slowly.

Yeah, they've always been there, always been, just scattered all over the universe!

At the same time, the sound of the dots of light reached Yin Lai's ears.

"This is Chilong Starfield, coordinates 306-646-4664/%6464, new wizard, we have occupied this middle world, we need you, come on!"

"This is the puppet star field, coordinates 64646-64646-6464644334, hahaha, come on, a brand new big world, we have survived here."

"This is Endless Dragon Realm, new wizard, come to us, we need your power, we are conquering this big world, plundering his origin."

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"We are all here, we are still looking for a solution to the problem of the mother world, join us."

"Come on, start the wizard's journey!"

Endless worlds, endless shouts, countless Wizard Towers are in contact with the Gray Wizard Tower, and they all sent out their own signals without hesitation, calling for Yin Lai.

It seems to be saying that wizards are still there, and they still haven't perished!

Even, they are stronger than ever, and they scare the endless world even more.

everything is there.

"Wizards aren't dead, they're just gone!"

Yin Lai muttered again, just like the response in the deep space.

(Volume 3, end)