Eternals Of The Wizarding World - Chapter 524

Chapter 524

I want you to die!"

Sass' words were like a switch, directly opening the prelude to the battle!

In an instant, the power of the pounding blood emanated from his body, and armor-like plates emerged from his flesh and blood, his hands turned into sharp claws, and his eyes gradually turned into black.

Bloodline of Six Rings - Ocean Turtle!

It's not just him, behind him, the bloodlines of the five rings also burst out, opening the bloodline body, some of them directly used the bloodline real body, and the bodies of thousands of meters or tens of thousands of meters occupied the sky.

In less than three seconds, the sky within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles was completely dark. Dozens of behemoths and some half-blood warlocks looked down at Eli, who was as small as an ant, and did not hide his killing intent. .

This scene is like a **** judging a mortal.

People in half of the continent, as long as they look up at the sky, can see that terrifying scene.

"here we go!"

In the extreme north, many liches watched this scene together.

But in the next moment, a shadow covered the picture.

"It seems Eli is pulling that area into the shadows."

The Scourge Lich spoke slowly.

The Bone Dragon Lich at the side nodded, "Then just wait for the result. Then subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the Lich King. At this moment, it seems that he is still in the midst of the emperor.

"Go in!

At this time, many blood tower warlocks including the Hailong Haisha family looked at the sky. In the sky at this time, thick ink-like shadows enveloped the entire sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the continent with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles was plunged into darkness.

Just at the moment just now, Eli pulled all those warlocks into the shadow space.

"Just look at the grown-ups!

Jinji gritted his teeth.

With so many warlocks, can adults really beat them?

Warlocks throughout the continent also looked up at the shadow without taking their eyes off it.

At this time, shadow space!

Many of the five rings looked at the shadows around them, and found that they were only trapped, and immediately relaxed a lot.

"Eli, you are so brave!" Seth looked at Eli who was not far away, and said with a smile.

The shadows trapped them, and Eli.

Want to hold them all alone?

How can it be?

"Of course, it's just for the convenience of fighting." Eli shook his head, but the eyes looking at the figures of these people gradually turned serious.

He took a deep breath, and at the same time, a bit of blood came out from behind him, and then he exhaled this breath, and the blood gradually grew larger with the exhalation.

A blood-colored figure slowly rose up, as if to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sky.

An elemental body that looks like a human being, but it seems to be covered with a layer of dragon scales, while holding a staff made of elements and a wizard's book in his hand, and eyes like dragon pupils are looking at them.

Blood spirit body!

Eli hasn't used it for a long time since he was promoted to the fifth ring.

But today the blood spirit body reappeared in this world, and the moment it appeared, the surrounding shadows seemed to be echoed. Countless shadows rolled like waves, and Eli also slowly merged into the blood spirit body. people.

Waving the staff in his hand, a roaring sound resounded through the sky.

Eli's voice resounded in everyone's ears, but everyone was silent at this moment, just staring blankly at the figure in the sky, a little dazed.

what is this?

Everyone raised their doubts.

Although they don't go out, they haven't heard that the bloodline avatar method has changed!

What is this blood-veined body in front of me but not a blood-veined body?

But this is not the time to discuss this after all, no matter what it is, it is impossible to defeat so many of them.

"Everyone, let's go!" Seth shouted, and everyone nodded.

In the next moment, dozens of warlocks, including more than a dozen thousand

Ye's figure flew directly towards Eli, and the huge figure shook the shadow space into waves, like rolling waves.

"Eli, die!"

Looking at the dozens of figures around him, Eli was still calm and connected with the staff in his hand. The mysterious power of time acted on his whole body. In just a moment, a thousand-meter-long shadow and a big mouth slowly appeared in front of him. Among them, countless tentacles were like teeth. squirming!

In the next second, Shadow Big Mouth flew towards the crowd.

"So fast!

These people were stunned when they saw Eli's speed!

But at this time, the big shadow mouth had already come to a digital Qianye, and opened its monstrous mouth. At the same time, countless shadow rules were activated instantly, and the pounding power of devouring erupted like a black hole.


Seven or eight warlocks stared wide-eyed, but they found that they couldn't move at all, and their bodies fell straight into it, and then fell into it, smashed into pieces by the force of devouring.

And all this in less than a second.

The actions of the rest of the besieging people were stunned. It seemed that Ping had no idea that Eli's method was so powerful, but at this moment a warlock shouted loudly: "Everyone, don't panic, he can't use this method multiple times in a short period of time. attacking, we quickly killed him.


Everyone's eyes lit up, how could this kind of attack be used several times in a short period of time.

The short time here means less than a second!

The speed of the crowd accelerated again and launched an attack.

But in the next second, everyone saw that the wizard book in Eli's hand was suddenly opened page after page, and runes were emitted from it, and nine auras slowly appeared around.

Three big shadow mouths, just like before, cracks appeared in the space around the two thousand-meter wind blades, two time storms that seemed to condense, emitting a pounding breath of time, and a long spear condensed by the power of faith, shining bright space.

The nine attacks came out at the same time, and each breath seemed to be faintly above the previous attack.

"How can it be!

At this time, the warlocks who came from all directions widened their eyes at the same time, and fear welled up in their hearts.

Not far away, Sas and the others, who hadn't made a move yet, also had their hearts jump instantly.

Nine ways?

How can this be!

But in the next second, I only saw Eli waving his staff lightly!

People around shouted in their hearts, but nine rays of light bloomed at the same time.

In the next second, the engulfment of shadows, the ruthlessness of time, the extreme sting of wind elements, and the endless light of the power of faith erupted together, enveloping the surrounding warlocks.

The shadows passed by, the warlocks howled and were devoured, time passed, and the life force of the warlocks who didn't have much life slowly passed away, and each of them went straight to the fourth place, while the spear of faith passed by, and each warlock was instantly penetrated. Under the storm, many Warlock was torn to pieces.

And those warlocks were easily penetrated like thin paper, and the aftermath of several attacks flew towards Sass and the others. Even if it was him, he had to fall into a defensive state, and so did everyone else.

In the power of the berserk law, everyone swayed from side to side like boats on the stormy sea, but everyone was terrified in their hearts, and they felt extremely shocked in their hearts.

At this point of contact, they felt how much power of law was contained in these attacks.

Every attack is almost equal to Wanhua's limit "How strong is he!" Sass felt the storm around him and asked a fatal question.

Eli, isn't it your first time in Wanhua?

But at this moment, he felt that Eli's strength was definitely above his.

And far beyond!

He is actually hiding his strength? The Lich Tower lied to them!

Seth felt a burst of anger, but he understood that this was not the time to think about it, but how much they had left after the rules broke out later!

And this insistence was to wait for a full three minutes until everything dissipated, and Seth struggled to open his eyes.

In the space in front of me, except for the shadows, there are countless blood mist and corpse residues. The first wave of warlocks participating in the siege has already

submerged, while the surrounding...

He turned his head and saw that there were seventeen people left at this time. Except for him, each of them was the peak of Qianye, but they were all seriously injured.

At this time, several people looked at each other, all of them were full of fear. In one attack, dozens of five rings died.

This is too exaggerated!

Is the level gap so exaggerated?

And just now, how could Yilana suddenly burst out nine attacks that almost exceeded the limit.

"Eli, how did you do it?" Seth raised his head, looked at Eli in the distance, and asked bitterly.

Eli was still in the previous place at this time, his eyes were still calm, as if he had expected it.

The fact is also that each of these nine attacks was condensed by him with all his strength, and it took him almost ten years to store them in his wizard book.

As for the wizard's book, it was the trophy of the past, the five-ring peak wizard weapon, the Almi wizard's book, which is used to store nine five-ring attacks. This is the first time he has used it, and the effect is gratifying.

This time the enemy was almost killed.

However, after this attack, this wizard book may not be usable for hundreds of years, and the consumption is too great.

As for Sass' question, it was naturally impossible for Eli to answer. He just looked at the rest of the people, showed a kind smile, and slowly waved the wizard's staff in his hand.

Everyone's eyes gradually widened.


Countless elements erupted again, and it was rare for Eli to feel the power of a wizard in the blood spirit body experience, not to mention his luxurious witchcraft, most of which reached the fifth ring, and even several of them were sixth ring.

You know, even the former wizard Shiguo, a five-ring wizard who owns one or two five-ring wizard weapons can be called rich, but it is much worse than Eli.

The combat power of the witch weapon is quite terrifying, not to mention the blood spirit body.

At this moment, even if the rule wizard came, he was not afraid at all.

Time passed little by little, Qianye died one by one, Sas also watched the fear in the eyes of the warlocks who were constantly losing around him gradually magnified, and looked at Eli with great fear.

Finally, when there were only seven of them left, Sass said directly: "Eli, I surrender, please let me go, I promise that I will never enter the wizarding world in the future!

Seeing Sass begging for mercy, the rest of them simply begged for mercy.

Your lord has a lot, let us go, we are all blinded by the Lich Tower!

Pedestrians began to beg for mercy without dignity, completely losing the spirit of the beginning.

On the contrary, at this time they only have the fear of death "Sorry, you all have to die here today, I need you!" But Eli would not agree, just feeling the rules that the warlocks who swallowed just now are digesting, feeling a little above.

He wants to use these people to break the rules wizard in one fell swoop!

Seeing Eli's refusal and even attacking again, Sasjiping began to tremble, but he cursed: "Eli, let me tell you, today I will die with you, and I am also bloody.

Eli glanced at him, and there was a hint of teasing in his eyes!

"Okay, let me see your bloodiness!"

A few minutes later.

Sass knelt on the ground, kowtowed and made a dull sound. At this time, all the other warlocks were dead, and only he was left.

He wailed, his head kept rising and falling, and his body trembled like a sieve.

Who would have thought that UU Reading is a heroic warlock who once set off a continental revolution!

But over time, he has lost all ambition.

"This is the cruelty of time!" Eli deeply felt that time can change everything.

But he didn't show mercy to him. The next second, he waved the staff in his hand.


The head exploded, and the brains exploded like tofu brains.

his body is slow

Falling down slowly, a shadow appeared on the ground and swallowed it directly.


At the moment of devouring, Eli sensed the power of the law that Sass had been devoured, and on the tree of rules, the blossoming khaki-colored flowers slowly began to condense.

Not only this, but at this time, there are dozens of rules flowers condensed on the tree of rules every second.

And all of this is thanks to these warlocks who sent them to die.

"Thank you for the great gift from the Lich Tower!

Eli looked at the empty shadow space around him, the power of blood and rules gradually fell silent, and the blood spirit body also slowly dissipated, revealing the body inside.

Take another look around to make sure nothing is missing.

After stretching his body, the shadows around him gradually began to dissipate.

it's over!