Eternals Of The Wizarding World - Chapter 455

Chapter 455

Moonlight gone!

When the first ray of dawn shines on every city that has been ravaged.

Looking down at the ruins of the city and the remaining warlocks, the remaining warlocks let out a heartfelt mournful cry, and felt even more terrified in their hearts.

"But fortunately it's over, I'm still alive!" A warlock was seriously injured, lying among the ruins, looking at the corpse of his colleague not far away.

But at this moment, the ground began to tremble, and fine dust jumped up and down on the ground.

The warlock turned his head and saw a large number of black dots appearing on the ground in the distance. They were the warlock army like an ocean, and the flag was the symbol of the Bloodline Tower!

At this moment, Warlock suddenly realized, but his mood also fell directly to the bottom.

"The Tower of Bloodlines, they actually dare to attack the Heart of the Abyss."

The Warlock cursed in pain, completely devastated.

"We need a big win."

"My lord, at present, with such strength, the Bloodline Tower still surpasses us. Even if it is the true spirit level, the Bloodline Tower that occupies half of the Western Region is worse than us."

"Launch the seventh round of attack."

The corners of Nilo's mouth twitched, and a lazy voice came from his mind: "You have faced the Wizard Legion, and its combat power is top-notch even in the multiverse. Even if it is only a weakened version, the Warlock Legion is no match at all. , Send high-end combat power.

That is, although the situation is not good, no one would think that we will lose, but the price may be tragic. Wait for the news from the heart of the abyss.

At this time, An Yi issued the seventh order at the meeting.

"Let Sauron go to the most frontal battlefield first."

It just so happens that the Western Regions also need a unified force. "

We couldn't resist for a while.

In the eastern part of the Western Regions, all the forces gathered together again, but at this time, everyone was no longer as relaxed as before. On the contrary, everyone's face was extremely ugly.

All the high-level people present at the heart of the abyss, but no one dared to speak at this time, even a few half-step seven rings who had been promoted silently lowered their heads.

"Eli has declared war on us!

Hearing the advice from the devil in his mind, Nilo also calmed down, but he also felt awkward. In the eyes of the devil, is the warlock higher than the wizard? Even the low-end version?

Everyone heard Nilo's words and didn't care at all, after all, that was very Nilo.

The legions in the heart of the abyss quickly gathered, and hundreds of battlefields were instantly ignited.

Time passed little by little.

middle domain.

"In one night, three hundred and sixty-one cities fell, and officially declared war on the heart of the abyss!" The old man in charge gritted his teeth, his face full of disbelief!

In just one week, hundreds of cities were defeated again.

I stopped for more than ten seconds before I sighed, feeling powerless and said:

There is no doubt about the importance of air support, not to mention the airship corps with weak firepower, and when the war arrived, everyone discovered that the blood tower warlocks were equipped with witch weapons and potions.

Liliana ordered her subordinates to investigate the information, and then shared it with the Bloodline Tower.

Just when the warlock legions silently occupied these cities that had been ravaged.

"The purpose of your summoning everyone at that time was also very clear, to discuss what you should do next, and what to do?"

The old man's low-spirited warlocks spoke again.

"My lord, what can you do? You have also received yesterday's news." A warlock raised his head and said bitterly.

The last few words Nilo said almost word by word, gritted his teeth.

Darkness and bloodthirsty flashed in Nile's eyes. Although he was angry, he was faintly excited.

"I refuse, the flying monster army can't even resist, it's not a level at all.

And there is another very important thing, this son Eli also has a record against half-step Qihuan, which is also an important reason why everyone is optimistic about it.

Charm mansion.

The others trembled when they heard the number, and then lowered their heads again, their bodies trembling slightly.

Different parties reacted differently. Even the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce and the Charming Mansion only dared to support it secretly. Although I was shocked by the first round despite my lack of influence, I undoubtedly favored the heart of the abyss in the end.

I don't think I underestimated the combat power of the Bloodline Tower, but when we were on the battlefield, we realized that we still underestimated the Bloodline Tower, witchcraft, airships, and potions. The Legion has produced a crushing suppression!

Many people even thought that it was just a resistance, and they went too far to prevent being eroded, and Eli would initiate negotiations before the next one.

Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce!

"Let those guys see what half-step seven rings are, and why your heart of the abyss can deter other forces. Since you can't beat the basics, let's play low-end."

But no one raised any opinions. The minister who is not in charge of intelligence, I reminded loudly: "My lord, according to our current intelligence, the airship legion of the Bloodline Tower is completely crushing your Warcraft Legion, and at this time the Bloodline Tower The combat power in the middle and upper parts of the tower is no worse than ours!

But everyone should go back and prepare, this time the war may last for a long time. "The old man spoke again, comfortingly.

And that kind of war situation also made everyone feel confused.

Those adults are too confident, even if we get the final seat, we will definitely not feel good!

After more than ten seconds, he stopped, gritted his teeth and said, "In that case, let's kill a person with blood flowing for thousands of miles, and his soul will chase after thousands of miles. If Eli wants to fight, then let me see how powerful you are.

Really hit people?

The warlocks talked about the information they got, which made everyone's mood drop again and again.

At that moment, we finally felt the fear of the wizard's enemies.

Even if it is temporarily damaged, no one believes in the fighting power of Heart of the Abyss.

A little too advanced?

"No, you haven't seen the Tower of Blood, it's **** outrageous, I was in this city at the time, shit, when these airships came, our people couldn't even resist, the firepower was too terrifying

The Khamis family also received the message.

In Dawn City, in a conference room, I roared angrily, my eyes seemed to be eating people.

Jinji's eyes lit up, and regardless of his subordinate's position, he waved his hand and said, "Give him a secret resource of eight million magic stones to the Tower of Blood. Since Eli wants to fight, I naturally have to express it."

That made the two sides with almost the same basic strength actually present a one-sided situation, and the heart of the abyss was defeated at a speed that no one could have imagined.

Everyone nodded when they heard it.

Hearing what the warlock said, the others hurriedly opened their mouths.

The Patriarch frowned and said, "Wait, the Tower of Bloodlines will definitely lose, you have to insert it at the right time, and then go all the way to the Western Regions and be an oriole!"

Because we have never encountered that kind of enemy in the past, nor have we ever fought that kind of war.

The Minister of Intelligence really wanted to refute, but seeing Nilo's eyes and the excited expressions of the half-step Qihuan adults, he silently lowered his head.

With the dawn, the first round of the Bloodline Tower operation and the declaration of war on the Heart of the Abyss have also spread in the Western Regions.

But Nilo was full of hidden benefits brought by the war at this time, he just waved his hands and said: "This is not the reason for the large number of monsters, plus our sneak attack, the heart of the abyss cannot be defeated!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Dawn City, Nilo looked angrily at the battle report of the past week, his eyes almost killed the intelligence minister in front of him.

Not only there, but all forces also received a response. UU Reading

The anger lasted for a few minutes, and Nilo poured out all his dirty words.

What everyone didn't expect was that when the airship troops arrived, even a large number of Warcraft

The legion is also almost difficult to resist, and the sky is almost occupied by the tower of blood.

"You don't need to worry too much. The airship is powerful, but it is the high-end combat power that really determines the war. The heart of the abyss is obvious to all, so there is no need to really worry, we will not lose!

"It's too outrageous, isn't that the Airship Legion? It used to be the method of wizards!

"What? Eight hundred and eighty-one cities fell overnight!

What kind of stuff are we dealing with?

According to the information, with the support of the weak sky power, it is really difficult for us to do anything to the already powerful bloodline tower, unless it is a warlock of the true spirit level, but there are not no bloodline towers for warlocks of this level.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :