Eternals Of The Wizarding World - Chapter 450

Chapter 450

"Recently, the heart of the abyss has had a lot of friction with us. Didn't the dusk monitor lizard family be destroyed before? Normally, it should belong to the unowned area, and we naturally want to take a share, but at this time Already occupied by the heart of the abyss, and you still want a place, then let my lord go to the heart of the abyss and talk to Nero!"

In the Wizard's Tower, Alida looked at Eli with an ugly expression.

"Forget it, no more!" Eli replied.

"No more?" Alida raised her head, surprised.

"No, that's all for this matter, leave it to them." Eli nodded.

He also didn't expect that Nero would start to act just a few months later.

But this is actually not like preparing to attack the heart of the abyss, but more like beating Eli.

"This time I endured it!"

The experiment has not been successful, and Eli still has work to do.

in the lab.

You immediately go to the window and look towards the sky.

A year later, the Khamis family secretly sent someone to tell us to provide support first, asking the true spirit to launch a war against the Tower of Blood, but the true spirit agreed, and the warlocks of the Hamis family looked at the true spirit with contempt. Ling glanced, then left.

Even the area of the Saka family has been annexed by one-seventh of the area.

There is a large magic stone mine on the edge of the Saka family. Without the tower of blood guarding it, it was invaded and occupied by the warlocks who are already the heart of the abyss but the holy tower at the side.

"Is that his experiment?"

It's time to finish.

Dawn City!

The city is still prosperous, but the atmosphere is obviously not as good as before. Even the number of caravans has lost some atmosphere, which is due to the special situation of the Western Regions.

"Ren Dai, you're just a coward." Nilo stretched his body.

But that year, my experimental progress rose again, reaching 98%.


The real spirit suddenly spoke.

"I can hit ten. That state is much stronger than you think."

Ren Daiyi was dealing with something, but suddenly felt her blood throbbing.

"Eli bloodline!"

Suddenly, Zhenling suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a bright silver light in his eyes.

On the body of the bloodline Eli, I feel that Ren Dai tilted her head to provide the bloodline with a steady stream of power, and the bloodline made Elihu no longer illusory and stared. "And you are not sure about clearing Nile, everything should come to an end."

The condemnation of the Bloodline Tower and Ren Dai also flooded in like a tide. Although the forces under the Bloodline Tower were greatly affected, they were not uneasy.

The Dragon Clan, the Dragon King Giovanni raised his head, feeling the direction of the light, and a trace of confusion flashed outside his eyes.

It has been a year since the last war.

At the last moment after falling asleep, I activated all the concealment circles in the distance!

In the past eight years, the heart of the abyss has not stopped beating the tower of blood.

Nilo said proudly.

True Spirit closed his eyes, and Eli and the bloodline body in front of him were entwined and fused together.

"Hey, the seal is about to succeed, maybe a grand blood sacrifice is needed now."

Nello gasped, feeling a little worried for the first time in decades.

In fact, it's not that no one has encouraged the true spirit in those years.

Ren Dai naturally knew, but I still didn't explain it.

The will poured into the body of the real spirit, and Ren Dai's consciousness gradually collapsed. Illusion and reality collide, and the fusion of the two is getting closer and closer to the limit.

Bear the burden of humiliation, that day finally comes.

Bloody and Ren Dai's power burst out suddenly, and everything outside the laboratory suddenly exploded, Ren Dai's body was shaking extremely fast, but I still didn't stop, I just persisted, or I was looking for it.

In this direction, I can only think of one person.

Zhenling felt that he was stronger than ever before.

"It will take time."

"This is the first time I've seen it." Alida looked at the golden color in the sky, and at the nearby statue of the real spirit, which was also emitting light slightly, as if resonating.

True Spirit still ignored it, but the progress of the experiment was 99% at this time.

At that moment, I realized that the joke I had with Zhenling had actually come true.

Erwin's voice trembled, his eyes full of doubts.

Giovanni chuckled, then fell asleep again.

"The will of the world is coming. It's been a long time. Since this great war, it has rarely come. It seems that some creatures have done amazing things!" The moon elf worshiped the ancestors and sighed.

"The Will of the World Comes!"

Some forces even turned their heads to see that the situation was wrong, and even joined the heart of the abyss.

We're afraid we also think the real spirit is a coward.

"You found it!"

I can't figure out how the will of the world will come down now! "It's all thanks to you!"

"True Spirit!"

"Is it related to you, my lord?"

Another year.

Everyone is not optimistic about the future of the Bloodline Tower.

However, understanding is to understand, but the news about the strength of the true spirit and the cowardice of the Bloodline Tower also spread in the Western Regions. For a while, the Heart of the Abyss rose in momentum in the Western Regions, and the warlocks of the Bloodline Tower Warlocks also felt extremely aggrieved .

Zhenling said fiercely, but he was still a little unhappy about the evaluation of the inner world!

"Did I hit the mark? That's too outrageous." My eyes were dull.

Ren Dai was delighted that hundreds of years of hard work had finally come to fruition.

Alida also opened her mouth wide.

"I hope it doesn't affect you."

The next second, a touch of gold came from the window, I turned my head to look, and my eyes gradually widened.

In the next second, a bright ray of light bloomed in front of him, and Eli and the Bloodline Tower, who had been heading towards the door, suddenly stepped through the final node and merged.

Bloodline tower endured?

Even behind Eli, a pair of huge wings appeared!

This was a huge insult to the Bloodline Tower, but the choice of the Bloodline Tower was also beyond everyone's expectations. They did not send troops, but chose to remain silent.

Zhenling grinned and was about to go out, but at the next moment, I suddenly raised my head and looked across the sky, and then my eyes were instantly illuminated by a golden light, and then a powerful, desolate will instantly descended.

Not only the elves, but other races also raised their heads, feeling a strange and weak will.

The new calendar is 4790 years.

More than a dozen people died in the Bloodline Tower.

Ren Daiyi gritted her teeth, and there was a wave in her heart.

"The will of the world came, what happened? Did something big happen?... No, someone should have created a new path!"

Nilo hid in the shadows, avoiding the light, and dared not go out.

Feeling this terrifying will, Nilo's soul couldn't help but tremble, and even felt that his soul was no longer hurt, and his heart was even more horrified.

This year, in the eastern part of the Western Regions, something happened in the former Saka family area and now the bloodline tower area.

Everyone was taken aback, but thinking of the power of the heart of the abyss, everyone understood.

True Spirit stood up, even though the laboratory suffered heavy losses, it didn't hide my excitement.

Another eight years.

green field!

In the sky as far as he could see, the sea of clouds was rolling, countless golden rays of light enveloped the sky, and a powerful and ancient will enveloped the world. Even just looking at it, Erwin felt a wave of heart palpitations.

All the elves also raised their heads and looked at the sky.

Since the last war, both the Warlock Alliance and the Bloodline Tower have ceased to exist.

Let me finally have the energy to deal with the seal, UU Reading has not yet reached the decisive stage.

Zhenling stood in the window, looking across the space to the city of blood.

No further experiments are required.

City of blood!

The bloodline body gradually disappeared, the Eli body gradually became staring, white scales gradually appeared, the transparent Eli was gradually filled with shadows, and the eyes turned into a special red gold like a shadow dragon.


I feel helpless.

True Spirit returned to the laboratory and continued his experiment.

From everyone's point of view, once the Heart of the Abyss attacks the Tower of Bloodlines, the Tower of Bloodlines will collapse in a short period of time, and then be occupied by the Heart of the Abyss.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :