Eternals Of The Wizarding World - Chapter 359

Chapter 359

On the other side, several people in the temple looked at each other, but no one spoke.

After a few seconds of sluggishness, Selona, who was sitting high above the temple, asked puzzledly, "What was Kernan doing just now?"

"have no idea!"

The two warlocks shook their heads in unison.

This time they were also puzzled, and they agreed to go out to test it out, but he went out to welcome him?

The three warlocks were confused, but they didn't say anything, because Eli had already entered the hall.

Eli walked to the front of the main hall, glanced at the three of them, and said: "The Honorary Deputy Tower Master of the Bloodline Tower, Eli, this time I came here to talk to the members of the Amina family about the Bloodline Tower and the Land of Greenery. matter."

Looking at Eli, the two people in the hall consciously came to Selona's side.

Selona looked at Eli, and said calmly: "Hi, I'm Selona, the current head of the Amina family.

I just found out about your arrival, and I was very happy. There was a riot in the northern green fields a few months ago, and almost all the Amina family went out. At that time, there was a serious shortage of manpower. I also heard about the troubles in the Bloodline Tower. It's frustrating, but there's nothing I can do.

The two warlocks took a step forward in tacit understanding.

Even Amina's complexion changed at this time. Although he was not mainly responsible for the pressure just now, he also felt a huge sense of oppression!

In the next second, a huge palm of mental power condensed and hit the warlock directly in the face.

"What do you think, it's natural to have a good discussion." Eli showed a kind smile.

Eli: ???

"What is he going to do, he is coming here, don't mess around!" The two warlocks shouted.

The corner of Simon's mouth twitched, vaguely guessing something.

"Eli." Amina's tone eased a little: "Your strength has won my trust. I can't give you the green land. We only need the resources of 800,000 magic stones every year."

"I think so too," Simon agreed.

"You say." Amina nodded.

"Bold, Eli, you know what you're talking about, are you going to rebel?" Another warlock shouted directly, pointing at Eli.

Eli sneered in his heart, if he didn't know the truth, maybe he really believed in Selona's nonsense.

Simon and Kernan waited.

"Do you have any opinions?" Eli said in one breath, and then looked at the eight people.

And this sense of urbanism came from Eli. At this time, the morning star-level warlock was already curled up in a corner, looking at Eli with a look of fear, as if he was looking at some terrifying monster.

Since the Saloner family had made a counterattack in the matter with the Manticore family, they needed to pay a total of 1.7 million magic stones. "

So the two stood in front of the temple, looking forward, like two door gods.

In the next second, Simon frowned, and said to Kenan, "Did you hear any screams!"

"It's not just the gate!" Said Simon, pointing to the shadow next to him. At this time, the entire temple was enveloped by shadows.

Eli took a deep breath and said, "Let me tell you what I think."

The eyes of another true spirit on the side also slowly turned platinum, staring at Eli.

Where does the sound come from?

In the next second, a greater aura erupted from Eli's body instantly, like volcanic eruption.

"It is absolutely impossible to agree." Amina replied firmly.

Suddenly the door closed with a bang, and the two looked over in an instant.

It's true that people are old and mature. These people may not be very strong, but at least their acting skills are at the level of movie kings.

"I think it's better to forget it. It should be just a conversation." Kernan looked into Simon's eyes and shook his head hesitantly.

But some issues cannot be budged.

In the temple.

"No way?"

This Eli seems to be stronger than imagined.

Hearing this, the expression on Amina's face gradually disappeared,

As if thinking about it, he said, "Position?"

Selona's tone was very sad, as if what he said was true.

Amina's throat moved slightly, and she felt a faint bad feeling.

Following the movement just now, a fatal sense of urbanism instantly entangled the hearts of the two of them.

But Eli also planned to make false claims with them, and said directly: "Patriarch Amina, I don't think it is necessary to say these polite words. I only came here this time for one purpose, which is to discuss the future positioning of the Bloodline Tower and about Things about the greenery."


The other Warlock Huiyue at the side comforted Yuan Shiyue and said, "My lord, don't be afraid, we are both Warlock Huiyue!"

The warlock directly flew out and hit the stone pillars of the hall, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Eli stretched out his hand, looked at the eight people and continued: "About the green land, this is a resource belonging to the Bloodline Tower.

"Do you want to break through the shadows and go in?" Simon suddenly turned his head and asked Kernan.

"Regarding the positioning of the Bloodline Tower and the Salona family, I don't think it's appropriate to be a subordinate now." Yuan Shi looked at the eight people without any fear.

"What happened? Why are the gates closed?" Kernan frowned.

The Bloodline Tower used the resources of its own territory, but also used money. Eli suddenly understood Golin's feelings a little bit.

"Scream?" Warlock frowned.

"What position?" Another Huiyue warlock on the side pulled his face directly, looked down at Eli and said coldly: "Our Yuan Shiyue family protects the Bloodline Tower, and the Bloodline Tower provides us with some help and resources. What do you think is wrong?"

"Yeah!" Amina nodded.

The pressure passed over Eli, but Yuan Shiyue did not change at all.

He raised his head, his face serious.

"So you don't agree?" Eli stretched his body and asked.

But fortunately, Eli, you guys came to save the Bloodline Tower from the fire and water, otherwise I would really be a sinner, after all, your Bloodline Tower accepts our blessing!"

"Eli, what on earth are you going to do!" Amina's voice became louder and louder, and she paused every word.

Eli nodded, then moved his wrist and slowly approached the two of them.

Looking back, the nearly ten-meter-high gate suddenly closed, and all the places that could pass through the light were instantly covered by shadows.

Once someone came to check, they were stopped by the two of them. Kenan's whole body began to tremble. If he heard correctly, there seemed to be the voices of two Master Huiyue in the voice just now, and when he thought about what happened just now, he seemed to understand something.

Listen carefully, it seems that there is really a scream of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Eli, you're going too far." Amina stood up straight away, looking at Yuan Shiyue, a pair of white wings slowly grew out behind her.

"First, the Bloodline Tower will be a separate faction from and will not be attached to any faction, including the Selona family."

The two looked at each other, feeling vaguely uncomfortable.

An Eli, what's there to be afraid of!

"Hmph!" He suddenly snorted coldly, and said to Eli: "There is nothing to discuss about the positioning of the Bloodline Tower. Let's talk a little bit."

In an instant, the warlock's pressure not only disappeared, but continued to move towards the warlock. The hall was trembling slightly, and the warlock took a few steps back.


Both of them turned their heads together and looked towards the temple.

The pressure of Warlock Huiyue suddenly spread, pressing towards Eli, even the dust in the air trembled slightly.

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