Eternals Of The Wizarding World - Chapter 12

Chapter 12

"Ah, how is this possible??"

Kate stood there, how confident he was just now, how stunned he is now.

He even thought there was something wrong with his ear, he patted his ear, it was normal, that is, what he heard just now was true, Eli and Rias passed the test, he failed.

Did he fail the test?

how can that be?

He is Kate, he has always been number one, how could he fail the test? He doesn't understand Rias, but Eli, the kind of guy who lives in a slum, how can he pass the test.

"It's impossible, it's impossible!" Kate's body trembled, completely unable to accept this ending. He glanced at Eli, who was more than ten meters away, and a burst of anger grew in his heart:

"Eli must have cheated, otherwise how could he possibly pass the test, and how could I fail, this is absolutely impossible."

"I've always been number one, how could I fail, this is definitely a problem, a problem!"

Kate shouted loudly, and the voice spread throughout the library, and people who were about to leave were attracted by him.

Maester Lemon looked over, frowned and said, "This test is fair and impartial. Everything was conducted under the eyes of the three of us. We will never take it as a violation of the guidelines."

Kate looked suspicious and could not accept it.

Today's scene seems to have turned his past into a joke, a dream that he made up for himself. He doesn't want to wake up, and he doesn't want to wake up.

"If you want to read the test paper, we can check it at any time, please keep calm, this is the library." Maester Lemon said softly, comforting Kate.

But Kate seemed to be completely unable to accept the reality. At this time, her eyes were bloodshot, and she said in a trance:

"Impossible, impossible."

"It must be Eli who bought you, otherwise how could he pass the test, he is a pariah, impossible, absolutely impossible!" Kate's voice grew louder and her emotions gradually lost control.

Maester Lemon frowned. There have been cases where some people questioned the previous test, but no one dared to be so presumptuous like today.

The other onlookers also shook their heads. Although they didn't know what happened, it was impossible for him to join the library even if he insulted a bachelor so much.

Libraries don't recruit members who don't know how to respect other people.

"Kort, Herman, throw this guy out." Maester Lemon gave the students on both sides a look, and the two walked out, preparing to send Wright out.

During this process, Kate was still resisting, shouting: "I want to check Eli's test paper, or I will definitely preach your injustice everywhere."

Up to now, he couldn't accept that he didn't pass the test. You know, he has always been the first!

"Show him!" Maester Lemon also had a hint of anger on his face at this time.

Herman and Kurt stopped, went to pick up the test paper, returned quickly, and handed it to Kate.

Kate snatched the exam paper and took a quick look.

He looked at the full test paper, and every question was well-founded, many of which Kate had forgotten or even didn't know before, and it was completely imprinted in his eyes at this moment.

Especially the last question, it turns out that he was really wrong, and what Eli said was right.

"How is this possible." Kate slumped backwards on the ground after reading it.

"There are two more things, one is that you are the fourth place in this test, even without Eli, you still failed the test.

Second, Eli's result this time is the first, much higher than yours, and far higher. "At this moment, Maester Lemon stabbed Kate twice again, which almost made him faint.

The collapse of a certain belief of a person often only takes a moment, and this is the situation of Kate at this time.

Kate's eyes were sluggish, it turned out that her number one had always been just her own arrogant fantasy?

Are these people so stubborn?

In the end, he was dragged out of the library by several people.

During this process, Eli stood on the sidelines and watched, and did not intervene.

His evaluation of Kate is that he can only see himself, but not others.

After sending Kate away, everyone else left, leaving only Eli and Rias in the end.

"Kurt, you take Rias to handle the onboarding, Eli, come with me." Maester Lemon waved to Kurt.

Teco pouted, he is a scholar, and he is like a guard at the moment, he is really an old man who likes the new and hates the old!

Rias was taken away by Kurt. Before leaving, she gave Eli a strange look. She didn't seem to expect a commoner to have higher grades than her.

"Master, is there any problem?" As soon as Teco left, he, Hutt and Eli were left here.

And the first sentence that Maester Lemon said made Eli stunned on the spot.

"Would you like to be my student?"


Eli was a little surprised.

Maester Lemon has been an old man in the library for decades. He has a certain influence here and even in the whole of King's Landing. He knows many people, and even serves as a consultant to some nobles.

It can be said that although Maester Lemon is not a noble, he also has certain rights in the city, which comes from his knowledge and the development of the Maester.

To be his student is naturally a very good thing, something that many people dream of, not to mention the help he may bring.

So when Maester Lemmon asked this question, Eli immediately replied:

"Thank you, Maester Lemon, I would like to be your student."

"Hahaha! Good good!" Maester Lemon laughed.

He is fifty years old, and has long since passed the kind of unremitting struggle for power and knowledge. In his past career, he has written many excellent articles, and also unearthed some unknown histories, and even received some aristocrats. invitation.

But only he knows that he still has some regrets.

That is, he has not cultivated a student who is excellent enough to inherit his ideas and continue to carry them forward.

Today, he saw Eli, and he thought maybe Eli could do it.

There are many geniuses, but it is rare to find someone who works as hard as Eli. The path of learning and hard work are sometimes important, or even more important, that's why he came up with the idea of accepting students.

"Well, effort is a sharp sword, and it will make you look down upon you." Maester Lemon encouraged, looking at Eli kindly.

Eli blinked, effort?

What kind of misunderstanding did Mr. Lemmon have towards him? Every night, he worked and studied for a while, for three or four hours, for half a month, so he worked hard?

Eli felt that there must be some misunderstanding, but he did not intend to expose it. If it was a misunderstanding, let this beautiful misunderstanding continue.

"Eccentric, **** it!" On the side, Herman's mouth twitched.

When he became the teacher's apprentice, he was very casual, how could he have such enthusiasm. UU reading www.

Sure enough, can love change?

"Do you have anything else to ask for? Maybe I can help you." After Eli agreed, the smile on Maester Lemon's face never came off.

"Uh, there really is."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"Can you advance my salary for a few months?"

Eli did not end up getting a salary advance from Maester Lemon.

Because the generous Maester Lemon directly gave Eli 15 silver tars, and asked Eli to find a place to live and buy some new clothes.

After being certified as a full member, Eli left the library and returned to his small room in the slum. Speaking of which, Eli was quite lucky, and he did not encounter any trouble in the slum during this time.

"The test is over." Eli said in a shabby room.

This time, he not only passed the test, but also became a student of Bachelor Lemon, which is a huge change for him, both in terms of identity and status.

"Poor Kate!" Eli saw Kate on the way back. At that time, he was slumped on the side of the road with a sluggish expression, and he was still muttering:

"Impossible, impossible...!"

"Hope he can cheer up." Eli shook his head.

There is no irreconcilable conflict between Kate and him, and the conflict between the two is not that much. Kate is like this, it is entirely his own problem, and Eli can only have pity for this.

And he didn't have that much time to pay attention to other people.

Because he has other things to do.

Eli thought of Sarin's notes, and a "greedy" smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He had been looking forward to witchcraft for a long time.