Escape From Konoha - Chapter 608

Chapter 608

Chapter 608 Accident

Facing Baishi who wanted to do something to him, Immortal Toad knew that he was powerless to stop him.

The 'Chakra System' in its body has suffered a fatal blow, and no amount of powerful spells can be activated.

It can even be said that there is no cure.

I want to reactivate the healing celestial art with a spell, but the premise is that it can run chakra. However, the chakra in its body has completely disappeared, so all the spells based on chakra have been sealed.

caught in an infinite loop.

The only thing that can be done right now is to wait for death slowly at the last moment of life.

The vitality in its body began to drain rapidly, and it would not take long before the vitality would be cut off naturally, and it would sleep forever in this land that has lived for thousands of years.

But... the big toad fairy suddenly widened his pupils, staring at Baishi, as if he wanted to keep the other person's face in his mind.

"Asshole, stop it!"

An angry voice sounded, Shiraishi turned his head and saw a fist appeared in his field of vision, and it rapidly enlarged in his pupils.

Naruto Uzumaki.

Facing the opponent's blow full of anger, Shiraishi just lightly turned his body, and quickly dodged away.

Then he raised his foot and struck Naruto's abdomen.


Naruto was prepared to block with the other hand, but because of the force of Shiraishi's attack, he was forced to retreat.

Naruto's arm, which was used to block Shiraishi's attack, was trembling slightly in the cuff of his clothes, and it made his arm feel uncomfortable to bear that kind of force.

Shiraishi was slightly surprised, probably because he didn't think that a ninja could block his foot.

He who has practiced immortal arts, even if he is not good at physical arts, he can break a large rock with one kick.

However, Naruto blocked it, although it was not easy.

"Have you mastered the natural energy so quickly? You..."

Baishi narrowed his eyes, his eyes flickered, he didn't know what he was thinking.

He is very clear about how difficult it is to cultivate natural energy.

According to his information, Naruto had not been in contact with the so-called natural energy half a year ago.

In other words, it took the other party less than half a year or even less time to learn the application of natural energy.

For a thirteen or fourteen-year-old kid, this is already a very remarkable behavior.

"Immortal Law Frog Cry!"

Two black shadows rushed out of the mud and jumped onto Naruto's shoulders. They were Sento Fukasaku and Sento Shima.

As soon as they landed on Naruto's shoulders, they kept their hands in mudra, opened their mouths and aimed at Shiraishi to release the celestial art.

For a moment, Shiraishi only felt his mind sank, the time and space around him were distorted, and the celestial chakra in his body also showed signs of confusion.

Space enchantment?

No, this is illusion!

It is still an extremely rare sound-type, fairy-type illusion!

Baishi quickly judged this.

At the same time, Sensei Fukasaku's mouth began to move again, and the terrifying sage chakra continued to condense in his mouth.

A water blade flew out through the air, slashing towards Baishi's body.

Blood spattered.

Sensei Fukasaku looked at Shiraishi who disappeared in place in surprise, never expecting that the other party would break free from their illusion so quickly.

Baishi clutched his injured arm, panting slightly and looked at the two immortals who appeared, forcing a smile on his face.

"It's really troublesome. To maintain this state, there is no way to bring the shadow dancer with you."

As he stepped back, he was panting heavily. It was not easy to decipher the sound illusion.

Started to bleed from my ear.

Relying on the self-harming hearing ability, he escaped the strong control of the sound illusion.

If it was later, it would not be as simple as just drawing a wound.

After all, he wasn't very good at dealing with illusions.

On the other side, Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage, who wanted to pursue the victory, were about to start their actions, and a dark shadow suddenly fell behind them, enveloping them.

The two great sages and Naruto raised their heads, with a hint of panic in their eyes.

Wearing the armor of Susanoo, Yuhuo appeared behind them at some point, and the chakra giant sword in his hand also fell.


Yuhuo, who was hit by a huge object, staggered and rolled sideways.

"Big Toad Immortal!?"


Naruto and the two sages looked at the big toad sage who had repelled Yuhuo with his body, and exclaimed.

Immortal Big Toad is in a very bad state at the moment, his breath is extremely sluggish, and the side wound that has been torn into flesh and blood is still bleeding.

Besides, due to the lack of chakra in the body, it is no longer possible to use celestial arts, so the power to overturn Yuhuo relies on natural energy.


Fairy Big Toad coughed up blood, and his voice sounded extremely hoarse.

Its flame of life is as fragile as a candle in the wind, and it may die at any time.

"Is the trapped beast still fighting?"

Baishi, who was cured by the immortal art, has recovered his hearing.

Looking at Immortal Toad's current state, it was tantamount to fighting with his last life.

Baishi did not expect that the Great Toad Immortal who was so weak in vitality could still move.

On the other side, Liuli, who helped Yuhuo stabilize her figure, cast her cold gaze at the Great Toad Immortal, and poured her powerful pupil power into the Chakra giant sword in Yuhuo's hand, ready to give the Great Toad Immortal the final blow.

The two sages who received the order of the big toad sage, despite their grief, still pulled Naruto and quickly evacuated from the battlefield.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

"Watch out where you step!"

Shiraishi's shout came.

Liu Li looked at the ground, four light spots appeared on the ground, and then spewed out a beam of light, and connected each other to form an airtight blue square, which just enveloped Liu Li and Yu Huo.

On the four sides of the square wall, there stood a large toad holding a giant sword in its right hand and extending its palm with its left hand.

On the armor of the four toads, there is a word written on each of them, which reads in sequence the four big characters 'No', 'Dong', 'Ming', and 'Wang'.

"This is"

Baishi seems to have thought of something, remembering that these four strange big toads also appeared in the past when he fought with Jiraiya.

Can use powerful enchantment, combined with illusion, has a strong binding ability.

At this time, the four toads only used the enchantment technique, and did not cooperate with the illusion, so the restraint ability has declined. But even if it falls, it doesn't mean that this enchantment technique is weak.

"Let's go, little Naruto, it's very dangerous here, the Four Ming Kings can't hold them for long!"

Ignoring Naruto's wishes, Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage pulled Naruto's arm as hard as they could, and quickly evacuated from this terrifying battlefield.

As expected, only the sound of clicking was heard, and the blue barrier wall shattered like a mirror.

The four-headed toad also knew that this level of enchantment couldn't be compared with the enchantment of Yansu big toad, and it couldn't imprison the opponent for too long.

Therefore, at the moment when the barrier shattered, they immediately raised their swords high and slashed at Yu Huo, preventing them until the last moment.

"Saki Lei!"

Liuli's Sharingan always maintains a cool color, continuously injecting pupil power.

The dark red chakra sword flashed towards the surrounding air.

The four-headed toad raised the sword above its head, but did not fall, and turned into a statue, frozen in place.

Then their upper bodies and swords began to move horizontally, their lower bodies swayed, and fell to the ground together with the horizontally moving upper bodies and swords.

In the blink of an eye, blood gushed out like a spring, and the organs also fell scattered around.

Looking at the four toads that were killed in an instant, Naruto's eyes showed a look of pain, and there was a trace of self-blame.

The same is true for Fukasaku Immortal and Shima Immortal. As a special type of toad that is good at enchantment in Mount Miaomu, the Four Great Ming Kings are also a rare heritage of Mount Miaomu.

Didn't expect them to be here too.

Not only the Four Ming Kings, many large toads also died on the battlefield, and some even had no bones left.

The original paradise has already been filled with strong gunpowder smoke and **** smell, and there are nightmarish scenes of war everywhere.

Liu Li intends to pursue him, but Immortal Toad is at the end of his rope, so leaving Baishi alone is enough to solve the problem.

Suddenly, the withered leaves flew from afar, then passed by before the eyes, and finally turned into gray powder and disappeared into the air.

Liuli froze for a moment, then looked around, and found that it wasn't just the forest outside Miaomu Mountain that withered.

The mountain that was originally full of vitality also faded its green color at a frightening speed, revealing a dead grayish white.

The wild sand on the ground was set off, and in the blink of an eye, the vitality of this land was plundered and turned into a desert.

And the source of the plunder is the Great Toad Immortal!

At this moment, the Great Toad Immortal had run out of fuel and closed his eyes peacefully, but the huge orb engraved with the word 'oil' hanging on it emitted a beautiful and bright green light after it died, illuminating the world.

Baishi's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't even think about forming a seal with his hands:


A huge black hole vortex appeared, and the white snake body was swallowed out from the black hole.

It is the White Snake Immortal.

The huge body rolled on the ground, sending dust all over the sky.

"You are wise, boy, you have not forgotten the agreement with the old man"

Immortal White Snake was very satisfied when he escaped from the seal.

However, before it could finish speaking, a dark red chakra sword broke through the air barrier and hit its body heavily.


The Immortal White Snake screamed, his mouth was torn open to the extreme, and he let out a cry of pain.

Baishi couldn't help but jump into the gaping mouth of the White Snake Immortal.

Liuli also escaped from Yuhuo's head, and jumped into the open mouth of the White Snake Immortal. In the end, without forgetting the seal, he dispelled Yuhuo's psychic spell, allowing him to return to the clan of the Ninja Cats.

"Damn it, you two brats"

The dangerous aura made Immortal White Snake shudder. Its pair of vertical golden pupils frightened and swept towards the orb that was hanging on Immortal Toad's body, which was emitting strong green light.

So much so that there is no time to get annoyed.

"Damn! This stinky toad actually"

The White Snake Immortal drove his body in panic, and crazily drilled towards the ground.

I saw that with the green orb as the center, white light was released from the orb.

Creatures, the earth, and clouds illuminated by the blazing light all seemed to dissolve in this white hot light and disappeared without a trace.


In the silent room, there was a violent coughing sound.

It seemed that they heard the movement of the people inside, and the people outside immediately pushed the door and entered.


Walked into a boy with white eyes, it was Chiba Aya.

He looked at his mother Hinata Ayane who had canceled the psychic spell and returned to the room, and exclaimed.

Immediately, he hurried to Ayane's side, supported her body, and let her sit down slowly.

Ayane who sat down, her eyes narrowed, and cold sweat dripped down her smooth forehead.

The bones of both arms had already been crushed into **** by the overloaded Shenkong. If she hadn't cut off the nervous system of the arm in time, she would have died of pain at this moment.

But even so, she still felt that she was in an extremely weak state at this time, and she needed serious recuperation.

"Cai, call the medical ninja in the camp, I'm fine for now..."

After saying this, Ayane closed her eyes.

This is a camp located at the junction of the eastern part of the Ghost Country and the western part of the Land of Earth.

She was here before, and she was summoned by Shiraishi's spiritism to go to Mt. Miaomu to fight.

After the psychic spell was lifted, she naturally returned to the original point and returned to the camp smoothly.

"Okay, I'm going now."

Aya didn't know what happened at Mt. Myogi to make her mother weak like this.

In his memory, it was the first time he saw his mother Ayane in such a distressed posture.

After leaving the house, not long after, several medical ninjas walked in with Cai.

After seeing the tragic condition of Ayane's arm, their faces changed, and they felt troubled.

"With your medical ninjutsu, there is no way to treat them. These two arms are useless. Next, just help me cut them off to stop the bleeding."

Ayane opened her eyes, glanced at the medical ninjas who were thinking hard about how to treat them, and spoke in an orderly tone.

Hearing this sentence, both Cai and the few medical ninjas who came in were startled.

"Hurry up, my time is limited."

Ayane's eyes flashed impatience, and her tone was cold and hard.

"Forgive me for offending, Ayane-sama."

The medical ninja hurried forward and slowly tore open the blood-soaked white kimono. The whole arm was limp and boneless, and a lot of blood dripped out.

The medical ninja next to him began to prepare scalpels, basins, clear water, bandages and other utensils for excision surgery.

Although they knew that just amputating both arms would not endanger Ayane's life, the medical ninjas who performed the operation were still cautious about it, and they were also awed by Ayane's determination.

Lightly removed his two arms, as if it were as common as eating and drinking.

After the resection operation, the two **** arms were cleaned and put aside for preservation.

Healed the arm injury and then connected it. In the kingdom of ghosts, only Shiraishi can do it.

Now Baishi has not come back, so he can only wait for the other party to come back before undergoing rehabilitation surgery.

As for whether there will be accidents on Shiraishi's side, Ayane never thought about this issue.

As the person next to her pillow, she knows best what her man means.

No matter when, that man never disappoints.

After amputating both arms, Ayane felt a bit weak, but she still pulled herself together and looked at Sai who was guarding her.

"After I left, how is the situation on the Land of Earth?"

Although Cai's team also joined the front of the Land of Land, but due to their relatively low qualifications and the presence of ninja in the team, they are only responsible for simple tasks such as patrolling the rear and passing orders on the battlefield.

Even though the members of Cai's team are quite strong, age is always a shortcoming.

Strictly speaking, it is still a minor.

The frontal battlefield does not require them to participate.

Unless all the soldiers on the frontal battlefield die, it will be the turn of these young people to stand up.

"According to the information sent back from the front, the troops in front have successfully exchanged fire with the main force of Iwagakushi led by Tsuchikage. The people responsible for holding back the three generations of Tsuchikage are sister Ameba and brother Lei Mingmaru."

Cai replied softly.

Picking up the wet towel, she wiped the sweat off Ayane's face.

"Where is Konoha?"

Ayane continued to squint her eyes, asking about the situation on the battlefield here.

Before Baishi and Liuli came back, she was the general commander of the multi-line battlefield.

"The main force over there has successfully trapped the troops of Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, and made them unable to move. Sister Ichihime plans to ambush the Konoha ninja who came to support them on the way. At this time, they should hand in their hands."

Cai thought for a while to answer.

There was not much worry in his tone, because he understood, so he didn't think that the 'monster' sister would have any problems on the battlefield.

Whether it is a blitzkrieg or a protracted war, his sister will not have the so-called fear.

"Tell Kazuhime to be careful on her side. Although Konoha suffered heavy losses in the previous battle, they did not send support to Mt. Miaogi, and they still retained considerable strength. If there is support on the battlefield of Bear Kingdom, I am afraid that Tsunade will personally take command. The situation is not optimistic."

Ayane mentioned this possibility.

The fighting power of the ninjas in the country of ghosts, through several confrontations these days, all countries and villages have a deep understanding.

In the case of knowing such important information, if you still dare to send troops to rescue Jiraiya who is trapped in the country of bears, a large number of troops must be dispatched. The ninjas who lead the team are no longer the jounin of those ninjas, and it is very likely that Hokage will go out in person.

For Kazuhime, this will not be an easy task.


"Okay, you have nothing to do here, go down, I want to have a good rest."

Ayane panted lightly.

Cai nodded, walked out of the house, and closed the door gently.

Ayane felt that the room became quiet, tired, and closed her eyes to rest.

"What, isn't Hokage appearing in person?"

In the eastern part of the bear country and the border of the bird country, the frozen ground is full of blood and snow.

In this cold permafrost, the thorn group led by Ichihime and the rest of the ninja troops in the kingdom of ghosts once again fought against Konoha ninjas.

She quickly released the sword flash, causing a Konoha ninja to be decapitated, and made him fall in a pool of blood, so she spoke easily.

But no one responded to her words, only a steady stream of Konoha ninjas surrounded them, charging forward bravely.

Because it cannot be delayed any longer.

If the delay continues, the thousands of compatriots imprisoned in the Bear Kingdom will either be annihilated, starve to death, or die screaming in pain without enough medical supplies.

You must break through this line of defense and rescue your companions who are trapped in the Bear Kingdom.

Ichihime didn't even need to shake the blood off the sword, and was not moved by the enemy's brave charge. She jumped to the area where the crowd was densest, and spun her body half a circle like a dance. Several Konoha ninjas who had no time to dodge, decapitated in the same way, lost their breath in the pool of blood.

Then, she lightly took a breath of the cold air on the permafrost, exhaled white air, and the surrounding air began to heat up rapidly.

The burning lava warrior appeared behind Kazuki.

As soon as it appeared on the stage, it followed Ichihime's example and swung the giant sword in half a circle, just in time to clean up the enemies attacking from the other side.

Around Ichihime, there are no so-called allies.

In this way, you will not be afraid that your own moves will affect your own people.

This is also the rule that she drew up at the beginning.

Although the old man always said that by doing so, she would give the enemy an opportunity.

No matter how powerful an individual is, there will always be times of negligence.

People's energy is limited, and it is impossible to guard against the enemy's sneak attack anytime and anywhere.

If possible, you still need your teammates to be by your side and provide support at any time. Even if an accident occurs, it will not be in a situation of isolation and helplessness.

After all, the act of rushing into the enemy's formation alone is too risky.

I'm not alone though, so this rule doesn't work for me. Yiji glanced sideways at the lava warrior whose back was facing her, and twitched her mouth.

I have to say that the technique of Yin-Yang Dun is really interesting. It can inject tangible life into invisible objects, which can be said to be a technique that awakens miracles.

If you study the art of spiritualization thoroughly, cut out a part of your soul from your body, and put it on Susanoo, maybe you can directly turn this big guy into a real living thing.

Just like Chizi's avatars, they become independent life forms and become their own exclusive contracted psychic beasts.

Thinking of this, Kazuki felt a little happier again.

So, Kazuhime lowered her waist and assumed a charging posture.

After a split second, the Konoha ninjas on the straight road ahead were bleeding like a fountain, and they all fell to the side of the road.

Ichihime's instant body art is difficult for even a Jonin to catch with the naked eye. Even if he escapes by luck, he will definitely die in the subsequent sword flash.

However, Kazuhime didn't specifically go hunting for Jonin. Her mission was to destroy Konoha's vital forces as much as possible, of course, how to save trouble.

After all, every Jnin is a ninja who has experienced many battles, and they all have their own special skills. It is really difficult to hunt and kill with a purpose.

Breaking through the line, Kazuki went further into Konoha's hinterland.

A piece of Konoha ninja fell down along the way, and the blood they spewed formed a gorgeous red carpet on the snow.

The lava warrior is also killing all directions at the other end, waving the huge sword of burning flames non-stop, hurting when rubbed, and dying when touched.

In just a moment, the surrounding Konoha ninjas will be wiped out, leaving charred bodies one after another.


Kunai wrapped around a sharp wind blade easily blocked Kazuhime's Kusanagi sword.

Although there was a gap in Kunai, it was not disconnected.

Ichihime took a step back, slightly surprised by the Konoha ninja who suddenly came up to intercept her.

What a powerful wind escape!

Although with the help of Sharingan, she can also use Fengdun Ninjutsu proficiently, but it will not be so powerful.

I saw this Konoha ninja wrapped in a pitch-black windbreaker, wearing a complex-colored animal mask on his face, with dark eyeballs rolling gently through the holes under the mask.

"Roots? What a disgusting subterranean rat smell!"

Ichihime instantly judged the identity of this Konoha ninja.

The brightly colored mask and the dark and decaying atmosphere all show that this Konoha ninja was born from the roots.

Ichihime leaped forward again, and released the sword flash with the Kusanagi sword in her hand.

Then the other hand reached under the hem of the skirt, holding the flintlock on the thigh belt.

Even if you dodge the sword flash, how do you dodge the flintlock bullet?

The bullet was fired after the Konoha ninja dodged the sword flash.


The bullet was right between the eyebrows, piercing the Konoha ninja's mask, passing through his head, and spraying out a cloud of blood mist behind his head.

Yiji looked at the **** hole between the opponent's eyebrows and smiled triumphantly.

Before taking the next step, her body trembled, and she looked at the Konoha ninja in astonishment.

To be more precise, it was the right eye that suddenly opened under the opponent's mask.

Scarlet, red eyes turning like four-cornered windmills.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

(end of this chapter)