Escape From Konoha - Chapter 382

Chapter 382

Chapter 382 Preparation


In Raikage's office.

The fourth generation of Raikage was shirtless and carried out physical exercise in his office as usual. He lifted a heavy barbell that required more than a dozen people to lift it with one hand, but he could easily lift it by himself, and it lasted for a long time. There was only a little sweat on his face, which was far from his limit.

Not only on the surface of the body, but Raikage Fourth Raikage himself felt a strong aura brewing in his body, protecting his internal meridians, internal organs and other organs. This is the secret technique of Sugino Village taking effect.

Although I don't know if this way of improving the body's internal resistance to blows can completely ignore the soft fists of the Hyuga clan, but the next time I encounter the soft fists of the Hyuga clan, it will not be so easy to injure his body.

For the word power, it has always been engraved in the genes of the ninjas of Yunyin Village. As Raikage, he naturally has to pursue power all the time and play an exemplary role.

The effect is excellent. Under his leadership, the overall strength of Yunyin Village is on the rise at a high speed.

Not only has the number of ninjas in the official establishment increased sharply, but the quality of ninjas is also much better than in the past.

Even in peaceful times, Yunyin Village did not relax its requirements on itself. Rather, just because there are no major wars in the peaceful age, we should be more strict with ourselves.


Put down the barbell in your hand and prepare to start exercising with your other hand when the door of the office opens.

Kumin Kami Shinobi Azabui, who was his secretary, walked in, probably because the meeting had just finished, and she looked a little tired.

After all, my boss is a muscular man who doesn't like to take care of things. Compared with trivial matters such as meetings, he is more obsessed with exercising and improving himself... This is almost a common problem of Raikage in the past.

The previous generation of Raikage is similar to this temperament.

It is precisely because of this that, as a secretary, she can exercise part of Raikage's functions and control the situation within the village.

Although the ninja power in Yunyin Village is not as complicated as Konoha, there are certain problems, but the problem is not acute, and the power is relatively weak. Otherwise, it may form an intricate faction dispute like Konoha.

In the visible history, the fighting faction of Yunyin Village has always been the mainstream.

Conservative cloud hidden ninjas, their opinions will be adopted only at the end of a war or in peacetime.

As Raikage's secretary, Mabui is naturally also a loyal member of the Fighting Sect.

"Is the meeting over yet?"

Seeing Azabui coming in, Fourth Raikage asked out of breath.

"Yes, Raikage-sama."

Azabui nodded.

"How is the result?"

"Unsurprisingly, with the martial arts faction as the main body, most of the ninja advocates uniting with the kingdom of ghosts and taking the opportunity to stir up the storm of the Fourth Ninja World War, while the conservative faction tends to appeal politically. As long as the country of fire and Konoha are soft, there is no need to make things worse."

After all, it has not been a few years since the third Ninja World War, and the power of Yunyin Village has finally started to grow from a sluggish state, thanks to the assistance of the Daming Mansion of the Kingdom of Thunder, and also because of Yunyin's internal policies.

But rashly started the war, not to mention that a considerable number of ninjas at the bottom have already developed a feeling of war weariness. If they really fight, it will be tantamount to defeating Yunyin's strength that he has finally recovered.

Not being afraid of Konoha, and going to war with Konoha again are two different concepts.

"Temporarily stabilize the voice of the militant faction. It is not suitable to expand the war at this time."

Although the fourth generation of Raikage advocates plundering all secret arts and wealth, it is not without a big picture.

Completely defeating Fire Nation and Konoha will not do Thunder Nation and Yun Yin any good.

Ten years ago, Yunyin might have taken such an approach.

But now in the western part of the mainland, a powerful country with military strength comparable to the five major powers has appeared-the country of ghosts.

The international situation has gone in a direction that no one knows.

The country of the earth has a conservative atmosphere and does not express its opinion easily. Although the country of the wind is one of the five great countries, it has been unable to restrain the footsteps of the country of ghosts.

Moreover, based on the current international situation, the potential threat of the Kingdom of Ghosts is obviously greater than that of the Kingdom of Fire.

The Kingdom of Fire is very old, and Konoha, which represents the military power of a country, is ruled by a group of old men with half a foot in the coffin.

In contrast, the Kingdom of Ghosts is telling Tengfei, young and energetic. He has a strong will to fight and claims to be similar to the Land of Thunder.

Because of this, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. After eliminating the surrounding threats, the kingdom of ghosts will replace the kingdom of fire and become the most powerful enemy of the kingdom of thunder.

Therefore, if the Kingdom of Fire and Konoha are completely defeated at this time, it will not be conducive to check and balance the Kingdom of Demons in the future.

Consider the present and look to the future. War is an extreme way to divert attention and problems under compulsion.

Any war, no matter how big or small, should be done with caution.

Nowadays, for the Kingdom of Thunder, which is neither short of money nor military power, the pursuit of stronger international influence goes beyond the pursuit of worldly desires such as money.

If Lei Zhiguo and Yunyin can obtain political appeals through negotiations, then there is no need to resort to war, which hurts the enemy one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred.

"I understand, Raikage-sama. In addition, I received a letter from the Ghost Country, and everything is ready."

Azabui said.

"The Kingdom of Fire and Konoha should still be negotiating internally at this moment. It is not too late to go to the Kingdom of Rain to discuss matters after waiting for the specific action time of the Demon Kingdom."

At the last critical step, the Fourth Raikage did not feel impatient.

The Land of Thunder and the Land of Fire have been fighting for decades, and they will finally usher in a brand new node.

The only thing that makes the fourth generation of Raikage unhappy is that the creation of this node is not the country of thunder itself, but the country of ghosts that has sprung up like a dark horse.

"So, when the time comes, who will be sent to follow?"

"For the lineup that participated in the Five Kages Conference last time, Xi and Darui were the guards on the bright side... Well, let's add the earthen platform, he has more experience in handling things."

Fourth Raikage thought about it, and felt that this meeting was slightly different from the last Five Kages Conference.

Although the Land of Thunder did not directly intervene in the confrontation between the Land of Ghosts and the Land of Fire, it also participated in it sideways. Moreover, in the next negotiation, there will be their own political appeals, so there must be some verbal confrontation, and this is precisely the field that I am least good at.

Mabuyi wants to be in the village and manage the village on his behalf, so he can't act rashly.

The rest of the junin in the village, although they have outstanding strength, their political ability is very low.

Tutai, as the blood-successor limit ninja in the village, is not only outstanding in strength, but also helped his father three generations of Raikage in the past, coordinating the management of the village, and has excellent governance experience.

It is also this person who helped him secure the position of the fourth generation Raikage, and has a higher reputation among the people and ninjas.

"Senior Tutai? He is indeed a good candidate. Then, the guards of the dark side, send a team of Anbu to follow."

Anbu of a unit, plus four squad leaders, a total of eighteen people.

Adding Xi and Darui, as well as Tutai, the experienced Yunyin Jnin, are enough to ensure safety on the road.

"That's it, is there anything else you want to say?"

"There is indeed one more important thing about the wooden man."

"Yumu? What happened to her?"

Youmuren, whose full name is Eryoumuren, is the current Erwei Jinzhuli of Yunyin Village.

The last two-tailed jinchuriki was Muren's father, because the power of the tailed beast lost control during the perfect jinchuriki practice, causing the seal to be broken and unfortunately sacrificed.

Subsequently, Erwei made a transfer. And the new Erwei Jinchuriki is Eryukito, the daughter of the former Erwei Jinchuriki.

Although he is not very old, he is already a jonin in the village, and he can initially control the power of the two tails in his body. He is much better than his father in the talent of jinchuriki.

"Her perfect renjuriki practice has completed the first stage, the next second and third stages, and the final stage. She needs to be accompanied by Kirabi, who is already a perfect renjuriki, to the 'secret place'."

"Has the first stage been completed so quickly?"

Fourth Raikage was also surprised.

The power of the tail beast is not so easy to control.

He owns the Tailed Beast Chakra, so he knows how scary Tailed Beast Chakra is.

That is a huge amount of chakra that ordinary ninjas can hardly control in their entire lives.

And the chakra of the tailed beast has a very strong sense of independence. When practicing perfect renzhuli, it is even more difficult to control the tailed beast.

So far, the only known perfect Jinchuriki in the ninja world is his brother-in-law Eight-tailed Jinchuriki Rabbi, and the fourth generation of Mizukage Kutachi Yakura of Kirigakure Village, who are the perfect three-tailed Jinchuriki.

Besides, in the visible history of the ninja world, there is no third person who has completed such training.

Even Uchiha Madara used to use Sharingan to forcefully control the tailed beast. In essence, it is not considered to perfectly guide the power of the tailed beast.

Perfect Renzhuriki, Renzhuriki's character, his own charm, and the tolerant will that can accommodate the hatred of the tailed beast, as well as the ability to burst out the power to overwhelm the tailed beast in the consciousness space... Several conditions must be agreed in order to be recognized by the tailed beast. Otherwise, there will be various embarrassing situations where the tailed beast chakra is used forcibly, but the spiritual consciousness is not unified, which will seriously hurt oneself, or the spiritual consciousness is agreed, but once the tailed beast chakra is used, the embarrassing situation will go out of control.

If Yunyin can give birth to the second perfect Renzhuli, then it will be of great significance to Yunyin.

"Yes, in terms of the talent of Jinchuriki, Yukito undoubtedly surpasses the previous generation of Erwei Jinchuriki."

Azabui nodded affirmatively.

"In that case, let's go and teach Yukito to practice the next Jinchuriki. Now that the international situation is becoming more and more complicated, we must do everything possible to strengthen our own armed forces in order to protect the peace of this land."

Fourth Raikage waved his hand and pushed everything to Azabui.

As Raikage, he only needs to attend on necessary occasions, and then improve his combat ability.

Compared with the leader, Lei Ying from Yunyin Village is more like a general leading the team forward!

Azabuyi saluted slightly and left the office.

February 7th.

The ice and snow in the village have not yet melted, and the air is still filled with a biting chill.

Knowing that the daimyo was coming to visit, Konoha just held a welcome ceremony hastily. As the village Hokage's Hirazan, he directly introduced the Hokage daimyo into the meeting room in the Hokage building to start an important meeting and discussion.

Regarding this, the fire country daimyo is not dissatisfied. The situation is urgent now, and the welcome ceremony can be saved if possible. A person who has reached his position no longer needs some vain rituals to show his noble status.

The people gathered in the conference room, including the Fire Country Daimyo and the third Hokage Hiruza Sarutobi, were only five people.

The other three are the two advisors, Koharu and Mitomonyan, and the last one is Shikahisa Nara, the class leader of the ninja.

Although Kakashi, who is the head of Anbu, can be regarded as the core class of Konoha today, the department of Anbu is quite special. It directly belongs to Hokage, and it belongs to a force that cannot be exposed to the public. A lot of information needs to be kept secret.

Therefore, in terms of power, Anbu Minister and Jonin Squad Leader sit on an equal footing, and there is no distinction between superiors and inferiors, but in many cases, they cannot directly participate in high-level meetings.

One belongs to the armed forces directly under Hokage.

One is an example of all the jonin in Konoha, and the weight and meaning they represent are also completely different.

Moreover, there are many hidden dangers in Konoha, and the task of Anbu is heavy. Compared with the meeting, Kakashi, the Anbu minister, has to maintain the order in the village, so as not to let some rumors plunge Konoha into a crisis of public opinion.

As for the news from the outside world, it is natural to block as much as you can. For the time being, too many people should not be aware of the changes in the international situation.

It is Kakashi's current task to control this part.

"The personnel have arrived, so I won't say much, let's start the meeting directly."

Except for the root leader Shimura Danzo, the fire country daimyo, and Konoha's high-level officials who can make decisions have all gathered.

It was Hirzen III Hokage who spoke first. His face was heavy, and the bags under his eyes became bigger. It can be seen that he hasn't slept well these days.

After a year, he was able to rest comfortably for a while, but the news from the front line made him unbelievable, and he realized the imminent danger that the Nation of Fire was about to face, so he had to hold a high-level meeting immediately.

At the same time, a day before, a total of 1,000 Konoha ninjas had advanced overnight at full speed, arriving at the junction of the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain, and joined the 1,500 Konoha Ninjas in the Land of Rain to prevent changes in the Land of Rain.

Not only that, two thousand Konoha ninjas were also deployed in the southern part of the Land of Fire to seal off the border.

The Kingdom of Demons not only has troops stationed in the Land of Rain, but also has the ability to fight at sea.

The aircraft carrier battleship made of steel can break into the southern coastal area of the Fire Country at any time, causing panic among the people on the border.

Therefore, regardless of whether the Kingdom of Ghosts has the intention to attack the Nation of Fire, Ri Zhan knows that such an arrangement must be made, and there should be no chances.

Qianye Shiraishi, he can't see through it at all, and he can't understand what the other party is planning.

So, to prepare for the worst and go to war in an all-round way is Hirizhan doing his best.

Finally, another 1,000 Konoha ninjas were dispatched to the northeast of the Fire Country, where they joined the border Konoha troops to prevent the cloud hidden ninjas in the Tang Kingdom from raiding the Fire Country from the northeast border.

The entire Konoha is now in a state of full preparation for battle, ready to fight at any time!

"Mr. Lujiu, what do you think the Kingdom of Ghosts and the Kingdom of Thunder will do next? Fight or stop the attack?"

The fire country daimyo looked at Shikahisa inquiringly.

Lu Jiu felt very heavy.

Originally, I planned to take my son Shikamaru on a casual trip, but under the current situation, it is estimated that traveling is impossible.

"Whether it's war or peace, the Kingdom of Ghosts and the Kingdom of Thunder will never give up the opportunity to attack the Nation of Fire and Konoha. We are all sure of this. Before we act, we must figure out what the two countries, the Kingdom of Ghosts and the Kingdom of Thunder, are seeking, so that we can prescribe the right medicine."

Lu Jiu's words caused everyone present to ponder.

What are the kingdom of ghosts and the kingdom of thunder seeking?

This is indeed something to think about.

Mito Menyan coughed, and said slowly: "Let me tell you a few words, I don't know what the Kingdom of Ghosts is seeking, but it is obvious what the Kingdom of Thunder wants from us. This has been a continuous struggle for decades. The Kingdom of Thunder and Yin Yin are nothing more than trying to expand their international influence. This should also be the reason for the Kingdom of Thunder to help the Kingdom of Ghosts."

The Land of Thunder is the old opponent of the Land of Fire for decades.

Since the First Ninja World War, the Land of Lightning has been constantly provoking the status of the Land of Fire.

The same is true for Yun Yin, hoping to defeat Konoha one day and become the leader of Ninja Village.

However, the three ninja world wars, nominally speaking, belong to Konoha's victory.

In the first Ninja World War, Raikage II led a thousand elite cloud ninjas to invade the country of fire with a blitzkrieg, but was blocked by the Konoha troops led by Senju Tomonama, the second Hokage, and returned in a big defeat.

After several months of continuous combat,

The situation of defeat became more and more obvious. Under such circumstances, Second Generation Raikage humiliated and signed an armistice agreement.

Although there were some accidents on the day of the meeting, Yun Yin couldn't hide the reason for his failure.

The second ninja world war, the battle between Konoha and Ugakure, although no one defeated the leader of Ugakure, Sansho Hanzo, but under the general trend, Hanzo, the leader of Ugakure, was also powerless, and he admitted Konoha's victory with a sigh.

After moving to Hidden Sands, Konoha formulated the White Fang team's squad-style blitz strategy to contain the main force of Hidden Sands from the side battlefield, so that the main force of Hidden Sands did not dare to act rashly, and forced Hidden Sands to sign an armistice agreement.

At the third Ninja World War, Konoha had a talented person like Namikaze Minato, and Iwagakushi and Yunyin suffered consecutive defeats under his hands, which led to the cut off of the supply line and a big defeat.

With the outbreak of the three Ninja World Wars, the power of Konoha and the Kingdom of Fire has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and their status is also unshakable.

The Kingdom of Fire and Konoha like this, in the eyes of the Kingdom of Thunder and Yun Yin, are very obtrusive.

The international influence of Thunder Nation and Yun Yin ranks second in the ninja world. If they want to continue to expand, then Fire Nation and Konoha must be a major obstacle in their Tyranny plan.

Mito Menyan's words attracted the approval of several people.

They thought so too.

But if the balance is lost, it is impossible to speculate whether the Kingdom of Thunder will maintain its original intention.

And there's a major accidental role here.

His decisions are also crucial.

"The pursuit of the Kingdom of Thunder is obvious. What does the Kingdom of Ghosts need? Is it to fight for the status of the sixth largest country from this dispute?"

The fire country daimyo murmured to himself.

His words made Hiraku III Hokage nod and shake his head.

"Yes or no, Qianye Shiraishi can't see through it at all. To seize the status of the sixth largest country may be just a transit plan of the ghost country, not the ultimate goal. There should be something deeper in this, but we haven't seen it."

Lujiu also nodded, and said: "I agree with Hokage-sama. The Kingdom of Oni is probably not seeking the status of the sixth largest country. According to my understanding, Chiba Shiraishi doesn't pay attention to these so-called false names. What he wants is more real 'benefits'."

This is the hardest part.

But no matter how Lu Jiu guessed, he couldn't predict what the Kingdom of Ghosts wanted to pursue.

Intervening in the civil war in the Land of Rain, interfering in the Land of Waves, and even viciously stirring up public anger, creating a violent movement to subvert the noble system of the Land of Waves... What is the causal connection before and after this?

Is it just to disgust the country of fire and Konoha?

Although there are some grievances between the two, these grievances are not worth mentioning at the national level.

If Chiba Shiraishi planned this just for revenge, to be honest, Lu Jiu was not worried. What he is afraid of is that Chiba Shiraishi is planning a deeper conspiracy under the guise of 'revenge' to target Fire Nation and Konoha.

The sharp blade hidden in the dark is the most dangerous.

Because no one knows at what angle and at what time this sharp blade will suddenly stab out in the dark.

The conference room fell silent.

There is too little information about the kingdom of ghosts.

Although Konoha had dispatched many spies to sneak in after the War in the Land of the Wind, they were 'invited' to drink tea because they had no identity documents and no official identity certificates from other countries.

There are guards in every town, and the whole country can be said to be under the strict monitoring of the central government. There is no way to go to crowded places, and it is meaningless to hide in deep mountains and old forests, where there is no useful information to be collected.

If you go in the official name, you will definitely be arranged in a designated place and be 'protected'.

Although they don't want to admit it, the national security system of the Kingdom of Ghosts is operating in a complete and efficient manner. If the spy personnel cannot solve the identity problem, it will be difficult for them to move an inch in the ghost country, and the hotel will not let them stay, and they will be reported to the local security department.

On the contrary, their intelligence system was infiltrated by the kingdom of ghosts.

Although we have seriously investigated and dealt with it several times before, and indeed caught many people with problems, they are all small fish and shrimps. The intelligence network arranged by the kingdom of ghosts in Konoha still exists.

When several people were at a loss, there was a knock on the door of the meeting room.

"Come in."

After the sound of the sun cut, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

An Anbu ninja appears there.

"Tianzang, what's the matter?"

Hizan recognized the identity of this Anbu ninja.

is the only Konoha ninja in Konoha, who serves as the captain of the Anbu, coordinating with Kakashi to manage the Anbu department. He is the trusted subordinate of Jonin.

"Master Hokage, the envoy of the ghost country is asking to see you."

Tianzang's attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, and he said this sentence in a flat tone.

"The envoy of the ghost country?"

"Yes, there are military personnel from the Kingdom of Ghosts accompanying me."

Ri Zhan and the others looked at each other, not knowing what the Kingdom of Ghosts was trying to do by sending diplomatic envoys here.

Threat? Or directly declare war on the Nation of Fire?

"I'll go see them."

Hi Zhan sighed, walked out of the conference room, and under the leadership of Tianzang, went to meet the envoys of the Kingdom of Ghosts.

No matter what the result is, as Hokage, he needs to face it himself.

In the cave for shelter from the cold, there is a bonfire burning for warmth.

Under the reflection of the flames, the two figures were projected on the wall, shaking slightly with the flames.

Wearing a black coat embroidered with red clouds, her black hair tied into a ponytail and placed behind her head, her scarlet kaleidoscope Sharingan eyes opened, and she stared at the visitor unwilling to be outdone.

After a long time, in the silent silence, the boy's icy voice sounded: "Madara, you promised me that you would not attack Konoha. You don't have to fulfill the agreement, then I will not assist you in dealing with Uchiha Ruri, and I will expose Akatsuki's secret."

It's not so much a negotiation as a threat.

Standing opposite him was a one-eyed man wearing a swirling mask.

The one-eye exposed outside is also a kaleidoscopic Sharingan with mysterious power.

His voice was low and terrifying, and seemed to have a bit of murderous intent.

"Itachi, this is not a violation of the agreement. Yuyin only dealt with the ninja troops of the Daming Mansion in the Land of Fire, and did not attack Konoha. You also know the current situation of the organization, and there is no next step. If there is a next step, it must be a conflict between the Kingdom of Ghosts and Konoha."

Madara's excuse made Itachi frown frequently, but he couldn't find a reason to refute him.

"Itachi, don't you think that our organization has the power to influence the will of the Oni Nation? If that's the case, I won't cultivate your Kaleidoscope Sharingan to deal with Uchiha Ruri."

Madara's words seemed to be mocking others, but also seemed to be mocking himself, making Itachi's clenched fist slowly loosen.

Indeed, seeing Konoha in such an unfavorable crisis situation, his thinking was lacking.

The will of the kingdom of ghosts will not act according to Akatsuki's order.

Rather, in this dispute, Akatsuki, Yuyin Village, and even the Country of Rain were all a knife in the hands of the Country of Ghosts. They successfully slashed to the Country of Fire and endangered Konoha Village.

Facing such a powerful ghost country, his agreement with the Akatsuki organization is nothing at all.

In the kingdom of ghosts, neither he nor the organization can control it.

Even if the Kingdom of Oni attacked Konoha at this time, it has nothing to do with Akatsuki.

That was a battle between the kingdom of ghosts and Konoha, the Akatsuki organization would only shrink its strength and just sit back and watch the tigers fight.

This is a struggle and balance between various forces, but if you miss one step, there will be war.

Although Itachi intends to stop it, considering his embarrassing situation among the Uchiha clan, going to the country of ghosts to prevent the outbreak of the Fourth Ninja World War will probably end with no bones left.

"Whether the Fourth Ninja World War will be fought or not, the Nation of Rain and the Akatsuki organization don't count. The attitude of the Nation of Ghosts and the Nation of Thunder is the key. They are the culprits who most hope that the Nation of Fire and Konoha will go down. If you want to target them, you should go to the top of these two countries. It is meaningless for you to ask me to say these things, and I cannot represent the will of these two countries."

As for the top leaders of the two countries, whether they will listen to the opinion of a genocide and rebellion is another matter.

Anyway, the Kingdom of the Rain and the Akatsuki organization have achieved their goals in this battle, and there is no need to add extra complications.

"...I was being rude."

Itachi bowed his head and apologized.

"I won't be angry about such a trivial matter. After all, you are an open-eyed Uchiha, and you will still be needed in the future. In addition, you can rest assured that according to my guess, the kingdom of ghosts will not start the fourth ninja world war at will. Even if they have this intention, they will not start it at this time. Although Akatsuki is not well prepared, the kingdom of ghosts may not be fully prepared either."

Blade's tone softened, comforting Itachi to calm down.

Launching the Fourth Ninja World War at this time will not benefit either side.

The kingdom of ghosts has a far-reaching plan. If you really want to launch the fourth ninja war, you will definitely have a bigger move.

And the absence of these big moves now means that the kingdom of ghosts is still in the preparation stage.

"I see, I will do my job well."

Itachi's face returned to calm, and he walked out of the cave to avoid the cold.

Madara stared at Itachi's receding back, his eyes shining faintly.

"hope so."

(end of this chapter)