Eros Destroying The Multiverse - 105 I Didn't Make You Have Ed

105 I Didn't Make You Have Ed

Eros was getting p.i.s.sed off at Kiritsugu. So he left saying he's going to check on Iri. 'Oh, I have to kill some people boo hoo. I am so edgy it's cool. Oh no, I can't love anyone its because I had a hard life, f.u.c.k you. d.a.m.n. Stop being a b.i.t.c.h no one cares about your past.' Eros was about to open the letter he received but then thinks of Iri

Eros teleports to Iri and Saber(eros was told to call her the only saber) "did Eros do something to me I can't get aroused anymore."

"I do not know how I feel about him...he never seemed to look at me that way. Maybe I wasn't feminine enough"

"I'm not sure he seems to like you a lot. The way he looks at you makes me think he values greatly. " She then mumbles "I wish Kiritsugu looks at me the way he looks at you"

"huh, I didn't get that."

"no I was just saying you should talk with him some more then ..."

Eros appears "Yo ladies...what"

"...why are you here?" They both asked

"Oh I was wandering around in j.a.pan and " Eros had a guitar appear "I know that it sounds crazy

I just wanna see ya

Oh, I gotta ask

Do you got plans tonight?

I'm a couple hundred miles from j.a.pan, and I

I was thinking I could fly to your hotel tonight

'Cause I-I-I can't get you off my mind

Can't get you off my mind

{Shawn Mendes, Zedd - Lost In j.a.pan}

The girls didn't know who Eros was singing to. "haha so that's what I wanted to ask but looks like something is calling us"

"huh, Oh yeah it appears to invite us to see it." A slightly blushed Saber sensed that there was another servant

"How thoughtful, it seems to decide on the battlefield should we take it up on this invitation?"

"Awesome Luv you know what moves my s.e.xy lady here." Eros looked at Saber and smiled

'why are you blus.h.i.+ng Iri?'

"Let us go" Then she princess picked up Iri and without looking back said "before I leave don't just think of me as a woman I am knight first so"

"Saber he left already"


There are two people on top of a bridge waiting. A big muscular man with tan skin, red hair, and red eyes. He has short hair with a chinstrap beard. He wearing Romanian-style leather armor with a large, red cape. that was the servant Rider the other who looks like he is going to die from the height. he is riders master and is average looks with black hear and wearing a green school uniform.

Eros comes in and says "So how are you two doing today" Surprising both of them

Waver gets scared. He didn't even notice him and he is wondering if this is a master for the war

"catch" Eros throws him something

"this is ?"

"Yakitori...oh here kid you can have some Dango" Eros hands him the dango. Rider eats it nonchalantly and Waver hesitates to eat it. "Don't worry kid it's not poison"

Waver does a magic check and realize it wasn't before biting it."Don't call me a kid and you're younger than I am... and who are you"

"I call you a kid because of your still a virgin"

"What! I'm not a virgin" He glares at kid Eros (if you forgot Eros body is 10 years old)

"...." Eros just shook his head and rider responded "he means your a virgin when it comes to war isn't that correct" Eros just nodded

"Oh, I am not a servant or a master..."

"Don't mind him, he doesn't seem to want to fight?" Rider said as he bit a piece of the meet 'why does he feel so familiar...I just know one thing this guy is strong'Rider thought to himself

"what...if you say so" 'how did he know of the grail wars...this kid isn't simple

***Saber POV***

Saber arrives to find lancer is there. His master isn't around or not seen. Lancer seems to be the one who called them to fight.

"You seem to have a charm spell"Saber notices this

"Well its actually a curse. Blame the fact you were born a wom"

"its pretty low compared to him you look..." saber hesitant to finish

"Ugly right" However Iri finishes

"...Iri I was thinking maybe normal *cough* lets start our fight"

"....okay let us being" For some reason he felt weird that his looks are normal to them

They started clas.h.i.+ng. Due to Saber invisible sword Lancer had a difficult time judging the distance between attacks. Iri was support providing healing. As they were fighting Kiritsugu and Maiya are scouting the battle with Kiritsugu spotting Lancer's master hiding but is deterred from snipping him after spotting, who is relaying the battle to Kirei and Tokiomi.

The cla.s.s between the two evenly matches. However Lancer's master knows that Saber is still a dangerous opponent and allows Lancer to use his n.o.ble Phantasms, Gae Dearg, the anti-magic spear and Gae Buidhe, the cursed spear that inflicts wounds that cannot be healed which Saber recognizes Lancer as Diarmuid of the Love Spot while Lancer recognizes Saber's ident.i.ty after using Gae Dearg to temporarily dispel Saber's Invisible Air spell and see her sword. Now knowing each others ident.i.ties, Saber, who's left tendon was wounded by Lancer's Gae Buidhe, is about to give it her all against Lancer, who is about to do the same

Eros who is watching is thinking 'huh why does he seem familiar...he feels like that G.o.d I killed? Did he receive his blessing before I killed that G.o.d? meh '

***Rider POV***

"at this rate, it will end and Saber will lose"

"eh isn't that a good thing WHOA " Rider stomps shakes the bridge

"I was hoping more servants would answer their calls but the only saber did. both servants are n.o.ble"

Eros checked out...'does this guy shut up..sigh hero this fight this person that. d.a.m.n are people all so ..he's still talking. I guess they fought enough"

"now let's go huh..."

Eros superhero lands between the lancer and saber. "Ok, both of you stop right now... it's annoying seeing my girls get hurt. " Both girls blush "I know she likes to fight but shes revealing her secrets to the world...oh didn't you realize you are being your being monitored by all the servants and master." Rider then appears saying stop for I am king and asking to "Ok, both of you stop right now... for I am king"

"wait for Eros what do you mean being monitored." before Eros could explain to Iri. Rider asks all servants to give up on the grail war and hand it to him and rule the world together which both of them decline. Lancer's master, Kayneth finally reveals himself and mocks Waver only for Rider to defend him and call Kayneth a coward.

Archer materializes and later Kariya's servant, Berserker, a Black Knight covered in black fog that prevents anyone from guessing his true strength. Archer tries to kill Berserker using his n.o.ble Phantasm, Gate of Babylon, only for Berserker to evade and grab one of the weapons launched from the Gate. Enraged, Archer fires more weapons at Berserker who continues to evade and block them. and he looks at Saber planning to attack her...

A tick mark appeared on Eros head..."Arthur.."

"y-yesh" She felt he seemed different and kind of upset but she didn't feel any killing intent just the air got heavy

"didn't I ask everyone to stop before...and not only they didn't stop they interrupted me when I was talking..."

"Sir Eros they are all proud warriors who only value strength and"

'Understood. I will show them strength' Then a huge pressure went on every servant and master, even Kirei and Tokiomi who were not at that area felt it. Kiritsugu and his a.s.sistant felt it too. Iri and arthur didn't through "I thought I told you to stop" A deep and powerful voice through their souls. "NOW ALL OF YOU f.u.c.k OFF"

Archer glared at him and Eros looks at him "Gilgamesh did you f.u.c.king glare at me. You even called me a mongrel before right. I hate when people call each other dogs. So b.i.t.c.h I will make you regret it. Eros well Eros as a good person didn't kill Archer. He dragged his face to the wall and slammed it to the wall. He tried to escape but Eros wouldn't let him. his powers stopped working too. Eros punched him breaking all of his teeth grabbed him by the hair ripped all his hair. Took all the bones off on arm and made him look like a hideous freak.

"ok so I feel better . I blocked it so even after your healed your face wont be restored oh and now on don't f.u.c.king talk down to people otherwise you will anger the wrong person. Oh an in case your wondering who I am. I am the G.o.d of Love Eros. Can't you see the love in me." Eros smiled



"Sir Eros"

Eros glared

"...Eros you still haven't released your pressure"

Eros just then released his pressure" I forgot I had on pressure on everyone." (He didn't forget)"

Rider tells Saber he will not duel her or Lancer until their duel is finished before leaving. Eros notices Caster watching Saber and he blows up his crystal ball burning his arms.."I told you to f.u.c.k off.."

"ahh, I feel better now.." Saber and Iri look at Eros strangely. They didn't feel any pressure but they knew all the other servants and masters were afraid of Eros and thinking he was on their side...