“A s-succubus?”
When Kazuki repeated her statement while seated on the edge of the bed, Karen
blushed a bit and nodded while seated next to him. She had wings on her back,
pointed ears, and a long tail growing from near her tailbone. With the
swimsuit, it looked like some kind of cosplay, but this was not special makeup
or accessories and the wings and tail were clearly growing from her body.
“I know you will find it hard to believe,
but it’s true. …Each year, a few of us will work here. We come from a world
that exists alongside this one…a demon world, I guess you could call it.”
She went on to explain that this was her
second year in this world, so she had been in contact with human culture enough
to find it a bit embarra.s.sing to call her home a demon world. Whatever the
case, he kind of had to believe her after seeing the wings and tail for
himself. That meant there really was somewhere like a demon world where a bunch
of succubi lived.
“But why would succubi leave their world to
come to our-…wait, it can’t be!”
Stories with this sort of setting were often about an invasion from another
world, but Karen must have sensed his alarm because she quickly waved her hands
to deny it.
“N-n-no! Um…It is true our world is facing
a number of problems…and we are visiting here to resolve them. But…”
“What kind of problems? And how are you
resolving them…?”
He was not sure if he should ask, but she seemed to think it made sense to
explain it all now that he had seen her true form. She nodded and answered him.
“To put it simply, we are working away from
“…You mean, um…earning money? That’s why
you’re running this salon?”
But he doubted human currency could be
exchanged for demon world currency. Gathering a foreign currency that did not
allow for any trade or transactions seemed meaningless.
“No, it is not about money. Of course, we
do need some money for our lives here, so it isn’t wrong to say we earn money
with the salon. And as a species, succubi are skilled in techniques related to
beauty and health, so that works out well.” Karen continued explaining away his
questions. “But…I suppose you could say we opened the salon not to make a
living but to fulfill our true purpose in working away from home.”
“…? Um, I’m not sure what you mean…”
It was not so much that Karen was
hesitating as that she was trying to choose her words carefully. Her eyes moved
around as if she were constructing an explanation in her head.
“Yes… Given the situation, I should
probably just come out and say it.”
When she finally said that, her expression
tensed and she looked straight at Kazuki.
“The two biggest problems facing our
world…are a declining birthrate and dwindling food sources.”
(A declining birthrate? I guess everywhere
is dealing with the same thing.)
Kazuki was a little amazed to hear about an
oddly realistic problem that his own country was searching for a solution to.
He also felt oddly curious about how succubus reproduction worked, but he set
that aside for now. The latter was probably the more pressing issue for her.
“When you say food sources…um, just to be
certain…you don’t mean humans, do you?”
“Actually…you could make an argument that I
That response sent a chill down Kazuki’s
spine. She had said they were not invading, but if they were here to abduct
humans for eating, then it was effectively an invasion after all. He also began
to worry he had been brought here for that purpose, so he felt the blood drain
from his face.
But Karen frantically continued when she
noticed him growing pale.
“Don’t worry! We don’t do anything to harm
humans! In fact, our goal is to make you feel really good! So it’s an ideal
win-win relations.h.i.+p!”
“I-is that so? …Wait, eh?”
He was overwhelmed by the intensity of her insistence, but then he mentally
repeated what she had said.
(Feel really good…eh? Ehhhh!? No, eh?
You’re kidding, right!?)
When he thought about their special moves in RPGs, that seemed perfectly
natural. And when he looked closer, he could tell Karen’s eyes were heated and
damp and she kept glancing down at his crotch which only had a towel over it
after his second e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n.
“So a succubus’s food is…?”
“Yes…a man’s s.e.m.e.n. I don’t know about other
worlds, but the succubi of our world are all women. So we have no choice but to
take it from the men of other species.”
Of those other species, human c.u.m was the
most nutritious, requiring less to fill them up, and it was incredibly tasty
even at the lowest quality, so it had been their favorite food for more than a
thousand years.
“Kazuki-san, you have ultra-high-quality
c.u.m that only comes along once every two hundred years. So, um…I’m a bit
embarra.s.sed to admit it, but it was so good…I accidentally revealed my true
Karen bashfully flapped her wings, wiggled
her tail, and smiled. Kazuki had no idea whether to feel proud or embarra.s.sed
at having the flavor of his s.e.m.e.n praised, so he simply bowed in thanks.
“So…well, for that reason, we have to
collect s.e.m.e.n for our own daily food…and even more to send back home.”
“I understand the situation now. …Um, that must be a lot of work.”
“Yes, it really is. A beauty salon mostly
has female customers and, even when we do get a male one, they will not just
obediently give us their s.e.m.e.n…so we have to gradually build their arousal so
they go off without meaning to and gather that.”
Karen placed a hand on her cheek in a
troubled fas.h.i.+on and sighed as she thought back on her days of effort.
(Hmm… I’m pretty sure most guys would
cooperate if someone this beautiful asked them.)
And Kazuki had another question along with
that thought.
“Um…I know this is rude to ask…but why
didn’t you start up a brothel instead?”
If all of the estheticians here were succubi, then using them all as
prost.i.tutes would gather a lot more male customers and allow them to gather
plenty of s.e.m.e.n.
“That is related to the second problem: the
declining birthrate. But…I’m sorry. I can’t elaborate on that one at the
“Oh, is that so? …No, that’s fine. Sorry
for prying.”
If it was a delicate issue related to the survival of their species, he would
have to leave it at that. He understood the general situation now, so he was at
least relieved that he would not have to flee.
“Hee hee. You’ve really calmed down,
Kazuki-san. I thought this would be a lot to take in, but you don’t seem too
“Oh, I’m pretty shaken! It’s just such a
great shock that I actually feel hyper-calm.”
And in that case, it was human nature to
want to ask more.
“Come to think of it…you said you, uh, send
s.e.m.e.n back home, but how does that work? Do you store it somewhere and take it
back periodically?”
“Oh, for that…we use this.”
Karen pointed her tube-shaped tail toward
Kazuki. The tip was swollen like a plant bulb and it had several crack-like
grooves that reminded him of a flower bud before it bloomed.
“The c.u.m absorbed by this tail is converted
to energy, transported to the demon world, and equally distributed to the
entire population. Although when they consume it is up to the individual.”
“Neat. So your tail is connected to the
demon world?”
He reached out and poked at the tip, but Karen did not seem to mind. However,
it must have been a fairly sensitive organ because she moaned quietly and a
pink hue tinged her cheeks.
“I see… But if you need food, shouldn’t
more of you come here?”
“Nn, ahh… No, we need more s.e.m.e.n when
living here. And more importantly, s.e.m.e.n is not valueless here, so if we took
it all away, it would affect the survival of your species. To keep that from
happening and to extract it most efficiently, we only send a small number who
are especially skilled at s.e.xual techniques.”
Was it like sending a fisher to catch fish or a hunter to hunt game? Being
treated like livestock was a complicated feeling, but the succubi did not seem
to see it that way and he could tell Karen respected humans.
“Then…was that why you approached me?”
“…I’m sorry. I was effectively deceiving
Karen bowed and readily admitted it. Kazuki
appreciated that she did not try to lie to him or hide it at this point.
“But I really did hope I could help you. I
just thought I could take some s.e.m.e.n while I was at it. And I can’t deny I was
influenced by how delicious you smell.”
“…I smell that good?”
That delicious smell would mean she thought he had good c.u.m. If that was why
she had approached him, then she had been planning to do it from the start.
(Karen-san invited me here so she could get
me off… Looking at it like that…is really turning me on.)
His crotch grew swollen and pushed up the
towel while his eyes were glued to her body – to the large b.r.e.a.s.t.s in her
swimsuit and the crotch covered only by a small sc.r.a.p of cloth. Karen noticed
his desire, so she smiled happily, lifted and jiggled her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and
whispered to him.
“Yes…that good❤ I can still feel it. The libido radiating from you is throbbing.
Look how soaked my tail is.”
She gave a seductive smile while lifting
her tail, pointing its tip toward him, and opening it up along the grooves he
had seen before. It opened like a flower with six petals and it produced an
obscenely sticky sound. The inside was packed full of sticky flesh that gave
off a seductive s.h.i.+ne. Several strings of milky-white fluid stretched across
the opening and it all glistened lewdly.
“This is…the inside of your tail? You use
this…to suck me…?”
A sweet aroma reached his nose and it must
have acted as an aphrodisiac because his pulse began racing. His erection grew
even harder and pushed the towel off and to the floor.
“Ahhh…it’s so big❤ You already came twice, but it’s as hard as a c.o.c.k that hasn’t had
relief in a full month. …It’s so very wonderful…”
Her damp eyes stared straight at the p.e.n.i.s
and each word sent out a breath so heated it produced steam. A closer look
showed drool dripping down from the corner of her mouth and the shape of her
nipples showing through the swimsuit fabric on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
Based on what she said before, the wetness
of the tail was equivalent to her overall arousal. Just as a woman’s p.u.s.s.y lips
grew wet when she felt pleasure, the inside of the succubus’s tail was
absolutely soaked to show off her feminine desire.
“Hh…Does that, um…only absorb what I c.u.m?”
Its shape reminded him of a carnivorous
plant, so the sight was disconcerting enough that he could not imagine what it
felt like or did inside. And yet the smoothly glistening flesh tube looked
abnormally s.e.xual to his eyes. He was a virgin, but his instincts told him that
milking organ would provide the same pleasure as a v.a.g.i.n.a. His breathing
continued to grow heavier and he felt a throbbing at the base of his flesh rod
as he stared at the red and swollen melted flesh of the s.e.x tail.
(Gh… Is Karen-san doing this to me? I feel
an unbearable urge to stick my d.i.c.k in that…kwohhh…)
The obvious target of his gaze allowed
Karen to see right through to that lowly desire. She giggled, moved her tail
in, and let him see it up close.
“No…stick it in here and it will milk you
dry. …So please go ahead and put your c.o.c.k inside♪”
“Ahhh, i-if you bring it that close…gh,
He was already at his limit when she
pressed her lips right up to his ear and whispered sweetly into it, sending a
tingle down his spine. Then when the opened end of the tail just barely rubbed
against his p.e.n.i.s head, his rational mind crumbled away. He shot to his feet
and thrust his erect p.e.n.i.s toward the object in front of his crotch.
“~~~~~~~~!! Ohhhh…gh, khh…”
Karen’s lips had felt quite good, but this
provided a different kind of pleasure. Unlike the heat of her mouth, he felt a
calmer warmth around his c.o.c.k while the melted flesh sucked at it. It did not
stick tightly to him like during the b.l.o.w.j.o.b. Each fold of flesh stuck to him
like a suction cup and kissed both his foreskin and p.e.n.i.s head alike while
getting love juices over everything. It was like he was being toyed with inside
the tail.
“Hee hee hee. You really put it in,
Kazuki-san… And your face completely melted as soon as you did. Look at that
dirty ahegao while your hips tremble. If just putting it in was enough for
that, what will happen when I move it?”
“W-wai-…aghhhh!? Khh, hghhhh!”
Before he could stop her, Karen moved her
tail so it pumped back and forth on his p.e.n.i.s. The flesh sucking at him made a
lewd sound as it slid along and rubbed at him with incredible force.
“Hghh, nhahhhhhh! Ahh, heeeee!?”
He moaned loudly, but the movement of the tail did not change. The folds of
flesh sucked and rubbed at the head, the seldom-touched underside of the flesh
umbrella, the sensitive front line, and even inside the urethra. All the sticky
fluid flowing out should have acted as a lubricant, but the sucking was so
intense that he could feel the roughness of the flesh inside.
“Kh, ahhhhh…Ka…ren…-san! Please
He tried to resist, but another cry escaped his lips each time it rubbed at
him. When he noticed Karen staring at him from the side, he tried to turn away,
but she placed her hands on his cheeks to force him to face her.
“No looking away❤ This will be a part of your testing job if you stick with it, so
you have to get used to it while you can, okay? Yes, look me in the eye…”
That was not an absolute order, and yet he could not look away. Her face was
filled with kindness and affection, but he found it unbearably embarra.s.sing
that he was moaning like this while she looked so pretty. He tried to resist by
keeping his lips clamped shut, but…
“Hh…gh, khhhh…nh, ahh, ahhh…kwahhhhn!”
Kazuki had only ever m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed before. He
had not had s.e.x or had someone else get him off before today, so he could not
bear this unpredictable pleasure provided by someone else. Just when he thought
she was stroking him with a set rhythm, she would pause for a moment to throw
off the timing of his breathing. Yet when he relaxed a bit due to the weakened
stimulation, she would then stroke him all the more intensely and have the
inner flesh focus on the p.e.n.i.s head.
“…Hee hee…ha ha…hee hee…”
As a result, his face was twisted with
pleasure, his hips thrust upward in an embarra.s.sing dance, and Karen laughed
adorably as she watched him. She had a kind smile and drooping eyes, but deep
in her eyes, he felt like he could see her mocking him for being a pathetic
(Gh… Karen-san has to be…making fun of me
for this…)
That was of course just his imagination. As
he moaned like that, Karen bent her eyes and lips in a happy smile and formed
an expression of seductive arousal.
But Kazuki thought of a man as someone who
pleasured a woman and made her moan, so he took his rejection of his current
state and projected it onto her.
ahh. This is all it takes to make you moan? I can see why she rejected you,
Kazuki-san. You’re quite the m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t… You’re the perfect meal for us. Nothing but casual fast food❤”
“————! Ahahhhh! Agh,
don’t…say that…Karen…-san!”
The s.a.d.i.s.tic words of Karen he imagined
caused him to writhe and made his p.e.n.i.s twitch as her tail ma.s.saged it. He also
responded out loud to that fantasy without thinking. He immediately clamped his
mouth shut, but she must have heard him perfectly. She looked confused and
tried to answer him.
“What? I didn’t say any-…”
But she trailed off as she noticed the
elation in his words. What had he imagined to make him say that? What were
those words referencing? She immediately worked that out, twisted her lips in a
cruel grin, and introduced a s.a.d.i.s.tic tone to her whispering.
“Ohhh…do you like being verbally punished?”
“Eh? N-no, um…that isn’t…hyagh!”
He frantically shook his head to deny it, but the inside of her tail wriggled
with a wet sound, the fine folds of flesh wrapped around his p.e.n.i.s head as if
gripping it, and they intensely kneaded it like that. It felt like having only
the head thoroughly polished. The unbearably sweet stimulation caused his hips
to give out and his lower legs to tremble.
“…Then you should have told me, you
m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic pervert.”
“~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! Ah, hh…nghh…”
She somewhat lowered her tone but retained
a hint of the previous kindness for the perfect voice. The base of his rod
throbbed and prec.u.m flowed out into her tail.
“Hee hee. Calling you a pervert turned you
on… I can’t believe how much prec.u.m is gus.h.i.+ng out. Do you like having your
c.o.c.k teased and rubbed like this: rub, rub, rub…ruuub, ruuub…sticky, sticky,
sticky…hee hee…”
Her sweet whispers slipped into his brain
and melted his reason. Her spoken sound effects sent a tingle down his spine,
caused his hips to thrust up, and loosened the base of his urethra. With just
one more stroke, the dam would break. But with that perfect timing…
“Hee hee. You’re so cute… Okay, let’s stop
there for now.”
“Oahh, hah…ahhh…”
She not only stopped moving, but ended the
squeezing of her tail flesh. No matter how much he thrust his hips, he could
not receive the pleasure he needed to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e. The frustrating feeling caused
his p.e.n.i.s to squirt out prec.u.m and his knees trembled so badly he had to sit
back down on the bed.
“Oh, my, my. Your hips gave out, didn’t
they? Are you okay?”
She sounded sympathetic, but her lips were gently curved as they moved close to
his nose. She intentionally exhaled a sweet breath to surround his face with
that mind-numbing aroma.
(Hh, ahhh… I want to c.u.m… This teasing is
too much…kwaaahhh!)
He placed his hands on the edge of the bed to support himself as he extended
his legs, lifted his hips, and revealed his desperate desire for e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n.
But he was not given the needed stimulation and his lower body simply trembled.
His hands squeezed the sheets and tugged as his body writhed, so the
neatly-made bed was now a mess.
“Ahhh… Such an incredible look of longing.
It looks so tasty…”
Overcome by the desire to have a taste,
Karen stuck out her red tongue. That lewd glistening object shook and drops of
saliva fell onto the tip of his nose. Her breaths were nothing but an
aphrodisiac at this point. His p.e.n.i.s twitched at the memory of being inside
that mouth and his breathing grew even heavier.
“Hey…do you want to c.u.m, Kazuki-san? Do you
want to squirt all that s.e.m.e.n out? You’ll lose your creampie virginity to a
milking organ instead of a girl’s p.u.s.s.y?”
He had responded to her first question by nodding so hard he thought his neck
would snap and he gave further affirmatives to the following questions.
“…c.u.m… Let me c.u.m, please let me c.u.m! Hh,
When he shouted that, Karen’s expression
loosened as if from intense emotion and her entire body shook. Inside her tail,
nectar seeped out from the folds of flesh, covered his p.e.n.i.s head, and then
enveloped the entire thing. Also…
“Understood. In that case…go ahead and c.u.m
all you want. Please try to impregnate my tail…Mr. Virgin❤”
“Nghh, ah…kwahhhhh!”
As soon as she responded, the sticky fleshpot squeezed so tight it seemed to be
trying to remove all excess air from her tail. The only thing between his p.e.n.i.s
and the s.e.xual flesh of her tail was the sticky fluid it had produced a moment
before. The fine internal flesh rubbed across it from base to tip as if trying
to polish it and stroked it to milk the s.e.m.e.n.
“Now, go ahead…squirt it all out. C’mon,
“Ngh, akh, I’m c.u.mming…ahhhh, I’m c.u.mming!”
When she gave the order, Kazuki arched his
back, thrust his hips up, gave himself over to the pleasure as his mind went
blank, released the reins of his male desire, and let it all out. Unbelievable
pleasure raced up and out of his urethra and that pleasure melted his spine and
“Ha ha♪ It’s coming out,
Kazuki-san. I can feel it squirting out… Wow… This is your third time and
there’s still so much. You’re leaking out so much energy❤”
“Ah, hhh…ahhhhhh! You’re squeezing it
out…and sucking it out!”
He felt her b.r.e.a.s.t.s on his arm and the tail’s suction lifted his hips while he
unashamedly moaned and released his s.e.m.e.n. Karen narrowed her eyes happily at
the indecently slack expression on his face and she whispered warmly to him.
“Kazuki-san, I can give you a special
tongue b.l.o.w.j.o.b now. Don’t you want to have your tongue sucked while you have
your d.i.c.k sucked? If so, stick out your tongue…oh?”
“Nhh…behhhh! Dho iht, Karen-hyan, dho iht!”
Kazuki was spitting out his desire and his
reason was not functioning at all, so his instincts jumped at the pleasure
teased before his eyes and he stuck out his tongue to beg for it. Karen’s eyes
widened when it did not even take him a few seconds to give in, but she soon
smiled and brought her lips to his extended tongue.
“That was easy. Hee hee… As you wish. I
will enjoy your tongue, Mr. Easy-to-Seduce. …Nnh…hamh…slurp…”
“Nhhhh…ngh, ahhhhhh!”
Warm flesh surrounded and stroked his
tongue and that stimulation seemed to provide the final push. His sphincter
trembled, his prostate gave a push, he madly thrust his hips out, and he filled
the tail with c.u.m once more. The tail flesh reacted to the movement and s.e.m.e.n
by thoroughly ma.s.saging the shaft, stroking it from the base, and making a
twisting motion as if to wring out every last drop.
(Owaaahhh! It’s all being milked out…ahhh,
I’m c.u.mming again!)
“Nhh…Ih’s ahh squirhing ouh ahain… You’he
She stroked his tongue in the same way she
stroked his e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. rod. The simultaneous attack from above and below
melted his brain with pleasure and he could do nothing but let his hips
“There, all done. Did it feel good this time?”
“Ah…hh…yes, it was the best…”
When Kazuki’s p.e.n.i.s was removed from her tail, it had been reduced to just a
partial erection…no, since he had just c.u.m, it was better to say it had been
brought to a partial erection once more. Regardless, his p.e.n.i.s and tongue had
been freed, so he could finally relax. When he answered her, Karen held her
hands together in front of her chest and smiled with a cute tilt of her head.
“Thank you very much. With this much…I’m
sure the others will be happy.”
“I hope so…sigh…”
After being milked so much at once, his
entire body felt exhausted. But Karen had no intention of letting him rest. She
softly placed a hand on his leg and began lewdly rubbing the inner thigh.
“Now…um, Kazuki-san? About the tester job.”
The movement of her hand seemed to be an instinctual thing for a succubus, so
she was only subconsciously touching him in an arousing way. She did not seem
to mind as she rubbed his thigh, gently poked his b.a.l.l.s, and looked him in the
“If you will receive our beauty treatments
for the testing job…I hope you can also supply energy like today. We will add
that change to your finalized contact. …Oh! And of course if you only want to
do the normal testing job, that is fine too. But I would appreciate it if you
accepted both.”
While she spoke, Karen’s hand had reached
the very base of his thigh and her soft fingers arrived as close to his p.e.n.i.s
as possible without actually touching it. That touch stimulated his male desire
and her lovely face was giving him a kind smile. With that look on her face,
refusing would be difficult indeed.
(What she did today felt as good as a
top-cla.s.s prost.i.tute! And she’s saying I get to experience that almost every
day while also doing the beauty treatment testing and getting paid?)
His objective here had been completely turned around, but he had no reason to
“This will mean you are on a special beauty
treatment testing course…so will you accept that job?”
She cutely tilted her head as she asked and
Kazuki was ready to accept. But…
“Oh, right, right! Just to double check, do
you remember what your duties for the testing job were? We went over them when
you signed today’s temporary contract.”
“Um…what was that again?”
He had read through everything, but he only really remembered that it did not
have anything harmful in it. Karen giggled at his lack of an answer and raised two
fingers to explain.
“There are two duties as a tester: you must
be aware of the beauty treatment course’s effects and you must report on its
effects to help us advertise.”
“Oh, now I remember. Something about having
to make a report on the progress of the effects at least once a month, right?”
He fished through his hazy memories and she
continued in an apologetic tone.
“Yes… I know this will be a burden on you,
but we need to bring in more customers.”
They were a business after all, so there
would be unavoidable expenses.
“And to help the tester talk about the
effects, we always give them a task to complete. That way they have an actual
accomplishment to make them aware of the effects.”
He vaguely remembered her saying that
keeping and submitting records of that task and its results worked better as an
advertis.e.m.e.nt than just writing up a report.
“Now, about your task. First of all, the
customers who come for our beauty treatments always have their own personal
complexes, so we try to give them tasks related to that.”
“I see. But you came to me instead of me
coming to you…”
“Yes. So, Kazuki-san, um…this is a little hard to say…”
Karen sounded even more apologetic and her expression
clouded over. After a few seconds of hesitation, she took a deep breath and
seemed to have gathered her resolve.
“At set intervals, I would like for you to
confess to Juri-san.”
He had not expected this suggestion, so he was slow to respond. She must have
thought he had not heard because she cleared her throat and repeated herself.
“A-ahem! Like I said…at set intervals, I
would like for you to confess to-…”
“I heard you the first time! You don’t have
to say it again!”
“That’s good then,” she said with a smile,
but this was hardly “good” in Kazuki’s mind.
Although it did make sense since that was
what had led her to talk to him in the first place.
(Wait…wait, wait, wait…eh!? Do it again?
But from the way Juri was acting, that would never work unless I managed to
suppress my s.e.x drive…)
Even if the interval was once a month, that
meant he would have to make a doomed confession at least three more times.
Juri’s expression, tone of voice, and anger as she had left flashed through his
mind and he felt a throb of pain in his heart.
(But why? After that, I came here where
Karen-san made me c.u.m three times…but the rejection still hurts more? Just how
needy am I?)
Plus, the thing at his crotch still showed
no sign of shrinking. Even if it was her job, Karen had done so much to soothe
him, so he would feel ungrateful if he said that condition was too much and
“I’m sorry, Kazuki-san. I shouldn’t have
suggested that without thinking of your feelings. Please forget what I said. I
will think up something else to ask you to-…”
He stopped her from rethinking this,
grabbed her arm, and had her face him.
“U-um, Kazuki-san? I know you must be
angry, but please calm-…”
“…I’m not angry. You don’t mind if I accept
using that task, do you?”
This time, it was she who had not expected
the response. Her eyes widened, she showed clear signs of surprise and
confusion on her face, and he could see that succubi were not that different
from humans. So even if she would milk him dry…
(I doubt she would treat me like nothing
more than a meal.)
He felt bad that a part of him had been
worried about that, so he silently apologized for it. Still, he would
appreciate it if that was written into the contract.
“Then…you will accept the tester job?”
“Yes. …Although this is an internal problem
for me, so I’m not confident it will be much help for advertis.e.m.e.nt.”
When he gave that self-deprecating comment,
Karen smiled and tightly held his hands.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry at all. The other
customers have all seen the effects and 80% of them succeed in their task. I
will make sure your re-confession is a success!”
“…Thank you very much.”
“Then again, we’re only talking about 4 successes
with a total of 5 people.”
Kazuki wished she had not told him that,
but thanks to her positive outlook and her smile, he felt some hope. And that
was likely only a joke on her part.
He could tell from the somewhat concerned
look she was occasionally giving him.
“Then I’ll have to do my best to make sure
I’m the 5th success out of 6.”
“Yes, let’s work at it together! I swear I
will transform you into a popular guy. I’ll keep at it until we succeed.”
Karen earnestly bowed her head and then
gave him an upturned look with eyes sparkling.
“And in exchange…I hope you will a.s.sist us
for a good long time as well. …Hee hee hee. We live ten times as long as
humans, so I want to gather as much energy from you as possible.”
Her eyes were on his face, but her hand
gently gripped his half-erect p.e.n.i.s, stroked up and down just a few millimeters
at the base, and supplied sweet pleasure. That pleasure must have already been
showing on his face because a s.a.d.i.s.tic smile appeared in her eyes.
“My task is supposed to be re-confessing…so
should we really be doing this?”
“Yes, of course. In fact, doing this is an
important psychological beauty treatment for you. If you want to increase the
odds of a successful confession, you need to c.u.m as much as possible each and
every day. You can think of it as being a meal for us succubi if you like…”
As she spoke, Karen’s hand movements grew
stronger and, the next thing Kazuki knew, she was tightly gripping his
fully-erect p.e.n.i.s and thoroughly stroking it from base to tip. The other hand
gently rubbed and ma.s.saged his b.a.l.l.s, as if to a.s.sist in the s.e.m.e.n production.
“Every time you visit, I am looking forward
to…a very nutritious meal❤”
Her smiling lips lightly touched his ear
and the kissing sound rang loud. She barely touched it, but his earlobe tingled
hotly, greater arousal burned in his chest, and his p.e.n.i.s throbbed.
“Now, let’s visit the owner’s office again.
We can complete the contract…oh?”
Kazuki stopped Karen as she tried to get
up. He subconsciously reached out his arm and grabbed one of the large b.r.e.a.s.t.s
contained in her swimsuit. The softness made his fingers shake and his erection
swell out even more.
“Is something the matter, Kazuki-san?”
She played dumb, but her eyes were fixated
on his c.o.c.k and drool dripped from her lips.
“Um…what you just did…has me ready to give
you another meal. I was wondering if you wanted to eat it…”
To show that he did not think of this as
merely providing sustenance, he emphasized his erection as he made the
suggestion. Karen responded with a full-faced smile and a lick of her lips.
“Just so you know, I am quite the glutton.
…I would be delighted to have another meal.”
She then pushed him back onto the bed as if
she could hold back no longer.
“That’s good. And…if possible, could you do
it with your b.o.o.bs this time?”
Making such a straightforward request was
embarra.s.sing, so he lowered his head a bit. But it seemed to get through to her
because she smiled, s.h.i.+fted her body, and pressed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against his
“I can’t believe you’re ready to go
again…hee hee. Virgins really are the best…❤”
Karen began sucking and ultimately ate her
third meal.
And one week later…
“Why haven’t you done your homework!? I told to do it!”
Once again, Juri’s angry voice rang through
the cla.s.sroom.
“Oh, sorry. I’ve been busy lately. But
look, I have half of it done.”
Ever since that day, Kazuki had started
visiting that salon every day. But he could only do his testing job every other
day, so it was mostly to have Karen get him off.
“You were supposed to do all of it!”
“…Yes, I’m sorry.”
Only visiting the beauty salon a few times
must not have had much of an effect because he could sense no change in his
relations.h.i.+p with Juri. Or maybe she was only making a show of nothing having
changed to distract from the fight when he had confessed. Still…
“Then will you help me study again? We can
do it at school or at one of our houses.”
“That’s fine, but probably not for a bit.
I’ll tell you when I’m free again.”
“Okay, understood.”
Like that, whenever Kazuki tried to get
closer to her, Juri’s behavior would blatantly change and she would distance
herself. To a third party, it might seem like a minor thing, but Kazuki knew
Juri well enough to clearly sense the change.
(I don’t have a chance. Sigh…I knew it
would be like this, but it still hurts…)
Juri walked away from Kazuki’s desk and
returned to some of the cla.s.s’s girls. They were probably making fun of what he
had said and his bad grades.
“Ehh? No, no. It’s nothing like that. …Eh?
(What is she denying?)
They had clearly said something about him.
He could tell that from the way the girls would occasionally point toward him.
They may have been asking if they were having a fight or if he was her
boyfriend, but either option weighed on his heart.
(Besides, she’s acting the same after
rejecting me. …What does that mean? If she completely hated me, she wouldn’t
have anything to do with me. But she said she doesn’t want to be my
If this unclear situation continued, he
would have no idea what his relations.h.i.+p with Juri was. Then again, it was his
own fault for taking a step outside the category of childhood friends and
destroying it. Or had it been destroyed by his l.u.s.t for the opposite s.e.x that
was too strong to hide?
(But I don’t know if getting rid of that
will fix this… Sigh.)
Karen and the other salon staff were
extremely kind to him and he had no complaints with the tester job. Especially
when they provided that special service every single day.
But he still did not really believe that
continuing with this would lead to Juri accepting his confession. In fact, he
was worried that he would be unable to confess even if the time came.
(What am I supposed to do? …Oh, c.r.a.p.)
He had apparently been staring at her while
lost in thought. The girls noticed and gestured his way, so Juri turned his way
for just a moment. But she made a shooing motion, laughed with her friends, and
resumed her conversation.
Only Kazuki noticed that she protectively
held her body in her arms as she did so.
(Oh, h.e.l.l! I’m sorry… But I really wasn’t
looking at you like that this time.)
He awkwardly looked away, but his mood only
worsened as he thought about what was to come.
“Oh, I see. But if you ask me, that can’t
really be helped.”
There was only one person he could confide
in about this, so he tried telling Karen what had happened at school. But her
response was not particularly helpful.
“You say that, Karen-san…but I’ve already
had four beauty treatments. And today…nkh!?”
Just as he tried to argue back, a sharp
sensation pa.s.sed through him and he grunted.
“You can try saying that once you can stand
this stimulation.”
Laughter rang near his ear and she peered
over at his face that was flushed red with embarra.s.sment and pleasure. Meanwhile,
her finger was damp and slippery with plenty of lotion. She slowly let it crawl
back and forth through his b.u.t.t crack from tailbone to perineum.
“Ah, nn…But…you’re…agh!”
“Hm? Did I do something?”
Karen wore the white blouse and tight miniskirt of an esthetician, but she was
doing something that was decidedly not part of an esthetician’s job.
“Karen-san, you’re…ahh, ahhh! Nhhh…”
She held his hips from behind, kept his
b.u.t.t sticking out to the back, pressed her fingertip against his a.n.u.s, and
pumped the finger in and out. Kazuki had let Karen do this on her suggestion a
few times over the week, but…
“Who was it that asked me to do this?”
“…It was…me…nh…”
Yes, this had not been her suggestion
today. She had given him the usual ma.s.sage, but just before she began the
beauty treatment, he had asked her to calm down his erection.
“Hee hee. …That’s right. You were only
supposed to have the beauty treatment today, but as soon as you showed up, I
could smell all the c.u.m being made in your b.a.l.l.s…”
All the while, Karen’s finger dug deeper
inside him and poked at a point on the inner wall. As soon as she pushed at
that spot, a surge of electricity raced through his mind, his vision distorted,
and sparks flew through it.
“You begged me to play with your a.s.s,
didn’t you? So I relented and told you I would. …You need to be much, muuuch
more used to these treatments and to me or you will have a hard time suppressing
your l.u.s.t. This is why Juri-san is so cautious around you.”
Her lips pressed against his ear, so with each word, her hot breath and the wet
sensation of her mouth licked at his earlobe. When she did that and twisted her
finger around, he could not restrain himself despite the embarra.s.sment, so his
hips rose up and he moaned loudly.
“See? Rub, rub, rub~♪ Do you understand now, Kazuki-san?”
“Nhahhhh!? Ahee, hah, heee! I…understand!”
When he forced out a response, Karen used her empty hand to rub his head as if
to say “good job” and she smiled at him like she was scolding a naughty child.
He had been trained to the point that he would obey a single finger of hers and
his crotch was swollen pathetically large even though it was still just the
depths of his a.n.u.s being teased. He could not bear her scolding look and turned
“Hee hee. Don’t do that. Here, look at
In human terms, she was about 5 years older
than him, but in reality, she was at least 200 years older than him. That was
who pressed her sweet breaths and saliva against him with her lips. Her hot
tongue licked his lips, forced them open, and captured his tongue. The pleasure
of the b.l.o.w.j.o.bs she had given him was now sent to his lips and tongue.
“Nhhhh…lick, suck…smack slurp…”
Her tongue was long even for a succubus, so
when she thoroughly licked through his mouth, she literally wrapped her tongue
around his.
(Owahhhhh…oh, no…This kiss plus my
prostate…isn’t playing fair…gh!)
Just as that thought reached his hazy mind, plenty of sticky saliva flowed
through his lips and spread through his mouth like it had a mind of its own. It
coated his tongue and inner cheeks like it was licking all over the inside of
his mouth. It was like having multiple succubi kissing him and moving their
tongues through his mouth, so the pleasure was enough to strip him of his
“Nee hee hee hee…Karyuki-hyan, your
aheao…ih hute❤”
Her real tongue tip also audibly licked his
lips while Karen gave a melted smile and whispered to him. That was enough for
his spine to tremble and arch back while his hips pulled back. That caused her
finger to move even deeper. That slender, penetrating finger seemed to dance
within his a.s.s as it writhed around in circle after circle.
(Ah, ghh…kwahhhh!)
Kazuki’s entire body convulsed when the tip
of her nail scratched at his prostate.
“Nnnhh~~~~ …Suck, slurp, kiss…smack…”
His face was exposed to a kissing caress
and held near the bed mat. Then he placed his knees down, arched his back, and
held his b.u.t.t up high. His body took the most pathetic pose all on its own. As
Karen’s finger moved around deep in his b.u.t.t, milky-whiteness erupted from his
rock-hard p.e.n.i.s and stained the bed.
“Ahhh, nbh…khhh…ah, ohhh…”
His lips were stolen, he released his c.u.m, and Karen observed his moaning
expression like her eyes were licking across it. Her gentle smile was one of
mockery, of affection, and of undeniable love of how this male animal was so
pathetically releasing his seed. That smile watched every last bit of his
climax face.
“…Nn…pwah, ahhh… Hee hee. That’s the first
shot for the day.”
Karen moved her tail over to the
milky-whiteness on the bed mat, sheets, and towel, placed the tip on it, and
sucked up all of the stains.
“Ah, gh…yes…sorry. Really…kh…”
Kazuki was ashamed of the ugliness he had
shown after begging her for this, but his mind was numbed with pleasure and he
apologized in a state of partial confusion. But Karen tilted her head and
sounded puzzled.
“Um…I am not sure why you are apologizing,
but if you’re referring to the things I said about you, I only did that because
you said you like it. You don’t have to worry about it.”
“Uuh… No, um…I meant for asking for
something so shameful. As a guy, I mean…”
Explaining this issue of masculine pride
was embarra.s.sing even if she had asked, but Karen clapped her hands like she
finally understood. Then she gave a full-face smile with no hint of anything
other than pure good will and embraced his face.
“Again, you don’t have to worry about
anything like that. When you have a c.o.c.k this amazing, I’m happy as long as my
poor technique can arouse you and make you c.u.m. So I’m happy as long as you
will let me do this for you.”
She wore a blouse but not a bra, so with
her chest pressed to his face, he was surrounded by a sweet, milky aroma and a
tingle ran down his spine. He knew this was dangerous, but he could not stop
himself from reaching out and tightly embracing her hips.
“Hee hee♪ You already can’t hold back? Time for a 2nd round?”
“No, that’s not what…oh, kh…nh…”
She pulled him close and slipped her hand
to his defenseless crotch while he sat on the bed. She gently stimulated his
skin, increased his arousal by casually scratching at his hardened nipples, and
grabbed the tip of his regrown p.e.n.i.s like it was a microphone.
“Now this is a problem. We can’t continue
with the beauty treatment until it shrinks. What to do?”
She moved her lotion-covered hand up and
down and a sweet tingling filled the head. That feeling took over his heart and
mind and he breathed short moans while bending backwards.
“Hee hee. This is easy. Far too easy,
She removed the arm supporting him and he
readily collapsed back onto the bed. She stood to his side and looked down at
him while holding his p.e.n.i.s head with one hand and gently rubbing the lotion
onto it. She was mocking him for giving in so easily, yet he could only spread
his legs, stick his hips out, and take an animal’s pose of submission.
“N-no…this isn’t right. I’m serious… You
must have done something, Karen-san.”
“Something? Oh, you mean like a succubus’s
charm ability?”
Karen leaned down to put her face right in front of his. The pose accentuated
her cleavage and she held his p.e.n.i.s between both hands. She also reversed her
overhand grip to an underhand one, held the head with one hand, and ma.s.saged
the shaft with the other. It was long enough to still have length to spare with
two hands holding it and it was thick enough that a circle formed by her
fingers could not reach all the way around. He was proud of that decent size and
it was one of the few things Karen would praise him for. That may have been why
she always had a huge smile when caressing it like this and why she would never
let go until he e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed.
“If I was charming you…you would feel
attracted to me, wouldn’t you? I would be so s.e.xy you couldn’t keep your eyes
off me…and your c.o.c.k would get really hard…”
“No…um, that’s…ah…gh…”
He heard a sticky sound and realized his
p.e.n.i.s had grown to its limit in her hands. After glancing down at it and
narrowing her eyes, she climbed onto the bed and started to straddle his hips.
All while ma.s.saging and rubbing his rod.
“You can’t let yourself be charmed so
easily… Hee hee. Not that I’m using anything like that. It is an option, but
you always give me such lewd looks, so your imagination is more than enough to
get you hard.”
She focused her palms on stroking the head
while letting the base of the shaft press into the warm slit through her
panties. Every one of her movements rubbed it and provided sweet stimulation.
Because she was straddling him, her suit’s tight miniskirt was pushed up to the
base of her legs and the bright white of her thighs was visible on either side
of his body where they rubbed against him with their silky-smooth skin.
“See? You have no self-control at all. Your
c.o.c.k is as full of l.u.s.t – as – ever❤ So let’s calm it
down and get back to the beauty treatment.”
She leaned forward and undid two b.u.t.tons on
her blouse to reveal the cleavage his face had been buried in earlier. Her
large b.r.e.a.s.t.s shook side to side and the obscene sight increased his arousal.
“Hh, gh…hhhh…”
He had only just c.u.m, but he was about to
do it again just a few minute later. To hang onto the last shreds of his pride,
he clenched his teeth and fought to make sure that did not happen. She must
have known exactly what he was thinking because she laughed like she was
scolding a child and slid her hand along.
“Yes, I love that look on your face,
Kazuki-san. Hee hee. Show some self-control, okay? I would like to taste lots
and loooots of thick c.u.m built up until you couldn’t hold back any longer.”
A circle formed from four fingers rubbed
the bottom of the head, squeezed, and ticklishly stroked down the shaft. With
the base still held between her thighs and crotch and the fingers endlessly
rubbing down the bottom of the shaft, his hips lifted up and the sphincter
squeezed shut to keep the s.e.m.e.n from rising up.
But that reaction sent some stimulation to
the prostate throbbing inside his b.u.t.t and he was reminded of the shameful
pleasure Karen had given him. Once he focused on it, the sensation further
increased his desire to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e and his rod twitched on the verge of
“Now, now. No c.u.mming yet. Look…do you
really want to shoot your stuff all over here? You mustn’t do that…hee hee♪”
“Oh, ahhhhh…wait, the lining…gh!”
She spread her legs a bit and lifted up her
skirt so the front lining rubbed at his p.e.n.i.s while she happily smiled and
moved her hips. The skirt’s lining wrapped around the sensitive head and a
maddening throbbing pa.s.sed through his p.e.n.i.s each time she moved her hips.
(Kh…ohh…Karen-san is always so good at
He breathed heavily and snapped his teeth
shut so hard it made a noise. When they were just talking or she was healing
his body with a beauty treatment, she gave him such a calm, gentle, and
soothing time like she was a G.o.ddess rather than a succubus.
“No c.u.mming from this either, okay? You
leave me no choice but to hold back a little. C’mon, I said don’t c.u.m. All I’m
doing is rub the underside a bit. c.u.mming from that would be several times more
embarra.s.sing than from having your a.s.s penetrated. Hee hee. But if that’s what
you want, then fine. Let me see how embarra.s.sing you can be❤”
But when it came to s.e.x, she still felt
kind, but she showed no restraint, she seemed to get turned on by seeing him
writhe in pleasure, and she revealed a very intense and aggressive personality.
Kazuki had never thought he had such biased s.e.xual preferences, but he had made
the mistake of viewing a wide variety of genres to calm his excessive l.u.s.t. Her
shaming inspired embarra.s.sment, but he could not resist and his entire body
responded when he felt the pleasure.
“Oh, it just got even bigger and it
twitched… You really have no self-control at all. Okay, let it all out now.
C’mon, go right ahead. Let my skirt make you c.u.m♪”
The way Karen smiled and trembled confirmed
something for him: their bodies were perfect for each other.
(Not that we’ve ever had actual s.e.x…gh,
She may have forgotten that she said she
would do it with her mouth because the movements of her fingers and hips were
clearly meant to guide him to climax. She thoroughly stimulated the bottom of
the head with her fingers and grabbed her skirt to rub it against the head to
provide a violent level of pleasure. The melting carnal pleasure caused his
hips to shake the muscles holding back the s.e.m.e.n to relax, and the male desire
to rise halfway up his urethra.
“Oh, here comes the s.e.m.e.n… You’re just
dying to c.u.m, aren’t you? Go right ahead. C’mon, c.u.m, c.u.m… Hee hee. c.u.m, c.u.m❤”
The usual sweet voice of her commands
caused his p.e.n.i.s to twitch. The command reflex carved into his brain traveled
down to his lower stomach and he finally gave up and relaxed his entire body.
“…Ah, gh…you’re kidding, right!?”
When the internal phone rang, Karen’s
attention turned that way and she stopped moving altogether. He twisted around
with no outlet left for all his carnal l.u.s.t and he criticized her, but Karen
frantically got down from the bed and picked up the receiver.
“Yes, this is Karen. Yes, yes. …Oh,
but…understood. I will be right there.”
(Wait, what!?)
He had thought it was just a business
notification or something, but she was apparently being called for some kind of
emergency. She hung up and gave him an apologetic look. She fixed her
disheveled clothing, put on her jacket, gave his p.e.n.i.s a reluctant stroke, and
opened her mouth.
“I’m sorry, Kazuki-san. A female customer
of mine seems to want an additional treatment. I would like to prioritize you,
but that isn’t an option.”
“Then what am I supposed to do…?”
To be honest, he was so aroused that he would blow his load if he embraced her
and rubbed up against her just as little. But if he was going to c.u.m, he wanted
it to be from her intense service. That prevented him from taking the easy
“I will be back in about half an hour, so
please wait here. …Excuse me!”
She must have been reluctant to leave too.
Shel looked heartbroken as she stared at his p.e.n.i.s, bit her lip, and rushed out
of the room. She had said half an hour, but she may have been thinking of
finis.h.i.+ng sooner than that and rus.h.i.+ng back.
“…Fine then. I guess I’ll just wait…hm?”
Kazuki glanced over and saw she had left her bra on the cart. Using that to
m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e would be quite pleasurable. He reached out toward the bra and his
crotch, but then he pulled his hands back and rolled onto his side with an
erection still throbbing at his crotch.
“30 minutes. Just 30 minutes. …Ohhhh!”
He thought that would pa.s.s in no time if he
shut his eyes and slept, but he was being far too naïve.
“Ah…is she still not back…is she still not
Kazuki was writhing on the bed like an addict, but only about 10 minutes had
pa.s.sed. Meanwhile, his p.e.n.i.s was still rock-hard and pointing straight up, even
though he had not touched it.
“I-I can’t stand this… Hurry, hurryyyy…”
He looked to the room’s entrance over and over, but it showed no sign of
opening. When he thought about waiting another 20 minutes, if not longer, even
greater desire welled up within him. He could have managed if he would just go
flaccid, but he could still vividly feel the touch of her fingers, lips, slit,
and skin on his body and her scent filled the room. It all kept his arousal
going strong.
(I-I could just do it myself…no, no, no, no!
I can’t do that!)
The throbbing of his crotch pounded in his ears, his desire to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e
provided a desperate tingling, and the rod shook. He reached toward it, stopped
himself, and…after 10 more minutes had pa.s.sed…
When he heard the door opening, he quickly
turned toward it. But it was not Karen he found standing there.
“Hmm, so this is the special room… And
that’s him. Oh?”
“……………Who are you?”
It was a girl in loose socks and a sailor uniform who was much shorter than
Karen. She was cute, but she looked something like a brat.
(Is she part of the staff? No, that sailor
uniform means she’s a student. But what is a student doing here?)
He was a student too, but as a part-time
tester, he had a perfectly legitimate reason for being here. What that entailed
was a different matter. But only a guy could perform that job, so he could only
a.s.sume this schoolgirl was a customer. But it seemed unusual for a student to
visit a beauty salon.
While he observed her like that, he
realized she was observing him as well. He should have been wearing a swimsuit,
but since he was currently not wearing anything at all, he covered himself with
a towel. However, he was still as erect as ever.
(Not good… I-I need to have her leave
before she notices…)
But while he tried to decide if he should
say something to her, she grinned and moved closer.
“h.e.l.lo, Onii-san. Or should I call you
‘sir’ like you’re a customer?”
The bright smile she gave him was pleasant and contained none of the brattiness
he had sensed before. She only looked like a cute girl. She was incredibly
short, but the chest of her sailor uniform showed the beginnings of mounds,
suggesting she was a growing girl. Her skirt was short enough to just about see
the base of her legs, those legs were slender, and they had round, feminine
curves, so she had both an athletic beauty and feminine charm.
Her hair looked brown, but it may have had
a hint of red. However, it seemed to be her natural hair color because there
was no hint of bleaching and the long hair was glossy and bright to the very
end. The hair was parted into twintails that swayed as she stood next to the
bed, faced Kazuki, and politely bowed.
“Oh, um, h.e.l.lo. …Well, it doesn’t really
matter, but…who are you?”
“I am Rumina. I often visit this salon as a
trainee. I also go to school of course, but I know how to handle customers, so
don’t worry♪”
Did that mean Karen had sent a different
staff member to deal with him? When he began to wonder if that meant she would
take care of that as well, the bulge
in his towel twitched and he felt a tingling in his b.a.l.l.s.
(No, wait! She’s clearly younger than me.
That would be a bad idea. Yeah.)
With that in mind, he nonchalantly s.h.i.+fted
his body to make sure his lower body stayed out of her sight. She might be a
succubus, but she might not. And if this Rumina was not, then she would simply
see him as a pervert for being here without a swimsuit.
“So, um…Rumina-chan…”
“Don’t add the ‘chan’! It’s sounds so
The way she puffed out her cheeks and looked away was a truly childish
reaction. But he was not stupid enough to point that out. He obediently
apologized and corrected how he addressed her.
“O-oh, sorry, Rumina. So why are you here?”
“Oh, right, right… Um, earlier…Karen-chan said she was going to be delayed, so she asked me to help prepare your treatment♪”
(Which treatment is that? The normal one?
Eh? But then won’t I be in trouble not wearing a swimsuit? No, wait. Karen-san
wouldn’t send a normal girl in here when she knows what state I’m in.)
He could not make up his mind and did not
react, so Rumina stared at him and must have decided he had no real questions.
She slowly reached for her skirt’s zipper.
“Okay, then let’s get started~”
She undid the clasp, unzipped the skirt,
and let it fall away. Even if it was short enough to see the base of her legs,
seeing her suddenly strip caused his thoughts to grind to a halt while he
“Wait…Rumina, what are you doing!?”
“Hm~? Ha ha. What were you imagining,
Onii-san? Look, I’m wearing a swimsuit underneath~♪”
Sure enough, he saw something other than
panties below. It appeared to be an old-style school swimsuit, that relic of an
older age that included an opening to let water out.
“Wait, what are you wearing!? Doesn’t this
salon have a uniform?”
His question did not seem to bother Rumina as she neatly folded her skirt and
placed it on the cart. Karen’s bra was there to, but she seemed not to notice
and Kazuki breathed a sigh of relief.
“It’s fine, it’s fine♪ This is how I do things! Okay, you turn the other way. I was told
to continue your ma.s.sage~ Ei♪”
The old-style school swimsuit with a sailor
uniform top looked like some kind of fetish outfit, but the girl pushed him so
he had his back to her. If he lay face down, she could then continue the
full-body oil ma.s.sage that Karen had started, but…
“W-wait! Um…I-I’m receiving the special
course, so, um…”
“Hm~? Oh, right, right. I know♪ You’re not wearing a swimsuit, right? That’s A~OK♪”
Rumina reached below his arms, pulled the
towel tight, and retied it around his hips. She then placed her hands on his
shoulders and used more strength then he would have imagined from such a small
girl to keep him from lying down.
“Stay seated cross-legged like this~ The
towel is covering everything up, so I don’t have to worry either. Hee hee, are
you ready?”
“Hh…y-yes, I’m…fine?”
He calmed his scratchy voice and managed to reply, but the soft touch of her
fingers and the sweet anime-like voice whispered in his ear stimulated his male
desire and caused his p.e.n.i.s to twitch so hard it nearly knocked the towel off.
“Ha ha. Why can you hear that? Well, it
doesn’t matter. …Okay, let’s get started~ Ey♪”
His p.e.n.i.s stood erect enough to press
against his belly, so it did not lift the towel much and she did not notice.
But her ma.s.sage was different from Karen’s.
She had probably modified it to work with her small body. Rumina produced a
sticky sound as she rubbed lotion oil on her arms and her legs and then wrapped
her limbs around him from behind.
“Hgh…kwahh!? U-um, wait!”
“Eh heh heh~ I might be a liiiitle heavy,
but bear with it, okay~?”
Her socks were a bit wet after absorbing
some lotion, but she kept her feet on the bed so they would not touch him.
However, her wet thighs and knees rubbed against his sides, legs, and stomach
and the softness of her fine, young skin provided enough pleasure for his hips
to tremble.
“No, you’re not heavy…and that’s not the
point! Hh…kwohh…”
“I’m not heavy? Ha ha. That’s good…you sure
are muscular, Onii-san. Your shoulders, arms, chest, abs, and legs are all so
solid and manly~♪”
While her lotiony legs provided a sweet
stimulation, her arms reached around his shoulders or below his arms and
supplied intense pleasure thanks to the lotion tangled around her fingertips.
The sticky wetness rubbed him as if licking up his armpit. Then it circled
around to the front and the palms pressed against his nipples while moving in a
“Hh, ahhh…Rumina…that’s…khh…”
“What, does it tickle? Bear with it juuuust
little longer~ There, there♪”
There was a pathetic tremor to his voice,
but she did not stop her hand. She continued thoroughly teasing his entire
chest with her palm, let her fingers crawl along as if feeling the shape of his
pecs, and made sure to stimulate his nipples all the while. Just when he
thought she would apply pressure with her palm, she would rub at the erect
nipples and she would occasionally pinch them and rub them with a light touch.
(Is she…doing this on purpose!? Agh…oh,
But before he could reach a conclusion, her hand moved onto a different motion,
so his nipples were constantly under attack by an ever-changing touch. Kazuki
may have never known he could feel such pleasure from that alone. He heard her
giggling over his shoulder and she had covered his chest with lotion in the
blink of an eye.
“There, your chest is ready for ma.s.saging~
This soaks into your chest…and warms you up from within. As your body is heated
up and you grow accustomed to my touch, your body will be remade from the
inside out…hee hee❤”
When her lips brushed against his earlobe
with the lightest of touches, his hips shot up, but she did not seem to mind.
Just as he really did feel the core of his body warming up, her fingers rubbed
his chest as if drawing lines along it.
“Hghhh!? Ah, hee…wait, what was that…?”
“Just checking how much your muscles have
loosened up~♪ Good, good. They’re nice and soft~”
She drew lines and pushed her fingertips
into his pecs while making sure to continue stimulating his nipples. A single
hand teasing his chest was enough to make him moan…and that hand belonged to a
young girl in a sailor uniform. That thought filled him with shame and his body
grew all the warmer. However, his arousal had not settled down at all, so his
erection twitched over and over, slapping against his stomach.
“This…really…is…! Gh…Rumina, um…”
“What is it? Does it tickle? Or does it feel good? Eh heh heh~ I’m good at
this, aren’t I? I’m still a trainee, but my ma.s.sages get a lot of praise from
the customers.”
It was true that her accurate rubbing and gentle stimulation was loosening and melting
his muscles. And while the one hand rubbed his chest, the other ma.s.saged his
arm, shoulder, and neck, so his arm quickly went limp.
“Okay, now for this one~ Time to swap… This
shoulder needs a ma.s.sage too~”
Her arms traded jobs, so she began ma.s.saging the opposite shoulder. However,
the stimulation to his chest did not cease. And because she was pressed against
his back, a modest but happy sensation was constantly rubbing against his back,
stimulating his sensuality to the point that a stain formed in his towel.
(Ah, zh…kh, not good… My prec.u.m is soaking
into the towel…ngh!)
He twisted his hips and legs in an attempt to s.h.i.+ft the towel so she would not
notice, but Rumina spotted the movement and squeezed with her legs to get him
to stop moving.