Imagining Balor's face looking at what he had pulled from the toilet made Erec grin.
"Eww!" Bethany almost rolled off of the bench she sat on, laughing.
"So anyway." Jack chuckled. "We're going at five o'clock. Two 59.hours early. Nobody will know we're there. Janus said the only one that really has to be there is Erec, at least according to the Fates. So he's not breaking any rules. Except the million new rules that the Labor Society made up."
"You guys are awesome." Erec beamed. "Thanks."
The four of them strode through Alypium to the gleaming turrets of the Labor Society. Erec, wearing the hood of his jacket over his head, walked in the middle of the group. He looked down, hoping not to be spotted. People rushed by them on the street, in and out of shops, but luckily nobody seemed to notice them. Erec was relieved. He was sure if they went at seven o'clock, when people expected him, he'd be booed and shouted at again, like he'd been the last time he'd come to draw a quest. Baskania had turned the people against him.
They crossed the lawn to the side of the Labor Society. The wooden door seemed out of place on the glistening silver building. A sign hung on it read OPEN AT SEVEN O'CLOCK.
Erec checked his watch. It was a few minutes before five. He tapped on the door, holding his breath.
In a moment, it swung open. Janus popped his head out and looked both ways, dust flying from his long scraggly gray hair and beard. He was filthy and bony, wearing a shaggy gray prison smock. Erec wondered if that was because he had been locked away in the little shop, or if he would look like that anyway.
Janus whispered, voice trembling, "Oooh, I don't like this. No, sir. I'll get fired for this or worse, I tell you."
"Sorry, Janus," Bethany said. "But Erec is being set up by Baskania. This will really help him."
"I know it." Still, he looked around nervously.
"I thought you'd want to be fired," Oscar said, blunt as usual. "I thought you didn't like being locked up in here."
60."I don't, but I do!" Janus shook his head harder, dust flying. "This is my job. I've always done it," he said proudly. "I just don't like the new changes that the Committee for Suppressing Change made to it." He stepped back and Erec entered the shop, followed by Bethany, Jack, and Oscar.
They waited for their eyes to adjust. Thick dust covered the shelves of the shop. The odd items set on them were too hard to make out through the caked-on grime. A gray cloud poofed from the shaggy carpet with each step they took, and all of them began coughing.
Janus walked behind his desk and slid out a pad of paper, creating a small dust storm.
Erec knew he had to sign the pad. That would let him through the force field into the building to get to Al's Well. "Will they be expecting me in there this early?"
A wild cackle jolted through the room and everybody jumped. Then an unnaturally loud, deep voice boomed, "Yes, Erec. They will."
Erec spun around. Behind him stood Thanatos Argus Baskania.
Baskania had one eye open in the center of his forehead and another on his chin. Both of them were blinking and looking wildly around, seeing things that Erec could not. One of his natural eyes was still missing; a terrible, dark hollow sat in its place. He had removed it to make room for Erec's dragon eye. But his other natural steely blue eye bored straight into Erec's. His silver-gray hair formed a perfect widow's peak in the center of his forehead, right above the eye there. A narrow, crooked nose jutted above his thin, pinched lips. His long, black cape hung over his tall, strong frame. He caressed a small silver ball, which he then dropped into his pocket.
Next to him stood Balor Stain, lips tight in a grin, and a terrible gleam in his icy blue eyes. His jet-black hair made his pale skin look even whiter. Erec thought he saw a hint of fear in Balor's face, behind 61.his bravado. Balor whipped a remote control from under his blue apprentice cloak. "Howdy, Erec Rex."
Erec's eyes narrowed at him.
In a moment, rope shot from Baskania's palm and coiled tightly around Erec, from his shoulders to his ankles. Erec cringed. Now what would he do? He struggled against the ropes with no success. How did Baskania find out they were here?
He was stuck. Or was he? Erec had a thought. There was one way he might be able to get out of these ropes--summoning dragons again with a dragon call, as Aoquesth had taught him to do.
But Baskania gazed at him. "Interesting thought. I'll have to put a shield around the building to block any transmissions to dragons." He drew a few markings in the air with his finger. "That should do it." His thin lips twisted into a smile.
Erec stared in shock. Baskania had read his mind. He almost kicked himself. Of course Baskania could do that. Now what would Erec do? His heart was pounding. He would never get away.
Bethany ran to Erec, fumbling with the tight rope as if she could possibly free him. Two large men strode through the door. Erec recognized them as players on Baskania's Super A springball team. One was the burly John Arrete. He had the magical gift of stopping time, which made him perfect as the team trapper, a position similar to a goalie. The other was Gog Magnon, the team's batter, who looked more like a caveman than ever. Gog locked the door behind him.
Baskania laughed. "Nobody leaves here, understood?"
Gog Magnon and John Arrete bowed their heads. "Yes, Shadow Prince."
Jack and Oscar seemed frozen, dazed.
Baskania turned to Oscar with a smug smile. "Thank you, Oscar, for letting me know where to find Erec. I couldn't have done this without you."
62.Oscar's jaw dropped open, and some squeaky noises came out. Jack and Erec looked at him in horror. Bethany stopped trying to untie Erec, a useless endeavor, and sat on the floor in shock.
"But...but..." Oscar's face flushed red.
"Now." Baskania turned to Janus, who shrank under his gaze. "As for you--"
"I'm sorry!" Janus blurted out. "Don't kill me, please! I was just trying to help."
"I know you were, Janus." Baskania's voice was calm. "I'm not upset at all. Quite the contrary. You've helped me quite a bit here. Now you will just continue to follow my orders and you will be rewarded." He smiled.
A strangled shout burst from Oscar's mouth. "I didn't tell you anything! You liar! I've never even seen you before." He was panting, and his fists were opening and closing.
Baskania turned to him, eyebrows up. "But of course you did, Oscar, or how would I know to be here? You're my good friend now. Don't be ashamed to admit it." He laughed, a wild cackle.
Oscar ran at Baskania and tried to kick him in the leg. Before his foot hit, Oscar sailed backward and slammed against a wall.
"Now, now, Oscar," Baskania said. "That is no way to treat a friend." His eyebrows lowered. "I would not advise trying that again." He turned to Janus. "Now that we know Al's Well is ready, Balor Stain will be drawing the quest today. Erec will stay here in case I need him to help Balor. And when I no longer need Erec here, I will bring him back to my fortress. Come, Balor."
Balor walked to the paper pad and picked up the feathered quill. He signed his own name, and Erec's name, several times. The signatures did not fill with light as Erec's had.
Balor looked at Baskania, and this time the fear in Balor's face was unmistakable. He opened the door that led into the Labor 63.Society. A shimmering bubble filled the door frame, the same one that only Erec had been able to pass through. Balor stepped back, then rammed himself at the membrane. He fell back, unable to get in.
After a few attempts Baskania sneered. "I'll get you there my own way." He snapped his fingers, and he and Balor disappeared.
All eyes in the room focused on Oscar. "How could you?" Bethany asked.
"I didn't do anything!" Oscar yelled, enraged. "He lied. I never saw him before today."
"How did he know your name, then?" Jack asked, his voice cold and hard.
"How do I know?" Oscar put his hands over his face. "Aargh!" he shouted. Then he looked at Jack. "I can't believe this. It's not my fault! Why won't you trust me?"
Jack stared at him. He said slowly, "So help me, Oscar. If you're lying--"
"I'm not!" Oscar grabbed his shoulders, frantic. "Believe me."
Jack sighed. "I do believe you. I just don't get it though." He looked at Erec. "Hey, I know Oscar really well. I think he's telling the truth."
Erec and Bethany nodded. Erec had his doubts, but it didn't seem like arguing would help.
Oscar started to calm down. "Now," he said, determined, "let's think of a way out of here." In a flash, he grabbed a large dust-covered item off a shelf and swung it hard at Gog Magnon.
Erec could not believe his eyes. Either Oscar had been telling the truth, or he was truly sorry for what he'd done. Attacking a massive oaf like that was pretty bold, or stupid.
Before the object, which may have been a lamp, hit Magnon in the head, Arrete performed his famous trick of stopping time. One 64.second later the lamp was back on the shelf, and Oscar was crumpled on the floor across the room.
"Huh?" Magnon grunted, confused. He looked like he was thinking about clobbering Oscar but decided not to, as he hadn't been touched.
Erec thought about trying a dragon call, even though Baskania had blocked the building against it. But before he began to focus on it, Baskania and Balor appeared again. Balor looked angry, wiping a hand on his blue cloak. He must have reached into Al's Well and not had any luck. Erec remembered what Balor had pulled from the well last time and gave him a smirk.
"All right, Erec." Baskania's eyebrows lowered at him. "It seems you will be necessary. Sign the paper."
The ropes fell instantly from Erec's sides and he picked up the feather quill. He hesitated a moment, wondering if he should do it. But he realized that he was unable to fight. If he drew the quest from the well, he would at least know what to do. Maybe if he survived, he could attempt the quest--although surviving did not look likely.
As he signed the pad, the letters of his name cracked deep into the paper. Bright light shone from the words into the shop.
"Take Balor with you through the side entrance," Baskania said.
Erec walked with Balor to the bubblelike material that glistened in the door frame. He passed his hand through easily. Balor stepped in front of him, blocking him, but bounced off the force field like it was rubber.
Then Erec slid right around Balor and into the Labor Society building. He filled with new hope. Was this possible? He had escaped! If he could just get-- But something yanked him right back into the shop. Balor had grabbed Erec's jacket and kept part of it from crossing the barrier, using it to pull him back. "Oh, no you don't, you loser. Let's try 65.this." He shoved Erec behind him and threw Erec's arms over his shoulders. Then, holding his wrists, like Erec was some kind of cape, Balor tried to butt his way through the membrane. Erec's hands slid in, but Balor bounced off.
"Forget it, Balor," Baskania said, disgusted. With a nod, he and Balor disappeared from sight.
Seizing his chance, Erec charged through the doorway into the huge glass and steel Labor Society lobby. Was he free? He looked around. Nobody seemed to notice him.
But a hand fell heavily onto his shoulder. Of course Baskania would not let him go that easily.
Balor was waiting by the elevators. They rode down to the bottom floor. Baskania followed Erec and Balor up the hill to the well. He tapped on the gravestone marked JACK that they passed at the bottom. "Looks like it's time for Jack to have some company."
When they got to the top of the hill, the door in the stone was open. Al lumbered over, waving them in. He looked just like a plumber in his overalls and tool belt, and was carrying a big plunger. "You two back again?" Al said, eyeing Baskania and Balor.
The stench hit Erec right away. He had forgotten how awful it smelled here. Al had called it the "smell of life" because "people's fates weren't always that sweet." He had said Erec would get used to it, but Erec doubted that was possible. Balor and Baskania were disgusted, not liking the smell any more than he did.
"I gotta finish polishing it, after that last mess." Al shot a look of disapproval at Baskania, then walked through an opening in the round shower curtain around the well and bent over it. The back of his overalls were loose, so his shirt came up and the top of his rear end showed over his pants. Balor snickered.
Al backed out and closed the curtain. "Let's do it right this time," he said. Erec was amazed that Al did not seem afraid of Baskania.
66.He yanked a cord and the curtain flew open, revealing the gleaming white toilet that was Al's Well. Servants behind Erec stood in a row and bowed deeply before it. Erec thought he heard a distant chorus singing a single note: "Aaaahhhh."
Al gestured toward the toilet. Balor followed Erec and stood next to him.
"You want to go first?" Erec asked Balor, smirking.
Balor scowled at him.
"You will both reach in at the same time," Baskania's voice boomed. "Balor will take the paper, either in the well or as soon as it's out. Balor--before he sees it."
Erec got onto his knees before the porcelain commode. The inside was a straight drop into blackness, like a never-ending latrine. He reached a hand inside. The air within it was misty, and the water seemed boiling hot and ice cold at the same time. He almost jerked his hand out, until he realized that it did not hurt him.
Balor crouched next to him, plunging his hand in. Both of them fished around in the strange liquid. Chills raced through Erec. What would the quest say? Would Baskania let him find out? Would it be something dangerous? He knew the quest was meant for him. It didn't seem right that it was being taken away.
A thick, warm paper entered his grasp. This was it! He tugged, but it was caught on something. Was it Balor? Did he have it?
Balor looked like he had something, but from the look on his face he wasn't sure what it was.
Erec tugged, and he felt the paper rip. He fished around a moment, but the other piece was gone. Both Erec and Balor pulled their hands out at the same time.
In Erec's hand dripped a piece of paper, torn at the end. In Balor's hand was a smelly, slimy piece of poop.
Balor shrieked and flung it into the grass. Almost in the same 67.movement he grabbed the paper from Erec's hand. He wiped his hand on the grass and read the quest. Confusion filled his face. "'Get behind?'" he said. Then he gasped in shock, and looked from Erec to Baskania, aware that he had read it aloud. "I'm sorry," he sputtered to Baskania. "It just didn't make any sense, or I wouldn't have said it. Look, the end is ripped off."
Baskania turned over the paper as Balor again wiped his hand on the grass and then the shower curtain, to Al's annoyance. "Get behind"? Erec thought. What kind of a quest was that? Only part of one, it seemed. Get behind what? He snickered at Balor. "Looks like the Fates sent you a message, too."
"Reach back in," Baskania commanded. "Find the other part."
Balor sat poised to grab the paper, this time not bothering to reach into the liquid himself. Erec stuck an arm all the way into the toilet. He could feel nothing except for the strange liquid.
Al, standing in his line of sight, mouthed something at him. Erec could not tell what he was saying. He seemed to be repeating a word, but what was it?
Then Al made a little motion with his hand. And Erec suddenly understood.
Erec put his left hand up by the toilet handle, pretending to grasp so he could reach deeper in. Then he grabbed the handle and pulled.
The Pool Table.A HUGE ROAR FILLED Erec's ears, and he was sucked headfirst into the toilet. As he flew in, he caught a glimpse of shock on the faces of Balor and Baskania. HUGE ROAR FILLED Erec's ears, and he was sucked headfirst into the toilet. As he flew in, he caught a glimpse of shock on the faces of Balor and Baskania.
Erec choked and sputtered in the liquid as he shot through a long tunnel. He felt pops in both of his wrists and then something opening there. His breathing became regular again. With a jolt, he realized that his Instagills had opened, and he was breathing 69.through them. Erec and Bethany had won the Instagills--automatic gills that opened when they were in water--in Queen Posey's Sea Search contest when he had first come to Alypium.
Colors that Erec had never seen before whirled around as he spun through the liquid in Al's Well. He had the sensation of being surrounded by fire and ice, a feeling that almost burned yet did not hurt at all. As he plummeted through the giant tube, the liquid around him was replaced by regular water. It sped him around bends and curves gently, rushing past other openings and forks, carrying him through an underground network, as if he were a tadpole. He looked for the other half of the paper with his third quest written on it as he swirled on, but even if it were somewhere in the water, it would have been nearly impossible to find.
A smile burst across Erec's face. He was free and soaring safely away, somewhere. If only he had seen the whole quest he would know what to do. But, then again, Balor would have seen it too.
The tunnel felt like a giant water slide, whipping and turning him this way and that. Erec began cheering. He found that he could hear himself, even though he was underwater. Maybe the Instagills had that effect too. In the end, he slipped up through a thick, dark pipe and into a shallow pool. His head popped out of the water and he took a breath. The feathery gills in his wrists shut back into slits.
Erec tried to absorb what he saw around him. He was indoors, in a small rectangular pool of water that sat on a pedestal--the pedestal being the tube he had just come through. The water was only up to his chest as he sat on the bottom. Around the room were shelves stacked with games and books. The room felt oddly familiar. Erec was sure he had been here before.
Then he realized. This was the game room. He was in the castle! Bethany and he had fallen onto the wall in this room when the castle had been on its side. The games and furniture had been piled on the 70.wall then. Only the pool table had remained fixed to the floor.
Erec remembered what had happened when Bethany accidentally flipped a shelf up with her foot. The top of the pool table had opened and loads of water had dumped right on top of her.