Ugry's Advice.ON THEIR WAY back into the castle, a voice rang out, "Hey, Bethany! Erec! You're back!" Jack Hare ran up to them with a grin, waving. "When did you guys get here? I was just coming to check in and see if anyone's heard from you."
Bethany and Erec looked at each other in a panic. "Jack..." Bethany's voice shook. "You found us."
Baskania was nowhere in sight...yet. Erec wondered if he would appear in a minute.
"Listen, Jack." Erec grabbed Jack's shirt. "This is extremely important. Can I trust you?"
"Of course." Jack nodded. "Shoot." He dusted Erec's hands off.
"You cannot cannot tell Oscar you've seen us here. Do not mention us to him at all. Is this clear?" tell Oscar you've seen us here. Do not mention us to him at all. Is this clear?"
Jack sighed. "Not that again. Listen, I'm telling you, I know Oscar. He's a good kid."
Bethany swung around. "Jack. There are things you don't know. We are trying to tell you. Oscar understands what's going on. He doesn't want to know where we are. His mind is getting read by Rosco. It's not Oscar's fault. They're using him to hunt us down."
They showed Jack the letter Oscar had written, and he let out a low whistle. "I can't believe Rosco is doing that to him," he said. "This is so unfair. Oscar's dad just died, and now he has to deal with this?"
"Guess how Oscar's dad died?" Bethany said. "Rosco killed him."
Jack's eyes widened. "No way."
Erec nodded. "Oscar says he's going to get revenge on Rosco. I'm sure he couldn't do it, even if he tried. He's not nearly powerful enough, plus Rosco can read his mind. But that's all he can think about."
"Do you understand now?" Bethany asked him. "Can we be sure you won't breathe a word to Oscar that we're here? Because if you ever do, Baskania will be here in one minute."
"No way." Jack looked bewildered. "I'll never tell him. Oscar's been gone anyway, since right after you guys disappeared. I've been worried about him, and you, too."
"If you want to come with us," Bethany said, "we're going to send Oscar a message."
"Wait." Jack put a hand up. "I thought he can't know where you two are."
"He can't." Bethany smiled.
Dear Oscar, Bethany and I just had to write you back and let you know we are 203 203alive and well. Baskania has not captured us. We realize now that we shouldn't have let on that we had to sleep in the dragon's cave for the quest. Luckily, by the time Balor got there we were gone. This time we'll be much more careful.
The quest we are doing now is very strange. We have to spend time in the coldest place on the planet. And then, right after, we have to do something really dangerous in the hottest place on the planet. (Or should I say, "in" the planet.) It's exciting but scary, and it might keep us away for a while.
Of course, I won't tell you where we are or where we are heading, so don't worry if anyone sees this letter. I just wanted you to know that we are fine, we are still your friends, and that you better still stay in hiding, and try to keep away from us, until this problem with Rosco is solved.
Erec Jack, Bethany, and Erec laughed and high-fived on the way to the Port-O-Door. In moments, the annoyed-looking snail was tossed into the arctic snow of the South Pole.
This was perfect. Nothing like sending Baskania and his followers on a search to the freezing tundra and then to some insanely hot places. Erec flipped his pen in the air and caught it, picturing Baskania and the Stains freezing, teeth chattering in Antarctica, and then boiling hot. He started thinking about all the worst places in the world they could go. Soon he was whistling while he walked.
Jack joined them for dinner in the west wing dining hall that night. When King Piter showed up holding his scepter, Erec had a harder time taking his eyes off it. Seeing the scepter and feeling its power when he looked into the future with his dragon eyes was giving him even more of a taste for it now. For a while he had thought its grasp on him was finally weakening. But not anymore.
Could knowing his future, alone, change his future? he wondered.
The king seemed troubled and kept looking at Erec with a puzzled expression.
"Is everything okay?" Bethany asked him. "Are you worried about the Substance?"
He stroked his beard. "Maybe I've been too worried about the Substance. Things are happening right here, and I need to be more aware of them."
Erec nodded. "Like the parades in Alypium for the Stain brothers, and the lies going around that they're winning all the quests."
The king nodded. "My plants in Alypium told me about that. There's not much we can do about it, though. They can pretend whatever they want. But the scepters shouldn't go to them if they fake doing the quests."
Erec hoped the king was right. He had been able to use the scepters, though, before he finished any quests. He looked at the scepter again, hungrily. The king slid it to the other side of his chair, out of Erec's view.
"I'm concerned about the castle," he said to Erec. "Balthazar Ugry, my AdviSeer, spoke to me again. He seems to think we'd all be much safer if you were locked up somewhere out of harm's way."
"What?" Erec didn't understand. "How would that make everyone safer?"
Then he remembered that Ugry had told the king that "it was of the utmost importance that we contain him." So Ugry had been talking about him? That was ridiculous. "I'm not going to hurt anyone. I'm working to try to stop Balor Stain from blowing up the castle."
"Balor Stain? That's who is behind this?" The king was relieved. "Look, Balthazar has me a little concerned. Can you tell me what you've been seeing in the future?"
"Yes. I've been walking around the castle from different angles, 205.
trying to figure out what happened. And I saw Balor Stain laughing and holding his bronze whistle. He's the one that blew up the Under Mine during the contests last summer." Erec decided not to mention seeing himself holding a scepter. But he was going to make sure that changed, anyway. He knew he shouldn't have one.
King Piter tapped his chin. "I think I know what Balor's using that bronze whistle for. They can be made to call bronze ghosts."
Erec dropped his fork. "There were bronze ghosts there. Tons of them, tearing the castle apart. Balor must have called them. He always has that whistle around his neck. It would explain the bronze ghosts that were there when he exploded the Under Mine, too."
The king was smiling now, relaxed. "Balor Stain, huh? And I thought..." He shook his head. "Well, I suppose I can leave it to you to prevent, if the Hermit thinks that's a good idea. I'll be around to help if there's a problem."
He was amazed that the king seemed happier the more they talked about it. Erec certainly felt more upset. "So, you're not going to lock me up somewhere, then?" he asked.
"No. I think that would be an overreaction, especially based on what you're seeing and the Hermit's confidence in you. I'll reassure Balthazar that it will be okay. Just let me know if you find out anything else." King Piter waved his hand airily. "You have quests to do, young man. I'm going to figure out a way to get you to Al's Well to draw your next one."
As Erec listened to the king, he remained acutely aware of the scepter at his side. He had the feeling that the king was hiding something from him again. Why had he been about to imprison him "somewhere safe" a minute ago, and now he was fine letting him do another quest?
Erec felt angrier the more he thought about it. He was risking his life doing quests that he didn't want to do just to protect Alypium 206.
from Baskania, and the king wouldn't even be straight with him.
There were too many things he had wanted to know for too long, and he was sure the king had all the answers. It must be stubbornness that he wouldn't tell things to Erec. Or maybe he just thought Erec was a baby. Neither answer was good enough. The more he thought about it, the worse he felt. For a moment he considered grabbing the scepter and making the king talk, but then he realized that was not a wise thing to do.
But there was nothing wrong with bringing it up. He cleared his throat. "King Piter? I think it's time that you answered a few questions for me."
The king looked concerned. "Yes, Erec?"
"I want to know, for starters, who my father is. Aoquesth told me my father was a good man, but nobody will tell me more. I want to meet him. I think he's still alive." His voice took on a more urgent tone. "And I want to know if he has anything to do with why I'm supposed to be the next king."
King Piter's brow furrowed. "Erec, I know you must be curious. But you need to take my word for it that you cannot know this yet."
Erec took a sharp breath. "Why do I have to take your word for it? I am ready to know now, okay? No matter who my father is. Even if it's someone awful, like Baskania." He thought about the Stain triplets. At least they knew.
"No, Erec, you are not ready yet." The king gazed into the distance, lost in his thoughts. "Not yet."
"But I am am ready. I've managed three quests now, and each has gotten harder. I risked my life..." He held his breath, trying to slow down. "So something as simple as this is not a big deal. I assure you." ready. I've managed three quests now, and each has gotten harder. I risked my life..." He held his breath, trying to slow down. "So something as simple as this is not a big deal. I assure you."
"It is a big deal, Erec." The king closed his eyes. "You must trust me."
"Trust you?" Erec heard his voice rising. "What about you trusting me? You were about to lock me up a minute ago."
"Really, Erec, I'm sorry." King Piter's lips were drawn into a tight line.
Erec stood. "Well, I'm going to search for the truth, and I'll find out. With or without you. I don't need you to tell me. There are other ways."
"Then I will will have to lock you up!" the king roared, slamming his hand on the table. Everyone jumped. have to lock you up!" the king roared, slamming his hand on the table. Everyone jumped.
King Piter stood and glared down at Erec. "You're not giving me a choice. I told you that you weren't ready yet. Erec, I'm I'm not ready for you to know yet either. It would be dangerous now, terrible, if you knew. More has to be done first." not ready for you to know yet either. It would be dangerous now, terrible, if you knew. More has to be done first."
Bethany looked like she was about to cry. She ran around the table and stood between the king and Erec, not sure what else to do.
Seeing how shocked everyone was, the king began to calm down. He patted Bethany's head. "Promise me that you won't try to find out, Erec. You don't even want want to know. Please. I beg you." to know. Please. I beg you."
Erec knew he had pushed the issue too far. "Okay, sorry."
Bethany and the king sat down, and everyone stared at their plates awkwardly.
"What was was that?" Erec paced. "It's ridiculous that he can't tell me such a small thing." that?" Erec paced. "It's ridiculous that he can't tell me such a small thing."
"You might as well forget about it," Bethany said. "You promised him you'd forget about it. He said that you wouldn't even want to know."
"Of course I want to know. And I didn't promise anything. I just agreed so he wouldn't lock me up." Erec kicked a pillow, then sat down in the living room in Bethany's mansion.
Jack was entertaining himself by producing cake slices on the 208.
Serving Tray. "Erec didn't have much choice, did he? He kind of had to promise that to the king so he didn't get thrown in jail."
After a knock on the door, Jam Crinklecut stuck his head in. "May I come in, modom?" He carried a tray of fresh brownies which the kids helped themselves to, even though they had just finished eating cake. "I'm sending word to young sir from the king that he has arranged for you to meet with Janus and go to Al's Well to collect your fourth quest."
"He did?" Erec handed a brownie to Jam, who took it with a bow.
"He did, young sir. He inquired and found that the Fates are indeed ready for you. You are to show up tomorrow at noon at the Labor Society, and Janus will let you through."
"Thanks, Jam." Erec wasn't sure he was ready for another quest after that last one. "Maybe I should just hang out here and figure out how to stop Balor from blowing up the castle, instead."
Bethany glared at him. "Don't even think about it."
Janus peeked out when Erec tapped on the door. His bony knees were knocking together under his shaggy tunic. He looked pale, dark bags layered under his eyes. "C-come in." He stepped back to let Erec, Jack, and Bethany in the room and quickly locked the door behind them.
All of them looked around the shop furtively, waiting for Baskania to pop into view. After a few minutes it seemed that they might be safe.
Janus, his long matted gray hair and beard covered with dust, still looked nervous. "I'm not happy with this arrangement," he said. "Someone's going to find out. And it'll be my job, or worse."
"Did anything bad happen to you last time with Baskania?"
"No." As he shook his head, dust flew off like water from a sprinkler. "I told him that John Arrete and Gog Magnon touched something they shouldn't have, and it froze them. He was suspicious that I made it happen, but Arrete remembered I told them to leave it alone. Baskania said I need to report to him if I see you again. If he finds out that I'm sneaking you in..." He wrung his hands together.
"We won't tell, Janus," Bethany said. "If anyone realizes that Erec went to Al's Well again, we'll say we snuck him in ourselves, without your help."
That made Janus relax a bit. He pulled out the quill pen and notepad. "I suppose I don't have to say it, but only those may come in here, blah, blah, blah." He pushed the paper forward, his voice a harsh whisper. "Now, sign it and get going. Take the elevator straight down and out the back. Try to stay hidden."
Erec signed his name on the pad and the words cut deep into the paper. Soon, light beamed from them into the room. Erec slipped easily through the membrane on the doorway and into the gleaming towers of the Labor Society building. He hiked his jacket hood over his head and walked, head hung down, straight to the elevator banks. People wearing business suits and checking their watches bustled around him. Nobody seemed to notice him.
People mingled near the elevator bank, but Erec was the only one who hopped on a glass elevator down to the basement. When he stepped off, he darted out the back door.
He knew the way across the grassy field to the hillside. After passing the tombstone that bore the name Jack, he climbed the path up to Al's Well.
Al was standing outside the stone wall, waiting. He hitched his pants up. "Ya better get dis done fast, kid," he said. "Dem Harpies been flying around here every day, keeping watch. Look." Al pointed, 210.
and Erec saw what looked like a big bird in the distance. "Come on."
Erec followed Al into the enclosure. The usual stench hit him, and he coughed until he caught his breath. He wondered if he'd ever get used to it. Flies buzzed around him and he batted them away. Before him was the closed shower curtain ring. "Go on, fast," Al said, waving his plunger toward Erec. "You think dis smells bad, you should check out Ed's Well. Ed's my brother." He pulled a cord and the white curtains swung open, revealing Al's Well, which looked exactly like a shiny white toilet. A row of servants fell to their knees and bowed their heads to the grass, arms before them.Al motioned Erec forward, and he knelt before the porcelain commode. Green steam from the toilet bowl swirled around his face. After a glance up at Al, he plunged his arm into the liquid filling the wide latrinelike hole.
The mist was cold, and the water had the strange sensation of freezing and burning at the same time, painlessly. Erec was glad he wasn't swimming in it this time. He fished around awhile, hoping that something would go wrong and no paper would be there. What would it be this time? What danger would he encounter?
A warm paper alighted upon his fingers and he grabbed it. He pulled it out, but waited a moment before looking. Was it too late to throw it back in?
Al said softly, "I'd look now, kid. Not a great idea to hang out here."
Erec examined the dripping paper. "Take the Twrch Trwyth from Olwen Cullwich and seal the five Awen." He flung the paper toward Al, bewildered. "Huh? It doesn't make sense."
"It will," Al said gravely. He shook his head. "I didn't think dose things were real." He looked at the paper and gave Erec's shoulder a pat. "Wow. Well, good luck, kid." He didn't sound confident, not one bit.
Erec read it again. "The Twrch Trwyth? Is that like a Truth Torch?"
A chilling shriek shot through the air, making him jump. Then, in a second, the paper in his hand was swept up by the claw of a Harpy.