Era Of Authority - 44 Something New...

44 Something New...


Feeling as the wind had touched his skin, Michael sighed and put his hand out to the side.

Instantly, his well known black spear appeared in his hand and not wasting any more time, he threw it to the van.


The van's left aft wheel got broken in a second and the vehicle started to zig zag here and there. Only ater a while later did it started to slow down and stop.

"What a joke to run away me, haha!" said Michael to himself and started to walk toward the now stopped vehicle.

As he walk 5 or so steps, the van's door opened and the masked bandits came out of it.

"GET READY TO FIGHT!!" Shouted the one, whose mask was like a skeleton face.

Doing as the leader said, all of them started to take their weapons out and pointed at Michael.

"FIREEEE!!" Shouted the skeleton masked man. Instantly, 5 man opened fire at Michael.

Seeing as hundreds of bullets were flying towards him, Michael just smiled and with a relaxed manner he jumped over the incoming attacks.

The bandits followed him and shot him, while he was in the air, but their eyes turned extra large after the next moment.

While in the air, in Michael's other hand a black s.h.i.+eld appeared. He put it in front of him and the bullets instantly got deflected, without causing any harm to the wielder.

As Michael landed he pushed the s.h.i.+eld forward with his boulder like body and the man who got hit had been blown away.

Watching as this happened the remaining 4 halted in their pursuit. Using out this opportunity Michael ran toward the next and hit him on the stomach.


The man coughed up a mouth of blood and fell to the ground.

Seeing as the situation was getting dire, the leader grabbed Dorothy's uniform and in his grip he put the gun to her head.

However, as he wanted to say something, Michael appeared next to Isla and took her under his arms and looked at the masked bandit.

"Don't you dare and pull the trigger." said Michael to the man. In his voice the anger could be heard clearly.

"Haha! Who do you think you are? I don't dare? Do you wanna try my patience?" said the leader mockingly and he pushed the gun stronger to Dorothy's head.

Seeing this, Michael grabbed tighter his weapon and was ready to move, but the bandit said,"If you try anything I will kill her."

Michael stopped where he was and started to think. He was 15 meters away from the man, so even if he try and jump or run toward him, Dorothy's life will be at risk. He need to find a way, which is 100% safe and could save her life without issue.

"Give me the other girl and I will for---" started the skeleton faced bandit eerily, but couldn't finish his sentence, because a strange aura started to form around Michael.

And suddenly,


A huge explosion erupted and the ground around his feet turned into dust and somehow the air got also heavier too.

"W-what is this?" asked the man a bit scared, but shouted,"I TOLD YOU! IF YOU MOVE, SHE WILL DIE!!"

Michael didn't say a word, he just looked at the man and as he was about to step forward he felt something was off.

He looked to the side and what he saw made him frozen. The leader seeing his opponent's sudden halt he also looked to the side and when he did, his mouth opened extra wide.

"W-what the h.e.l.l??"

In front of them, not so far away, a red, gigantic meteorite was flying towards them.

Michael wanted to do something, but suddenly a growing black circle started to appeared before him.


After the Demon made that huge thing and blew it toward Michael and the others, somehow Greg found himself surrendered by thousands of small red needle like things and their radius was unbelievably huge.

Luckily his eyes and his control over time could help him to see what he can do.

"That gigantic meteorite is fast! I need to do something now!" thought Greg and suddenly an idea popped up in his mind.

"I don't know if this works or not, but I need to try it." said Greg quietly and waved with his hand.

Instantly several small black dots appeared all around him. There were almost a hundred if not more.

"Let's see if this works." said Greg and made the time flow faster a bit and started to do something with his hand.

The small needles arrived before him, however as they touched the black dots, they dissapeared and appeared on the other side.

Seeing this, Greg got really happy and did his wavering motion faster than ever.

"I'm a genius! Haha!" laughed Greg as a growing purplish black hole started to appear before him.

In truth what he did was using the s.p.a.ce element in another way. Like his inventory, he made a crack in the surroundings and with a tunnel he connected them.

So if something went inside in one side then it will come out to the other side. Literally, it was like a portal.

And as the small ones defended him from the outer attacks, up to that time, he started to make a bigger one to get where Michael was.

However, this process wasn't as easy as one would think and that was why Greg needed some time before he could instantly make one in the future.

Watching as his attacks were futile, the Demon started to make more and more to the point where there were no s.p.a.ce between each needle.

Greg saw as the incoming attack was more than his defense could bear, so he turned his gaze before him and said,"Come on! I know it will work!"

The purplish black hole started to grow with a slow pace. It was half as big as Greg already, but it seemed the time wasn't enough for him.

Feeling that the smaller ones were on the verge of collapsing, due to the huge pressure coming from the attacks, Greg put in an all in.

"Go to h.e.l.l then!" said Greg angrily and with a wave motion the smaller ones melted into the bigger one, making it as big as Greg.

However this made him wide open to the a.s.sault and a lot of the attacks stabbed him, making him bleed from the spot he got cut.

Luckily, his suit turned steel hard as the red needles touched it, but this didn't made all of them useless.

After a moment later, the gate was in front of Greg and not wasting his time more, he jumped into it.

In less than a millisecond, he suddenly appeared before Michael.

"Huh? Gr--?!" Michael wanted to say his name, but realized there were others around them, so he just shut it up.

However, Greg didn't care about him, he turned around and looked at the man, who was pointing the gun to Dorothy's head.

Luckily, the gigantic meteorite was further away, so he had a small amount of time to save her.

He teleported next to the man and with a sudden move he hit the gun out of his hand.

The man didn't expect this and was flabbergasted. When he wanted to take a knife out, Greg appeared again next to him and hit his neck.


The man's body got slammed to the ground with an unbelievable force. Cracking sounds also came out of his body, making the man unconscious in a second.

Greg put Dorothy down, next to Isla and said to Michael,"You look after them, I will take care of that thing."

Michael looked at Greg and asked a bit anxiously,"Are you sure you can take care of it?"

Greg didn't answer and just turned his gaze and body toward the huge meteorite.

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He raised his hand toward it and out of his pointing finger a yellowish line got shot out.

The yellow line hit the meteorite, but it didn't do anything. Seeing this the Demon just smiled and started to walk toward Greg slowly.

Greg asked from Michael,"What power can your s.h.i.+eld defend against?"

"Almost anything that doesn't goes over Ares's power." answered Michael confusedly.

"Then get ready to use it." said Greg and suddenly, arm wide electric lines started to move around his body and his clothes and hair was floating, like he was in water.

"What the h--?" whispered Michael, however in the next moment his mouth opened extra wide. He also needed to use his s.h.i.+eld to block some of the incoming pressure from Greg.

It was because after Greg stood still for a while, a 10 meter wide, electricity line got shot out of his pointing finger. The power was so huge that Greg got pushed back a few meters leaving cracks on the ground.

The attack was so fast that it took the few thousand meters only in a second and after it hit the red meteorite, cracks appeared on it.

Seeing this Greg got happy, but the Demon was the opposite and halted.

Greg stepped forward and pointed toward the meteorite again and with the same attack he hit it time after time.




Michael could only just watch as Greg was trying his best to annihilate the incoming death.

After a while later the meteorite was all over with cracks and with the last lightning attack it finally turned into dust.


"Blaagh!" Greg coughed up a small amount of blood, after seeing that he could destroy that behemoth thing.

Michael looked out from behind his s.h.i.+eld, but before he could praise Greg for what he did, his eyes contracted.

"Greg! Look!" said Michael to the kneeling Greg before him.

Greg looked over where Michael was pointing and when he saw what was in front of him his face paled.

It was because another red meteorite with the same size was coming toward them.

"Kehehe!! Oh, you weak human! Kehehe, just die in despair!" said the Demon as it laughed and smiled with its disgusting face.

Greg just looked as the huge a.s.sault was coming. And what was worse, that it was faster, due to the absence of time slowing.

Greg and Michael could think only for one thing, and that would be that their situation was dire...