Era Of Authority - 21 Unfair Challange?

21 Unfair Challange?

"Arrggh.... Couldn't she take me back with much more gentleness? It hurt me..."

Anthony stood up from the ground while complaining, but when he looked up he froze.

Marcus and Greg were in front of him, looking straight at him.

They looked at each other for a while, but after sometime later Greg asked"Uuumm... Anthony? What happened?"

Hearing the question, Anthony cleared his throat and answered,"Well,You already saw it. I came out of a rift, so it can't be so hard to find out what happened with me."

"You have been chosen?" asked Marcus with awe.

"Yeah, and a G.o.ddess have chosen me on top of that." said Anthony with pride.

"What was her name?"

"Her name? Theia, The G.o.ddess of Vision and Ever Bright Light!" said Anthony while pointing at his eyes."Now I have an enlightenment and an Authority also.Hahaha!"

While Anthony was laughing, Greg stepped forward and asked,"Can you show me your powers? I'm curious what kind of enlightenment you got."

Hearing Greg's wish, Anthony stopped laughing and replied in a calm tone,"I would if I could. But my first power only let me see through people...I mean seeing their power level or what they want to do. Like predicting the future. But she said, I need to do a lot of practice to reach that height. "

"And Sir, what about your Authority?" asked Marcus next to Greg.

"It is a bit of special. I chose an Authority, which let me share my vision with others." While saying that he used it on Greg.

In that instant the scenery around Greg changed into a satellite's view. He could clearly see the things around him in a 360 degree. Even the small black mark on Marcus's suit could be seen like in a zoomed, HD video.

But what was a bit sad that he could just see to 100m away at the moment.

"After practicing a bit more, Theia said I will be able to see anything I want. Even things on the other side of the planet, without issue. But for that I have a really long way to go." said Anthony while turning Greg's vision back to normal.

"Amazing...It's almost like cheating." said Greg with awe.

"Hahaha...Thanks the praise, but at the moment it's nothing more than a support power. It will be stronger only in the future." answered Anthony while scratching his neck.

They talked for a bit more. After an hour later Greg said to Anthony and Marcus,"Well then, If there's nothing more I need to know, then I take my leave."

"Okay, take care." said Anthony.

After saying goodbye Greg turned around. While he was walking away, suddenly Anthony's eyes turned sky blue.

After looking at Greg, Anthony's started to sweat on his forehead and staggered back a few steps.

"I-Impossible...T-there is no way in heaven!!" whispered Anthony while putting his hands on his face.

"Huh? Anthony are you okay?" asked Greg after hearing Anthony's voice.

Anthony's eyes turned back to normal and said,"Y-yeah...You can leave."

"Okay, then goodbye!" bowed Greg and left the room.

Anthony sat down into a chair, and fell into dilemma. Marcus seeing this asked,"S-sir?? What happened??"

Anthony didn't reply to his question and just whispered, "Impossible...He..He had...five different colors...Didn't Theia say, the max color one could have is three? Impossible..."

What he saw, was that five different colors were spinning like a vortex around Greg. Blue, as deep in color as the ocean. Green, as deep in color as a falling leaf. Red, as low-pitched as a river of blood. Yellow, as recondite as a dawn and Black as dark as the deepest abyss.

And after seeing those abnormal colors, Anthony couldn't do anything, just continuing his whispering in his chair...


[Boys Mansion]

After coming back from the office, Greg walked into the kitchen to make something to eat.

He opened the fridge. In there were some meat, yogurt, eggs, milk and more.

While he was thinking what he should make, suddenly someone touched his shoulder.

When he turned around he saw that it was just William.

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"Haaah...What do you want?" asked Greg after a sigh.

Hearing the sigh William got angry, but calmed down and asked,"Do you know about the MW?"

"You mean the Mission Wall? Yes, why?"

"Look at this then." After saying that, he got a message to his SAI.

Greg opened the message and read it, "Challange: Beat the one with the most points in the Academy. Name:Greg Evans, Reward:1 Gold and 1 Ruby points"

"Huh? Was there a mission like this?" asked Greg with suprise. He checked the MW before, but he couldn't see this mission before.

"Yes. So I want to challange you. Tomorrow, 3 P.m at the academy's arena. If you are late it's automatically my win, so remember it well." with that William turned around and left.

While Greg was watching his back, his SAI vibrated.

When he looked at it he got a bit of shock. It was because in the MW's page a public news appeared. And it was the one William sent him, which told he got challenged.



All around the academy everybody's watch was vibrated.

"Huh? Someone already started a mission?"

"And look, it says the challanger need to beat the one with the most points!"

"Yeah true! William Miller and Greg Evans?? Aren't they from Cla.s.s X?"

"Yes, but look. It says the challange will be tomorrow in the Academy's arena. It will be a fight."

"Then it's decided. William will win with easy. He is the Biggest Giant's son. He specialized in fighting."

"Yeah. That Evans kid is a dead meat! Hahaha!"

"Do you want to go and have a look?"

" just unnecessary. William is sure to win. If not I will eat my watch."

There were a lot who talked about the upcoming fight and there were some who even made bets.

But there were two girls in a room,who just smiled after seeing the message.

"Haha! That idiot. Didn't he learn before? He will be beaten again just like last time." laughed Dorothy.

"Yeah, but it will be fun to watch it, don't you think?" asked Isla.

"Yeah you are right, let's go and see what will happen."

"You mean let's go and watch your prince?" asked Isla with smile.

"Y-you!!" with a red face, Dorothy jumped at Isla.

They started to fight...


[Next Day, Hope Arena]

Inside the arena there were a lot of spectators. All of them came to see what will happen in the fight.

"Ah look! There they come!" said someone from the bleachers.

Down in the huge fighting arena Greg and William with other two people stood opposite each other.

Greg seeing the the others asked,"William, I knew I will fight against you but what about those two next to you?"

"Haha! You are such a moron. Did you check the information about the mission?" said William in a mocking tone.

Hearing this Greg looked at the information and when he saw it his face darkened. And it wasn't just him. Everybody around them had the same suprised face.

Dorothy said to Isla after seeing the information, "So it's not just a 1 on 1 fight but a 3 on 1? Who was the one that made the rules? It's like bullying the other one."

"I don't know, but if things like this, let's just hope he can win somehow." said Isla.

Greg checked the rules and after that he closed his SAI.

When he looked up William's smile frozen stiff. Suddenly the temperature dropped down by some degree, but of course others thought it was just a coincidence.

"S-sis? D-do you see his face?"Asked Dorothy with a bit of fear on her face.

"Y-yeah..It looks like he is really angry..."

After Greg looked at William like he was looking at a walking dead, he said with chilling voice. "Prepare yourself..."

It was because, after seeing the rules he instantly knew that this mission was specially made for him to beat him up and that's why he got angry instantly. It was 100% William's doing to take revenge because of last time. The Academy would never do something like this. Not when Marcus is the

"If you want to try and bully me then come. I will turn you into a clown." thought Greg.

"N-nice. You have the confidence to go up against the three of us? Well then let's show him that he is just a trash." said William and signed the other two to start the fight.

Greg, seeing the three coming closer and closer, he put up a stance and waited for them with ice chilling seriousness...