Era Of Authority - 13 Unbelievable...

13 Unbelievable...

Because his mutated brain he didn't have to slow down the time to think. He was able to think through different options, during the time the coin was flying.

"Well, I will do what I can in a way not to destroy his pride so much." With that he put his attention back to William.

As the coin touched the ground both sides run at each other. They were almost 100 meters away, but they met in the middle less then 4 seconds.

Seeing the speed they have run both Dorothy and Isla were given a shock. Even Liam was lost to the point his mouth was open a little. "That brat is something, but that's it. He can run fast, but I don't think he can handle William in sword fight."

But what happened next, made Liam almost fell out of his chair.

When William and Greg was in front of each other, the former slashed with his sword to the latter's head. But when it was about to touch Greg's head, Greg bent backward and deflected with his sword.

But it didn't stop there. Greg put down one of his hand while kicking up his left leg, to make William's sword fly.

However, he couldn't touch William, because he dodged his kick almost instantly.

Greg not waiting a second got up and with a jump he slashed at William vertically.

William put his sword horizontally and defended against the incoming attack, but not expecting that the force will be so big, he staggered back 5 steps, while Greg didn't move an inch.

Dorothy seeing this said to Isla," amazing. Was he really so poor? If yes, where did he learn these things?"

"Who knows, but one thing is sure. He has a lot of things we don't know about him. Remember when he said he promised something to himself?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I think, he doesn't want to be bullied by anybody, so he will fight for his beliefs. That would explain, why he didn't declined the challenge and why he was so serious."

"Hmm..You may be right." said Dorothy while she also thought through it.

"Haaaaa? Not wanting to be bullied? What a joke! The strong eats the weak. That's how it went and will go, nothing will change it. And yeah he made William suprised with that attack, but that's it. Look over there. William didn't even warm yet. He will utterly destroy that poor kid, just watch and see." Said Liam in a mocking tone.

While the three were talking, William looked at Greg and asked, "Hey boy! What's your name?"

"Hm? Mine? Greg, Greg Evans! And also a candidate from Cla.s.s X!" he answered with pride.

"C-Cla.s.s X???!!! That trash? How is that even possible??" Asked Liam, while his eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

"See, we already knew that! So where is your 'Oh High Information' hmmm??? asked Dorothy while making Liam look like a clown.

"Y-you!!" Liam wanted to say something, but couldn't.

While the three were arguing William said, "Hmm... I will remember your name. My name is William Miller, but I think you knew already. Well then Greg, Let's continue. But I need to wary you. The next attack will be the last one."

"I see" said Greg while thinking "But you didn't say for who."

After they finished their speaking, they held up their swords.

With that they waited and a while later they ran to each other again. But not like last time, when William tried to hit Greg's head, now he wanted to stab Greg's heart. But something very strange happened.

Greg started to bend backward again, but now instead of kicking he slipped through William's legs. With the swords grip he hit his left knee really strong, making him kneel.

With that, Greg was instantly behind his back.

Because he couldn't feel his leg, he couldn't stand up, so not wasting any second, William changed his grip on the sword and stabbed backward.

But when he did that Greg was already gone. It was because he jumped above William and landed in front of him, while pointing the wooden sword to his forehead.

"I think I won." Said Greg with a casual smile.

Dorothy, Isla, Liam and even William were shocked to the point that, they could have heard a cap falling down.

They couldn't even say a word, because it was...


With a clapping sound a man in a nice, pure white suit came in. On his left chest there were only one word written:


"Nice! Really nice indeed! You guys made a really good show that's for sure." said the man.

Dorothy, Isla, Liam, William and Greg, all of them

run in front of him and bowed and said, "We greet the and our apologies for the inconvenience what we did!"

"Hahaha! What a bunch of energetic kids. But don't worry. You did nothing wrong, instead you made the best." he said with a smile.

William stepped forward and asked, "Sir, forgive my rudeness, but can you please tell us your name?"

"Of course I can, but I thought you already knew from the video."

After hearing that Greg talked up," Sir, you may be from the Allied Forces, Marcus Browl?"

"Ohoo? So you remembered. Thank you. And yeah that's me. Markus Browl, Vice-President of the AFG and the in Academy of Hope!"

Hearing this the other four got suprised.

"Sir, and what have brought you here, if I may ask?" Asked Isla in a polite manner.

"Ah? Me? Well it's nothing special, I just came here because of one person." and with that he turned his gaze to Greg and said, "Young man can you please follow me?"

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Hearing this Liam and William thought, "Hahaha! Now you got it! You are in big trouble!"

Not knowing what to react he asked from the, "Sir, did I do something that went against the schools rule?"

"Ah, no! Not at all. I just want to talk with you in private. Well than please follow me." And with that Markus turned around and started to walk away.

Isla grabbed Greg's wrist and said,"Don't worry, if he said nothing happens nothing will. But be careful what you say."

"Yeah thank you, I will take that advice." And with that, he started to walk after Marcus.

Walking for a while they arrived in front of an office.

Markus knocked on the door and after that a voice came, "Come in!"

Greg didn't know why the would knock on the door, but when he stepped inside, everything turned clear.

In front of them sat a man in black suit. He was in his forties or fifties, so he looked a bit old.

But what mattered to Greg the most was the thing that was written in the iron plate. There were written five words.

But these words weighed more than anything in the world! And these words were none other than:

President of Allied Forces Goverment...