Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System - Chapter 1632: Back Home

Chapter 1632: Back Home

Thankfully, the Ice Queen had notified my family I would be gone for several days, and once I finally returned, I was immediately met with everyone's hugs, a big hug from everyone in fact. Benladann hugged me with her big arms and didn't let go of me, while glaring rather menacingly back at the Ice Queen, Miranda climbed my torso and hugged my back, and my children climbed over my head.

"Honey! You're back!" Benladann stole my lips and kissed me passionately, as if bragging in front of the Ice Queen, who kept an ice-cold smile. "I missed kissing you~"

"Drake!" Miranda also stole my lips right after Benladann, giving me an even more passionate French kiss. "Dummy, why were you gone for so long? That old hag didn't kidnap you to do things to you, right? She didn't take advantage of you or something, right?!"

"I am greatly hurt by what you think I am!" The Ice Queen laughed. "I would never do such a thing to Drake. We are nothing but colleagues, friends."

"Calm down, please." I sighed. "It's fine, we were just sparring and learning abilities together. She taught me a lot. I think I can now activate the Venerable's Enlightened Senses at will, most of the time. I think"

As I explained things, the voices of my children interrumpted my train of thoughts. All three of them climbed to my shoulders and head, kissing my cheek or forehead, even Drakda.

"Daddy, you're finally back!" Kate cried. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too! Why were you gone for so long again!" Benladra complained.

"Dada! Bwack!" Said Drakda.

"I missed all of you too, my treasures" I sighed, accepting their hugs and kisses happily, I kissed their cute little foreheads in return. "And- HUH?! Drakda, you spoke?!"

I just realized this little rascal was not just doing baby talk, he actually said "back"!

"Bwaah! Spowke." He said while nodding cutely.

He said "spoke" now!

I think Benladann also wanted to do that, but unlike Miranda, she could keep her composure much better and decided to save spoiling me for later.

"Ahem, well, I suppose it is fine." She sighed. "As long as you accomplished that. There's still over a week left, so make sure to rest for the incoming days."

"Well, about that, I still need to do a few things. For that I'll need Kate's help." I said.

"Me, daddy?" Kate wondered while tilting her head, as she was eating her dessert, a strawberry cheesecake slice with vanilla ice cream. Her mother was right by her side.

"Yeah, I'll need your Matter Manipulation ability. I believe it might actually be the key to transform Tiamat's Scale into a proper shield, or shields." I said. "If we can combine your powers with Surtr and Emerald, and also maybe even Rakasha"

"Ooh." She nodded. "Okay, sure. I'll do my bestie best." My daughter was so cute and helpful! "Thank you so much, my daughter. I really didn't want to force you."

I was so lucky to have such wonderful children. "It's fine daddy, I love you so of course I would do it if you asked me."

She kept her calm and slightly expressionless face, but she was getting much better at expressing herself now.

"And I think that's it? After we get the shields done, we simply have to keep training and then resting, until the day finally comes." I sighed. "These four months sure felt much longer, we did a lot. We grew much stronger, but above all, we managed to get a good and well-deserved rest."

"Indeed." Benladann nodded. "Let's take it easy for the rest of the day, honey."

"Sure, let's relax for now."

Like that, the day went by peacefully.

And at night, Benladann and Miranda made sure to spoil me a lot.

They were being very intense, they missed me a lot