Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System - Chapter 1520: Finally Here!

Chapter 1520: Finally Here!

Chapter 1520 Finally Here!

Hundreds of Flowers Golems popped out of the ground after Amehia's orders, each one being a hundred meter tall, and carrying huge weapons made of wood as hard as metal!

The Demons stepped back, each Flower Golem releasing Auras of Spiritual Energy, which burned through their skin.

"More of these strange powers!"

"How much have the Gods of this world progressed while we were away?!"

"D-Don't fear them! <nulli>ATTACK!"

The Demons attacked after being encouraged by their many leaders, accompanied by the Demonic Beasts, they clashed against Amehia's summons.

Emerald who was fending off the Blue Onis, was amused to see Amehia release her new powers, finding her incredible!

"Uwaah! Amehia, you're the best!"

After hearing his words of praise, the girl couldn't help but blush a bit, her Aura slightly wavering

"Emerald! Are you okay?! I've healed you as much as I could!"

"I am fine! Thank you! I'll protect the barrier for you!"

"D-Don't be so reckless, okay? I don't want you to get seriously hurt, please!"

"Hahaha! You don't have to worry I've changed from the way I once was!"

Emerald's Divine Aura erupted from his body, fusing with his Draconic Powers, the skies above him began to swirl, a gigantic storm in the form of countless tornadoes descended, throwing away any demon that dared to get closer.

<nullb><nulli>TRUUUM! TRUUUM! TRUUUM!

"I have finally begun to grasp the powers I was born with!" Emerald roared. "I will not repeat the same mistakes as before I will use this power to protect all of you!"

The skies went crazy, more and more storms descended, the intense battlefield surrounding the barrier quickly came to a stop.

The struggling allies of Surtr, such as the sisters Nadia and Mina, Jamar and Agni and Leona saw in surprise as the entire armies of Demons were forced to step back.

Hector, Rakasha, and Larzak as well, were given a breather, as they were too overwhelmed when being forced to fight against extremely tough foes by the hundreds!

"Looks like that green guy's pushing them back!" Said Nadia. "ADVANCE!"

With a mighty roar, the titaness moved forwards with everyone else, their multitude of elemental attacks, weapon techniques, and divine abilities bombarded the Demons, explosions of all colors spread across the entire battlefield.

Tyrannus and his warriors saw what Amehia had become in utter disbelief, but now being freed from the lesser demon invasion, who all had died after being bathed by her spiritual radiance, they decided to support Emerald.

With the ability to fly and with divine weapons and armor enhanced by the Wind Dragon, they flew around him, synergizing with his magic and taking down foes together.

Everyone was finally fighting together as one, and the fighters confronting the monstrous Marchosias noticed it.


The wolf-like demon was already too mad to care about his subjects, well, he never truly cared anyways.

Instead, with blazing fury, he charged against Yuki, who was holding back against him with her amazing new powers.

Using her frost wings, she flashed through the air, evading his deadly bites.


And with the power of her two spirits, the White Tiger and the Frost Phoenix, she intercepted the wolf when it was about to bite her and flew upwards, descending to kick it on the snout with as much force as she could.


The impact was strong enough to blow Marchosias several meters away, only for the wolf to come back even more ferocious than before, his wings blazing with flames.


It opened its jaws, releasing countless fireballs against Yuki, which she defended against with giant shields of frost, conjured one after another.


At the same time, two azure blurs reached Marchosias back!

<nulli>FLASH! FLASH!

Rakasha and Tisha, still wearing Aegir Divine Armor and Divine Weapons, swung their gigantic weapons against the wolf's wings, cutting them cleanly off!



The Wolf immediately fell from the skies, which was greeted by yet another powerful attack from Yuki, her Aura erupting in the form of a gigantic white tiger.

"{Divine White Tiger's Roar}!"

The white tiger roared with a mighty authority, the roar releasing shockwaves of light and thunder, piercing through Marchosias body and burning its insides as it fell.



However, the gigantic wolf, quickly blazed with more flames, the wounds on its body slowly began to recover, the wings it lost growing back again!


In a split of a second, it flew into the skies once more, clashing against the trio! Tisha and Rakasha swiftly intercepting its first claw attacks with their divine weapons.


"Ugh! This guy's so annoying, killing my debut by being so annoying to kill!" Yuki complained. "Does he have infinite power or something?! He never takes any damage!"

"I think that's it Actually." Aegir said, shocking the three she was working with. "That bastard, the wolf It is somehow connected to an endless source of Demonic Energy; it won't die until that source is destroyed!"

"A source?!" Rakasha asked.

"You have to be kidding me" Tisha muttered.

<nulli>"ROOOAAARR! DIE!"

Marchosias seemed like an endless disaster, his flames bombarding down his foes with merciless blazing fury.

It was already beginning to overwhelm all three of them, and Aegir had already realized that as long as the source of its power was not destroyed

Marchosias would eventually kill them, burn the whole forest, and then retrieve the fragment of its master, no matter what.


With a furious and blazing roar, Marchosias Aura released a storm of flames, bombarding the trio with as much power as it could.


Yuki did her best to defend, but the same flames that almost killed her were already beginning to break through her new strength!

"You've gotta be kidding me Did I grow strong for nothing?! UGH!" Yuki roared. "And where the heck is <nullb>DRAKE?!"

"I'm here."


Suddenly, Yuki heard the voice of her master, as a gigantic figure descended towards Marchosias, five gigantic divine weapons fused into an enormous rainbow sword of ice, blazing with blueish rainbow flames and dark red flames.

<nulli>SLAASH! SLAASH! SLAASH! In a mere second, Marchosias entire body was slashed into pieces! The trio was left utterly speechless as they saw the dangerous threat be reduced to nothing but shredded chunks of meat.