Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System - Chapter 1475: Surtr Completes The Inheritance Trial!

Chapter 1475: Surtr Completes The Inheritance Trial!

Asmodeus was defeated at the same time as Surtr collapsed on the floor once more. His Fusion with the Souls of his brothers and mother quickly deactivated, their appearances looked much smaller than before, because they overuse their own powers, their very souls ended paying the price.

"Your souls" Surtr muttered, feeling surprised by seeing his siblings so weakened. "Are you okay?!"

"Maybe if we had gone for another minute, we would have completely disappeared. Hahaha!"

"Don't worry about us, little Surtr."

"We would have gladly sacrificed our souls for you."

"Ugh So sleepy"

"Even though my soul is the largest, I am exhausted" His mother was the one least affected, her soul was simply gigantic, encompassing the entire Divine Realm of the Fire Dragons within the Draconic Records. "But don't worry, we simply need to rest. I will embrace your siblings inside of my own soul, once they recover, they will be much stronger than before."

"Thank you, mother" Surtr sighed, feeling a bit better. "Please, make sure to rest, everyone. Even if you're dead, your souls remain! But if your souls are destroyed there won't be anything left."

His siblings were more worried about Surtr than themselves, but nodded as they heard his compassionate words. There was a reason why they loved him, the young dragon was always prioritizing other's safety than his own.

The reason why he held back for so long was because he didn't want to endanger their souls any longer, he had used their help too much, and any more would have been fatal for their souls.

"We understand, rest at ease."

"However, while we sleep, you won't be able to call for our help."

"Will it be alright?"

"Of course it will be!" Said Surtr angrily. "I'll use my own strength! I haven't been growing it so far for nothing. But more importantly"

He quickly ran to see his friends and check on their health. Surprisingly, after the whole Trial ended, a Healing Wave descended upon everyone, healing their physical wounds instantly.

"You're alright?" He was shocked.

"Looks like it!" Mina nodded. "We were healed by the Tower, I think!"

"Maybe it was one of the rewards Who knows though, honestly." Nadia sighed. "Well done there, you managed to defeat your damned brother."

"Are you okay yourself, dear?" Mina worriedly checked Surtr's big dragon body, caressing his red scales. That only provoked itching sensations more than anything.

"Hahah, I'm fine." He laughed a bit, gently patting her head. "Thank you for being there for me You're you're amazing, you two."

His two wives blushed a bit timidly, as Mina giggled, and Nadia remained in silence while crossing her arms.

"W-Well! What would you expect us to do? We have to protect our husband." Nadia said. "In our tribe, women also fight, so there's nothing weird with it. We rely on one another, male and female."

"I did what I could But I think I'm pretty weak myself, compared to my sis." Mina sighed. "At least my healing is still not so bad"

"You did amazing! Don't say that" Surtr said, quickly transforming into his Humanoid Dragonoid form. In this form, he was still less tall than his three-meter-tall wives.

He hugged Mina's stomach, making sure the baby was alright. He could even hear the child's heartbeat now, making him feel even better.

"Don't worry, the child is alright. The armor you and Drake created are good enough." Said Mina.

"Benladann said she also fought when she was pregnant! So there's no problem." Nadia smiled.

"Still" Surtr changed his mood completely from a brave dragon into a worrywart young father, hugging his two wives' bellies and making sure the babies were okay.

"It's fine" Mina smiled, giving him a kiss.

"Geez, you get all crybaby when it comes to our safety" Nadia also gave him another kiss.

"I just can't help it, you two are my world." Surtr kissed them both in turns.

The two were bonding right in front of everyone else It quickly made the entire atmosphere become much mellower than it was.

"W-We're fine too, if you were wondering" Leona stepped in with the rest of their large group.

"I feel sleepy, that's all." Agni yawned.

"A-Ah! T-That's good to hear too!" Surtr nodded, quickly realizing he was giving too much attention to Nadia and Mina and ignoring the rest of the world.

Nadia and Mina, who had taken a terrifying beating were now as if nothing had happened, and even Leona and Agni were healthy. He could swear he had heard Leona's bones cracking before So he felt relieved they were alright.

"Ahem!" Muspel's soul manifested behind Surtr in the form of a baby wyvern-like spirit made of fire. "Dear, I think there might be another Soul interested in helping you"

His mother commented, as the body of his brother, Asmodeus, slowly turned into particles of light and dissipated. Surtr was shocked, he could swear his brother was like every other monster, real and not an illusion

"Huh?" Surtr looked around, wondering what was going on. "He was an illusion?! What's going on in here?!"


Suddenly, Asmodeus emerged once more, this time, it was in a phantasmal, semi-transparent form, blazing with spiritual and soul flames.

It was his bare Divine Soul!

"Hahahah! Did I spook you, little brother?!" Laughed Asmodeus. "We sure got you good! You were all crying like a baby over not wanting to defeat your big brother! Hahaha! I can tell why mother and the others find you so adorable."

The old fire dragon laughed as if everything was just a game to him, even when everyone's lives were at risk in that moment!

"W-What are you talking about?!" Surtr barked angrily. "What the hell is going on? Oi! Venerable!"


"I'm here."

The Venerable of Flames manifested in front of Surtr and everyone else, in the closest form to his original appearance, a Titan made of Flames, with sharp muscles, blazing eyes, and golden armor.


His very presence made everyone's spines shiver and tremble; they could barely stand before the enormous pressure

This wasn't any longer just a Manifestation.

This was his very Soul!

"Well done in completing this little Trial, young fire dragon." He smiled. "By the way, this was all your big brother's idea."
