Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System - Chapter 1469: An Overwhelming Foe!

Chapter 1469: An Overwhelming Foe!


Asmodeus was mercilessly, unleashing a devastating breath attack as a "parting gift" to Surtr before he was to be expelled from the tower, something that seemed to have been revealed to be possible.


However, before his beam of volcanic flames could reach Surtr, who was currently on the ground, being once more healed by Mina, a Fire Titan Warrioress stepped forwards.

Her body was quickly covered by an armor composed of several layers of dark red scales, while her muscular and mighty body continued growing tougher as the Divine Power of someone within the team enchanted her strength!

"As long as we are here, we won't let you kill Surtr!"


It was nobody else than Mina's sister, Nadia. The only one aside from Surtr who could even withstand Asmodeus strength. The rest of the allies Drake had let them borrow were too weakened, staying away from the battle after a few attacks from Asmodeus that almost ended killing them all.

Her giant axe gained a Divine Titan Aura, growing larger with her, as her Draconic Powers, given to her by drinking Surtr's blood, started overflowing from across her body!


"Hoh, to think someone can sustain my breath attack!" Asmodeus laughed as he watched Nadia resist the terrific blow. "It seems that the Bloodline of the Ancient Fire Titans has been awakened within this young Fire Giant! Unfortunately for you, I'm stronger."

His breath attack abruptly stopped, and in that split of a second afterwards, Asmodeus appeared right above Nadia, spinning his body in midair and attacking her with countless slashing blows using his wings, all while his gigantic and muscular tail constantly attacked her, piercing through her armor.


"Urgh! Argh!"

Nadia kept struggling against his blows, defending with her Aura and her titanic strength and muscles. Through her transformation she became incredibly tougher

However, even then, she couldn't withstand Asmodeus' spear tail attack.



Nadia was sent away, barely managing to block the attack with her giant axe, however, her entire body was covered on countless slashing wounds, bleeding all over. She had made sure to protect her stomach area with as many scales as possible, but the rest of her body didn't look any better.



Surtr screamed in frustration as he saw his wife being thrown away, quickly being reminded she was pregnant. If they kept overly risking their lives fighting like this, the worst could happen!

"You're tough, I have to admit it. But like the rest of the rats I've crushed, you'll go down with a single blow." Asmodeus glared at her, his claws growing several times larger as they were covered on volcanic magma and flames. "Look, as your friends die one after another, Surtr. Maybe this way you'll learn that you have to grow stronger no matter what, my little brother!"

Asmodeus mercilessly reached Nadia who was in the floor bleeding, his claws about to rip her apart into pieces.



With all the speed he could muster, Surtr enhanced his body with several Fire Dragon Souls, especially his wings, flying right in front of Nadia and stopping Asmodeus from killing her!

A shining, golden and red-colored sword formed from the combination of the Fire Dragon Souls and the Red Orb Fragment emerged on his hands, withstanding Asmodeus claws!

"YOU BASTARD! THAT'S ENOUGH!" Surtr screamed in utter fury, his flames growing stronger as they kept surging from his body, covering him on golden and white fire. "I hesitated because you were one of my siblings BUT I WON'T FORGIVE YOU IF YOU DARE HURT THEM!"

"Hoh?!" Asmodeus smiled in surprise as he finally saw more of Surtr's true strength, his sword shining brightly and overflowing with Primordial Flames of Origin, his attacks became fast, hundreds of slashes covering the old fire dragon's entire body.

"[Divine Fire Dragon Soul Blade Arts]: [Blazing Infernal Slash Storm]!"


Each slash exploded on more Origin Flames, which Surtr fiercely manipulated to wrap around Asmodeus gigantic body, inhibiting his rapid movements and constantly overwhelming him.

"His scales are so goddamn tough! Is he using some sort of technique to enhance his physical toughness?!" Thought Asmodeus, gritting his teeth. "FUCK!"

He opened his jaws with desperation, a gigantic blast of Origin Flames finally pushed Asmodeus away from him, blowing him away several dozens of meters!



Asmodeus felt his scales finally beginning to melt and gain cracks, his sharp crimson eyes surprised that Surtr was finally letting his strength surge from his body.

"I knew it! You ARE strong! You hold back too much! Don't be too soft. In your life you'll be fighting a lot of bastards like me. Among our family, there are countless dragons that have betrayed our mothers." Asmodeus laughed, ignoring his wounds, as he seemed like an almost immovable monolith before Surtr. "If you continue being a softie, you'll DIE before you can fucking realize, SURTR!"

The old Fire Dragon flew across the skies, striking Surtr with several kicks, claw attacks, beams of flames, and hundreds of swords made of volcanic magma and fire.



Surtr was growing more and more exhausted, the attacks kept coming and he couldn't concentrate nor keep up with everything at the same time! Back then he had Drake's help in fighting the Flame Emperor, but now, he felt alone.

"C-Can I even do this?! Can I even protect everyone?!" He kept thinking the same thing, blocking attacks, tanking a few, and covering his body with more and more wounds.

"You're still hesitating, aren't you?"

Asmodeus suddenly appeared behind him, Surtr was unable to even sense his presence approaching him this close!


"You keep doubting yourself You're not worthy of becoming a challenger!"

Asmodeus punched Surtr's face, several of his fangs being blown away, as he vomited blood and was sent flying several dozens of meters, collapsing on the ground.


"Now I'll take them down, I'll kill all of your friends, so you learn your damn lesson!"

Asmodeus smiled maliciously, glaring at Surtr's allies.

"N-No! NO!"