Entice. - Part 2

Part 2

Haley shrugged. "Ian has a point. That guy seemed to be a huge step up from your mom's usual dates."

"But he could be a total jerk. Just cause he has money doesn't mean he's a good guy," I countered.

"True, but it definitely helps." Haley took another bite of her apple.

"Hey dude, what's up?"

My head snapped up at the familiar voice. Caleb stood at our table, high-fiving Ian. He glanced at me with a predatory look that made my skin crawl. Remembering our last encounter, I shivered and stared into my lap.

"Nothing much. Looking forward to your party this weekend," Ian responded.

"You coming too?" Caleb asked Haley.

I held my breath, awaiting her reply. Without looking at me she nodded slowly. Betrayal slapped me in the face.

"Cool. See you guys there." With that, Caleb sauntered off.

I shot Haley a look of disgust. Her face reddened and she wrung her hands in her lap.

"I can't believe you're seriously gonna hang out with him after what he did to me," I snapped at her.

"Hey, hey, calm down." Ian slung an arm over Haley's shoulder. "She's not hanging out with him. She'll be with me."

"Yeah, that makes me feel better." I grabbed my backpack and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Haley asked in a small voice.

"Away from here." I flung my backpack over my shoulder and turned around.

"Kenzie!"Haley said.

"Hey babe, if she wants to go, let her go," Ian said.

I gritted my teeth in frustration as I marched away. When I pa.s.sed Tanner's table, I felt his eyes on me. Seething with anger, I tore out of the cafeteria.

She caught up to me just as I reached my car in the parking lot after school. I whipped around at the sound of my name. Perspiration gathered on her forehead, her green eyes glistened in the sun. She bit her pale pink lips.

"Please don't be mad at me," Haley said.

"You're really going to Caleb's house after what he did to me?" I placed a hand on my hip in a challenge.

"Technically, he didn't do anything to you."

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Heat rose in my cheeks.

"Well, you were a lot different then. You know that. You let guys do whatever they wanted to you. How was he to know you suddenly wouldn't want to anymore?"

This was not my Haley speaking. I didn't even recognize this girl. "So, that makes it okay for him to try to force himself on me. Is that what you're saying?" My voice rose. A couple girls pa.s.sed us, and raised their eyebrows in our direction. I glared until they scurried off.

"No, of course not. I'm just saying he's not that bad of a guy. He just liked you, is all."

"How do you know all this about Caleb? Have you been hanging out with him or something?"

Her freckled cheeks reddened and she lowered her gaze.

"I can't believe this."

"You were gone all summer, Kenzie. Derek broke up with me and I was all alone. Then I met Ian and he just happened to be friends with Caleb." A car roared to life, the scent of gas filled the air.

"Yeah, how did he become friends with Caleb and his crew so fast?" They were a pretty exclusive bunch. It took me years to break into the group, and only one wrong move to be shunned from it.

"He's a nice guy. A lot of people like him."

I snorted, rolling my eyes.

"Well, except for you. It's totally obvious you don't like him." Her lips hardened into a straight line. She squinted against the sun that shone in her eyes.

"That's not true. I don't dislike Ian." I sighed, really not wanting to have this conversation with Haley. "It's just that he's not good enough for you, Hales." I reached for her hand, but she pulled away.

"That's easy for you to say, Miss-I-Can-Have-Any-Guy-I-Want. You have no idea what it's like for me. I'm not the pretty girl or the smart girl or the popular girl. I'm the quiet friend of Kenzie."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "What are you talking about? That's not true."

"Yes, it is. I've lived in your shadow for years. And then finally Derek asked me out and everything was good. But then he broke up with me for Chelsea and I thought I'd never meet someone else."

"And then you met Ian," I said quietly.

"Yes, and he really likes me. Even more than Derek did." A group of students whisked past, chatting loudly. A car peeled out of the parking lot.

"Hales, you can't go out with someone just because you're afraid of being alone."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Oh really? Aren't you doing the same thing? You go from boyfriend to boyfriend. You can't even go on vacation without meeting a guy."

I felt like I'd been punched. "That may have been true in the past but not now. Isaac is different."

Haley puffed out her chest. "So is Ian."

I chuckled. "You can't compare the two. Ian doesn't even hold a candle to Isaac." Right when the words left my mouth I wished I could take them back. The look on Haley's face told me the damage was already done.

"Sorry my boyfriend is such a loser compared to yours, Kenzie. I guess that makes me a loser too." She spun around, her red hair flying behind her like a colorful kite.

"Haley!" I called after her as she stomped away in her wedge sandals. "That's not what I meant!"

But she didn't turn around. Frustrated, I watched her as she walked away. My heart heavy, I got in my car and drove home.

When I pulled onto my street, I saw Mom's car parked in the driveway. She was home early. Usually she had clients well into the evening. Maybe she had another date with Mr. Wonderful. After parking, I cut the engine, grabbed my backpack and got out of the car. The warm air beat against my back as I walked to the front door. Looking down at my red tank top, I was grateful I had finally stopped cutting over the summer. Last year, I had to wear long sleeves even when it was a hundred degrees outside to cover the places I'd sliced my skin with a razor, trying to relieve the anger and pain I felt inside.

I opened the front door and gasped when I saw what stood in the middle of my family room. Could this day get any more bizarre?

Chapter Four.

"What is that thing?" I asked Mom.

"A sculpture. It was a gift from Drake."

I cringed at the giant black sculpture in the middle of our family room. It was large with ears and a tail like an animal but a face like a man's. Like our house wasn't mismatched enough. Now we had a half-man, half-beast creature standing next to the couch.

"It's ugly," I said.

Mom pursed her lips at me. "It is not, Kenzie. Drake says it's chic."

"Ah yes. And it matches so well with our burgundy couch and gold loveseat."

My life was a freakshow.

"And," I continued, "what kind of guy uses the word 'chic' anyway?"

"Just for once, Kenzie, can't you be happy for me?"

Shame burned through me. She did seem happy, and Drake seemed like a nice guy. Maybe he was a little eccentric, but definitely nice. "Sorry," I mumbled.

"Okay, well, drop the 'tude. I don't want Drake to dump me because of your rudeness. So try to be nice when he comes over."

"He's coming over today? Like for dinner?" I had to admit I was actually excited. I was tired of being alone every night.

"Are you kidding me?" Mom laughed. "I don't want to scare him away with my cooking. Remember how sick Roger got after I made him that chicken dish?"

"That's because you served him raw chicken. You're lucky he didn't keel over."

"Seriously. A trip to the ER is not the best way to end a date. I'll never forget the look on his face when I asked when I'd see him again."

I laughed. "I'll bet that was funny. Okay, point taken. So where is Drake taking you?"

"Not sure. He said it would be a surprise." Her cheeks were flush with antic.i.p.ation.

Jealousy coursed through me. I remembered when Isaac took me to Fat's over the summer. It was such a romantic night. If only we could go out tonight. Instead, I would be alone with a giant sculpture and a box of mac' n cheese.

"So, what does he do for a living, anyway?" I asked eyeing the black monstrosity looming over me, and wondering how I would make it through the night alone with him. I shivered. It really was creepy.

"He's a doctor."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow. Not my mom's usual type. "What kind of doctor?"

"Plastic surgeon."

"Are there really that many people in Vancouver getting plastic surgery? The guy seems loaded."

"He just moved here from Beverly Hills."

"Why would he leave Beverly Hills to come here?" I was astounded.

"He was tired of the craziness. He wanted to be somewhere quiet."

"Well, he picked the right place then." A thought struck me. "Hey, did you meet him because you were planning to have work done?"

"Don't be silly. Carol and I met him last week when we went out bar hopping."

"You met him at a bar?" I was expecting a more romantic story. Not that I was surprised. It was my mom's usual hang out spot. I guess I was just hoping for something different. Ever since I had changed I was praying that she would too. I was starting to wonder if that would ever happen.

While holding the phone between my shoulder and cheek, I poured powdered cheese into the pot of macaroni noodles on top of the stove. "So, now we have a giant black sculpture filling up our already freaky family room."

Isaac chuckled. "That's crazy."

I pulled open the silverware drawer, practically yanking my arm from its socket. The drawers always stuck and were almost impossible to open. Extracting a spoon, I said, "I know. But you should see this guy. He's rich and handsome. I have no idea what he's doing with my mom."

"Rich and handsome, huh? Should I be worried?"

I stopped stirring the macaroni and giggled. "About me liking him? Whatever. He's old."

"Oh, so if he was young I would have to worry?" Isaac teased.

"No, I only want you," I a.s.sured him. Even if he was joking, I wanted to make sure he knew I only wanted to be with him. I wasn't stupid. I knew long distance relationships were tough. But I loved Isaac and I was determined to make it work.

"So, have you talked to Haley?"

I spooned the macaroni and cheese into a bowl. "No, she's not answering my texts. I guess she's avoiding me."

"Maybe that's best."

I froze. "Why?"