Dew, due, not doo.
Diamond, as spelled, not _di_mond.
Diploma, de-_plo_-ma, not _dip_-lo-ma.
Diplomacy, de-_plo_-ma-cy, not _dip_-lo-ma-cy.
Direct, de-_reckt_, not _di_-rect.
Divers (several), _di_-verz; but diverse (different), _di_-verse.
Dome, as spelled, not doom.
Drought, drowt, not drawt.
Duke, as spelled, not dook.
Dynasty, _dyn_-as-te, not _dy_-nas-ty.
Edict, _e_-d.i.c.kt, not _ed_-ickt.
E'en and e'er, een and air.
Egotism, _eg_-o-tizm, not _e_-go-tism.
Either, _e_-ther or _i_-ther.
Engine, _en_-jin, not _in_-jin.
Ensign, _en_-sign; ensigncy, _en_-sin-se.
Epistle, without the _t_.
Epitome, e-_pit_-o-me.
Epoch, e-pock, not ep-ock.
Equinox, e-qui-nox, not eck-wi-nox.
Europe, U-rope, not U-rup. Euro-_pe_an not Eu-ro-pean.
Every, _ev_-er-y, not _ev_-ry.
Executor, egz-_ec_-utor, not with the sound of _x_.
Extraordinary, as spelled, not ex-_tror_--di ner-i, or _ex_-traordinary, nor extrornarey
February, as spelled, not Febuary.
Finance, fe-_nance_, not _fi_nance.
Foundling, as spelled, not _fond_-ling.
Garden, _gar_-dn, not gar-den, nor gard-ing.
Gauntlet, gawnt-let, not _gant_-let.
Geography, as spelled, not _jo_graphy, or gehography.
Geometry, as spelled, not _jom_-etry.
Haunt, hawnt, not hant.
Height, hite, not highth.
Heinous, _hay_-nuss, not _hee_-nus.
Highland, _hi_-land, not _hee_-land.
Horizon, ho-_ri_-zn, not _hor_-i-zon.
Housewife, p.r.o.nounced in the ordinary way when it means the mistress of a house who is a good manager, but _huz_-wif, when it means a small case for needles.
Hymeneal, hy-men-e-_al_, not hy-menal.
Instead, in-_sted_, not instid.
Isolate _-so_-late; not _iz_-o-late, nor _is_-olate.
Jalap, _jal_-ap, not jolup.
January, as spelled, not Jenuary nor Janewary.
Leave, as spelled, not leaf.
Legend _lej_-end, not _le_-gend.
Lieutenant, lef-_ten_-ant, not leu-_ten_-ant.
Many, _men_-ney, not man-ny.
Marchioness, _mar_-shun-ess, not as spelled.
Ma.s.sacre, _mas_-sa-ker, not mas-sa-cre.
Mattress, as spelled, not _mat_-tra.s.s.
Matron, _ma_-trun, not mat-ron.