Endless Pampering Only For You - Chapter 3238

Chapter 3238

3238 Here comes the one who abuses dogs (3)

Zhang Ye had nothing to say, so he spread his hands and let him take the ball.

Song s.h.i.+jun chose the same blue ball as before. With one hand holding the ball and the other holding it, he walked to han qiqings side.

Han qiqing clenched her little fists and cheered him on.

Go s.h.i.+jun! Take down the rest!

Song s.h.i.+jun smiled at her. Yes, sir!

He didnt make any special poses. He just bent down, stared at the bowling pins at the entrance, and suddenly made his move.

The ball was very fast, rolling straight towards the hole.

Han qiqing stared at it nervously.

* Pa **

The remaining bowling pins were all knocked down.

Waa! Amazing! Han qiqing jumped up happily and clenched her little hands in excitement.

Song s.h.i.+jun shook his head in a suave manner.

Sigh, your skills are still so good.

Zhang Ye and the others were speechless. thats possible?

Next, the others also made their moves.

It could be seen that they played this often. Two or three of them had also gotten full marks, and the one with the least had poured eight bottles.

Han qiqing was dumbfounded. youre all experts.

They replied humbly, its alright.

Only song s.h.i.+jun was not humble at all. He nodded and said, No, Im an expert among experts!

Han qiqing laughed and said, youre so shameless. Just a compliment and youre so high up?

Song s.h.i.+jun asked, why not?

For the next few rounds, he would let her go first.

Han qiqing saw that he was so skilled that no matter how bad her first shot was, he could always remedy it. She was not worried anymore and let go of her worries.

Originally, she was supposed to be sitting on the cold bench and could only watch them play.

Because song s.h.i.+jun had asked her to help, she had also joined in.

It wasnt that han qiqing had never bowling before, but this was the first time she realized how fun bowling was.

Of course, the premise was that someone had to help him remedy the situation.

In the last round, song s.h.i.+juns technique was excellent, so he was ranked first.

Zhang Yes score was very close to his. He was only two pins behind, all because of one mistake.

This was the last ball.

This goal was crucial for Zhang Ye to catch up with song s.h.i.+jun.

As usual, song s.h.i.+jun asked qiqing to help him open the first ball.

Zhang Ye led the others and shouted into han qiqings ear, into the ditch! Into the ditch! Into the ditch!

Han qiqing glared at them speechlessly. hey, thats enough. Ive been holding you back. Cant you give me some encouragement?

For the first few shots, she had poured at most four bottles at a time.

Zhang Ye said, qiqing, can you help me? Throw the ball into the ditch, please, I want to beat him!

Han qiqing rejected him resolutely and stuck her tongue out at him. no, why should I help you?

Song s.h.i.+jun laughed and said, yeah, why should I help you? If qiqing wanted to help, she would be helping me, right? Come, Ill teach you.

Han qiqing listened to his instructions very seriously.

Zhang Ye and the others were jeering and hara.s.sing them.

Song s.h.i.+jun said to han qiqing, dont look at the ball. Just stare at the bottles and think in your mind that Im going to smash them to death. Oh right, you can imagine these bottles as Zhang Jings face. Smash them to death and then throw them out in one go.

Zhang Ye protested, Hey! Why did you imagine it as my face? What did my face do to you?

Song s.h.i.+jun ignored him.

Han qiqing got into position and did as he said.

The bottles

It was Zhang Yes face.

Smash them to death!

Han qiqing stared at it closely. With a flick of her hand, the ball was out.