Chapter 85 EPISODE 85 RETURNEES (3)
While Cordelia met with the Wild Fairy Queen, Jude took off his blindfold and left the bathhouse with Kaplan.
Lets go back to the underground and join Cordelia there.
Their exact destination was the bridge where Lacto had appeared, the place where the Fairy Queen had requested the two to get rid of Lacto.
There was no bridge now, but the other side was still connected to the outskirts of Endymion.
To be able to secretly meet the fairies in this wayit would be a great study. When I get back later, I must try it in a place where there are fairy legends.
Uhyes. Good luck.
It would probably be difficult.
A girl who was as beautiful and lovely as Cordelia would not be common even in the vast empire.
Its not because of bean pods.
T/N: This is a comeback of the Korean idiom, Ones eyes are covered with bean pods, that was used on Episode 76.1. It means to only see the good in someone after falling in love with them.
After coming up with such an excuse to himself, Jude opened his mouth again.
Moving on, its still in a relatively safe area, so Id like to tell you of some information we know.
Does that have something to do with the situation right now?
Yes, youre right. In factwe are not just affiliated with the Academy.
Kaplan nodded at Judes words.
Because he had seen with his own eyes the powers of Jude and Cordelia, who were too powerful to be just undergraduate students.
We actually have a connection with the Guardians of the Holy Cross.
Ah! I see!
The Guardians of the Holy Cross, who were active throughout the continent, engaged in fierce battles against the demon followers.
I understand now.
Why the two came to Endymion.
Why the hearts of the two were so beautiful.
A female saint and a holy man.
There seems to be some misunderstanding, but since it doesnt look bad, lets just leave it.
When their thoughts were over, the two resumed their conversation.
The woman we met earlier was Lena Ainsburg. Have you heard of her?
Of course. How could I not know one of the five heroes of the Paragon Kingdom, the Holy Angel Lena?
Though there were many stories about the tragedy of the Paragon Kingdom, the incident itself was widely known throughout the continent.
It was a great event since an entire kingdom was destroyed by the Demon Prince who was summoned from hell.
Shes as famous as the Iron Man Landius or the Ghostblade Kamael.
Holy Angel Lena.
She was the last angel who was born and raised on Pleaides.
Among the five heroes of the Paragon Kingdom with all kinds of nicknames, she was the only woman and was symbolized as an angel.
That was why she always played the beautiful heroine in the songs of bards who sang about the tragedy of the Paragon Kingdom.
I never planned to meet Lena here. We came here to investigatebut somehow, something bigger than we had expected is happening here in Endymion.
With a serious face, Kaplan nodded at Judes explanation.
They had already seen that many monsters from hell.
Thats all I can explain right now.
Thats enough. Ill do my best to help you.
Kaplan thumped on his chest and stepped forward with enthusiasm, and Jude felt a strange satisfaction at Kaplans appearance that was quite different from the game.
And time passed.
After following the map, Jude and Kaplan were finally able to arrive on the opposite side of the bridge.
Ah! Jude is here!
Cordelia was sitting on the ground and chatting with the fairies before she jumped up from her seat and said.
The appearance of her brightly smiling and waving her hand was a heartwarming sight for Jude.
Our talks went well. Isnt that right, Your Majesty?
When Cordelia quickly asked the Wild Fairy Queen sitting on her shoulder, she nodded.
I heard everything from Cordelia. You were really working hard for us fairies. As the Queen of the Wild Fairies, I wish to express my gratitude to the both of you.
At the words of the Wild Fairy Queen, Kaplan blinked his eyes, wondering what she was talking about, but not for Jude.
Because Cordelia smiled and sent a gaze saying that she worked hard.
I did a good job, didnt I?
Good job. Ill stamp it for you later.
T/N: To those who didnt get it, some teachers stamp good job to the papers of students who did a good job on something.
However, Cordelias smile grew wider as if she was satisfied.
What Cordelia did was actually simple.
Its not totally a scam.
Something unusual was indeed happening in Endymions underground.
The appearance of Lacto was not a coincidence.
More demons would appear in the fairies territory if they had left it unattended.
I cant let the fairies be in danger. In order to protect the fairies territory, Jude and I will investigate it. It would be very dangerous, but well still do it. For the safety of the fairies and the Queen!
There was a slight change in the order of events, and some beautiful words were added, but it wasnt a lie.
After all, if they saved Lena and solved Endymions problem, wont the fairies be safe?
Its a win-win situation.
Dredge a ditch and catch a crawfish.
Sweep the yard and pick up coins.
T/N: The above two lines are Korean/Chinese proverbs that pretty much has the same meaning of the English idiom, kill two birds with one stone.
I really dont know what to say. I resented you for a while when you thought of us like that back then
Eh? Resented?
No, no. I never resented you. Of course not.
The graceful Fairy Queen was flustered when Jude asked her.
But Jude was just joking.
She was robbed like that in the first place, so it wouldnt make sense if she didnt feel any resentment.
Anyway, our plan still went well.
The original plan was Jude and Cordelia begging the Fairy Queen to lend Bellagio, and the Fairy Queen granting it out of her gratitude for their sacrifice and service.
There was a very big difference between the two.
Particularly if theres a reward or not.
Judes eyes suddenly shone for a moment, but he pushed his self-interest aside and began talking.
Fairy Queen, as youve already heard from Cordelia, Lena Ainsburg, one of the five heroes of the Paragon Kingdom, seems to be somewhere in Endymion. We need to find her.
Yes, I heard about it from Cordelia. You two have worked so hard for us, so it makes sense for us to help you too. My children have already gone to pick up Bellagio, so theyll be here soon.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
It was shortly after Jude and the Fairy Queen exchanged an amiable conversation.
Queen! Queen!
We brought Bellagio!
Good boy, good boy.
The last one was the words of the fairy on top of Bellagios head.
Oooh! Its a real Bellagio! It looks exactly like the one in the legend!
Yeah, though it really looks like a golden retriever.
It was a golden retriever that had a white color and had wings.
Bellagio flew with the fairies on its head and back, and its personality resembled a golden retriever as it was panting with a gentle face.
C-cute. Your Majesty, can I hug it?
You may do so.
When the Fairy Queen gave her permission, Cordelia widely smiled and hugged Bellagio.
Wow, its soft. Jude, Jude, its cute, right? Right? Kyaa~
Her small kyaa at the end was because of Bellagio.
Bellagio had licked Cordelias cheek with its tongue.
And so, instead of answering Cordelias question, Jude counted numbers in his mind.
One, two, three, four, five.
Done. That was enough.
Three for people and five for animals.
Jude interrupted the hug by pulling the scruff of Bellagio who was in Cordelias arms and switched the topic right before anyone could say anything.
Your Majesty, please forgive for hurrying because we dont have much time.
Yes, I know the urgency of the matter. Bellagio needs to remember the traces of mana, so can you give me the feather?
Here it is.
Jude took out Lenas feather and the Fairy Queen infused some magic into the feather that was almost the same as her height.
Luke, remember this, okay?
At the Queens question, the Bellagio na