Chapter 306 TREASURE (2)
It was no coincidence that Kirara and Sarah escaped with the royal family the moment Elio betrayed them.
This was Judes personnel arrangement in case of a contingency.
There are three Sword Masters among the elves of the Shadow Forest.
All three Sword Masters being traitors was not part of their assumptions though.
If that had been the case, they wouldnt have a solution then.
Of course, its because we thought that it was highly unlikely.
The other two were not from Elios faction.
The elves of the Shadow Forest were definitely subordinates of Vincenzo Lombardi, the leader of the elves, and depending on Vincenzos will, not only the Sword Masters but also the entire elven population could become enemies of the emperor.
But unlike Elio who willingly utilized demon followers, Vincenzo Lombardi gritted his teeth at demon followers. The possibility that such a Vincenzo would join hands with the Chancellor, who not only utilized demon followers but also demons, was close to zero.
Anyway, if you look at Elios arbitrary decision.
If the group were to split up and escape, Elio was likely to pursue Jude.
Unlike the emperor and the Royal Knights whom his forces could handle, only Elio could deal with Jude and Cordelia.
If we hadnt though, he was going to make us follow him.
In any case, the situation went as Jude had expected.
Elio Lombardi and the demonic humans chased after Jude and Cordelia while the regular elven troops went after the emperor and the Royal Knights.
The emperor has the most advantage in escaping since they have the Moon Crystal.
In addition, Kirara and Sarah were professionals in running away.
Even if they couldnt do space leaps, they could still escape successfully.
So it would be the Royal Knights whom they will focus on pursuing.
And if they needed power to threaten the Royal Knights, the high-ranking demonic humans who were on the same level as Sword Masters would be enough.
Thus, Jude attached Lucas and Kajsa to Leon instead of the emperor.
If their opponent was a Sword Master, it would be hard for Lucas and Kajsa to deal with even if they worked together.
But the situation would be different if it was a high-ranking demonic human.
All right!
The divine chain wielded by Kajsa tightly bound the body of the high-ranking demonic human.
The giant high-ranking demonic human who looked like a rhinoceros beetle tried to break the chain with his strength, but that was impossible.
The chain wasnt even as thick as his finger.
The high-ranking demonic human couldnt understand how, but in fact, this was natural.
It was impossible for a high-ranking demonic human to break the chain that had even once suppressed a Demon Prince.
Moreover, Kajsas chain wasnt just strong.
Holy Light of the Sun!
When Kajsa cast a spell, the aura of a golden sun emitted from the entire chain.
The power of the sun goddess Solari affected the high-ranking demonic humans whose powers came from Hell.
The high-ranking demonic human twisted his body and tried to unleash his power, but it was not easy because of Kajsas strength that was beyond imagination.
Even when he twisted his body, Kajsa did not budge. No matter how big she was, she was a woman and only weighed about a few tens of kilograms at most, but she still stood up against the strength of a high-ranking demonic human.
Kajsa clearly had a limit too.
She remarkably blocked the high-ranking demonic humans movements, but all she could do was to bind him with all her strength and mana.
Neither side had any means of attacking.
But unlike the helpless high-ranking demonic human, Kajsa had a solution.
Lucas responded to Kajsas call.
Holy Kings Cross Sword.
The sword of the Holy King who protected the world by slaying countless demons.
The Holy Kings Cross Sword was not a swordsmanship developed for dealing with humans. It was originally a swordsmanship made to deal with demons, so each technique of the Holy Kings Cross Sword boasted a deadly power against demons.
Lucas caught his breath.
He charged at the high-ranking demonic human who was struggling from the chains, and was not fazed by the tentacles that came rushing towards him. He evaded and blocked the tentacles with minimal movement before unfolding the sword of the Holy King.
Grand Cross.
The holy cross of heaven.
A huge white cross spread over the high-ranking demonic humans body as he directly got hit by the Holy Kings Cross Swords technique. And it became one with Solaris aura and burned the high-ranking demonic human.
The high-ranking demonic human scattered into ashes, and Lucas exhaled as he sheathed his sword. It was like a scene from hero novel when he sheathed his sword into the scabbard, something that he had diligently practiced alone back then in his familys territory.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
In a very low voice, Lucas recited the line of Biltwein, the protagonist of
Biltwein the Hero
, as the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.
He was truly satisfied with their victory.
Oh, Lucas! I knew that I could trust in you!
Kajsa widely opened her arms and hugged Lucas by the neck. Surprised by her unhesitant skinship, Lucas had an embarrassed expression as he said.
Uh, that is
That is what?
I-its nothing.
Lucas shifted his gaze and looked elsewhere.
Because when Kajsa hugged him by pulling his neck, Lucas face naturally bumped right in front of Kajsas chest.
But Kajsa didnt seem to mind it, or rather, she seemed to have done it on purpose as she pulled harder and said with a big smile.
Anyway, you did well. As expected, youre strong and cool.
He felt shy at her open compliments, but he honestly didnt hate it.
Because Lucas was hungry for praise and recognition as revealed in his previous match with Leon.
Ahem, ahem.
Kajsas eyes narrowed when Lucas blushed and coughed. She smiled like a magician who had succeeded in their scheme, and hugged Lucas waist instead of his neck as she said.
You and I have good chemistry. Shall we work together in the future?
Yes, because were a party anyway.
Lucas panicked when Kajsa made a slightly displeased expression, but it was only for a moment. Because Lucas came up with an answer.
Lady Kajsa was also amazing. Because you completely stopped the high-ranking demonic human from moving. I was really impressed.
Well that hahaha.
Kajsa pretended not to be embarrassed, but eventually laughed out loud and asked in a soft voice.
By the way, how long are you going to talk to me respectfully?
Excuse me?
I mean, were pretty close now, right? It feels stiff if you continue to talk to me respectfully.
Kajsa said as she lightly twirled the end of her hair, and Lucas stammered again.
I-its a bit awkward to speak casually
After all, Kajsa was three years older than Lucas.
Its fine, its fine. Just call me Kajsa.
Uuuh O-okay. Kajsa-noona.
T/N: Noona is the Korean suffix used by younger males when they call older females. Calling someone unnie or noona signifies closeness to the older woman, but is still on the respectful side rather than the casual side.
Lucas spoke shyly, and a smile spread across Kajsas face again.
It was a bit disappointing that she was called noona, but it was also cute, so she felt good anyway.
As for one person watching them.
I think we should hurry up.
Leon spoke as he and the Royal Knights looked at the two with sullen looks after defeating the elven forces that appeared along with the high-ranking demonic humans, and Lucas nodded, though he was visibly embarrassed.
Eh Uh Yes. Okay. Lady Kajsa no, Kajsa-noona, lets go.
Hehe, okay.
Kajsa smiled and gestured to Leon to take the lead, and Leon let out a short sigh before he began to run in the lead.
Their target destination was the place they agreed upon to meet with the emperor.
The Royal Knights and Kajsa quickly ran, while Lucas who guarded their rear stopped and glanced back.
Beyond the Red Gate.
In the direction where Jude and Cordelia fled.
May you two be safe.
The two were very strong people, but they were the only ones in the enemy camp.
After Lucas finished his prayer, he began running again.
Jude slowly opened his eyes.
He saw something familiar instead of an unfamiliar ceiling.
A sky covered with large branches and leaves extending from it.
It wasnt reality.
Nor was it a dream.
It was a familiar place.
The residence of Sword Origin Valencia who lived in Judes own body and soul.
My successor, are you awake?
In response to her gentle and kind voice, Jude stood up instead of speaking.
His throat was dry.
In Valencias residence, only his psyche existed, but he still felt thirsty and found it hard to speak.
Because you still feel tired.
Valencia who was sitting on a tree stump approached Jude and held out a wooden cup.
Drink, it will help.
Jude swallowed the white liquid in the wooden cup as instructed.
He didnt immediately recover his strength, but he felt like he was a bit alive now.
My successor, can you talk now?
Can I have one more cup please?
Please wait a second.
Valencia said and covered the top of the cup with her palm before lifting it, and white liquid filled the cup again.
I brought this from my storage somewhere.
But how did you do it?
And how was this white liquid created in my soul in the first place?
Instead of question