Its not always good to make excess profits.
One of his old colleagues had said that, and Jude agreed with those words.
At the time when Cordelia heard him say that, she had asked, What? Havent you been doing that so far, so why now?, and Jude had replied.
If its a one-time deal, making an excess profit is good. But if its not, if we need to make continuous deals, it will be better for both sides to benefit.
If the deal only benefitted one side, the relationship of the two parties would quickly come to an end.
Both parties had to benefit enough in the deal so that they would continue to trade with each other afterwards.
But one should still remember.
To get as much as you can when you have the opportunity to do so.
To not forget about scarcity.
Cup noodles or bottled water that were being sold at the top of a mountain were often several times more expensive than those being sold at a local convenience store.
But they still get sold.
Because cup noodles and bottled water were scarce at the top of the mountain.
So people still bought it at that price.
The situation now is the same.
The fairies wanted chocolate.
But they couldnt just get chocolate anywhere.
Basically, fairies had very high standards. The cut-off point to their high standards was someone like Lucas.
Therefore, it didnt matter if the chocolate was priced high.
What mattered here was that the fairies did not feel that they were unfairly ripped off.
If the buyer was satisfied with the price despite it being really high, it would be a fair deal and not an extortion.
I disagree. I still think its a scam.
Cordelia briefly criticized him with her eyes, but Jude replied with a shameless face like always.
Do you hate it then?
No, I love it.
Because the current Cordelia had become cunning like Jude.
Anyway, they would have to constantly meet with the Fairy Queens in order to obtain the Fairy Kings Protection.
If they excessively ripped off the other side now, there was a high possibility that it would become difficult for them when they meet the other Fairy Queens.
We should keep our profits in moderation.
I repeat, in moderation.
Okay! Deal! Ill give you the Fairy Shoes!
Thank you for the good deal.
Four boxes of chocolate in exchange for the Fairy Shoes.
Two boxes of chocolate in exchange for the Summer Protection.
And to commemorate their successful deal, they gave one box of chocolate for free.
Haa, if it wasnt for Princess Daphne, we would have finished the deal with just three boxes.
Because of the sweets brought by the royal family members, the value of their chocolate had slightly decreased.
The emergence of a competing product had inevitably shifted the demand curve, which led to a fall in price.
But Im already satisfied with this.
Because they got the Fairy Shoes and not just some random item.
Since the Fairy Dress and Fairy Shoes were a pair, this would bring Cordelia closer to a more perfect existence.
Its effect would be great.
The Fairy Shoes werent just pretty.
Just like the Fairy Dress, it also possessed a special effect.
I cant wait to see it.
The moment Cordelia enters the founding anniversary ball while wearing the Fairy Dress and Fairy Shoes.
The surprised look of the Slen Kingdoms nobles when they see it.
Jude, Jude. You have a weird look in your eyes.
Because Im playing Princess Maker.
His reply sounded like it was nonsense, but he was telling the truth. Jude then quickly fixed his expression.
Because their most important deal had yet to be made.
Fairy Queen.
Yes? Are there any items left that you still want to trade?
There are.
A special item he had prepared just for today.
Its a really special item that the Fall Fairy Queen had yet to taste.
The Fairy Queen pretended to be not interested but was interested, so Jude made a serious expression as he took out a small box around the size of a ring box.
This is the item.
Whats that? More chocolate?
Please see it for yourself.
Jude knelt in front of the Fairy Queen and slowly opened the box, and at that moment, the Fairy Queens pretentious expression collapsed.
This is?
This is Fairy Chocolate.
A very small chocolate made to fit the size of the fairies.
Fairies were basically the size of a humans palm, so a human was a dozen times larger than them.
That was why a chocolate piece that was only a bite for humans would actually be really huge for fairies, since its tremendous size made it impossible for them to hold it with both arms.
The chocolate would indeed taste good, but they would not be able to fully enjoy the taste.
There is cream in it.
Yes, when you bite it in your mouth, the white cream will ooze out so if you chew it with chocolate, it will taste heavenly.
A taste that could only be felt when they chew it in one bite.
It was the same reason why rice, meat, and lettuce would taste different if eaten separately instead of eaten together.
Its a special treat prepared only for Your Majesty. Its a really special treat that Queen Lorelei or the other Fairy Queens, had yet to taste.
In the end, a Fairy Queen was still a fairy.
Just like the Fall Fairy Queen, Lorelei, the Summer Fairy Queen also began to reveal her true nature.
I want it! I want it!
Yes, but its really special.
What do you need?! Tell me!
What in the world do you want?!
At the Fairy Queens urging, Jude took some time to respond instead of answering right away.
In order to make her even more anxious.
In order to make her want more and more.
And at some point.
When he judged that the Fairy Queen had become stimulated enough.
I would like to ask you for a favor.
What is it? Tell me quickly, okay?
The Fairy Queen anxiously cried, and Jude turned to Cordelia. He finally opened his mouth after they exchanged glances.
My request is
Their negotiation was over.
The Fairy Queen and the fairies were very satisfied, and so were the royalty who had a good time.
Thanks to the two of you, I was able to have a good time. Ill make good use of use the shampoo and conditioner too.
We are much obliged.
Jude and Cordelia politely thanked Princess Daphne, and they left the hot spring area after courteously saying their goodbyes to Princess Darianne and the serious Prince Dion who smiled and waved their hands.
And after around a minute or so.
As they walked down the long stairs while following the royal court attendant, Cordelia suddenly sent a <Message> magic.
[Its a huge success! A complete success!]
They met the Summer Fairy Queen, and got not only the Summer Protection but also the Fairy Shoes.
In addition
What Jude had obtained from the Fairy Chocolate, their secret weapon, was in a sense, much more important than the Summer Protection or the Fairy Shoes.
[Do you think Princess Daphne was also happy?]
[Yes, because she kept smiling.]
She was skillful in hiding her facial expressions as someone who had been educated as a royal princess from childhood, but her gaze was something that she could not hide despite her repeated training.
It wasnt just Princess Darianne who was excited in meeting the fairies.
Princess Daphne did not reveal it that much, but it seemed like she was greatly satisfied with going to the land of the fairies, which was a truly fairy tale-like experience.
[Do you think she likes the shampoo and conditioner?]
[Of course. Wasnt she in awe several times?]
Her gaze after experiencing the shampoo and conditioner herself.
That glance that understood why the fairies only reacted to Cordelia.
Youre deluding yourself though, Your Highness.
But its a nice delusion.
Jude suddenly smiled brightly before he sent a <Message> magic to Cordelia again.
[Now that weve introduced it to the princess, we can promote it to the nobles of the royal capital. It can become a special product if we advertise it well.]
[Yes, yes. Thats great.]
Cordelia nodded her head and grinned again.
[No, I just want to smile. Because its so nice.]
Everything they had prepared had gone well.
They succeeded in establishing a relationship with Princess Daphne, and their deal with the summer fairies ended well. They also did a great job in promoting the shampoo and conditioner.
[Were just one step away from the Great Protection of the Four Seasons, right?]
Now that they had obtained the Fall, Winter, and Summer Protections, they only needed to obtain the Spring Protection in order to obtain the Great Protection of the Four Seasons.
[We still have a long way to go with the elemental side since we only got the Earth Protection but even then, we already collected four out of eight protections, so we can say that the Fairy Kings Protection is within our grasp.]
The Great Protection of the Four Seasons could be obtained by collecting all the protections of the fairies from the four seasons.
And if they collected all the protections of the fairies from the four elements, they would be able to attain the Fairy Kings Protection, the highest-ranked protection in
Legend of Heroes 2
[Hehe, Im excited.]
Cordelia giggled as her gamer brain began to work when she thought of the multiple protections, and Jude smiled at such a Cordelia.
But it was then.
Cordelia looked in front of her, and realized they were only a few steps left.
Once they arrive at the bottom of the stairs, they would head to the dressing room and change back into their normal clothes.
The clothes I usually wear.
Clothes that have little exposure, unlike the swimsuits we are wearing now.
Cordelia blinked her eyes once, and looked back at Jude without realizing it.
She saw Judes usual handsome face, and underneath it, his firm chest and clearly perfect abs.
The place she emphasized so much with Scarlet when they talked at Duke Spencers residence.
Its amazing.
Humans have similar bodies, so how can it be so different?
Is it firm? Is it hard?
Just like that of a statue.
Even if it isnt, Judes body is like a statue.
It must be hard.
I can tell that much even without touching it.
But Im still curious.
Of the real thing.
How will it really feel if I touch it?
Ive held his hand.
His skin was fair and spotless, so perhaps its the same?
No, those are muscles so theyre different, right?
I want to touch it.
I want to try pressing it hard.
It may not be the same to a cats paw pads, but I still want to press it.
Sh-should I ask?
Can I touch it a bit?
Can I press it?
She thought and then blushed. She couldnt help it.
No, f*ck! Thats weird!
What do I mean by touch it a bit!
What do I mean by pressing it!
I want to ask.
I want to touch it.
And if its Jude, hell probably allow it.
It will not wear out just by touching it a bit.
Will it be crazy of me to ask?
Should I ask him?
W-wait a minute. No. No. He is Jude. He is Jude.
He will not just listen.
Its obvious that hell attach some conditions while smiling evilly.
Yes, thats right. Because hes Jude.
He will also ask to touch mine, saying that it was an exchange.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a chest for a chest.
Cordelia imagined it for a moment, and then blushed to a point that her face couldnt turn red anymore.
Good thoughts, good thoughts, good thoughts.
Lewd demon out! Crazy thoughts out!
Cordelia took a deep breath and managed to regain her composure.
Okay, lets bear it. Lets bear it. Why do I need to touch those abs?
Yes, yes, I dont have to touch it.
Its definitely hard.
Yes, it must be.
Good, Ive completely recovered.
Ive completely regained my calm.
The satisfied Cordelia smiled and looked straight ahead, and only did she realize it. The fact that Judes face was right in front of her.
The flustered Cordelia let out a strange sound as she stepped back, and she soon faced Jude again with a reddish face.
It wasnt just because his face was close to hers.
She had remembered something in that moment.
When did he look at me?
Since when exactly did he make eye contact?
He was able to communicate and almost telepathically converse with Cordelia with just their eyes.
Because he was Jude.
So if he had met her eyes earlier than she had thought.
If he had seen Cordelias eyes at the time while she was in the midst of her thoughts
N-no. It cant be.
If he had been staring at her earlier, she would have noticed it.
And their conversation wasnt really telepathic.
How will he know what Im imagining unless hes a mind reader?
Yes, yes. Its alright. Its alright.
Cordelia spoke to herself and cleared her throat instead of continuing to face Jude. She then stepped forward and headed to the dressing room.
And that was why she didnt see Judes eyes and expression.
Jude Bayer.
17 years old.
The young man who was head over heels for his fiance, looked at his belly and raised his hand to slightly touch it.
And he thought.
Should I increase my abdominal workout?
Should I add one more set?
No, perhaps two sets
Jude was troubled for a while before he coughed and headed to the dressing room. He had to change his clothes first.
As for the other person.
The court attendant had seen the two suddenly look at each other, blush, touch their stomachs, and then clear their throats. After witnessing such a strange sight, the court attendant clicked their tongue and turned around. They climbed up the stairs again.
It was deep at night.
The light of the stars that seemed to fall down anytime was now buried in the darkness and lost its light. Selene and Helene also hid behind the clouds, and the night sky was filled with darkness and desolation.
Pure darkness.
He was scared because there was nothing in it.
An ending he might face someday.
The Lord Protector clenched his teeth.
He turned his gaze towards the night sky.
Youre here?
Im here.
The man, demonic human Koros, answered as if he was playing with words, and approached the Lord Protector with a smile as the latter faced him.
The Lord Protector was willing to hold hands with the devil in order to get what he wanted.
Its good to be honest with your desires.
Koros grinned as if he had read the heart of the Lord Protector, but the Lord Protector coldly stared at him instead of smiling.
A person he wouldnt normally be facing like this.
An enemy of the kingdom he would have slashed with his sword if it was the him of 10 years ago.
But that wasnt him now.
The situation had changed now.
Because time had passed.
Because he wasnt the him of ten years ago anymore.
Because he himself had chosen to become an enemy of the kingdom.
His reason for doing so.
His reason why he betrayed the royal family whom he had served for his entire life, and why he held hands with the devil.
The Lord Protector eventually had a bitter smile.
As the demonic human in front of him had said, he was just honest with his desires.
In order to attain what he wanted, he readily abandoned what he had cherished so far.
He abandoned his faithfulness and loyalty, and held hands with the devil.
It was already irreversible.
No, he had no intention of reversing it if that was even possible.
Therefore, the Lord Protector didnt waste any more time. Instead of continuing his useless emotions, he resumed his business with the devil.
What they were about to discuss was the founding anniversary celebration around 15 days later, and the tragedy that would happen on that day.
There are some changes.
My side too.
Both sides had their reasons for doing so.
The Lord Protector and Koros continued their conversation.
And the decisions they made.
A new event that did not appear in the original game.
A similar but different development.
Then Ill see you on that day.
Koros spoke with a smile, and vanished as if he had blended into the darkness. The Lord Protector was left alone, and he turned towards the royal capital.
Around 15 days from now.
And everything that would happen after that.
The tragedy that would take place in the land that the Lord Protector had dedicated his entire life to.
Ive already made my decision.
So I only need to put it in action.
The Lord Protector walked forward.
He headed for the royal capital.