Empire Of The Ring - 619 Preemptive Strike 1

619 Preemptive Strike 1

So, Youngho increased their security staff and moved their residence from the third floor of the distributor's agency to another place.

As there was a lot of trouble with China, he had no choice but to strengthen the security of his family members just in case.


Security work could not relax even in the safest place in the world as it was a task to a.s.sume and prepare for the worst.

As a result, the security guards always suffered from fatigue. Recently, however, the security team found some composure as the number of security guards increased dramatically after the bodyguards protecting Zeynep and Yunsuh's family returned to the royal territory.

There were nine guards on Zeynep's as Youngho and Kim Il-kwon were concerned about her to a great extent.

Zeynep's bodyguards, who returned to the royal territory, looked alive. They were drained of their energy due to the uncontrollable subject of protection. It was understandable that they were cheered by the news that Zeynep would no longer stay in Germany.

As the number of royal guards increased, Kim Il-kwon, who had always been on his alert, also looked more relaxed.

"Your Highness, I would like to include the knights guarding the royal palace as part of the security team."

"Their priority is always the safety of the queen and Leon."

It was not the Middle Ages, but the descendants of the Serbian knights still thought that their mission was to protect the queen and her successor.

Even their attire was out of date as they insisted on antiquity.

Since it was a symbolic organization of the Kazakh royal family, it moved separately from the security team. However, Kim Il-kwon was saying that he wanted to absorb such an organization into the security team.

"The martial arts of knights are unusual. Their senses are ahead of our agents. When they're put in charge of security, they can do their job much more efficiently."

"The problem is whether Earl Niksic should agree... but I don't know if I can beat his stubbornness."

The efforts of Old Niksic, who struggled to establish the royal tradition and authority, were great. It was no exaggeration to say that the Kazakh royal family had now settled down due to the efforts of Niksic.

These days, Niksic lived at Baku's Serbian ranch.

He insisted that he should stay for the sake of the status of the royal villa at the ranch. Another reason for him to move back to the ranch was that he suffered from poor health due to the severe cold in Kazakhstan.

"When I came to the Arirang State, I discussed the issue of integrating the security office, and at first glance, he seemed to agree."

"That's unlikely of the Earl Niksic that I know."

"He knows the times have changed. He's been stubborn because he was determined to correct the royal dignity first."

"Well, then try to tie the two groups together. I'll ask Earl Niksic's consent."

Niksic, who believed royal authority came from the knights, was running the knight organization in his own way.

Everyone acknowledged the knights' extraordinary loyalty to the royal family, and Youngho did not interfere with the knights.

"You don't have to do this on behalf of me. I'll take care of it."

"No, that's fine. He's an elder of the royal family, and I should respect him as one."


After talking to Il-kwon, Youngho called Niksic.

"Sir Niksic. How is your health these days?"

-I've been getting better after taking the herbal medicine you sent me. I can't believe you paid so much attention for this old man.

"How can I ignore it when you're so important in the royal family? Don't worry and let me know any time you need anything. We'll be happy to send you some medicine."

It seemed the herbal medicine made by a Korean herbal doctor suited his body well. His voice was as powerful as it used to be.

Youngho was always sorry that he hurt his health while busily setting up the royal tradition, but now it was relieving to hear him doing better.

When Niksic, who had been maintaining great health with the breathing skills handed down only to the Serbian knights, said he would go back to Baku for health reasons, Youngho was shocked.

The knights and descendants of the knights of the Serbian Kingdom survived through hundreds of years in slavery and hards.h.i.+ps with their own breathing techniques.

"The weather here now is a little hot during the day. I'll send you a private jet so you can come here and get a health checkup."

-Then I'll dare to take your word. I'd love to see you, Her Majesty, and the Crown Prince.

He was glad to have a chance to visit the royal territory.

He wanted to a.s.sist Fatima and Leon closely, but he withdrew himself to Baku because his health did not allow him to stay.

He had recovered his health but had no excuse to come back, so he had been anxious to come. As Youngho invited him, he agreed without hesitation.

"Leon often talks about Lord Niksic."

-Really? The Crown Prince has not forgotten me?

He was very touched when Youngho said that Leon remembered him.

"Of course. Wasn't Lord Niksic the most secure s.h.i.+eld for him? You were generous to all his troubles, so how can he forget you?"

-Oh, I'm so grateful to hear that... Then I'll go straight to the royal territory…

He could not even continue his words as he was extremely thrilled.

Though old, it was very pleasant to have someone who still needed him.

In particular, the relations.h.i.+p between Niksic and Leon was like a great grandfather and great-grandson. He was particularly fussy about taking care of Leon as he was the heir to the royal family, and Leon followed Niksic like his grandfather as well.

Youngho waited a while for Niksic to subdue his emotions and then brought up the point.

"I'm calling to hear your opinion on the idea of integrating the royal security service."

-I'm just sorry to make you call. This old man's stubbornness has disrupted the royal security work.

"Don't mention it. How can I not understand Lord Niksic's heart? Thanks to your hard work, we have been able to revive the royal tradition."

-Thank you for understanding my heart.

"I recently decided to strengthen the security in the royal palace because of the unstable surroundings. So, I'm going to put the knights in the security service. Their senses would be of great help."

-Your Highness. Is everything all right?

"Princess Zeynep and my sister and her family in Germany are back at the Arirang royal territory."

At Youngho's words, Niksic seemed greatly surprised.

The withdrawal from Germany meant there was a threat to the royal family.

-Is someone targeting our royal family?

"There is nothing concrete yet. It's just a precaution."

-But there must be some sign of it. Isn't that why you're reinforcing defense like this?

"There has been some conflict with China lately. That's why we're strengthening our vigilance because we don't know China might do as retaliation."