Empire Of Souls - 138 Next Steps 3

138 Next Steps 3

These particular dragons were arrogant to the extreme and their looks of disgust and contempt as they stared at the Barbarians were clearly visible. It wasn't out of kindness that they hadn't just simply landed in their dragon forms and crushed the Barbarians below them. These were mere ants to them, they could care less if they died. They had been strictly warned by the Dragon King not to cause trouble and it was only this stern warning which could keep them in check. Otherwise they wouldn't have cared even if they went on a rampage through the Barbarian camp.

This was especially so now that the Ancestral Spirits of the Steppe tribes were no longer living existences. With their power, they could easily imbue several Barbarians with Legendary strength, or even create one of DemiG.o.d strength. Now, the Barbarians had already lost this protection and even the Chieftain of the Harkul who was a Legendary being was dead. Who could resist their strength now? Even if there were another Legendary being among the tribes, so what? There were several dragons present here currently of Legendary strength.

"Hmph, look at the uncouth and uncivilized sc.u.m. I can't believe we have to be civil with… food, ugh."

One of the younger male black dragons, who was on the cusp of becoming an adult by reaching the Legendary level, stood out. He could be considered extraordinary in terms of looks even among the dragons gathered here. An equally attractive female black dragon stood beside him and gave him a harsh slap in the back of the head.

"Shut up brother, only you would eat the rotten meat of these Barbarians. Some of us are far more refined. Don't cause any trouble! Our father has already warned us. We need these barbarians to kill that monster and his army!"

These two were clearly the most extraordinary of younger dragons and the others couldn't compare. They appeared to be twins, although their style of clothing was as different as night and day. The male dragon was fully dressed in luxurious clothing with golden trims and decked in jewelry from head to toe. His jet black hair was slicked back and appeared greasy with an oily texture. There was a thin and delicate looking crown on his head which sparkled in the sunlight a rainbow of colors from all the jewels embedded in it. He was the most gaudy person anyone here had ever seen.

As for the young female dragon, she barely wore anything at all. Her clothing was so revealing that she might as well have worn nothing. Her body was her most prized possession and every male Barbarian who laid eyes on her couldn't help but be filled with fiery l.u.s.t. Her jet black hair with glossy silver streaks reached down to her beautiful calves, almost like a tail. Her curves were perhaps not as overly p.r.o.nounced as some, but she was dangerously shapely with a toned and lithe figure. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were propped up by bands of some type of leather which concealed her nipples and a portion of her chest, but hardly anything else. Although they pushed down on her chest tightly, this only ill.u.s.trated even more her milky white b.r.e.a.s.t.s and made them more eye catching.

Who wouldn't be aroused by such a sight, but it was as if she didn't even notice the looks she received. Or perhaps, she delighted in some perverse way in how they could only look, but never touch. It didn't seem to anger her in the least and she would occasionally flaunt her body in seductive ways when she knew others were looking.

"How dare you hit me sister!" roared the young dragon.

"Are you talking back to me? Do I have to beat you within an inch of your life like the last time? Don't make me embarra.s.s you in front of all these savages. You wouldn't want Orcs and their ilk to look down on you!"

With another slap, the young female dragon mocked her brother.

"Ugh, sister, stop! Okay, okay!"

He knew he couldn't beat his sister so he finally gave up, but he didn't hesitate to mumble, "just wait until I am an adult!"

Although his sister was stronger than him now, he knew it didn't mean she would be stronger than him later. Male dragons were usually more powerful than female dragons once they reached maturity. This wasn't the case for every species of dragon, but in the black dragon clan this was so.

The other young dragons watched this scene with contemptuous grins, all aimed at the young male dragon. The adult dragons on the other hand simply ignored their childish antics. They were above such childish behavior and instead waited patiently for something.

"Alright, enough fooling around. The king approaches." One of the older dragons reminded the younger ones.


The young female dragon and the others cast their gazes upwards and suddenly, an immense shadow covered the land below. The clouds seemed to part and an enormous figure could be seen descending from an incredible alt.i.tude. Obviously, this was the Black Dragon King.

His form shook the very air around him and he radiated extreme might as his aura of terror poured down. He had not wanted his clan members and descendents to cause any trouble, but this didn't mean he shouldn't remind those below of his absolute might.

Once the Dragon King had descended to a certain point, his body began to grow smaller. He was too large and had to begin s.h.i.+fting his form well above the height of the others. With heavy steps, the Dragon King landed on the ground shaking the earth. Even if his size was no larger than two meters by the time he fully took a human like form, his weight was still immeasurable. He hit the ground like an earthquake, shaking the entire encampment.

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Not even the approaching army of Dragonmen escaped the quaking. A crater would have surely formed where he landed, but he had been careful to disperse his weight and strength. Even though the earth shook, there was only a slight indentation in the ground where he landed and this was an awesome display of his strength and meticulous control over his power.

"Looks like, I am finally at my full strength, hahaha!"



"My king!"

The younger dragons and the adults gathered all called out to the Dragon King who had landed nearby. There was excitement, respect, and admiration in their voices. The Dragon King was not just the leader of the Black Dragon Clan, he was also their pillar and the ancestor they wors.h.i.+pped. This old and powerful dragon was a living deity in their minds and hearts, and their wors.h.i.+p strengthened him. He was a being which hoped to become a G.o.d and this was the reason he had allied with the expeditionary army. In the end, those plans failed and now he was forced to improvise in order to expand his power.

"Haha, I have fully awakened my strength although it has taken longer than expected. I slept too long this time and could only exert seventy percent of my true power in the battle against that monster. The next time won't be the same!"

The Dragon King may have lost the battle against Aleks, but he was filled with confidence. He seemed completely revitalized despite the loss and this filled the other dragons with expectation.