Empire Of Souls - 134 Settling Matters 2

134 Settling Matters 2

There were many of the Horde gathered at this point, but the vast majority could not fit in the plaza despite its size. Their numbers had swelled, overcrowding the entire plaza and then stretching into the distance. They had been ordered to gather, but no one was aware of the reason.

There were also several important prisoners from the Human expeditionary army that Aleks recognized. There were two faces in particular that he noticed, Archbishop Ragnir and Bishop Girard. These were the two who had caused some trouble for him a while back, and who he had left Brock with. He didn't see Brock, but he wasn't concerned. One of Grobak's most important objectives was to ensure that Brock escaped the fighting unharmed.

At this point, Aleks was surrounded by dozens of warriors and he was led up to a dais which had been hastily prepared. Grobak was standing on the dais and grinning menacingly at the Horde below. Although his face was still somewhat swollen, no one else commented on it. There were a few inquisitive gazes but a glare from Grobak was enough to silence them. Even those from other tribes did not mock or ridicule him in anyway. They were impatiently awaiting the words that Grobak planned to speak.

"Brothers of the Tribes!" Roared Grobak excitedly sending the crowd into a furor of cheers and grunts.

Grobak laughed and raises his axe up high, "Victory!"

The Horde once more shouted and cheered in a chorus of celebration. They were already unbridled and chaotic, this made the scene even more so. The Orcs and other Barbarians were downing alcohol from drinking horns, wineskins, or other hide or leather drinking pouches. There were even some brawls which broke out as different tribes jeered or bragged to each other. This was a matter of pride and they wouldn't allow another tribe to step on it. There were even some fornicating amidst the crowd to cheers and satisfied grunts.

When Grobak saw these scenes he was somewhat embarra.s.sed.

'Dammit, my master is about to come up here. These f.u.c.king disgusting pieces of s.h.i.+t, look at how they are acting!?' He raged inwardly.

If it were before he had met Aleks, this type of thing wouldn't have bothered him in the least and in fact these scenes were quite normal. However, he had changed quite a bit since serving his new master and seeing all of this only caused him to grow angry.

"Bah, can't be helped. I just hope master doesn't blame me or else some heads will roll! f.u.c.k!"

Nodding towards a shaman nearby, the shaman cast a spell which amplified Grobak's voice.

"You sc.u.m b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, pay attention!" Grobak's voice traveled throughout the area and even those who were crowding far away could hear his voice.

This caused some to grow angry while others didn't bother to even pay attention. Although Grobak was temporarily in charge of the Horde, it was only a temporary position after all and they didn't really respect him. Those tribes who had aligned themselves with Grobak were a bit more respectful, but it was difficult to control all of the warriors who were not very disciplined.

Grobak was angered but could only continue, "With this victory, the Horde has shown its might. I am here to introduce my master, it is because of him that this victory was possible and it is he who will lead the Horde to glory."

Grobak's voice resounded through the area, and more began to pay attention to his words. However, when they heard what he said, some were confused, some grew angry, others didn't pay it much heed. They were perplexed about what this young Orc, who had just made a name for himself, was talking about.

There were many voices of discontent at this moment and they began to cry out in anger.

"What the f.u.c.k is he talking about?"

"Get down off of there c.u.n.t! You think you can do whatever you want!"

"What the h.e.l.l is this b.a.s.t.a.r.d talking about?"

"Wait until the Harkul chief returns!"

The tribes were a truly fickle people. Even though they had won the battle, none of them thought it had anything to do with Grobak. They had clearly seen that monstrous being destroying the walls and then disappearing off somewhere, but they didn't connect that to Grobak at all.

'd.a.m.n, must keep my cool. I can't blow up with my master watching. After all that bragging I did, this is how these f.u.c.ks repay me after leading them to victory. Just wait until they are groveling in fear! I will definitely vent my anger on these fools later, just wait!'

Grobak was barely keeping his composure, and it was only because he was antic.i.p.ating the show to come.

"This victory today, was only possible because of my master. That's right, that very being you saw destroy the walls of this stronghold!"

By this point, most of the Horde was paying close attention to Grobak's words when he mentioned who is master was. They were skeptical, but they began to quieten down and really listen.

"f.u.c.k, I am just going to say it! The Chief of the Harkul is dead, your f.u.c.king ancestors are all dead. You motherf.u.c.kers better bow down and wors.h.i.+p my master, because if you don't, your souls will feed his strength and not even your corpses will be spared!"

Grobak let it all go and began laughing hysterically. This shocked everyone, he had just casually dropped between curses the most devastating news they had ever heard. By this point, one could hear a pin drop, or the occasional sound of f.u.c.king and moans from those who couldn't be bothered to listen.

Once the news finally set in, many of the Barbarians began shouting and cursing.

"You are a f.u.c.king liar!"

"I will kill you! How dare you say that about our Chief!"

"Ancestors are all dead? What nonsense is this fool saying?"

"Has he gone insane?"

The voices picked up in pitch and even those who had previously expressed their desire to ally or befriend Grobak were shouting and cursing. Grobak just continued to laugh and made a motion with his hands before many warriors of his tribe stepped forward in a disciplined fas.h.i.+on with their weapons at the ready. The atmosphere was intense with many baring their fangs and drawing their weapons.

In all this chaos, a single man who was disheveled and had clearly been in a life threatening battle, walked calmly up the dais to stand next to Grobak. This caused the Horde gathered in the plaza to hesitate. They quieted down once more, but the murderous glares from thousands could shake a man's nerves. None of this seemed to bother Aleks at all and when they saw that man with a golden mask calmly walking up to the dais, they could feel a strange sense of trepidation.

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The man appeared to have no aura that they could sense, but his lone figure exuded an intimidating and otherworldly pressure. Especially that mask which bore no expression. It was a queer sight and they didn't know what to make of it.