Emperors War - 70 Taming The Tamed

70 Taming The Tamed

Anger burned in his eyes and radiated out from him almost causing a squall of fiery rage that could be felt below. Alex who was a Source Core magic fighter couldn't manipulate magic particles externally, but his sudden burst of anger gave off the impression that he could.

"How dare trash talk to me! You should just wait there and die obediently, grateful and thanking me that you could die in my hands. Because its your fortune that you will die to me, the crowds will speak of your glorious death for ages to come. I don't know what gives you that honor but you should cherish it and revel in it rather than act like the backwards idiot of this boorish empire." Alex's conceited words could only be matched by his conceited and trite eye's that looked down on all that they surveyed.

Aker hearing Alex's words was left speechless, even behind his mask the crowd that could hear the conversation could tell that Aker felt he found the most shameless and brazen man alive.

For the crowd that heard Alex's words anger built up in their chest, but they dare not say a word as he truly was a peerless genius. For most of these members of the Underground Empire they were aware that they were considered mean and reviled people usually, people of extreme power and means, but to the true powerful people in the outer universe they were not even a b.u.mp in the road that could slow them down as they ran them over, they weren't worth mentioning. All they could do was hold down their frustration at Alex's words and look at him with hate secretly.

Aker stared up at the pedestal unable to see the face of Alex as he was standing on the platform directly above him. Without any thought and as if though he was speaking from deep in his soul Aker laughed at Alex's words "Hahahahaha.....you talk like I'm the trash yet you're the one still outside of the arena afraid to step in, nothing's changed.....hahahahahahaha."

Alex felt as if though he could puke blood his anger was now manifesting physically. Had anyone ever spoken to him in such a manner through his entire life. Even those major powers would speak to him with respect, not only because he was a renowned genius but also because of his family and his position within it.

Alex was incomparably surprised by Aker's lack of respect and fear given that he would face the boundless might of himself. Finally, Alex calmed himself down at this thought, it wasn't that Aker was looking down on him it was that the boy was too unintelligent to realize his situation. If the boy beneath him truly understood his critical and dire situation then he would be terrified as the aura of death was approaching and its shadow had already cast down on him.

As Alex thought on it more and his moment of realization took hold, he put away any thoughts of answering Aker's idiocy and just looked to the gate. He had asked his servant to only put out the wind magic beast for this annihilation and he requested a total of twelve of any type, he didn't particularly care what type of wind magic beasts they were. Originally, he was going to only go with eight, however after further consideration he decided it would be best to operate the Lightning Bullet formation with its minimum recommended configuration.

As soon as the announcer shouted that the battle would begin the gates were swung wide open as normal but a rather strange and unusual sight occurred. Under normal circ.u.mstances the hyped-up wild magic beast would come flooding out of the gate as the stepped over each other to be the first to their prey, but today they came into the arena orderly one at a time.

Upon exiting the gate, rather than running directly at Aker they lined up not daring to move, all beast eyes focused on the pedestal where Alex was standing as if he was their deity.

With a grin on his face Alex gave of the impression of a king in total control surveying his land. It wasn't just an impression, in reality if the king of the Underground Empire was to show up Alex wouldn't acknowledge his presence. How many kings have bowed down before him and his father over the years begging for a.s.sistance to save their empires? Alex's n.o.bleness wasn't just inborn, it had been drilled into him since young, he had been held on high and all people were merely there to serve him.

Alex had trained the beast using both verbal and visual ques so either a hand gesture or verbal command could force the beast to act. In this case Alex simply held up four fingers and then slid his hand across his neck. For the beast this symbolized a four by four formation, go kill!

Quickly and orderly the beast formed up into three groups of four with each group s.p.a.cing out over five meters apart. After they were formed up the first group moved in unison towards Aker. Due to the different types of beast their steps weren't exactly in sync but somehow, they managed to stay in a straight line.

Roughly two seconds after the first group of four darted at Aker the next one proceeded to move following directly behind the first group, and just like the second group the third group followed suit after another two seconds.

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As the groups moved toward him, Aker couldn't help but see a wall of magic beast, their ferocious and savage teeth and claws gave off an oppressing might. The coordination of the beast had a propensity to create a level of fear in a person that would be hard to understand unless you were facing it.

'No wonder his family is so sought after. I couldn't imagine being a normal soldier never having faced a beast army before and suddenly looking up to catch an eye full of a hungry and vicious wall bearing down.'

Aker who had fought countless magic beast didn't care whether they were in formation or randomly attacking as this didn't put him any type of disadvantage. He dared to jump into mobs of the magic beast, how could them attacking in a wave like fas.h.i.+on matter at all.

Aker's first instinct was to charge out at them and break up their formation and see how the "King of The Pedestal " reacted, but then he had a much more sinister thought.

Without taking a step Aker just stood his ground and waited for the attack of the first wave.

Alex, who was up high, was looking all around waiting to find out which direction Aker would run in. Due to the fact that he was directly below him and the pedestal was made of a solid substance he was unable to see Aker at this moment. As soon as he saw the direction he ran, he would adjust the second and third wave to act accordingly. This was the majesty and power of this formation. It was fast as lightning in its attack, but due to the waves it was still fluid and mobile. He could start attacking and never let off the pressure. He simply needed to tell group two and group three which direction to go in and he could continuously apply pressure.

Antic.i.p.ation built within Alex as he waited to see the fearful face of Aker as he came to the realization that his life was no longer in his control. Alex had used this exact same battle strategy numerous times in wars and it always proved devastating to the enemy as they turned their back and ran as fast as an antelope escaping from a pride.

Aker who just stood still and unwavering faced the tremendous force as wave after wave approached. Even though there were a dozen berserk magic beast approaching it was strangely quiet. As wind magic beast tended to not make contact with the ground when attacking as to eliminate the sound of their attack and even their breathing was restrained, it gave off a peculiar visual affect that was eerily silent. This was another benefit of this formation as it could easily be used for sneak attacking on the battlefield. While the Lightning Bullet formation was brilliantly silent, the reciprocal formation, the h.e.l.lfire Release was incomparably loud as it was made up of raving mad fire magic beast. A common tactic was to attack from the front with the h.e.l.lfire Release formation capturing the enemy's attention and then annihilating from the flank with the Lightning Bullet. Plenty of armies have fallen to this simple but effective strategy.

As the first wave of the magic beast made contact with Aker, a shrill scream rang out that gave a sharp and dramatic feeling following the silence of the attack. Aker stood his ground despite the extreme speed that these Level 1 Basic magic beasts were moving at, Aker had long ago become accustomed to their speed and didn't find it difficult to deal with.

Alex who had been waiting with bated breath suddenly found himself doleful as the scene did not play out as he had expected. There was no running Aker face full of fear and panic as he laughed heartily directing the beast ever closer to his throat. The last result that Alex expected in his well-planned play was the scream of a magic beast as it met Aker. Worse yet, Alex was unable to see what was happening below and could only rely on the screams and cheers of the crowd to understand that his first wave was not in good shape.

"That d.a.m.n kid never ceases to amaze does he? Those four-beast turned out to be paper tigers in that No Tamer's hands. To think I bet against the boy because of the reputation of that beast tamer. Dammit. How many times do I have to get burned by this kid before I just bet on him no matter what?"

"Hahahaha....you fell for their ploy. So what that they brought in some famous beast tamer from some well-known family, since when does that mean anything in our Underground Empire? Some people don't understand the immensity of heaven and earth and are no more than a frog stuck at the bottom of a well. I guess it can't be helped when your just some small family from some backwater planet."




The crowd hearing the man's comment began laughing and enjoying other people's misery as thousands mocked with jubilation. Many of them had heard that "Young Master's" comments about them and their empire and had wisely chosen to hold in their words and frustration. However following Aker's extreme dominance over the first wave they couldn't contain themselves any longer and let out their earlier bitterness.

Before Alex had a chance to respond he heard the most unbelievable and impossible words his ears had ever taken in.

"Hey, did he just tame them beasts?" someone in the crowd shouted out.

"Weren't these beasts already tamed by the kid from the Drexler family? Could it be possible that the genius of our pit was able to make these already tamed beast submit to him?"

"Look all them magic beast are lowering their heads and getting down on the ground in submission. I can't believe what I'm seeing."

"Aker""Aker""Aker""Aker""Aker".....the crowd witnessing all the magic beast submitting to Aker broke out in a chant. This has been a regular occurrence in The Pit following Aker's fights, however today's chant was different from normal as almost every single member of the crowd joined, hundreds of thousands of voices chanted in unison, their strong voices deafening, causing Alex to cover his ears.

Even until now Alex was in state of disbelief and denial that Aker could not only defeat the beast that he personally trained but also force them into submission. The Drexler family had long since been taming beast for use in battles which meant that not only did they need to train the beast to follow commands, but they had to erase the concept of fear and death at an instinctual level from them.

The Drexler family had several highly guarded secret methods to accomplish this task and as such there has never been a fear of their beast failing to follow orders. If their beasts are defeated and killed then while unexpected it would be acceptable, but to remove his training and force them into submission? Impossible, there could be no such thing in this universe! If so, wouldn't that mean that thousands of years of the Drexler's families training would be worthless? If their beast could simply be forced into submission that would ruin his families name, he could never accept this!

Finally, Alex was able to see Aker as he stepped out from underneath the pedestal. Alex's vision was filled with the image of Aker's small back is it walked away not caring about Alex in the least.

"Hey you little brat turn around and face me, this isn't over yet!" Alex screamed out using his Source Core strength to amplify his voice. With the amplification of his Source Core it would be unimaginable for Aker to not hear him and his demand.

Without skipping a step there wasn't even a slight hesitation at all as Aker continued to walk away his rhythm suggested that he was out for a stroll which drove Alex even more furious, his blood boiled and his skin started to take on a hint of red his anger on full exhibit for all to see.

No one had ever ignored him and his demands in his entire life no matter how absurd our outlandish they had been, and yet here was this small brat who continued to walk away without a care. It was at this point that a sudden realization smacked Alex square in the face, it wasn't that Aker was an idiot and too stupid to be scared of him, it was that Aker had never seen him as anything other than a jester.

With this thought Alex could already imagine Aker's inner monologue as he walked away thinking what a dumba.s.s. Alex gnashed his teeth and through his hysteria an anguish scream "I will kill you!" was levied on Aker's back.