Emperor’s Domination - Chapter 6048: Major Ghost Market

Chapter 6048: Major Ghost Market

Chapter 6048: Major Ghost Market

Rumble! Next came mysterious coordinates that kept intertwining and changing, seemingly forming an outline of Three Immortals in the shape of a water sphere.

With a gentle push from Li Qiye, the coordinates floated upward and reached the right spots.

I see. He didnt need to calculate further and understood what they tried to do: Who gave them the information and coordinates?

Didnt they plan Old Pact themselves? Fleetings expression soured.

No need for filtering in a self-calculation. These coordinates were given and filtered with certain criteria. Li Qiye shook his head.

So there were outsiders involved. Six-style interjected.

Old Pact Strike included Gao Yang and other ancient progenitors. If they had all the information, then the filtering process for these coordinates wouldnt have been necessary. Perhaps someone else gave them the coordinates of Mos.h.i.+s reincarnation, or Dingtian.

Clank! The water sphere became stable and Li Qiye gave it another push.

Go! He shouted and the lights of the five elements empowered the sphere, turning it into a blue planet.

The power of the platform built up within the sphere before shooting upward, forming an arc in the sky and disappearing into an unknown location.

Boom! The sphere exploded and its azure power detonated, sending blast waves in all directions.

Whats going on?! Desolate G.o.ds and emperors in Sin were alarmed and stared in the direction of the explosion.

The five-element waves pulsed outward until the limit before contracting back to the source in the blink of an eye.

Bam! It felt as if two formations were slamming into each other with the coordinates at the center. This force was enough to open the mysterious portal.

The world suddenly turned dark with its opening. In the darkness, lanterns were lit again in a place resembling a night market.

Its there, thats where they went. Li Qiye stared beyond the portal and saw the target area of Gao Yangs group.

Thats the major ghost market, how strange. Six-style commented.

Whats strange about it? Li Qiye smiled.

The major ghost market is under the control of Phantom Dynasty. She answered.

Li Qiye shook his head and said: A simple dynasty cant control this land, not even the cultivator deemed the strongest right now.

I suppose youre right. She pondered and agreed.

Immortal Suppressor was considered the strongest in Sin but she couldnt control this major ghost market.

But its opening has been determined by Phantom Dynasty all this time. She said.

The timing is the only thing they can control then. Li Qiye said: Come, we will get an answer soon.

They looked back and saw Fleeting already drunk and pa.s.sed out, hugging his wine gourd tightly and snoring.


The major ghost market is active! This news spread across Sin.

Phantom is opening it again? Many became excited.

We have to take advantage of the deals! Some rushed for it, not wanting to waste any time.

This is a chance at a fortune, perhaps Ill get something good out of it. Many ancestors knew the rules of the markets and thought about what they could bring to trade.

Witch King Emperor obtained his witch physique here, thats how he became an emperor. Someone commented.

He was the founder of Witch King Sect and had exceeded the apex level. Everyone knew of his current strength and prestige. However, his experience was a tale often told as well. When he was a junior, he found a certain physique in the major ghost market. Of course, no one knew what he traded to get this special physique.

Thats nothing. Six-sense Primal Ancestor studied the mysteries of the market and became enlightened there. An ancestor said with a serious expression.

Six-sense Primal Ancestor was an unreachable existence to those in Sin. One story told of his talent and pride - he had the opportunity to listen to Xian Chengians dao lecture but was not satisfied and left.

Xian Chengtian was a supreme existence who was taught by an immortal and reached an unbelievable level.

Listening to his dao lecture was the greatest of fortunes, but Six-sense found it lacking.

Later on, he visited and studied the major ghost market, culminating in his ascension.

Dont be greedy, just something like Witch King Emperors fortune is enough. An expert said.