Emperor’s Domination - Chapter 6045: Old Thing

Chapter 6045: Old Thing

Chapter 6045: Old Thing

Kundali respectfully walked Li Qiye to his carriage. Once Li Qiye climbed up, he bowed and said: May we meet again, Young n.o.ble.

Another meeting might not be a good thing. Li Qiye smiled.

Kundali didnt expect this response and froze momentarily before sighing and waving his hand.

Six-style initiated the carriage and they disappeared into the horizon.


Young n.o.ble, what sect do you think Kundali Ancestor was from? Six-style asked.

An excellent descendant from a fallen power, but still not enough to change anything. Li Qiye let out a sigh.

He cant revitalize his sect? She inquired.

Putting capability aside, whats the point of revitalization? He smiled.

She paused for a moment before responding: Right, the rise and fall of things is the natural order.

He smiled approvingly and gazed at the distant sky.


Five-element City was once a ma.s.sive city, perhaps the most prosperous in all of Three Immortals during its prime.

The same couldnt be said about the present day, not possessing anything close to the same level as before. Rumor has it that this was the home to an ancient lineage, Five-element Mountain - potentially the strongest dao lineage out of them all.

According to the tales, it was a main force during Devil Desolate and Immortals Slaughtered War. Numerous ancestors and disciples fell during the wars, resulting in the lineage falling into obscurity.

Few knew the connection between the city and the lineage at this point. Moreover, this history no longer mattered since the city was under the jurisdiction of Phantom. It occupied a tiny region and had no influence to speak of.

As the carriage drew closer, Li Qiye a.n.a.lyzed the entire city.

Its here indeed. He commented after getting a full view of the citys layout and momentum.

Past glory is long gone. He added since the majestic auras were all gone.

There were still many inhabitants but cultivation experts couldnt be found. Only entry-level cultivators could be seen and they had no auras to speak of.

Remember, this used to be the home of progenitors and emperors, hence an abundance of visual phenomena.

Perhaps there are still pillars supporting it. Six-style commented.

Yes, but the form is entirely different, so Five-element Mountain is no longer the same. Over there. He smiled and pointed ahead.

She changed the direction of the carriage and the two arrived at an abandoned hill taken over by wild vegetation. Among the foliage were broken buildings, vestiges of a mighty lineage.

Is this the legendary Five-element Mountain? She said. Even the ruins were not impressive.

Its unrecognizable. He shook his head.

Because it was shattered, this small hill is the only relic left. Someone inside the ruins spoke.

Who are you? Six-style became alarmed.

A rustle came from the bushes and a middle-aged man crawled out. He had handsome features but looked disheveled with a scruffy beard and bloodshot eyes. His green robe looked greasy and dirty. The gourd hanging on his waist indicated that he was quite fond of drinking.

He burped after getting up, seemingly having drank too much just now.

Fleeting Emperor. Six-style was surprised to see him.

Long time no see, Fellow Daoist. The man bowed; his eyes were still hazy as if he hadnt sobered up: Its a pleasure and a surprise to see you here after our previous hasty parting.

Is it a surprise? Six-style said.

Well, lets call it fate then. I will play my part of a good host for you and the young n.o.ble. He said.

You are from Five-element City? Six-style asked directly.

Fleeting had debuted long ago. No one knew his origin and he never stated this either. He was not a part of the three dynasties. He seemed indifferent to everything outside of wine. He never interacted or fought with anyone, not a memorable emperor in the slightest.

Not originally, Im just staying here for now. He smiled and said: The earth is my bed and the sky is my blanket, wherever I go is home. The wine here is good and this place is quiet too, so now I am from here.

Six-style glanced at Li Qiye to see his reaction.

Normally, when someone from a small sect or a vagabond became an emperor or desolate G.o.d, they would eventually form their sect or join a larger one such as a great dynasty.

Fleeting didnt do anything of this and simply traveled the world.

Really? Im looking for a place. Li Qiye didnt pursue the matter and tossed the badge of Five-element Mountain to him.

He caught it for a careful examination. His body stiffened momentarily and he rubbed his drunken eyes.

Such an old thing, so, so long ago. He murmured and stared at it intensely.