Emperor’s Domination - Chapter 6036: Oh Great Young Noble, Please Save Her

Chapter 6036: Oh Great Young Noble, Please Save Her

Chapter 6036: Oh Great Young n.o.ble, Please Save Her

Contrary to the commotion in Sin, Li Qiye relaxed and enjoyed his tea. He lay down and exhaled, clearly enjoying the moment. He closed his eyes and the tea eventually cooled down.

After a while, Minisun carried a grievously injured woman inside. Another girl came with them - Demon Moon Saber Saint of the Liu.

Young n.o.ble, please save my junior sister. Minisun implored.

Li Qiye remained asleep and seemingly didnt hear her.

Unrivalled Monarch returned to the palace and sat next to Li Qiye, pouring a new cup of tea for him.

Young n.o.ble, please have mercy and save her life. Minisun took a deep breath and kneeled.

Demon Moon Saber Saint looked pale while watching the event.

Li Qiye finally opened his eyes and glanced at the injured woman. She wore a light-yellow dress with well-defined brows and starry eyes. Her skin was perfect and glowing. Her facial features were gentle and regal.

When people saw her, they would think of her as a dignified emperor before a beautiful woman. Unfortunately, her dao fruit had shattered and she lost her imperial power.

Blood covered her dress and skin, oozing from the cracks on her. She looked like a porcelain doll, just one touch would make her crumble.

This is Six-style, her dao fruits are destroyed, please save her. Minisun begged again.

She lost to Yangrune Emperor earlier and recklessly self-imploded using her dao fruits. Unrivalled Monarch and Minisun came just in time. Otherwise, her body and true fate would have exploded as well.

Unrivalled immediately sealed her body and true fate while Minisun used her dao power and true blood to prolong her life. Alas, death was still inevitable. Thus, Minisun knew only Li Qiye could save her.

Theres no saving her, broken body and shattered true fate. Li Qiye sighed and shook his head.

Yes, Young n.o.ble, no one can save her but you. Please. Minisun didnt give up.

Even if I do it, shell just become a mortal. Li Qiye said.

Minisun was still ecstatic to hear this.

Senior Sister, the young n.o.ble is right, I am already dead. Six-style said: Theres no difference in saving or otherwise.

Nonsense. Minisun scolded her: The dao can be rebuilt but there is only one life. The young n.o.ble can do it.

Young n.o.ble, please save Fellow Daoist Six-style. Unrivalled joined in.

Sigh, didnt we just talk about how reviving the dead is not possible, now you want me to save a near-dead person? Li Qiye lamented.

Im sure you can heal her, Young n.o.ble. Minisun remained hopeful.

It appears my heart softens with old age. Li Qiye shook his head: Fine, I will do it but her body needs sustenance first. Otherwise, shell have no lifespan to speak of afterward.

Young n.o.ble, we just happen to have a pond of fluid made from life restoration medicine and phoenix divine gra.s.s. It should be useful here. Unrivalled said, displaying her generosity.

Minisun hurriedly expressed her grat.i.tude after hearing this.

Very well, place her in there, the sooner, the better. Li Qiye sighed.

Thank you, Young n.o.ble. Minisun bowed after hearing his agreement to save Six-style.

Inside a secret chamber of the palace was a pond built from long ago. The medicinal fluid near the rocky walls condensed into a layer of thick ointment.

It had five colors and an image of a phoenix pulsed in and out of existence. Its screech could be heard as well.

The medicinal fragrance was unique. Just smelling it improved the spirit and increased ones vitality by tenfold, making them feel as if they were floating.

Let her in. Li Qiye nodded approvingly and Minisun followed the order.

The pond was extraordinary indeed. The liquid seeped into Six-styles wounds and started closing them like needles and threads.

Crack! The st.i.tches suddenly burst and all the wounds reopened.

Potent but not enough to heal the imperial-level injuries. Li Qiye remarked and raised his hand, conjuring a cl.u.s.ter of primordial light around the beautiful cultivator soaked in water; all her curves were revealed.

The cl.u.s.ter dissolved into the pond, causing a series of hums and initiating a magnificent glow.