Emperor’s Domination - Chapter 5997: What Legend?

Chapter 5997: What Legend?

Chapter 5997: What Legend?

Enigma had three ancestors - Hidden, Secret, and Strategy. Hidden was the oldest and the leader of the three, rumored to be as old as the dynasty itself.

So had any of you seen this ancestor before? Li Qiye asked casually.

Young n.o.ble, the truth is I do not know, I havent even seen Strategy Ancestor. Minisun smiled wryly and shook her head.

Nevertheless, her stare indicated that she still believed in him being their Hidden Ancestor.

Dont look at me like that, I am not your ancestor, but this ancestor of yours is rather mysterious. Li Qiye smiled.

Right, one of the most mysterious not in just in our dynasty but all of Sin. She remarked.

As a Grand Emperor, her status was rather high in Enigma and she had access to top-secret information. However, she knew nothing regarding Hidden Ancestor.

As far as I know, the ten loops also represent Hidden Ancestor who will rebuild the dynasty when necessary. She continued.

The issue here was that the dynasty was still doing well. Why did the loops appear at this time in the possession of a mortal?

Despite Li Qiyes denial, she still believed in her speculation.

Young n.o.ble, would you like to visit our dynasty? Regardless of the truth, she wanted to invite him back due to him having the ten loops. This might be a favorable development for their dynasty.

Not right now. He smiled.

If you ever need anything from us, just say the words. She said while staring at the bracelets.

You called them Enigma Loops, right? I have a different name for it. Li Qiye said.

What is it? She couldnt help but ask.

Gehong Loops. He glanced at them and answered. [1]

Gehong Loops. She murmured: You gave it this name, Young n.o.ble?

No, this was its name before your dynasty. Li Qiye said.

Is that right? She disagreed: Our dynasty has been around since the ancient period, all the way back during the era of Mos.h.i.+ or even older. The loops were known as Enigma back then too.

Its true name is Gehong, thats for certain. Li Qiye smiled.

Her confidence wavered in the face of his. He didnt seem to be lying to her and there was no reason to do so either. What was the story behind this artifact then?

Do you know more, Young n.o.ble? She took a deep breath and asked.

It has a relatively grand background. Li Qiye said: Im rather curious why it appeared in your dynasty and became Enigma Loops.

Well The emperor had no response and changed the subject: What do you plan to do, Young n.o.ble? The bearer can command Enigma.

I doubt it, maybe if you all think I am your Hidden Ancestor. Li Qiye chuckled.

She fell into silence because according to the legend, the person behind the bracelets was Hidden Ancestor.

If Li Qiye was not the ancestor and their dynasty was not on the verge of destruction, the bracelets seemed useless to them right now.

There has to be more to this, right? Li Qiye added.

Young n.o.ble, regardless of the circ.u.mstances, you are the bearer so I will tell the truth. The loops should only appear after our destruction and theres another part of the story. She said.

Which is? He asked.

They can open Enigma Grotto. She revealed a bigger secret.

Is it located in your dynasty? Li Qiye seemed interested.

No, its just a legend, we dont know where it is at all. She shook her head.

Then how can you be sure of its existence? He asked.

I dont, it is just speculation. She said: We have searched for it before, Immortal Suppression Dynasty tried as well.

Perhaps this grotto doesnt belong to your dynasty at all. He remarked.

Im certain it is deeply related to our dynasty, it might be the catalyst behind our past rebuilding successes. She said.

So the treasures and resources came from there? He smiled.

That I do not know, it has been a long time since the dynasty was last destroyed. The only people with credible information are Hidden and perhaps Secret Ancestor. She said.

Another mysterious figure. He chuckled.

Yes, only second to Hidden Ancestor. We know little but at least some of us have met the ancestor. She let out a sigh and said.

1. Not enough context for a translation. Ge = hemp linen, Hong = flood, great. It could also just be a proper name. I tried to find this in the 3IW arc but didnt see it.