Emperor’s Domination - Chapter 5971: Toying With Me?

Chapter 5971: Toying With Me?

Chapter 5971: Toying With Me?

Hmph, I know of your skills and nosy personality, dont tell me you havent tried to calculate who this person is. Edge Mountain Crone sneered.

Haha, no way. Incense Daoist shook his head immediately.

Didnt go well, did it? Li Qiye stopped looking around and said.

... The daoist turned red, speechless.

Go on, what happened? She threatened him with her gaze.

Well, I was invested in this legend and couldnt help divining this person. He smiled wryly and admitted.

Who is it then? She felt the same curiosity and asked instantly.

I dont know. He shook his head.

Are you toying with me?! She grabbed his neck and raised him into the air.

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O-old woman, wait, wait, lets talk this out, I-I really dont know. He struggled for breath while hitting her hands.

How do you not know when you calculated? She tossed him into the ground.

He got up, looking fl.u.s.tered as he said: All right, heres the truth. I had the idea to divine but the moment I held the ancestral trigram, it suddenly disintegrated. That scared the h.e.l.l outta me.

Impossible, your ancestral trigram only receives damages when you reveal the heavens secrets. Her expression changed.

Thats why I was so scared. The daoist turned pale: I knew something was off, the person cant be divined.

Given your cultivation, how many people in Three Immortals right now shouldnt be divined? She asked.

Poye, Lord of Life and Death, maybe a few more. He earnestly responded: Definitely not Lord of Life and Death, my fate wouldnt be my own.

So is this person part of the list? She asked.

Hehehe, youre not going to believe it. He smiled.

Nonsense. She glared at him.

The legends speak of a terrifying existence back in time immemorial. He lowered his voice.

Terrifying how? She asked.

An existence just like the high heaven. He pointed at the sky.

Ridiculous, such a being doesnt exist. She retorted.

Im not lying. He insisted: Ive read everything in Insane Gate back then and there were bits and pieces of this person. The king, commander, and guardian were all bestowed favors.

So this was who the king couldnt forget? She remarked.

I would say so. He nodded.

So where is he now? She asked.

I dont know. The daoist looked up and whispered: He probably left Three Immortals and went back, back to become the high heaven. This is what the final record stated.

Impossible, the high heaven cant descend to our world. She found this whole thing ridiculous: Look, we have legends of immortals in our world, but have you ever heard of the high heavens legends and exploits? Your ancestors spied on the high heaven, did they write anything down? No.

Right He scratched his head.

Thats why the man you speak of cannot be the high heaven. She concluded.

I just know he is real. He a.s.serted.

What do you think, Young n.o.ble? Can the high heaven descend and take form? She asked Li Qiye.

I dont know. Li Qiye smiled and shook his head: Lets go inside and take a look.

The two exchanged glances and followed him inside. The shrine had two corridors, one inside and the other outside.

When the group came in, the caretakers of the shrine were nowhere to be found.

Almost abandoned, this used to be a holy ground once. She said, lamenting the state of the area.

The outer corridor surrounded a courtyard with a small pond with two lotus trees. Since the water had dried up, the trees withered. They captured Li Qiyes attention as he walked by.

The king planted them herself, or so they said. Incense Daoist explained: Insane Court called them ancestral lotuses and tried to take care of them after the kings pa.s.sing. It was useless, none of the ancestors could do anything. These trees are special, rare alchemy ingredients. The fruits from them can prolong lifespan and heal wounds from tribulations. I think she tried to prolong her lifespan but couldnt wait long enough for the fruits.

He paused for a second before adding: But there is another legend regarding these trees with a different meaning.

Night lotus. Li Qiye said: Two lotuses from the same stem, born together and die together. Li Qiye said.

Thats right, Young n.o.ble. Now that you mentioned it, I think they are related to Longevity Valley, she probably got the seeds there. The daoist patted his thigh excitedly.

As a woman, Edge Mountain Crone thought about something else: The king didnt plant them for life prolongment, its more sentimental.

For that long-awaited person. The daoist said.

He shall return when the trees bloom. Li Qiye sighed: Unfortunately, she couldnt wait long enough. Nevertheless, they should bloom in all its glory.

Having said that, he waved his hand and released primordial rays from his fingertips. They coiled around the nearly dead night lotuses.

Buzz. A green light engulfed them with increasing intensity. The drooping withered leaves curled up and stretched outward.

Splas.h.!.+ Water came out of nowhere and filled the pond.

A refres.h.i.+ng air greeted the group as more leaves grew from the trees. The shrine came back to life while being bathed in an emerald light.